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Affinity thing


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Changing a character to have the tactician's name involves repointing some crap. Just using the [Tact] text code or whatever it is doesn't work. Buuut, I agree it is pretty hard, and I don't think it can be repointed easily :P I just thought it'd be cute/fun, since I have a MyUnit character.

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Really...? ;.; I thought the changing the name was that simple...but yeah I know that someone tried to find a way to change affinity on FEshrine but I don't think they ever made any progress

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There's some routine that checks if the unit gets the tactician bonus, by comparing that unit's affinity with the value loaded from memory. Using a similar method to the [Tact] thing (ie, take a raw text offset and repoint it to the tactician name's space in memory), one could, in theory, dynamically write a unit's affinity by reading the tact's birth month the same way. The problem here is that nobody except like hextator has the ASM knowledge necessary to do so (although I will sooner or later).

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...okay on second thought it'll be harder than I thought, because one would have to code an entirely new routine to write the affinity byte as according to the tact stuff. It's not as simple as a text array which is a pointer (since pointers can be pointed into memory).

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Ahh. I thought that at first but I decided to trust you cause you have a generally better understanding of things ASM and programming than me :P I just figured it out by looking at the Nightmare module so yeah. :$

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I would suppose that the ideal would be to make it so that the birth month you pick affects the class that your "tactician" ends up as (you could then change the names of the months to correspond), but that would probably be even more difficult.

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I would suppose that the ideal would be to make it so that the birth month you pick affects the class that your "tactician" ends up as (you could then change the names of the months to correspond), but that would probably be even more difficult.

That would be pretty awesome as well, but yeah. Pretty much :(

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It'd be pretty much the same except there would be a grand total of twelve classes to choose from. Hell, it'd be even easier since one could just directly write the byte from memory, no kerjiggering with January = Knight and June also = Knight and everything.

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It would still be somewhat complex since there's an entire new routine to write (and I'm not confident enough in my ASM yet) and call, but it'd be easier than writing it for affinity, where I have to extra work to ensure that June and January give the same result (I dunno if this is actually the case but for the sake of example because I know that some months share affinity)

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