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[FE4] Draft ZQW

General Horace

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I've restarted, since DTT took all my save slots.

Prologue - 11/11 turns

Standard Clear, Noish grabbed the speed ring. Sigurd racked up kills on both his swords.

this post was boring, the rest will be better, I know it!

Chapter 1 - 21/32 turns


And he's significantly more amazing than he was in DTT. Like wayyy better.

Sigurd left the last guy uncleared, since he used it for healing after seizing the castle before Jamka.

Anyhow, Sigurd and Noish headed south, and Sigurd engaged the enemy on turn 2, with Noish 3 spaced to his north to benefit from his leadership stars. Sigurd killed a hunter and moved south, out of the range of Ayra. Noish killed some scrub and moved towards the forest, heading down to assist Dew (slowly). Dew was yoinking money off the angry Verdane dudes.

Sigurd attacked the boss on turn 4, and seized on turn 5. He grabbed Ayra on turn 6 (she was moving west after Aideen) for the Hero sword. Noish and Sigurd met up, and cleaned up the dudes attacking Dew, and Noish proc'd a lucky critical on the boss, allowing Sigurd to finish him for a 10 turn seize there.

Noish grabbed the south village, Dew cleared 2 rounds of the arena, and Sigurd went solo up north. Like usual, he got blocked by the hunters, but he ORKO'd the boss on turn 21, and seized!

SIGURD      17.84     46 20 00 19 18 11 13 03    SILVER SWORD, IRON LANCE, JAVELIN, SKILL RING, MAGIC RING
NOISH       12.23     39 14 00 12 13 06 09 00    STEEL SWORD, JAVELIN, IRON LANCE, SLIM SWORD, SPEED RING
DEW         03.81     28 03 00 07 17 12 01 01    IRON SWORD AND LOTS OF MONEY
DEIRDRE     05.95     28 01 16 10 12 06 04 18    AURA, SILENCE STAFF, CIRCLET

Chapter 2 - 26/58 turns

Noish going god mode pretty much saved two turns, because he wasn't doubled by bow dudes or mercs, and his steel sword (well, Sigurd's) hit 50 kills.

Sigurd chatted with Lachesis on turn 4, and I made sure her knights survived

Sigurd doubled the boss with a Javelin, then canto'd in front of one of his knights with the Silver sword, and killed him EP, and Killed the boss with Silver to seize on turn 9.

Sigurd went north, with Dew trailing behind. Sigurd hero lanced all the knights, then with his 50 kill silver sword, killed the boss on turn 14, moving into Voltz's range on a forest (Voltz killed if he hit.) Sigurd seized on turn 15. Levin killed armours to the north, and Deirdre started moving towards him, readying to return him so he could recruit Fury. The bargain ring village didn't poof, so Sylvia grabbed that. Sigurd used the return ring home, after selling his shield ring, which Noish bought.

Noish went up north, to engage the enemies up there (which didn't double thanks to the speed ring, and did negligible damage thanks to the shield ring) and cleared most stuff out by the time Sigurd arrived. His steel sword hit 50 kills, marking the first time ever that's happened! Seized Mackily on turn, 21 or 22, can't quite remember.

Sigurd cleared the arena, then went north and seized the other place at the top by turn 26 after blicking Shaggy.

no stats because i'm midway through chapter 3

Chapter 3 - 16/74 turns

Nothing much here. Standard clear. Sigurd killed Elty, etc. Fury took the strength village.

Forgot stats again.

Chapter 4 - 23/97 turns

Leg Ring and Knight Ring to Sylvia thanks to the bargain ring. Dew promoted. Sigurd, Fury, Dew and Sylvia headed up to Thove for a 9 turn clear there. They shared the return ring on the way home, and everyone waited for Mahnya to die. Sigurd seized Silesia, Levin grabbed Holsety, and then he was danced closer to Zaxon. Levin and Fury had their instalover conversation. Sigurd killed the boss on turn 23 with the Hero Sword.

I originally tried going through the mountains with only Sigurd like Cam did in DTT, but I got 4 turns more than him and I had Sylvia... hmm...

NOISH       23.43     44 19 05 20 19 09 19 06    STEEL SWORD, JAVELIN, IRON LANCE, SLIM SWORD,
DEW         21.89     40 08 03 20 27 18 10 06    SLIM SWORD AND LOTS OF MONEY
LEVIN       24.31     50 03 26 27 30 09 08 15    ELWIND, SILENCE, LIVE, HOLSETY
CLAUDE      24.93     38 01 21 14 18 12 06 21    RESERVE, WIND, VALKYRE, RESTORE
FURY        26.65     41 18 08 20 28 15 15 15    SLIM LANCE, HERO LANCE, BARRIER RING, SHIELD RING, RELIVE
SYLVIA      06.33     30 03 00 05 14 06 02 03    SLIM SWORD, BARGAIN RING, RETURN RING

Chapter 5 - 19/116 turns

Had to wait a couple turns for Dew and Sylvia to fall for each other.

This chapter is so trivial I'm not even gonna say anything except the only tough part was trivialized by Levin Silencing Reptor.


Sigurd is ridiculous


so is Noish


That's some nice stuff he's passing down to Sety. Thanks Dew!




Makes chapter 4 much easier, as going around the mountains is definately not an option.


Fury <3 The steel sword has 50 kills.


Leen will be able to get all the stuff she needs pretty easily and she already has bargain.

Edited by General Horace
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Gen 2 post!

Chapter 6 - 17 turns!

Celice just kinda rapetrains everything, only stopping to heal at the church. Thanks to Shin, I now know how to remedy being one space short! Thanks again, Shin!

