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[FE5] AKA Psych has nothing to do on a 5 day break


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Rating my dudes:

Halvan (1): Not as good as Othin but a damn good Axe user. Will likely be my main attack force.

Marty (1): Will need those Odo and Sety scrolls to be usable, but once he promotes he should be able to withstand on his own.

Safy (3): Repair Staff with no penalty is awesome, and staff users are great in this game.

Karin (4): Early flier utility cuts several turns early on, although she may need scrolls to raise attack and defense and be used as an attacking unit.

Nanna (5): Early staff utility plus Charisma and dual Support with Leaf. Great to have around.

Hicks (6): Not a bad mounted unit, will make a good tank.

Selfina (9): Not a bad bow user and instant access to Brave Bow.

Kein (9): Never used him, but should be a fine filler mounted.

Glade (13): Leadership star, dual support with Selfina and supports Kein. Great filler unit and should work great alongside Selfina and Kein, since they all get extra hit and avoid.

Linoan (14x): Staff utility plus Resire. Also saves me a Knight Proof.

Eyrios (16A): Never used him, but he sounds great based on other's comments.

Leaf also supports Safy, Nanna, Hicks, Selfina and Linoan. Not a bad team overall.

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Here's to get things started:

Chapter 1 (6/6)

Standard. Eyvel clears the road and the boss for Leaf to seize. Halvan gets the Brave Axe and Marty gets the Vulnerary and Iron Sword. Couldn't get the Speed Ring without an extra turn so I didn't get it in the end.

Chapter 2 (6/12)

Halvan and Marty cover for the right while Leaf and Eyvel rush to the boss. Eyvel kills the boss for Leaf to seize while the others save the villages. Marty gets a level up and surprisingly gets speed.


Chapter 2x (12)

Sent Leaf, Eyvel and Halvan towards the seize point and Marty south to train and get the torch. Leaf uses the Speed Ring. Eyvel captures Lifis and Leaf seizes. No Killing Edge from Shiva, although Halvan managed to capture the second Warrior and get an extra bow, axe and Vulnerary.

Name           LV   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF BL MV 
Leaf         4.24  |24| 6| 0| 4| 9| 8| 3| 5| 6| C Swords
Eyvel       15.28  |28| 9| 4|18|20|12| 7| 8| 8| A Swords
Halvan       8.10  |33| 8| 0| 8|10| 4| 6|12| 6| D Axes
Marty        4.34  |35| 9| 1| 0| 1| 7| 7|16| 6| D Axes 

Yeah, I don't get that Magic point on Marty either.


Chapter 3 (12/24)

Man, that sucked. I sent Eyvel and Leaf to seize while Halvan and Marty chain-rescued Corple and Lucia with the help of the other units so I can get the Baldo scroll and the Warp Staff later. Didn't get any other items.

 Name           LV   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF BL MV 
Leaf         8.32  |28| 7| 1| 5|10| 9| 6| 6| 6| C Swords
Eyvel       16.30  |29| 9| 4|18|20|12| 7| 8| 8| A Swords
Halvan       9.24  |33| 8| 0| 8|10| 5| 6|12| 6| D Axes
Marty        7.30  |39| 9| 1| 0| 2| 9| 7|19| 6| D Axes
Safy         3.60  |14| 0| 6| 6| 7| 9| 0| 3| 5| C Staff

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Chapter 4 (18+4/46)

I choose Fergus and Machyua as my free units. Went around freeing the prisoners and opening the chests and the brigands killed some soldiers. After the citizens escaped, I opened the gate, tanked with Leaf and Light Sword, and looked for an opening for everyone to escape. Dalshien died at the hands of Leaf.

Chapter 4x (13+4/50)

Took my time tanking the first units until they where gone so that Lara could free the kids. Opened the big door after Sety was done killing the soldiers. Stole a couple of Door Keys and got all the chests, everyone escaped except Brighton (should have left him earlier) and Asvel, but the Key and Vulnerary are much appreciated.


EDIT: As mentioned in the next post I wasn't aware of having to use only one undrafted unit for the Manster escape so I took the penalty instead of redoing it. I'll only use Fergus on the remains of Manster escape.

