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[FE7]Yet another IP FE7 Draft


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1. This draft is for 4 players.

2. Hector, Lyn, Eliwood, Marcus, Merlinus, Ninian/Nils, and Athos are free for all to use.

2.1 Matt is free in Chapter 6 and Chapter 11, Wallace is free in chapter 9 and 10

3. Bartre and Karla are drafted as a pair.

4. Marcus is banned after Chapter 21.


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories, and dig up items in the desert.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors or Chests, talking to Fargus in Chapter 17x, or Seizing Castles in Chapter 25.

3. All Gaiden Chapters except 19xx, 23x and 28x are required to be visited. 24x and 28x may be visited at the player's discretion, and don't count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken per chapter.

4. Other units may do as they please without penalty.

5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out.

6. Warp is banned


1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter.


1. Matthew is free for Chapter 11.

2. Meatshielding is allowed for Chapter 13x.

3. Lyn, Kent, Sain and Wil are free for Chapter 16.

4. Undrafted Thieves may be used to obtain necessary Promotion items.

Me: 213

Rath - 19

Wil - 1

Lucius - 60

Jaffar - 55

Dorcas - 50

Nino - 2

Karel - 2

Geitz/Wallace - 1

Heath - 550

Wen: 0

Serra - 2

Rebecca - 23

Pent - 151

Farina - 59

Harken - 55

Lowen - 160

Guy - 225

Matthew - 325

PKL: 0

Raven - 94

Fiora - 324

Kent - 390

Renault - 3

Legault - 199

Horace: 199

Canas - 15

Vaida - 33

Dart - 42

Florina - 711

Creeper: 0

Sain - 500

Erk - 50

Louise - 25

Bartre/Karla - 12

Priscilla - 90

Hawkeye - 50

Oswin - 90

Isadora - 183



































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lyn mode

P - 5

C1 - 5

C2 - 6

C3 - 4

C4 - 7

C5 - 4

C6 - 5

C7 - 2

C7x 4

C8 - 4

C9 - 3

C10 4

53 turns total

UNIT         LEVEL  HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL                        SUPPORT
LYN          13.07  25 11 17 17 09 06 05 A SWORD
FLORINA      11.96  30 12 11 14 12 06 06 B LANCE

Chapter 11 - 6/59 Turns

Matt got gem, Hector kills stuff.

Chapter 12 - 4/63 Turns

go Marcus go

Chapter 13 - 5/68 Turns

Marcus killed the first snag, Hector + Eliwood the second, then Hector was rescued by Marcus then dropped on turn 4, and Marcus killed the boss. Lowen bought some weapons.

Chapter 13x - 7/75 turns


Chapter 14 - 4/79 Turns

Marcus ORKO'd Erik with an Iron axe, Eliwood killed the cavalier, Hector killed stuff near the start.

Chapter 15 - 7/86 Turns

Got the Silver Axe, and yeah.

UNIT         LEVEL  HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL                        SUPPORT
HECTOR       09.59  26 11 07 07 08 13 02 B AXE
ELIWOOD      06.54  22 08 06 09 09 07 02 B SWORD
MARUCS    ??/05.39  32 16 18 12 09 10 09 A LANCE A SWORD A AXE
LYN          13.07  25 11 17 17 09 06 05 A SWORD
FLORINA      11.96  30 12 11 14 12 06 06 B LANCE

Chapter 16 - 4/90 Turns

Florina! The ballistae wouldn't have killed her, but targetted Marcus anyway for some reason. Oh well. Lyn and Florina get.

Chapter 17 - 7/97 Turns

Marcus stomp. Florina ORKO'd Raven with a Slim lance.

Chapter 17x - 3/100 Turns


Chapter 18 - 2/102 turns

Marcus ran and killed the boss, Florina cleared a shaman out of his way. Got the red gem and bought a ton of hand axes.

UNIT         LEVEL  HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL                        SUPPORT
HECTOR       11.95  28 12 08 08 08 15 03 B AXE
ELIWOOD      09.09  24 10 08 11 12 07 05 B SWORD
MARUCS    ??/09.40  35 17 19 12 12 10 09 S LANCE A SWORD A AXE
LYN          14.49  25 12 17 17 09 07 05 A SWORD                          C Florina
FLORINA      15.73  32 13 13 16 15 07 06 A LANCE                          C Lyn
CANAS        10.29  23 10 10 09 07 06 09 B DARK

Chapter 19 - 4/106 Turns

go Marcus

Chapter 19x - 3/109 Turns

Florina carried Hector then ORKO'd Aion with Silver.

Chapter 20 - 4/113 Turns

Florina opened the door on turn 3, allowing Marcus to run through, drop Hector, and kill Darin. Eliwood grabbed Luna with a chest key.

UNIT         LEVEL  HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL                        SUPPORT
HECTOR       14.98  31 13 09 10 09 17 04 A AXE
ELIWOOD      10.87  25 11 09 12 12 07 05 B SWORD
MARUCS    ??/11.05  37 17 19 13 13 10 09 S LANCE A SWORD A AXE
LYN          16.07  27 13 18 19 10 07 06 A SWORD                          C Florina
FLORINA      19.92  33 15 15 20 16 07 07 A LANCE                          C Lyn
CANAS        14.92  27 13 13 10 07 09 12 B DARK
DART         11.16  35 13 09 10 04 06 02 B AXE

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I keep rollin' on

Chapter 21 - 3/116 Turns

Marcus :(

Got the whip, Florina hit level 20.

Chapter 22 - 3/119 Turns

huh, he doesn't move in Normal mode. Anyhow, Florina ORKO'd with Silver. She also only took 10 damage from ballista, and almost OHKO'd fighters wit ha javelin.

