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Greetings! Name's Itsuke and I'm a lover of FE, obviously. I've been through several known FE forums, like FEU, FEPlanet, FEShrine and... stuff like that. I don't remember most of them, but yeah. Now, I've known of Serenes Forest for a long time, but imagine my surprise when I was roaming through threads, realizing I never registered, having through I had done so. Well, now, here we are. I doubt most would even recall my name because it's been a long time since I actually popped up in a FE forum, with college and whatnot. I do remember/know a few members, though... like Blazer, Arch, seph1212, MageKnight404, Swordsalmon, Nintenlord and Feaw...

Regardless of so, I know I'll have fun, keeping up with the many things here. Much thanks in advance. :D

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No, eclipse.

Well, I have only played F6-9... and well, I liked all of them. FE6 and 7 the most.

Favorites... Guy, Fir, Karel, Raven, Geese, Gerik, Lugh, Oujay, and Nephenee. All in that order.

As for FE4... I have played it, yes, but I haven't finished it. I've left chapter 5 sitting for, like... a year or so. I can't remember the pairings right now, and cannot check as I am nowhere near my computer but I'll let you know later on. Illusion, I do have a YT account. ItsukeUchiha23. Still familiar?

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Welcome to Serenes Forest. I am your master, and I expect something in exchange for allowing you to reside here! Perhaps a sacrifice.

Also check out the Code of Conduct before you are forced to count up your warns!

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