Name           LV   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF BL MV 
Leaf        12.22  |29| 8| 2| 7|11|11| 8| 7| 6| C Swords
Eyvel       16.30  |29| 9| 4|18|20|12| 7| 8| 8| A Swords
Halvan       9.24  |33| 8| 0| 8|10| 5| 6|12| 6| D Axes
Marty        7.30  |39| 9| 1| 0| 2| 9| 7|19| 6| D Axes
Safy         3.60  |14| 0| 6| 6| 7| 9| 0| 3| 5| C Staff
Karin        8.38  |23| 4| 7| 4|19|16| 3| 4| 5| D Swords, E Lances (unmounted)
Lara         3.04  |15| 0| 0| 2|11| 7| 0| 3| 7| E Swords 

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Um, only one unit is free since Lara is free. :/

Shoot. Got confused on that part since previous drafts allowed two units. I'll add a 4-turn penalty to each map since I didn't keep an earlier save and I'm too lazy to do it again.

Also, question: Since there's now a reason to do 24x, can Sara use the Kia staff without penalty in that map?

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Yeah it's okay. Maybe I should have announced it or something since I changed it. Anyway I'm starting today since my break has finally started. Also yes to Sara.

Machua - Loved her the last time I got her. Once she promotes she's a beast And axes give her some more ranged options. She's going to want a couple of levels with the Neir scroll though. I like her better than Mareeta in the normal games because of her promotion, even though Mareeta gets a Prf weapon and Luna and Astra. I just think she joins to late to compare to Machau.

Asvel - Asvel's awesome too. I'm thinking he may get the first Seal since I'm gonna want to try and get his staff rank up and it doesn't really matter for Machua. Gonna be a really good boss killer.

Olwen - <3 Olwen is my favorite FE5 person. Her Brave tome is awesome and she also gets a sword kinda late. Her horse is great too. Getting Ambush.

Tanya - Tanya's really good too. She has monopoly on the Brave Bow even if she starts at E. I want to get to her at least level 10 and rank D before she leaves, but with only Leaf and Evayl that's probably going to happen. Getting Charge.

Salem - He's gonna staff bot. Dark'll help I guess. I like him anyway and he'll probably get Continue.

Fred - I got him to help with Olwen. I usually get them in a pair, and since he's a paladin he has a nice sword rank. He'll be useful indoors and he supports Olwen so that's good. Thinking about giving him Wrath.

Miranda - She may come late and underleveled, but I'll give her Elite and Wrath is nice. She may not be as good as Olwen, but she'll at least get a horse.

Shiva - He's nice, but getting Safy to him will be hard. Between him and Trewd and Manchua, someone will be kinda mediocre.

Connomore - Combo with Miranda. He has good sword rank, so that's nice.

Trewd - Never used him before. Literally. He'll probably get Luna.

Delmud - I have to keep his sister alive and uncaptured and he's on a horse and he's good. I don't have much to say, but he'll probably be underwhelming since he comes late and everyone else will be amazing.

Man I have a lot of sword people. But I guess that's good. Havine 3 people who main swords and a bunch of mounted swords is kinda weird.

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Chapter 5 (19/69)

Rush to the end while Eyvel gets stoned. Leaf and Fergus wall until Nanna is rescued and she helps tanking with the Earth Sword and healing. Leaf's Light Sword has one use left. Joy. Everyone manages to escape. Oh, and Leaf got extra movement. Woop.

Chapter 6 (10/79)

Everyone rushes through the right side while Karin collects the houses. I recruit Hicks and get all items save for the Holy Water.

Name           LV   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF BL MV
Leaf        16.74  |32| 9| 3| 9|13|14| 9| 8| 7| B Swords
Eyvel                      STONE'D
Halvan       9.24  |33| 8| 0| 8|10| 5| 6|12| 6| D Axes
Marty        7.30  |39| 9| 1| 0| 2| 9| 7|19| 6| D Axes
Safy         3.60  |14| 0| 6| 6| 7| 9| 0| 3| 5| C Staff
Karin       11.06  |23| 5| 7| 6|20|17| 4| 4| 8| C Swords, D Lances (mounted)
Lara         4.36  |15| 0| 0| 3|12| 8| 0| 3| 7| E Swords 
Nanna       10.86  |23| 5| 6| 9|10|15| 4| 6| 8| C Swords, E Staff (mounted)
Hicks        7.30  |31| 7| 0| 6| 5| 7| 8|15| 8| E Swords, C Axes (mounted)

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One more round, BOO-YAH!

Chapter 7 (7/86)

Run To The Finish reaches the end by simply running south. Leaf, Nanna and Fergus tank on Shiva's gang and Shiva dies on Fergus. Every mounted unit grabs a foot unit and rush for the castle. Karin got all the items.

Chapter 8 (10/96)

Karin is fatigued and Nanna and Lara sit out since I need them for 8x. Got Halvan back who recruited Marty back. Marty needs training so I gave him several scrolls. Safy repaired Leaf's Light Sword and he used it to weaken the boss, and Halvan captured him with the Brave Axe. Got the Knight Proof in the village but missed the Luck Ring. Stole everything from the boss and seized.