Chapter 23 - 4/123 turns

The only treasure I picked up was the Ocean Seal. On my first run, I luckily got Filla's Might and the body ring, but then I realized I didn't deploy a thief to get the Ocean Seal :(

Florina carried Ninian out to the middle of the desert, and she helped Florina kill the one of the dudes. Canas Luna'd the other, after Florina chipped him.

Chapter 24 - 2/125 Turns

go florina

Chapter 25 - 5/130 Turns

Dart gained like 6 levels here from mowing down steel lance cavs. Florina took the top right gate, Dart and Hector took Pascal's, and the rest took the bottom.

UNIT         LEVEL  HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL                        SUPPORT
HECTOR       16.57  33 15 11 11 10 18 05 A AXE                            C Eliwood
ELIWOOD      13.21  26 12 11 14 13 08 08 A SWORD                          C Hector
MARUCS    ??/11.05  37 17 19 13 13 10 09 S LANCE A SWORD A AXE
LYN          18.55  29 13 20 20 11 08 06 A SWORD                          C Florina
FLORINA   20/08.90  41 19 21 22 23 10 14 S LANCE E SWORD                  C Lyn
CANAS     19/01.00  35 12 16 15 10 14 18 A DARK E STAVES
DART      20/01.00  48 19 12 18 06 11 06 A AXE

Chapter 26 - 11/141 turns

haha defend chapters. Lyn promoted.

Chapter 27 - 6/147 turns

Florina carried Hector

Chapter 28 - 15/162

got shit killed shit life is good. Florina got the boots.

Chapter 29 - 4/166 Turns

haha, Cog of Destiny is so easy in HNM

UNIT         LEVEL  HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL                        SUPPORT
HECTOR    20/01.00  39 18 14 16 13 21 12 A AXE D SWORD                    C Eliwood
ELIWOOD   20/01.86  33 15 13 17 15 10 12 A SWORD D LANCE                  C Hector
MARUCS    ??/11.05  37 17 19 13 13 10 09 S LANCE A SWORD A AXE
LYN       19/04.18  34 16 23 21 11 11 13 A SWORD D BOW                    C Florina
FLORINA   20/20.00  52 23 25 27 30 12 16 S LANCE D SWORD                  C Lyn
CANAS     19/13.48  44 19 20 20 14 17 21 S DARK E STAVES
DART      20/09.53  55 25 14 23 10 16 08 S AXE

Chapter 30 - 5/171 Turns

Eliwood rescued, Florina cleared path, then Eliwood passed off to Florina. Florina ORKO'd Kaim with the brave lance.

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Hence why Vaida's ridiculous.

Yes! Somebody else appreciates Vaida!

Chapter 32 - 5/192 turns

uh, Florina ORKO'd Wyvern Lords with the brave Lance while carrying Hector and took 15 damage at iffy hitrates in return. Go normal mode!

I haven't done 32x without warp in a while.

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That reminds me, I have to get back to the Fe7 draft where I had Florina, Heath AND Vaida. I couldn't ever get past Ch 29, CoD. :(:

I'm assuming that was a HHM draft though, where it's fully of bad guys and rape with status staves, compared to the HNM version where it has some weak merceneries, knights, and snipers.

aannd I'm done.

Chapter 32x - 5/197 turns

whee Vaida killed Kishuna with a Filla's might crit with the killer lance

Final part 1 - 3/200 turns

Door keys and rescue staves ftw. Nergal was killed by Canas who was filla's mighted then rescued and Luna'd Nergal. He killed him on the EP.

Final part 2 - 1/201 turns

Canas + Hector + Filla's might Athos killed the dragon exactly.

Final unit stats in a sec.

hang on, I suck at adding

UNIT         LEVEL  HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL                        SUPPORT
HECTOR    20/05.18  42 21 16 20 13 22 14 A AXE D SWORD                    C Eliwood

He honestly didn't do much at all that was really needed beyond chapter 16. 119B, 56W

UNIT         LEVEL  HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL                        SUPPORT
ELIWOOD   20/04.73  36 15 13 19 18 11 12 A SWORD D LANCE                  C Hector

I used his Hector carrying skills in chapter 30, but that was about it. 90B, 48W

UNIT         LEVEL  HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL                        SUPPORT
MARUCS    ??/11.05  37 17 19 13 13 10 09 S LANCE A SWORD A AXE


UNIT         LEVEL  HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL                        SUPPORT
LYN       19/07.28  36 18 25 23 14 13 13 A SWORD D BOW                    C Florina

She killed Lundgren I guess. Was more durable than Eliwood. 43B 34W

UNIT         LEVEL  HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL                        SUPPORT
FLORINA   20/20.00  59 23 25 27 30 12 16 S LANCE D SWORD                  C Lyn

Somehow, she didn't cap speed :/ Still, she was absolutly amazing from start to finish. Two angelic robes make her a "tank" in HNM. 166B, 119W

UNIT         LEVEL  HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL                        SUPPORT
CANAS     19/20.00  50 23 20 22 16 19 23 S DARK E STAVES

holy batman defence blessed. He Nosfertanked like the half of Cog of Destiny that Florina didn't kill. 93B 73W.

UNIT         LEVEL  HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL                        SUPPORT
DART      20/19.46  60 30 15 28 14 18 09 S AXE

He just kinda killed shit. 114B 84W

UNIT         LEVEL  HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL                        SUPPORT
VAIDA     ??/20.00  52 25 21 19 13 21 06 S LANCE A SWORD

Aside from her chapter 31 solo, I think she had like 3 kills, but was important in taking down Kishuna and carrying Nils around in 32x, and being more or less invincible. 95B, 69W

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