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Rate the Unit, Day 31: Wallace


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Rate the Unit, Day 31: Wallace


- Ratings are assumed to be on LHM and HHM. Also, they should be based on when the unit is first available.

- Votes need some explanation to be counted (unless they fall into the general parameters of the average rating, but reasoning is still strongly encouraged on those even if you just wanna quote people) — incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Numbers for votes, please - not something like "Marcus/10", etc.

- Votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Makes it easy to calculate, please and thank you~!

- Make votes easily visible, please~! ##Vote:

- Every ranking phase ends approximately at 20:00 EST. Do the math for your timezone.

Scores (in ascending order)

Wil: 1.85

Bartre: 2.78

Rebecca: 2.84

Dart: 3.86

Dorcas: 4.19

Rath: 4.28

Canas: 5.07

Eliwood: 5.34

Guy: 5.71

Erk: 6.01

Lyn: 6.07

Matthew: 6.17

Serra: 6.27

Geitz: 6.50

Legault: 6.55

Oswin: 6.98

Lowen: 6.71

Lucius: 6.94

Hawkeye: 7.21

Isadora: 7.24

Hector: 7.63

Heath: 7.67

Fiora: 7.99

Kent: 8.17

Priscilla: 8.38

Raven: 8.39

Florina: 8.41

Ninian/Nils: 8.80

Sain: 8.83

Marcus: 9.63


Wallace. Well first off, he doesn't get any bonus attractive points. Um, I don't talk much, but really, if you play through LHM, his Knight Crest is far better on Sainadin or Kentadin. And well, without that crest, um, he kind of sucks. Now, with it - why would you not give it to him is a good point, he's just... mediocre. And well, I dunno about factoring in his availability, but yeah. 2/10

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0/10. No reason to use him, let alone go to the map where you can recruit him - he's just THAT bad.

Actually, it's easier to low turn Llyod's version of FFO than Linus's, which is a decent reason. But you're right that there's no reason to use him.

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To be fair, if you kill off Wallace in LHM he'll respawn as a promoted unit in HHM even if you didn't give him the Crest. Unfortunately, he still sucks really really bad and visiting his chapter prevents you from getting Geitz, who's a much better unit. Easily one of the worst units in the game.


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To be fair, if you kill off Wallace he's actually a better unit for it.

Yes, I know you said more than this, but that's what I got out of it. This amused me GREATLY. :D

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Ah, Wallace...One of the many FE characters whose personality I enjoy, yet I can't bring myself to use them. He comes later than Oswin, is already promoted (unless you were on LHM and didn't use the Knight Crest), and has worse growths rates than Oswin. Additionally, he comes on the version of a chapter that has Fog, which is a pain.

That said, he has a few redeeming factors. He comes with A-rank Lance and his own Silver Lance, plus his Defense is pretty big, which allows him to meatshield, if nothing else. Also, he's easy to recruit, as many units can talk to him, and he's an Other unit, so he won't attack you.

3/10 because I like his personality, and he comes with a Silver Lance and an Elixir

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Actually, it's easier to low turn Llyod's version of FFO than Linus's, which is a decent reason. But you're right that there's no reason to use him.

I'll concede that it's easier to low-turn Lloyd's FFO. That being said, though, I'd rather go to a chapter whre I can actually see what I'm fighting.

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He has an interesting personality in FE7x. Also, he was useful in LNM the first few times you play through the game when you're 9 years old, which shouldn't count, but If I had failed to beat Lyn mode I might not be playing fire emblem today so...


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He's a funny character.

But he's pretty terrible, as a unit. Terrible combat, terrible bases, and his durability means nothing when he doesn't get anywhere and he kinda doesn't wanna live through his own HHM join chapter half the time and it's not because enemies are dicks either. 0.5/10 because he brings you a nice Crest in LHM so you can have Sainadin or Kentadin.

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anal prolapse 0/10

I thought we'd be seeing -5 from dondon :XD:

Someone tell me.

What can Wallace do, that is unique.

We have many brick-like units that are better at this point.

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