 Name           LV   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF BL MV
Leaf        17.92  |32| 9| 3|10|13|14| 9| 9| 7| B Swords
Halvan      12.64  |35|10| 0| 9|10| 6| 7|12| 6| C Axes
Marty        7.30  |42| 9| 1| 1| 3| 9| 8|20| 6| D Axes
Safy         6.00  |15| 0| 9| 9|10| 9| 0| 3| 5| B Staff
Karin       11.06  |23| 5| 7| 6|20|17| 4| 4| 8| C Swords, D Lances (mounted)
Lara         4.36  |15| 0| 0| 3|12| 8| 0| 3| 7| E Swords 
Nanna       12.60  |25| 6| 6|10|12|16| 4| 6| 8| C Swords, E Staff (mounted)
Hicks        9.28  |33| 8| 0| 6| 6| 7| 8|15| 8| E Swords, C Axes (mounted)

EDIT: One more!

Chapter 8x (19/96) (Leaf, Nanna, Halvan, Marty, Safy, Lara)

Safy uses the Life RIng. Marty, Halvan, and specially Nanna get big training in this map. Halvan and Marty block the brigands in the hallways while Safy heals. Lara opens the doors so that Dagda and Safy loot the chests with keys. Nanna tanks most brigands in the upper room and teams up with Leaf to kill Gomez. After a few Heal spams she reaches level 20 and is ready to promote. Got all chests save for the one outside the house. Leaf got the Leg Ring and now has 9 mov. AND HOLY SHIT MARTY GOT +1 MOVEMENT.

Name           LV   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF BL MV
Leaf        19.70  |34|10| 3|11|13|14|10|10| 9| B Swords
Halvan      15.24  |38|10| 0| 9|11| 7| 7|14| 6| C Axes
Marty       13.26  |46|11| 2| 3| 5|10| 9|20| 6| C Axes
Safy         8.00  |23| 0| 9|10|12| 9| 1| 3| 5| B Staff
Karin       11.06  |23| 5| 7| 6|20|17| 4| 4| 8| C Swords, D Lances (mounted)
Lara         4.88  |15| 0| 0| 3|12| 8| 0| 3| 7| E Swords 
Nanna       20.00  |28| 6| 7|13|17|20| 3| 6| 5| C Swords, E Staff (unmounted)
Hicks        9.28  |33| 8| 0| 6| 6| 7| 8|15| 8| E Swords, C Axes (mounted)

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I had a couple chapters typed up and then I lost em. ;/

Chapter 1 7/7

This was better than my first run. Evayl proced a move star a few times, so I was able to get the Life Ring and the Brave Axe. I also captured an archer for Tanya to get another bow.

Chapter 2 7/14

Managed to give Leaf the boss kill.

Chapter 2x (12)

Not much to say here. I did manage to get Shiva's Killing Edge off of him, so hopefully Machua will like it.

Chapter 3 15/33

I took a Lifis penalty. I got all the important kids though. AKA not Yubel.

Name Lvl HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Bld Mov
Leaf   10  30  7  1  5   7   12  5  5  6
Evyal  16  28  9  5  18  20  11  8  8  8
Tanya  12  29  8  1  12  19  13  4  4  6

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Last one and I'm taking a break. This turned out pretty good so I want to enjoy the taste of success for a few days.

Chapter 9 (5/101) (Leaf, Karin)

Leaf kills the Dragon Squad while Karin ferries Carrion towards Selfina and gets the Fala Scroll in the process. Elite Sword get and everyone escapes in turn 5. Othin, Tanya and Ronan were sacrificed for the greater good.

Chapter 10 (8/109) (Leaf, Nanna, Karin, Halvan, Marty, Lara, Safy, Hicks, Selfina, Kein)

Everyone get into the act! Nanna promotes. Kein gets Elite. Karin rushes towards the Rescue village and reaches it before the thief. Lara gets the Elite Sword and trains with a ballista. Everyone clears the path for Mega Leaf and Super Nanna to reach the boss while scaring Olwen and Fred. Lara also snatches a Stamina Drink. Unfortunately, I can't reach the Magic Up village. Nanna lands a lucky critical on the boss and clears the path for Leaf to seize.

