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Let's build a 0% growth tier list

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Obviously, promotions matter much more, since growth doesnt exist. Im still playing through, so I want to combine our efforts and build an effective and accurate tier list.

Before I put forth the effort though, am I alone in this?

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It's a fairly pointless and obvious tier list, it's basically movement + base stats in its entirety. If you want to make one, more power to you.

And weapon level, availability, and promotion options?

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And weapon level, availability, and promotion options?

Base weapon level shouldn't matter, unless it stops growing as well.

Availability barely matters, since you don't gain anything from extra levels.

Promotion gains are important.

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I didn't want ot reply saying "well obviously" but thank you for picking up the slack. Weapon levels are kind of a bitch to raise btw, so unless your base stats are high to begin with I doubt your weapon level will really raise much.

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Would be in his own tier

Toss in paladin Franz and

Hero Gerik for later....

Prepromotes already HAVE good combat in fe8.....

Also, wouldn't 0% growths tier list have Neimi/trainees/Marisa/Lute at the bottom?

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They're at the bottom anyway. I think Lute's a bit higher up in Sethless but that's it.

And Seth has always had his own tier.

Franz isn't nearly as good in 0 growths. Once you go past earlygame he's out.

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