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Gameboy Advance Editor Help!


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I'm trying to edit the intro and title screen in Fire Emblem 7, and every time I try to import a bitmap, I get this message.

"Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately. Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow".

Does anybody know what this means and how to fix it. I've tried doing research but have found nothing.

Edit: Sorry, I meant to put in the title Gameboy Advance Graphics Editor Help!

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I'm trying to edit the intro and title screen in Fire Emblem 7, and every time I try to import a bitmap, I get this message.

"Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately. Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow".

Does anybody know what this means and how to fix it. I've tried doing research but have found nothing.

Edit: Sorry, I meant to put in the title Gameboy Advance Graphics Editor Help!


Usually, when I get that "Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow" message, it's because the image I'm importing has a different palette than the palette offset I'm importing to.

IIRC, happened to me when editing weapon icons.

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Well, I don't know how to find the correct palette and edit it with that. But what I've been doing is exporting it in the black and white setting and editing it that way. It would work when I made Pokemon hacks with Unlz. Should I not do that? And yes, GBAGE.

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GBAGE is better than UNLZ. Nintenlord, the guy who made both, said that himself.

If black and white exporting with UNLZ works for you, then by all means do so. But you really should find the correct palette offset when editing something.

Let me link you to something.


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Hey thanks man, I got the right palette and edited it. But there's still one problem. When I inserted the bitmap, it came out pretty glitchy. I did something very simple. I changed the 2003 Nintendo Presents in the beginning to 2012, and it when I inserted it, there were pixels everywhere. And the screen itself is glitched in the game. What did I do wrong?

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Well if you look at what it looks like in GBAGE... I think it's pretty obvious it didn't turn out right, no? XD

You need to find the offset of the original image first. Do you still have that? It should be compressed graphics (so that box should be checked). You then need to load the palette (which it looks like you did because I see in the image you inserted that the palette is there, and it looks okay though admittedly I'm being lazy and it could be wrong).

Right now it looks like you tried to insert some data and you messed up and now a bunch of stuff is probably screwed. Do you have a back-up you could go to? If this is just a test ROM maybe you could just start from a clean FE7 ROM so we can try again. For now I'd find the image number and offset (I usually scroll through the image numbers until I find the image, using the grey palette temporarily, unless I somehow know the specific offset for the image... which for the "Nintendo Presents" text, I don't) on a working ROM (one that hasn't had attempts to insert graphics on it that ****ed it up). Then we can go from there, one step at a time, so we do this right.

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Yeah. To edit that image without worry of problems, here's what I would do:

1) Save as bitmap.

2) Edit using Usenti. It's like MS Paint but on the right it will show how many colors you are using. It's useful in that it helps you not go over the 16 color limit.

3) Save as a separate image (it's nice to keep the originals in case something happens).

4) Go back to the image in GBAGE and hit "Import as bitmap". Hit "import graphics", the abort option underneath it, and the same two things for the palette. Keep the offset the same. Load the new image using "Browse..." or whatever. Make sure that when you insert the image the image is loaded in GBAGE just like above.

5) Import it. A palette should come up, just hit Finish or OK or whatever. If the image in GBAGE doesn't change, this means your new palette or graphics is bigger than the original. It's easy to tell if the new palette is bigger (if it's more than 16 colors, you've failed) but it's not as easy for graphics. If it DOES show up, do File-> Save and test and it should work.

IF IT DOESN'T WORK (Graphics are too big)

6) Find some free space. You can add some to the end of the ROM using a hex editor or use "garbage data" space in the ROM, like at 0xD00000-0xDFFFFF. Note that some of Nintenlord's patches use some of this space, and possibly other patches, so you always have to be careful as to which space is used and which isn't. FEditor Adv has a system for managing free space but I am not going to explain that here even if I knew how since I don't use it.... Make sure there's a good chunk of it.

7) Mark down the offset (e.g. 0xD01000) and type it into GBAGE when you are about to insert the graphics. You put it in the "Graphics offset" or whatever. Uncheck "abort if bla bla bla" and check "Repoint pointers". Reinsert the graphics. It should insert the graphics in a new space instead of over the old ones, and repoint it so that the game knows where the new graphics are. If it shows up nice in GBAGE you did it right. Save and check in-game. It should work.

Note that this process does not work with shared palettes (e.g. map sprites) unless the palette matches the palette in-game (i.e. if you change the palette of the image you're editing, you'll end up changing the palette of EVERY map sprite, which usually you don't want to). In this case, use usenti to copy the edited image onto the original image, then save it as a new 3rd image. This uses the exact ordered palette of the original image (which you want) with the graphics of the edited image (which you want).

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I still don't know what I'm doing wrong. I opened the image in Unseti, and looked at the palette on the side. I saw the main 16 colors at the top, and a bunch of random colors under it. So I changed the amount of colors to 16. But I'm still getting the screwed up image that I had above. Even with the 16 colors. It's just being showin in black and white instead of the random colors.

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Revert to a backup, then try inserting /without/ the random colors.

If that doesn't work, dump and reinsert without changes from a raw ROM. If it fucks up, you're... screwed.

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