Leaf        20.00  |35|10| 3|11|13|14|10|10| 9| A Swords
Halvan      15.94  |38|10| 0| 9|11| 7| 7|14| 6| C Axes
Marty       13.64  |46|11| 2| 3| 5|10| 9|20| 7| C Axes
Safy         9.20  |23| 1| 9|10|12| 9| 2| 3| 5| B Staff
Karin       11.90  |23| 5| 7| 6|20|17| 4| 4| 8| C Swords, D Lances (mounted)
Lara         6.84  |17| 0| 0| 4|14| 9| 1| 3| 7| E Swords 
Nanna     20/4.72  |31| 8|11|15|20|20| 6| 8| 9| B Swords, D Staff (mounted)
Hicks       10.32  |34| 8| 0| 7| 7| 7| 8|16| 8| E Swords, C Axes (mounted)
Selfina      8.80  |22| 5| 3| 7|10| 7| 6| 5| 8| B Bows (mounted)
Kein         6.16  |28|10| 0| 5| 9| 4| 8|12| 8| E Swords, D Lances (mounted) 

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Chapter 4 24/57

I chose Fergus as my unit. I got most of the stuff I wanted, and let Brighton get captured so I have one less body to worry about. I brought Karin along so I can still get the Sety scroll next chapter. I didn't do too hot, but I still hate this chapter with a passion in drafts.

Chapter 4x (12)

I got some good stuff and got Asvel a few tomes. Left Karin behind and got the Sety scroll though. I'm still bringing Lifis though, since he'll turn into a warlord. I'm not sure if it'll make him weaker or whatever, but it can't hurt.

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Chapter 11 (13/122)

First turns go really slow due to the start on trees and tons of armors blocking the fort. After getting an opening I send everyone in except for Safy, and as soon as all the armors are dead Leaf goes in to activate Portcullius. Lara opened most of the doors and the chest (only one Door Key was used) and along with Nanna's Charisma she was able to dodge Ballista while holding the Elite Sword. Almost everyone gets a few killings netting them a few levels, and Leaf s scares away Kempf and seizes on the next turn.

Leaf        20.00  |35|10| 3|11|13|14|10|10| 9| A Swords
Halvan      16.90  |39|10| 0| 9|12| 7| 7|14| 6| C Axes
Marty       17.08  |48|12| 2| 4| 6|12|10|20| 7| C Axes
Safy         9.20  |23| 1| 9|10|12| 9| 2| 3| 5| B Staff
Karin       13.08  |25| 7| 7| 7|20|19| 4| 4| 8| C Swords, D Lances (mounted)
Lara        10.04  |18| 1| 0| 7|17|10| 2| 3| 7| E Swords 
Nanna     20/7.24  |34| 7|11|16|20|20| 5| 8| 6| B Swords, D Staff (unmounted)
Hicks       13.82  |36| 9| 0| 8| 7| 8| 9|17| 8| E Swords, C Axes (mounted)
Selfina     11.80  |24| 5| 3| 7| 9| 9| 5| 6| 5| B Bows (unmounted)
Kein         6.64  |28| 9| 0| 4| 7| 4| 7|12| 8| E Swords, D Lances (unmounted) 

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Only one more, but here goes:

Chapter 11x (13/122)

Marty and Halvan promote. Lara with Elite Sword and Kein use the corridor to dodge and gain EXP. Selfina also trains on the corridor and Nanna and Safy train with Staves. I don't recruit Olwen since I want Eyrios later. After several turns of training, Leaf and co. rush to the boss room and kill him. Safy spams Heal until she reaches Lv. 15 and promotes for A-rank.

Leaf        20.00  |35|10| 3|11|13|14|10|10| 9| A Swords
Halvan    17/2.12  |41|14| 1|12|16| 8|11|14| 6| B Axes, D Swords
Marty     17/3.24  |50|15| 3|10|13|12|13|20| 7| B Axes, E Bows
Safy      15/1.00  |23| 3|15|14|17|10| 3| 3| 5| A Staff, E Light
Karin       13.08  |25| 7| 7| 7|20|19| 4| 4| 8| C Swords, D Lances (mounted)
Lara        14.52  |19| 1| 1|10|20|11| 2| 3| 7| E Swords 
Nanna    20/11.56  |36| 7|11|17|20|20| 6| 8| 6| B Swords, D Staff (unmounted)
Hicks       13.82  |36| 9| 0| 8| 7| 8| 9|17| 8| E Swords, C Axes (mounted)
Selfina     16.54  |28| 7| 4| 8|13|13| 6| 6| 6| B Bows (unmounted)
Kein         8.96  |30|11| 1| 5| 7| 6| 7|12| 5| E Swords, D Lances (unmounted) 

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Chapter 12 (6/128)

Man, Kein rocks. Unmounted and with nothing but an Iron Sword he decimated an whole squadron of bandits and thanks to the scrolls he had with him he got great growths, including +1 Mov. Halvan and Hicks got their fair share too. Karin ferries Leaf towards Salem and Leaf captures him with the Brave Sword. Got his Sleep Staff with two uses. Not bad.

