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Rate the Unit, Day 18: Wil


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C'mon, guys, it's been like 26 hours already. Gosh.

Yeah, you know the drill. Calculating Sain now, I'll write my review later.

EDIT: Sain gets a whopping 8.83, presuming I haven't facepalmed my math.

Bartre: 2.8

Rebecca: 3.13

Dorcas: 4.1

Eliwood: 5.34

Guy: 5.63

Erk: 6.05

Lyn: 6.12

Matthew: 6.3

Serra: 6.3

Oswin: 6.7

Lowen: 6.75

Kent: 8.17

Hector: 8.3

Priscilla: 8.3

Florina: 8.43

Sain: 8.83

Marcus: 9.29

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Man, I fucking love Wil, but... the guy's pretty dismal at best. 3/10, and I'm certain I'm being optimistic, although with LHM factored in I would say he's better than Rebecca. ...Again, probably just because I like him and his statspread more.

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and 40% speed doesn't cut it.

At least is strength is better than Wolts..

I think Wolt is terrible(why couldn't he get half his mother's growth and all his dad's growth?)

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I think Wolt is terrible(why couldn't he get half his mother's growth and all his dad's growth?)

...which one?

Anyway, Wolt REALLY wanted Wil's bases with... I don't know, probably ANYONE else's growths.

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...which one?

Anyway, Wolt REALLY wanted Wil's bases with... I don't know, probably ANYONE else's growths.

that is how you get stat growth in FE4 for the kids


No thanks. Terrible is Terrible.

he cannot be 0 because he has meat shield uses

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I want to write praise for him, but on average, he is pretty bad.

Crappy bases all around, and he loses in availabilitiy to the equally bad Rebecca. He loses in usefulness to Pent's hot Sniper wife, and he loses in everything but availability to Rath.

His growths make me wanna cry, and he's bowlocked

His average stats aren't vastly great. On average, with 15 Str and 12 Spd, he has poor offense, and his 8-9 Defense and 33 HP, with 4-5 Res is horrid for durability.

He does fit a small niche in some chapters, capable of using Ballistae in 25, shooting Wyverns if grown in 26, and potential uses later on than that, but all in all, he gets a 4/10, and that's really pushing it.

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I've never used him to be honest. Although I feel like I should give him a try. Looking at his bases and growths... ew.

However he does have some uses. Like helping defend Lyn and co. against those two Pegs when they arrive in Ch16.

Raven's rating: 27%

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2/10. The 2 is because he can be mediocre if you feed him levels in LHM that you probably need to slow down for and take away from Kent/Lyn/Florina/Sain. A big and terrible if, but it's possible for him to not be your worst unit if you do it!

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OK, Integ. One of us :facepalm: on our math now.

I went and did some math, and came up with 8.52

I redid it (29 total votes) and came up with 8.827586etc. again. Dividing it by 30 total votes brought me to a 8.5333~, maybe you pulled something like that?

Anyway, Wil's an archer and I like archers and I'm biased towards archers and he's around for LHM at least in which he's only bad not terrible and since I want to make this a whole horrible run-on sentence I'll just cap it off by saying I give him a 3/10.

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out of rebcca and wil i have trained both and wil is the better archer but rebecca is the better sniper. wil is kinda decent throughout the game but he is still pretty lame 4/10

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