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[FE12] For Lunatics (H3)


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1. This draft is for 4 players

2. Marth, MyUnit (any class even male/female), Arran, Malliesia, Xane, Sirius, Feena, Nagi, Julian and Rickard are free for all.

3. The game will be played on Hard 3 Lunatic.


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, visit houses, trade, and shop.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to opening chests/doors.

3. All characters are free for Prologue chapters. However, all drafted characters who are recruitable in the Prologue must be recruited.

4. You are free to reclass undrafted units to whatever you want.

5. All Gaiden chapters must be visited and do not count towards the total Turncount up to 30 turns taken because you will need the training.

6. The game must be played out to the True Ending.

7. Deaths do not have any penalty at all. And you dont need to recruit characters. Generics count as drafted for the purpose of this draft.

8. As per Kopfjager's request, you can rig level ups as much as you want because you will need it.

9. It is an accomplishment to even finish this. You get a cookie for completing this draft and 2 cookies for best turncount.


1. Forging is allowed in its full glory because you will need it, the Rainbow Potion, Lunatic Statboosters and Maturity Drop are strictly recommended. BUT Maturity Drop must go on Marth.

2. Male Class Set Combination is allowed.

3. Use of the Base Arena is allowed.

4. Use of the Clock Bonus is strictly recommended so you can get much needed help.


1. Undrafted units have a 2-turn penalty, per unit per chapter.


1. Palla is free for Chapter 3.

2. Yubello, Yumina, Ogma and Sirius are free for Chapter 4.

3. Navarre is free for Chapter 7.

4. Merric is free for Chapter 10.

5. Nyna, Maria, Lena and Elice are free for Final.



* Kopfjager

* Marth


Teams: 1, 3, 2, 4

*PKL- Ryan, Caeda, Linde, Minerva, Merric, Cord, Norne, Katarina, Malice, Robert, Ymir, Macellan, Matthis, Radd, Wolf, Sedgar, Rody, Barst, Cain, Yumina, Midia

*Marth- Catria, Cecille, Ogma, Frey, Etzel, Horace, Jake, Roger, Belf, Darros, Abel, Tomas, Yubello, Tiki, Beck, Sedgar, Astram, Navarre, Warren

SB- Luke, Draug, Gordin, Athena, Windex, Jeorge, Wrys, Caesar, Leiden, Frost, Michalis, Dolph, Bantu, Samto, Ellerean, Roshea, Sheema, Samson, Dice, Est, Vyland, Castor

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Lunatic Statboosters and use of Wi-fi features are strictly prohibited.

I'm glad to see my point that you are just going to waste space in a Lunatic draft if you can't beat Lunatic with the entire cast available was totally ignored.

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1. Undrafted units have a 4-turn penalty, per unit per chapter.

lol this draft is going to be like 2000 turns/person

3. Warp may not be used on Marth. Rescue may not be used on Marth by a unit who has been Warped earlier in the chapter.
best rule
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At least the H5 drafting rules made sense. These. . .not so much. To start with, most of the cast in SD was usable to some minor extent in H5. Half the cast in Lunatic isn't. The statboosters would've helped with that, but. . .

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That is, after I finish DTT and also somehow get past chapter 3 in this draft. >.<

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We redrafted for 4.

PKL: Ryan, Caeda, Linde, Minerva, Merric, Cord, Norne, Katarina, Malice, Robert, Ymir, Macellan, Matthis, Radd, Wolf, Sedgar

Blues: Catria, Cecille, Ogma, Frey, Etzel, Horace, Jake, Roger, Belf, Darros, Abel, Tomas, Yubello, Tiki, Beck, Sedgar

Wen: Palla, Rody, Barst, Navarre, Cain, Warren, Yumina, Castor, Bord, Dice, Midia, Astram, Sheema, Samson, Est, Vyland

Me Luke, Draug, Gordin, Athena, Windex, Jeorge, Wrys, Caesar, Leiden, Frost, Michalis, Dolph, Bantu, Samto, Ellerean, Roshea

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Prologue 1: 4 turns

Merc MU. Unsurprisingly.

Rigged a level on Jagen that gave me HP, Str, Skill, Speed, and Defense.

Prologue 2: 4 turns

Rigged a level off of Luke to get HP, Str, Skill, Speed, Defense, and managed to get Luck too. Killed Luke on PP3, and Rody on PP4.