Chapter 12x (16/128)

Immediately warped Lara to Pahn to recruit him and not worry about any treasure getting stolen. Lara gained a couple of levels by having the lockpick stolen from her by Tina and then steal it back. Got all the treasures thanks to dividing the Chest Keys, Safy recruited Tina, and Leaf seized.

Leaf        20.00  |35|10| 3|11|13|14|10|10| 9| A Swords 
Halvan    17/4.26  |42|13| 1|13|16| 9|11|16| 6| B Axes, D Swords 
Marty     17/3.52  |50|15| 3|10|13|12|13|20| 7| B Axes, E Bows 
Safy      15/3.00  |24| 4|17|15|17|10| 4| 3| 5| A Staff, E Light 
Karin       13.68  |25| 6| 7| 6|20|19| 3| 4| 5| C Swords, D Lances (unmounted) 
Lara      14/3.40  |19| 1| 1|10|18|12| 2| 3| 7| E Swords  
Nanna    20/11.56  |36| 7|11|17|20|20| 6| 8| 6| B Swords, D Staff (unmounted) 
Hicks       14.46  |36|10| 0| 8| 8| 8| 9|17| 8| E Swords, C Axes (mounted) 
Selfina     16.54  |28| 7| 4| 8|13|13| 6| 6| 6| B Bows (unmounted) 
Kein        19.16  |40|16| 3|13|16| 9|10|15| 6| D Swords, D Lances (unmounted)  

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Two more:

Chapter 13 (9/137) (Leaf, Nanna, Karin, Selfina, Kein, Hicks, Lara)

Race to the finish basically. Kein promotes, everyone mounts and run for their life, although I only deploy the mounted units. Glade's knights give all their weapons to Glade and serve as bait for the enemy troops and ballista. Karin gets the Hammer village and Selfina gets the Brave Bow. She's ready to kick ass now. Everyone makes it to Tara and Glade joins the team as Mr. Leadership Star.

Chapter 14 (10/147) (The Whoooooooooooooole Gang, well, not actually, all of the recruited ones so far)

THIS MAP KICKS SO MUCH ASS IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY. I don't have to worry about the turncount so it's basically a big training ground. Kein is now so badass he can handle the West side by himself. Halvan handles southwest with a Hammer, Marty handles the East side, while everyone else supports. Leaf uses the King Sword to give extra avoid, Nanna adds Charisma, Selfina and Glade support each other and get many hit-and-run kills, Safy heals with Heal and Physic and Lara refreshes her while holding the Elite Sword, Karin rushes southeast for Resire, and Hicks gets a few kills. Five houses are visited, Homer is recruited for his extra Stamina Drink, and even some of the Dragon Knights in the last turn are killed. Selfina reaches Lv. 20 so she'll promote next.

Leaf        20.00  |35|10| 3|11|13|14|10|10| 9| A Swords 
Halvan    17/7.66  |44|16| 1|14|16|10|12|17| 6| B Axes, D Swords 
Marty     17/9.26  |56|15| 3|10|14|14|14|20| 7| A Axes, E Bows 
Safy      15/5.80  |24| 6|19|15|17|10| 4| 3| 6| A Staff, E Light 
Karin       14.80  |27| 7| 7| 7|20|20| 4| 4| 8| C Swords, D Lances (mounted) 
Lara     14/11.80  |26| 4| 2|13|20|15| 6| 4| 7| E Swords  
Nanna    20/15.62  |37| 9|11|19|20|20| 9| 8| 9| B Swords, D Staff (mounted) 
Hicks       16.20  |38|11| 0|10|10| 9|10|18| 8| E Swords, B Axes (mounted) 
Selfina     20.00  |29| 9| 4|11|15|15| 9| 6| 9| A Bows (mounted) 
Kein     19/12.88  |49|20| 5|19|20|15|18|16|10| D Swords, B Lances (mounted)
Glade     --/5.22  |37|13| 2|13|13| 5|11|12| 9| A Lances, E Swords (mounted) 

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Forgot to mention I gave Marty Charge in Chapter 14. He made good use of it.

Chapter 14x (12/147) (Leaf, Nanna, Halvan, Marty, Safy, Hicks, Selfina, Kein, Glade, Linoan)

Rushed upwards while taking capturing some Bishops and killing the ultra easy Peg Knights. Linoan got Wrath and gained several levels. Selfina promoted. Got 3 Rewarp Staves, 2 Stamina Drinks, and several Yotsmung tomes to sell for cash. Everyone escaped.

