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chrono trigger


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has anyone played this game is one of the best if not the best game on the snes. (though i haven't tried the fire emblems on the snes due to THEY WON'T WORK) anyway i am getting close to finishing it though i haven't it for a few weeks now. but it has a fantastic story and setup. some of the music is also kickass. the chances of me winning a boss fight are now slim to nil, it's only the bosses normal enemy's are easy but arghhhhhh bosses. anyway should probably finish it sometime in my holidays.

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that's the problem i got the emulator and i have been playing chrono trigger on it as well as a few other games i can play fire mblem on it. i tried playing thirca 776 i got the tanslation patches to work and the game but everytime i want to move somebody it freezes

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Chrono Trigger isn't near the best game ever, but it's still fairly solid.

It's amazing that such an old game can be renowned on our times. I'm positive that if Square Enix would create a game like Chrono Trigger, now, it would be better than the older one. That's how it should be, at least...

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Chrono trigger made me fail a driving test because I was up until 5am playing it during a 11am test, and turned left when she told like twice to turn right. Granted, I was turning right and she yelled at me while I was turning right so I thought I was doing something wrong but I wonder what wouldve happened if I slept that night.

Oh, that's besides the point. I really like the game and the DS port. Thankfully it's not filled with fetch quests and shit; straight to the point and enough things to do that it stays entertaining for a little bit.

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It's amazing that such an old game can be renowned on our times. I'm positive that if Square Enix would create a game like Chrono Trigger, now, it would be better than the older one. That's how it should be, at least...

Um? How is it amazing that an older game is still renowned? People (especially on the internet) are famous for wearing nostalgia goggles. Hell, whenever somebody asks me "ike what's the best game ever" I answer with Master of Magic, which is a DOS game from 1995.

And what do you mean by "a game like Chrono Trigger"? They've made PLENTY of games "like Chrono Trigger" in a whole lot of different ways.

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that's the problem i got the emulator and i have been playing chrono trigger on it as well as a few other games i can play fire mblem on it. i tried playing thirca 776 i got the tanslation patches to work and the game but everytime i want to move somebody it freezes

Ah, I see. I've had some problems with Tharcia 776 myself. I'm not sure what to tell you. I finally got it working but don't recall how though. You could always play FE4 if you haven't already.

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If you need help running the emulator and patching, let us know. Be sure to include what emulator you're using, and what you did to patch it if you're using a translation (what what patch you used!).

On Chrono Trigger, I liked it the first time I played it, when I was little. As I grew up, it was incredibly noticeable that the game was just... boring. Nothing exciting ever happens. It's a well-done game with an incredibly apt package, but it does nothing beyond its wrappings. Once you've found the boundaries, that's it--nothing more. And its boundaries are incredibly obvious and limiting. I couldn't stand the game once I finished it."

And then came Chrono Cross that had fucking plethora of characters but very little real content to go with it. It was like an inverse D:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just so you know, TC, you can mod your Super Nintedo console to play international games fairly easily. If you need instructions, just ask, and I can link you to some places (although it does involve some reassembly).

The work's totally worth it, though, since you can play games like FE4/5 and Terranigma.

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If you're talking about PAL systems, yeah, a little uncasing here and there. NTSC (US) is much simpler--you just snap off some plastic tabs on the inside of the console. Their protection was two useless pieces of plastic to keep (J) carts from sliding in the cart dock :p

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Um? How is it amazing that an older game is still renowned? People (especially on the internet) are famous for wearing nostalgia goggles. Hell, whenever somebody asks me "ike what's the best game ever" I answer with Master of Magic, which is a DOS game from 1995.

And what do you mean by "a game like Chrono Trigger"? They've made PLENTY of games "like Chrono Trigger" in a whole lot of different ways.

Holy shit I loved Master of Magic.

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I remember hearing quite a bit of hype about Chrono Trigger supposedly being the best game ever made back in the late 90's and early 2000's. I ended up hating it my first time through because it did not even remotely live up to the hype. My opinion toward CT has long since softened, and I even bought a copy for the DS last year.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I finally managed to play this masterpiece on teh DS when the remake came out, and boy do I wish I'd done so sooner. Great game.

My favorite thing to do is to convince my roommate to play all these games I've already done and give him horrible advice while doing so.

"Go ahead and take Frog with you when you go up to that Sea Shore.... You get to fight Magus! :D"

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