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[FE7RR] The Second Half of the Test


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<clipseykitty> Paper, mind hosting a second RR draft? I really wanna try it out.

<Paperblade> uhh

<Paperblade> you can host it

<Paperblade> >_>

<Paperblade> there's nothing stopping you

First, the patch, thanks to SDS: here

With that, here's everything else, courtesy of Paperblade. Any and all errors are his fault.


1. This draft is for 5 players.

2. Athos, Jaffar, Merlinus, Ninian, and Hector are free for all to use.

3. Karel and Eliwood (replace Bartre/Karla) are drafted as a pair.

4. Priscilla and Erk (replace Wallace/Geitz) are drafted as a pair.

5. Jaffar is banned after Chapter 16.

6. The game will be played on HectorAthos Normal Mode.

7. Vaida is banned.


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories, and dig up items in the desert.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors or Chests, talking to Fargus in Chapter 17x, or Seizing Castles in Chapter 25.

3. All Gaiden Chapters except 19xx, 23x and 28x are required to be visited. 23x and 28x may be visited at the player's discretion, and don't count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken per chapter.

4. Other units may do as they please without penalty.

5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out.


1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter.


1. Renault is free for Chapter 11.

2. Louise is free for Chapter 12.

3. Meatshielding is allowed for Chapter 13x.

4. Hawkeye, Isadora, Heath, and Rath are free for Chapter 16.

5. Undrafted Thieves may be used to obtain necessary Promotion items.

[spoiler=CHANGELOG FROM WHAT YOU MIGHT EXPECT]Renault is a "Priest" that uses the Bishop map sprite.

Athos has a Prf tome with the following stats: 9 Might, 80 Hit, 7 Weight, 10 Crit, effective vs. horses/armors

Karla can use the Rapier

Hawkeye can use the Wolf Beil

Pent's growths have been slightly modified: 30->45% Magic, 25->55% Skill, and 30%->20% Defense

Signups (are being done here because I'm a nice person)

1. eclipse

2. 13th

3. The Creeper

4. Kopfjager

5. Lightli


1. eclipse - Harken, Rath, Louise, Florina, Kent, Marcus, Lowen

5. Lightli - Nino, Karel/Eliwood, Legault, Sain, Dart, Wallace, Guy

3. The Creeper - Farina, Karla, Hawkeye, Raven, Priscilla/Erk, Bartre, Matthew

4. Kopfjager - Isadora, Pent, Fiora, Lyn, Serra, Oswin, Rebecca

2. 13th - Renault, Heath, Geitz, Wil, Canas, Lucius, Dorcas

All done~!

And for a list of who replaced who:

Hector - Athos

Matthew - Renault

Eliwood - Karla

Lowen - Vaida

Marcus - Jaffar

Rebecca - Nino

Dorcas - Harken

Bartre - Karel

Oswin - Louise

Serra - Pent

Guy - Farina

Erk - Wallace

Prissy - Geitz

Lyn - Hawkeye

Sain - Heath

Kent - Rath

Wil - Isadora

Florina - Ninian

Raven - Legault

Lucius - Fiora

Canas - Dart

Dart - Canas

Fiora - Lucius

Legault - Raven

Ninian - Florina

Isadora - Wil

Heath - Kent

Rath - Sain

Hawkeye - Lyn

Geitz - Priscilla

Wallace - Erk

Farina - Guy

Pent - Serra

Louise - Oswin

Karel - Bartre

Harken - Dorcas

Nino - Rebecca

Jaffar - Marcus

Vaida - Lowen

Karla - Eliwood

Renault - Matthew

Athos - Hector

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The point of this is for everyone who was interested, but wasn't able to sign up the first time 'round.

Ten data points is better than five.

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Okay, sorry about that!

Random.org, don't fail me now!






. . .alrighty then, I start my own draft.

Let's see what Harken can do!

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I think my main computer died, so I'm on laptop. Furthermore, my connection's being weird.

I'm choosing Louise and Rath, and will edit the OP if my connection doesn't die on me first.

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