Chapter 15 (2/149) (Leaf, Karin, Lara)

Pffft. Karin ferried Leaf, got refreshed by Lara, and dropped Leaf near the church. Undrafted Dean visited the shop for Door Keys (rules say it's allowed!). Karin got theSkill Ring village. Leaf visited the church and went Route A.

Leaf        20.00  |35|10| 3|11|13|14|10|10| 9| A Swords 
Halvan    17/7.78  |44|16| 1|14|16|10|12|17| 6| B Axes, D Swords 
Marty     17/9.66  |56|15| 3|10|14|14|14|20| 7| A Axes, E Bows 
Safy      15/7.50  |25| 6|20|16|19|10| 4| 3| 6| A Staff, E Light 
Karin       14.80  |27| 7| 7| 7|20|20| 4| 4| 8| C Swords, D Lances (mounted) 
Lara     14/12.20  |27| 4| 2|13|20|16| 7| 4| 7| E Swords  
Nanna    20/16.22  |38| 9|11|20|20|20| 9| 8| 9| B Swords, D Staff (mounted) 
Hicks       17.28  |39|11| 0|10|10|10|10|18| 8| E Swords, B Axes (mounted) 
Selfina   20/1.42  |29|11| 5|14|17|15|11| 7|10| A Bows (mounted) 
Kein     19/13.68  |50|20| 5|19|20|16|18|16|10| D Swords, B Lances (mounted)
Glade     --/5.34  |37|13| 2|13|13| 5|11|12| 9| A Lances, E Swords (mounted) 
Linoan       8.20  |18| 0|10| 7|13|10| 0| 3| 5| C Staff, B Light, E Fire, E Thunder, E Wind

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And I continue. For the next three maps every drafted unit is deployed.

Chapter 16A (10/159)

Everyone goes forward while getting all the villages. Karin recruits Eyrios and Halvan gets his Solar manual. I also recruit Sleuf for his Blaggi scroll, which Safy will put to good use. Karin gets the second-to-last Knight Proof. Nanna kills Kempf and the boss, and Leaf seizes the fort.

Chapter 17A (11/170)

Leaf with King Sword, Nanna, Glade, Selfina and Kein rush to Lenster's Gate giving each other massive support. Everyone else stays behind visiting the villages and killing the Peg Squad, Misha included. Safy puts the Bishop boss to sleep and Karin gets his stuff. By the time Cyas shows up I'm next to the boss, so thanks to lucky crits from Nanna and Selfina he dies. Right before Leaf seizes Karin recruits Sara, and the chapter is over.

Chapter 18 (10/180)

Leaf rushes to the boss along with Glade, Selfina and Kein, who is now too awesome for his own good. Karin meanwhile promotes while the rest of the gang loots the chests and trains some.more. Nanna captures a dancer with a Luck Ring and Safy uses it. Kein tanks the Generals and between him and Selfina they kill Xavier and Gustav. Karin got +1 Mov. Missed on the Continue manual, sadly, but got all the treasures except the Body Ring. Leaf seizes and promotes several chapters too late.

Chapter 19 (1/181)

Sorry, guys I never drafted! I was busy watching My Little Pony!

Leaf      20/1.00  |35|11| 4|12|14|14|11|10| 9| A Swords 
Halvan    17/8.06  |45|17| 1|14|16|10|13|17| 6| B Axes, D Swords 
Marty    17/11.66  |58|15| 3|15|15|14|14|20| 7| A Axes, E Bows 
Safy     15/10.82  |26| 6|20|17|20|15| 4| 3| 6| A Staff, E Light 
Karin     20/5.00  |36|13|14|10|20|20|11| 6| 7| C Swords, B Lances (unmounted) 
Lara     14/20.00  |30| 5| 3|18|20|18| 9| 4| 6| E Swords  
Nanna    20/20.00  |42| 9|11|20|20|20|10| 8| 6| B Swords, D Staff (unmounted) 
Hicks       20.00  |40|11| 0|12|11|10|11|20| 5| E Swords, B Axes (unmounted) 
Selfina   20/8.30  |29|11| 7|17|15|20|11| 9| 7| A Bows (unmounted) 
Kein     19/19.80  |54|20| 5|20|20|18|18|20| 7| D Swords, A Lances (unmounted)
Glade     --/7.42  |39|14| 2|12|13| 6|12|12| 6| A Lances, E Swords (unmounted) 
Linoan      16.86  |23| 0|15|14|20|14| 2| 4| 5| C Staff, B Light, E Fire, E Thunder, E Wind
Eyrios    --/8.90  |40|10|11|12|13|14| 9| 6| 5| A Swords, D Fire, A Thunder, D Wind (unmounted)

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Chapter 20 (15/196)

Epic defense map is epic. Lara gets the remaining Knight Proof and Hicks promotes. Everyone gets a Door Key and goes down. Epic team of Leaf/Nanna/Glade/Selfina/Kein (Team Support Leaf aka TSL from now on)cleans below and kills Barat on turn 11, not before Lara steals the Tordo scroll. I get a few extra Door Keys and wait the map out. I make sure I get the village with the Staff.

