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Rate the Unit, Day 16: Kent


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the most average above average unit, would normally get a 7.5, but his high availability will earn him an 8.1 from me. Why the .1? Because he has optional Marcus lite mode, and kent as marcus lite has a 10% chance of happening, over Sain that is.

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Kent's lance rank is a bit more worrying, but meh. He can fix that pretty quickly. His support list is fairly slow, with the exception of Sain and Lyn. . .but why am I supporting Lyn with a horse, if I can help it? In terms of units, his supports are better, because most of them can keep up with him. Too bad he's not reaching insane support levels unless you turtle like mad.

Overall. . . 8.5/10. The little extra is because he's cute.

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Sir Bland I'd say is my least favourite of the 3 cavaliers you get. Even with his level lead from LHM(and especially without) and his above average speed growth I don't like that he's more of an inbetween of Sain and Lowen, Lowens durability and Sains strength(which can allow stuff such as OHKOing mages alot sooner) are more desirable than just high speed.

His movement does give him good standing but unless he's getting an early promotion in LHM(though this does give him a big advantage over Sain and Lowen), he doesn't seem like the highest priority mounted unit for me atleast atleast.


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  • 1 year later...

Alright I prefer Kent over Sain, Lowan, and Marcus and heres why:

Sain- Higher Strength, but lower speed and skill. He dodges more but will be hit for more damage. Kent will dodge less, but tank more.

On all of my playthroughs with Kent and Sain, Kent always maxes speed, skill, HP, and has maxed Strength and nearly gotten Defense many times. Sain gets Strength early on, eventually speed follows. Skill... not so much.

Lowan- Defense wise, better. Speed wise.. not so much. Not to mention Kent is usually already trained and has better supports (Fiora, Lyn, Heath, Wallace, Sain)

Marcus- No. I'm sorry. As much of a bad ass as he is, he is the worst of the horse riders in Blazing sword by far. 9 Strength as a level one Paladin. Kent, Sain, and Lowen pass that by level 8 or 9 before class change.

Kents issues:

Luck- His biggest downfall is the low luck he (as well as all horse riders in the game) tend to have. Sure give him the lucky charm, or the iron rune and no more crits on him/more crits for him/more dodging for him. But he tanks most hits anyway.

Strength- Although not bad in terms of the cap, the growth rate ar 40% could be better. I usually give him the energy ring on level 10 for the boost which will usually end up helping him max.

Weapons: Swords are Kents best friend. After Swords, axes, simply because they are the best weapon in the game. Finally lances are in last.

Other mentions:

Resistence and Defense could be better, but he tanks a lot of hits anyway. He's no Oswin or Lowan, but he's still very solid.

Kent + Brave Sword/Axe is going to be insta kill 150% of the time unless Nergal or Dragon. He will hit all 4 times, all at least for 18 damage which will equal to 72.

Final Ranking: 9.5/10

He isn't perfect. I wish he had more Strength and Luck, but as I said a light rune/ 2 goddess icons and a energy ring will do the trick (Always class change at level 20 for maxing)

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