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StinDuh's Band Drill Writing


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I'm not sure how many other marching band guys are on Serenes Forest, but I know I'm one. Anyway, I write marching band drill using a little website called Micro-Marching Band. It's pretty fun, and you can find my specific profile here. My first three shows are all small corps shows. You can find them by clicking "shows".

My current Work-In-Progress is a large band show titled "In Memory" which I am writing to music written by my friend Brandon. The you can see it here without music, or I have some of it synced and videoed on youtube:

Anyway, if you're a band nerd(or not!) please check out my stuff and tell me what you think. Thanks!

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Maaaan where was that site when my director needed a visual aid to determine that the drill he wanted us to do was physically impossible?

As for your stuff, I haven't done this stuff for three years, so I'm not really sure what comments to make @_@ I don't see any of the weird shit my band's drill writer did, anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright. So even though it doesn't seem like anyone is interesting in my drill writing, I'm still trying to get my name out so I'm going to continue to promote myself.

Pretty sure no one still cares but, new video....

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