Chapter 21 (7/203)

Rush below with Team Support Leaf avoiding all the ballista like a boss. Safy puts the Sleep Priest to sleep and then warps Linoan to the church where she promotes. Selfina quickly kills the Dragon boss so the other Dracoknights retreat. Everyone cleans up while avoiding the ballista and long range mages. Selfina kills the boss, Kein captures the Sleep Priest and Leaf steals his items and seizes all in one turn.

Chapter 21x (8/203)

Not here to rescue anyone, instead, I'll just steal some axes since I'm running low. Got a few Battle and Hand axes and some vulneraries. No treasures or Warp staves. And Leaf got +1 Mov.

RIP Tania, Salem, Robert, Othin, Fin, Brighton, Machyua, Ronan, Eda, Fred, Asvel, Lifis, Homer. NEVAH FORGET.

Leaf     20/15.02  |47|20| 5|16|17|17|13|12|10| A Swords 
Halvan   17/10.36  |46|18| 1|14|16|12|14|18| 6| B Axes, D Swords 
Marty    17/15.54  |62|15| 4|17|16|16|16|20| 7| A Axes, D Bows 
Safy     15/14.62  |27| 6|20|19|20|18| 4| 3| 6| A Staff, E Light 
Karin    20/08.10  |36|15|15|12|20|20|14| 7|10| C Swords, B Lances (mounted) 
Lara     14/20.00  |30| 5| 3|18|20|18| 9| 4| 6| E Swords  
Nanna    20/20.00  |42|10|11|20|20|20|11| 8| 9| B Swords, D Staff (mounted) 
Hicks    20/04.18  |43|14| 2|18|17|12|15|20| 9| E Swords, A Axes (mounted) 
Selfina  20/10.40  |36|12| 7|19|17|20|13| 9|10| A Bows (mounted) 
Kein     19/20.00  |55|20| 5|20|20|19|19|20|10| D Swords, A Lances (mounted)
Glade    --/10.32  |40|17| 2|14|16| 7|14|13| 9| A Lances, E Swords (mounted) 
Linoan   20/02.94  |26| 1|20|20|20|18| 7| 5| 7| B Staff, A Light, D Fire, D Thunder, D Wind
Eyrios   --/10.70  |42|12|13|14|15|15|10| 6| 8| A Swords, D Fire, A Thunder, D Wind (mounted)

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Chapter 22 (13/216)

First things first, Warp Linoan towards the boss and have her attack Cyas, then immediately Rescue her. Cyas leaves and his BS +30% Hit & Avoid bonus is gone. Couple of turns later Linoan is warped again in range of the Gelpitter, and since Rezire + Wrath = EPIC, all of them die trying to kill her. Didn't want to take a chance with Rinehart so I Sleep'd him the turn before. TSL rushes down and destroy the ballistae, and while avoiding the remaining ones Karin ferries Leaf and Halvan over the bridge. Linoan destroys the ballista on the east side after killing the boss and goes south for the Rescue village. Leaf rushes towards the fort, killing a still-asleep RInehart on the way, and seizes. Got all villages and a couple of extra stuff.

Chapter 23 (6/222)

Safy, Lara and Linoan use Stamina drinks since I need them in this map. The two Sleep Bishops are silenced. Cyas is rescued and Leaf gets the Blaggi Sword. Halvan is warped to the top mountain so all the knights suicide on him, and gains almost all the levels he had to gain, including +1 Mov. Selfina rushes to the Northeast and manages to get the Physic village on time, as well as the Holy Water. Karin ferries Leaf, Leaf recruits Sety and he and Halvan capture the two bishops for their Sleep staves. Leaf seizes.