Prologue 3: 3 turns

This took some level rigging. To win, I needed to get a +Speed, +Strength level. And Luke had to be attack by ONLY Caeda. But my level got HP, Strength, Magic, Speed, and Defense.

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I wonder when a Lunatic Reverse Draft Will Be Hosted... (Probably not in this generation!)

Actually, I made preparations for a H5 Fe11 draft + a Lunatic reverse draft befoer this was even started (where did I post that idea/announcement thing?), then my life was flipped upside down, and I never got to it, and will not get to it in a while yet...

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Prologue 1: 4 turns

Elementary my dear SFers.

Prologue 2:4 turns

Elementary here too.

Prologue 3: Whooping 7 Turns. >.<

KoT's strat wouldnt work because MU didnt get a def proc. Oh well, took my time killing enemies using MU, no use giving the exp to other units.

Prologue 4: another 7 turns

Luke gets hit by the myrm and gets OHKO'd if I follow KoT's strat. :| I decide to turtle my way out with Caeda and MU. Ryan gets a str lvl up, useful for prologue definetly. :3

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Actually, I made preparations for a H5 Fe11 draft + a Lunatic reverse draft befoer this was even started (where did I post that idea/announcement thing?), then my life was flipped upside down, and I never got to it, and will not get to it in a while yet...

It was in the H2 draft.

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Prologue 5: 4 turns. >.<

Goddamn Athena, she almost always died everytime she was on te fort. Come on you guys, he have 50% rates! You cant hit her ALL THE TIME!!

Prologue 6: 2 turns. :P

MU and Athena block the bridges as Merric gets in a lucky critical on the southern fighter. Ryan chips at the other fighter and Athena stands with a steel sword. The rest of the chapter played out comfortably, with Cecil getting a kill. :3

Prologue 7: 5 turns

Ugh, I had to turtle this. Its certainly not possible to low turn this with Merc MU, he's too fragile. Or maybe I just have a cursed MU, as always. xD Well Athena and Ogma had to take turns tanking out the starting enemies, Caeda attracts a myrm and an archer away from the rest. Then Cain calls for reinforcements. Too bad for him, Athena was at full health. She tanked for a turn against Cain as I killed the rest with ease. Lol.

Prologue 8: lol 16 turns.

Yeah, 16 turns. I got nice lvl ups for my units though. Ok, mainly Ogma and MU, but eh. Also, ogma's first lvl up was... a HP. Blast it, why do I get screwed up chars? Either ways, he ended up getting defence, so I'm happy... even if he got spd screwed for chapter 4. >.<

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Booyah! Chapter 1 finished. Man, Rainbow potion's awesome. Oh, and I spend 2500 buying a seraph robe for Cecil, otherwise she's unusable. >.<

Turns taken- 13. Tell you what, this chaper is a PAIN IN THE ASS with only 4 units. Marth actually doubled a hunter, lol. MU kills shit as usual, and Cecil goes myrmidon and starts kicking but. Well, not really, but come on, she's doublign these guys at base level! All she needs is a seraph robe, really. And.. a rainbow potion. *sigh*

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Well, this chapter felt somewhat easier... that is, until I had to fight the boss. Thanks KoT for the Sniper!Arran advice. :3 Still, I took 13 turns here too. Meh. Cecil is a little er... underwhelming.

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Oh boy, finished C3- 28 turns(o.O)

Took my time taking down everyone. Palla was crucial in attracting the other three dracoknights while MU start dragging in dracos near the starting point. I take my time killing the dracos and then start kiling the other three near the starting point. The master seal draco rushes towards his doom while the cavaliers come slowly. Arran and MU tank them out and take them down(and my Arran seems to like me. <3) Sniper Arran was crucial since he's the only one who can consistently kill dracoknights. He sure didn't fail me. :3

The boss was.. stupid. he gets doubled by Arran and gets a total of 24 damage, plus Arran can critkill him. How lame. MU gets the kill though, because I'll need him promoted by chapter 4 to wreck shit. MU's growing nicely, although I wish I could say the same for Catria. She got like, a HP and Luck in her second lvl up. She's the most durable of the lot though, so its cool(reclassed her to cavvy)

I killed all enemies by twenty turns, but now we have to get Julian. Ugh. 8 turns because of that. >.<

C3x- I let Wrys die, because he's stupid. Arran remains a sniper, and MU, Catria and Marth charge forward, killing everythign in their way. Man they're awesome. <3 Oh yeah, Cecil just stays back because I hate her. >.<

Finally I promote MU to a hero at base. The guy looks good. has B Swords and D axes. This should be fun.