Chapter 7 - 26/43 turns!

Shanan took out the stuff around Yied, while everyone sans Celice killed the dark mages. Fee went south to get exp from Lenster, grabbing the speed ring in the process. With some dismounting shenanegins, I managed a 10 turn clear!

Celice charged south, and Oifaye and Tristain (somehow) cleared most of the way already, Tristain killed a mage around Ishtor allowing Celice to hero sword his face in for a 16 turn seize there. Oifaye was waiting for Jabbaro's crew with Sigurd's silver sword, and killed them all but the bow dudes and Jabarro himself, and Jabarro was killed PP. Darna was seized on turn 20, Leen recruited the turn after. Meanwhile, Tristain killed one of the armours around Blume with the Iron cutter, allowing Celice to blick Blume, for a 26 turn clear!

stats after arena.

Chapter 8 - 12/55 turns!

Fee saved the turn Sety took by clearing out the ballistae (they had 1% hit on her when she had a steel sword equipped).

Also, Sety started with capped speed, he didn't glitch back to 16 or something, what is this I don't even...

Chapter 9 - 11/66 turns!

Corple had the return ring, so it made it easy to recruit him. Leen saved a turn here.

Celice needed the speed ring to avoid being doubled by Areone.

Edited by General Horace
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Chapter 10 - 19/87 turns

Pretty basic stuff, I didn't really have a rescue user that could arrive on time, so yeah. Fee got her +5 strength conversation.

Epilogue - 18/105 turns

See Shin's strategy from DTT except I shaved a turn off of Dozel and Freege.

In another run, I got 17 (could have been 13, but BUTTFACE KILLED JULIUS) turns with Cam's berserk sword dohicky, but i'd never do that in a draft, as hirlarious as that is.


So, that's 116 + 105 = 221 turns! Not bad!

I overwrote all my screenshots of second gen characters, and I'm too lazy to get them back, so yeah. Character analysis in a second.

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  • 1 month later...

HA! thought I forgot about this did you? Well fuck you... :]

Anyway on to chapter Prologue

Prologue - 14 turns

I know I did this before but my data got crushed last christmas (even when I gave it my heart...) and I had to do this all over again. First off, I send Sigurd and Alec to the front. They both dodge their attackers. Next Azel comes and he kills the first dude. I rush a bit with Sigurd and Alec while Azel and Cuan pick off whatever enemies they can (Cuan can't function properly because off weapon triangle.) I capture Jungby on turn 5 (or 6 I can't remember). I move Sigurd to the church and I purposly don't talk to Alvis yet so that he can kill a dude with his Falaflame. I get the Silver Sword while Cuan and Alec pick away enemies together. Azel fails at mov and guards Jungby for whatever reason. After a chokepoint I capture on turn 14.



Azel = Base

Prologue Picture!


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So anyway.

Chapter 1 - 30 turns

Meh, could be better if I had better placing... Sigurd only kills two enemies because I need to arena heal on the way. Cuan kills two too (rhyme :D) and Alec only kills one. Azel can only kill one so why bother? Sigurd rushes to recruit Ayra while Azel and Alec run to save Aideen. I get the Return staff and recruit Ayra, who kills someone to get HP as do Sigurd and Cuan. Rush to the end and kill Jammy. After a Silence on the boss it was all over. Oh yeah, Azel couldn't keep up :]

Chapter 1 picture :]




Cool Azel got four levels :D

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Well fuck my turns are bad in this one...

Chapter 2 - 47 turns

Sigurd does in one enemy in the arena. Cuan does three, Azel and Ayra do one while Alec does two. Deirdre does one so that can afford the Live Staff. Now I will get Holyn later so just wait. Standard rush blah blah. Deirdre gives Ethlin the Light Sword. I kill Fury and move forward. Eventually with the Silver Sword now with a crit function, Sigurd held his own very fucking well and I complete it in 47 turns :)

No picture for you because its late and I'm lazy.



No more staffing for me... Damn.


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Chapter 3 - 24 turns

Meh, Hero Sword FTW! Sigurd and horse friends rush. Holyn gets the + Str village because I felt like it. When Elty and friends come, Sigurd and Cuan form a defensive barrier. Cuan scores a Javelin hit and Sigurd kills with a Silver Sword crit. So yeah, Sigurd goes forth and rapes. I leave Azel, Holyn and Ayra to take care of those axe users after Sigurd kills Shaggy. Sigurd uses Return and Cuan gets Gaebolg from Ethlin. Briggid runs away while Tiltyu picks off remaining enemies with Wrath. Cuan and Sigurd run forth and seize.

No stats now sorry.

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[spoiler=Chapter Quatro]Chapter 4 - 48 turns

Ok that was terrible. Considering Cuan was like, Sigurd's wing man. Ayra promotes and rushes with Sigurd and Azel (who had the Leg Ring) Holyn and Alec pick off enemies while Azel comes back to wait with Tiltyu. Sigurd and Ayra eventually make it to the top but I forget to bring Dew. FUCK. So yeah whatever, I leave Azel and Alec and Holyn to chill for when Mahnya's squad dies. Sigurd uses his Return Ring and then sells it so that Ayra can warp back. Sigurd kills someone in the arena so that he can go back to full health. Mahnya takes forever to die but eventually the villagers come out. Azel amd Holyn eat EXP while Alec fucks up in the back because he cannot cross the mountain. So yeah.When I finally make it to the last castle I realize that I'm gonna have to manipulate some RNs to work for me. (which involves getting a crit with Sigurd then, Killing with Ayra. SO yeah, it works and I'm done.

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