Leaf     20/19.88  |50|20| 5|18|18|17|13|13|10| A Swords 
Halvan   17/19.50  |54|20| 2|18|19|19|19|20| 7| A Axes, D Swords 
Marty    17/16.02  |62|16| 4|18|16|16|17|20| 7| A Axes, D Bows 
Safy     15/20.00  |30| 6|20|20|20|20| 4| 3| 6| A Staff, E Light 
Karin    20/11.06  |37|16|16|13|20|20|15| 9|10| C Swords, B Lances (mounted) 
Lara     14/20.00  |30| 5| 3|18|20|18| 9| 4| 6| E Swords  
Nanna    20/20.00  |42|10|11|20|20|20|11| 8| 9| B Swords, D Staff (mounted) 
Hicks    20/06.18  |44|14| 2|19|18|13|16|20| 9| E Swords, A Axes (mounted) 
Selfina  20/11.10  |37|12| 8|19|17|20|13| 9|10| A Bows (mounted) 
Kein     19/20.00  |55|20| 5|20|20|19|18|20| 7| D Swords, A Lances (unmounted)
Glade    --/10.62  |40|17| 2|14|16| 7|14|13| 9| A Lances, E Swords (mounted) 
Linoan   20/20.00  |40| 5|20|20|20|20| 9| 5| 7| A Staff, A Light, D Fire, D Thunder, D Wind
Eyrios   --/11.00  |42|12|14|15|16|15|10| 6| 8| A Swords, D Fire, A Thunder, D Wind (mounted)

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Final logs:

Chapter 24 (12/234)

Would have been a 6-turn had I not go for Kia. Halvan sits out because of fatigue. Leaf and Sety handled the Mercenaries on the front. Mareeta was deployed so she could recruit Galzus for his stuff. Safy, Sety and Linoan put the more dangerous bishops to sleep or silence. Leaf kills Reidrick with Blaggi Sword while I steal some staves on the east side. Karin, Glade, Marty and Lara kill the bishops on the west and chain-rescue the kids and one of them opens the big door, just in time for Lara to grab the Kia on turn 12 and Leaf seizes. Leaf got +1 MOV with his last level-up. Seriously. No joke.

Chapter 24x (11-30/215)

Sety is immediately warped to the center room to get rid of the pesky bishops. Most of the team advances the normal way while they are periodically rescued into the center room. Sara unstones Eyvel and Leaf recruits her. Karin gets +1 MOV. Again. Really. Everyone escapes, and Leaf leaves last.

Final Chapter (6/221)

Every group gets one door key. Kein takes down Elf with Killing Edge, Leaf takes down Eins with Blaggi Sword, and Halvan takes down Drei with Brave Axe. Zwolf, Zwei and Funf are all put asleep so they can be dealt with easily. Sety casts Berserk on one of the Berserkers so several of them kill each other, then Leaf kills the remaining few. When everyone is on position the gate opens with Linoan, Sety and Leaf in range. Linoan kills a bishop, Sety kills Veld, and Leaf seizes.


Stats and team review on next post soon.

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Roll Call!


In all of my playthroughs of FE5 this is quite possibly the best Leaf I've gotten. Awesome stats in addition to 11 movement. He did great tanking Axe users and supporting with King Sword. Great job, Leaf!


Great front liner and capturing unit. He crits quite often and Ambush works great. Definitely a good choice for second/third rounds in drafts.


It sucks he needs to carry scrolls around to be good but once he hits a sweetspot he turns out great. One of my best tanks and he even got great bow skills later on. He got Charge and made great use of it.


YOU GO GIRL. Needed a couple of scrolls to boost HP and STR, but her utility is unmatched. Great to shave turns and reach villages. No wonder she's the most popular first pick.


STR and MAG kinda failed me this time around but she did an amazing job with Charisma, healing and killing most of the early bosses. Also she was the first to promote.


Early Warp and healing. Probably the best staff utility the game has. She made goo use of the Blaggi scroll too. Oh, and Repair allowed for Light and Earth swords to be reused.


Helped Leaf save a couple of turns here and there and reach the seize point faster. Hey, she's a Dancer and I say keep her free for future drafts.


Last to promote, but he was OK. Great at capturing and tanking, but too bad he loses lots of potential in indoor maps.


Made great use of that Brave Bow. Leaf and Glade support add a lot to her. Not the best but a great filler unit.


He's OK. Adds a leadership star so that's a plus and he supports Selfina and Kein. Also not the best but great backup.


Now this guy is just BOSS. I've never used him before and was impressed with how he turned out. I mean, he killed Elf! He needed Elite, but after a few levels he was simply unstoppable. Amazing unit.


What can I say? He's Sety. LOLSety. Probably the best lategame unit ever.


Resire + Wrath = INSTANT WIN. She decimated whole squads including the Gelpitter. That in addition to A in Staff makes her a goddess, which is to be expected when you have major Holy Blood.


Bolting utility mainly. Didn't use him much outside of that.


Great first four maps, and she helped around in the final maps by opening a door.

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