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God, Ike's a beast. His stats are: Lvl 16/2.64 39HP 18 STR 3 MAG 23 SKL 21 SPD 12 LUCK 15 DEF 3 RES

Now add rainbow potion and Taurus orb to that. he's now as tanky as general Arran. xD

So the strategy for this chapter is to block the forts immediately before anythign can happen. MU wrecks havoc with his hand axe now, and that hand axe utility was crucial for LTCing this, although I'm pretty sure I couldve done better. Arran remains a sniper since he still kills stuff with a steel bow. <3 Catria remains a cavalier since she can use them swords, and Cecil is reclassed to Cavvy once more... too bad she doesnt get to see action. xD

Julian weakens the thief near the shaver village and Marth kills the dude. MU hand axes the bandit near the fort and attracts the hunter and the other bandit; Arran snipes another bandit down, and the last bandit gets attracted to Catria and gets damaged.

Then on turn 3, when everyone rushes forward, Yumina rescues MU and MU with a handaxes stands in range of a hunter and a pirate. He kills them both. Then he goes into the forest next to the village and eats a vulnerary. This required a couple of tries, because he dies to the devil sword thief usually. Ugh. But finally he kills all of them except the hunter, which he misses. *facepalm*

Sirius and ogma do clean up dutywhile Ike charges forward, decimitating everything in his way. Marth joins in by then and he seizes on turn 12 because he's too far away to reach the throne. I'm quite positive I missed moving marth somewhere, but eh. Its Lunatic Mode, I've gotta deal with it. >.<

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  • 2 months later...


Prologue 1: 4 turns

Perfectly killed.

Raymond did not die on the first chapter, this means I will totally win now.

I will note every level rig I make.

Raymond: HP, Speed, Strength, and Defense. Got Skill and Luck as well.

Prologue 2: 4 turns

Another elementary win.

Raymond: Strength, Speed. Got some other stats.

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  • 8 months later...

Ok so Guess what. I started this draft at the start of this year. I actually played till C5 then had to reinstall my PC and boom I lost all my saves(too lazy to backup lol)

I shall now proceed to restart this playthrough cuz I am masochistic. Long since I've actually drafted so this should be fun.

First off, going fighter MU. Orphan gives him a nice +2 for base strength which is awesome for prologue. Not mention that humungous str growth of his. Beauty gives him a nice + 1 base spd and I like to not depend on luck too much so 10% is ok for me.

Finally, Truth-Seeker. This one's a no-brainer; 130% HP growth may com in handy in the long run. yeahhh

I also retain the name Ike cuz COME ON HERO TIME!

Prologue 1- 4 turns

Turns out Fighter MU with Orphan has enough str to 2HKO Jagen. How cool is that? He procs HP, Str, Spd and Skl. We're looking at a glass cannon here, folks.

prologue 2- 4 turns

Ike still kicks butt cuz of that cool str. gets another lvl up. Procs HP, Str and Spd.

Prologue 3- 5 turns.

I had to restart a few times because Ike actually DOUBLES AND KILLS THE FIGHTER godammit. In on of my restarts he got lucky and critted the merc on a counter. That proved to be quite useful. Proceeds to kill Sheeda all by himself(OMG he isn't doubled by her!) and he procs HP, Str, Spd and Skl. Okkkkk

Turncount- 13 turns.




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Btw Marth, prologue is free. At least that was the intention. The rule at that time could be interpreted both ways and the intention was to make prologue free.

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P 4- 7 turns lol ( I know this doesn't count but OMG I've been getting decent turncounts so lol)

Turtling it out

P 5- 10 turns( actually 8 but I wanted to rig growths lol)

Athena+Ike+Merric+Caeda= WIN

P-6- 3 turns (lolWTF)

southern chokepoint is plugged by Caeda and Ike, northern chokepoint is held by Merric and Athena. after a wrys heal Ike plugs the southern point where Ogma is, Caeda kills the archer, Merric kills the fighter and Cecil plugs the northern chokepoint where th cavalier is sitting. After some counters, I get a 3 turn win lol.

Ike- 29/15/02/11/12/05/03/00

Man without defence how is he supposed to take hits? Totally giving him a dracoshield. >_>

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