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Fe5 Advice.


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I just started playing this Gem, on ELite mode.

Now, I tried it a while back and have forgotten whats good and bad.


Characters I'm planning on using














Characters I want to use, but don't have an idea how to use/Know IF they're worth using



















Forget it



Also, what are the reccomended items to bring to manster.

And, anything else I need to know, that would make things easier?

Like if it's worth it leaving Dagda with fresh full use weapons at the end of ch3?

Or scroll useage?

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1: Fight things, kill people.

2: Rotate team as fatigue demands.

Seriously, you're doing this on Elite Mode. Just go up and don't let people die and you'll be fine.

(or follow my video lp)


It's on my To-watch list.

Due to the laptop I'm currently using

Which doesn't let me watch online videos or use flash/java apps.

Also, Using Karin, and plan on boosting her Build.

Ronan seems interesting, I may try to scroll abuse him.

Marty really confuses me.

With aa little scroll abuse and early promotion, it appears that he can become good.

But, I hear otherwise, often

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Hicks is a complete badass (But he's my favorite character, so I'm extremely biased). E in swords is a bummer, though. Give him the Sety scroll to fix his Speed, though. I like giving him the Elite and Wrath scrolls, though there are better candidates.

Both Axe Knights are pretty good, if you're not Warp-skipping everything. Brighton has Wrath and a higher Sword rank, but Hicks' stats are better.

Otherwise, Carrion has great growths, but is slow to develop. Selphina's fail squad sucks, but Selphina herself is nice to have with the Brave Bow. Eyvel dissapears early on, so you don't keep her long. Ralph has nice bases; he's an excellent filler character.

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How do Glade and Fred do?

Also, is Galzus worth it?

Glade and Fred are both average midgame filler. Glade's a bit better since he has a leadership stars and A rank in lances means he can use some of the rarer lances around with little competition.

Galzus is totally fine for the lategame chapters. He doesn't use staves, but him being able to attack something almost guarantees a kill.

Edited by Dio
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Get Galzus because he's a badass. Plenty of people have done it with base Mareeta so it's not an issue, if you need to use a shot of rescue then do so.

Though it was pretty satisfying to march up a 10+ move Mareeta (I love you RNG) and just talk like nobody's business.

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Is Galzus really that usable by the time you get him, though? Was Leidrick's chapter right before the final one? I don't quite remember

that's why you play Genealogy of Ayra and use him for the entire game :p

He joins with 3 stats capped and other stats at monstrous levels.

Also, what are the better items to bring to Manster.

I know I'm bringing the KE I got from capturing SHiva, a hand axe, Fire Sword, Light sword and maybe a steel sword.

Anything else?

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How do Glade and Fred do?

Also, is Galzus worth it?

Both Glade and Fred are alright. Glade has some nice perks; his bases are higher, has an A in Lances, and gets a 20% support bonus from Selphina. He supports Selphina and her idiot squad, and gives a tiny Leadership bonus to everyone. Fred has a bit lower bases, but gets a support bonus from Olwen and has an A in Swords. I prefer Fred, because Glade's E in Swords hurts him really badly indoors, whereas Fred has access to every sword from the start.

Galzus is amazing, for the couple chapters he's in.

Also, what are the better items to bring to Manster.

I know I'm bringing the KE I got from capturing SHiva, a hand axe, Fire Sword, Light sword and maybe a steel sword.

Anything else?

You don't need that much for Manster. I typically bring the Killing Edge, Light Sword, Lockpick, and and Iron Sword. If you gave Leaf the Life and Speed Rings, he's fantastic in Manster and doesn't need anything more than his Light Sword. It might be worth taking the Armorslayer or Hammer, but really, taking too much will make Chapter 4 more difficult.

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They are (hammers/armour killers) handy for capturing equipment. But then again I capture like crazy regardless, hoarding everything, so it may not be necessary to do it in the dungeons, necessarily ._.

Edited by Celice
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Fine to use, sure, but saying that he's no worse than most other characters is quite the understatement.

He starts off slightly below average and quickly winds up right on par with everyone else. I may have exaggerated slightly; the main point I'm trying to convey is that those of the "Marty is terrible" crowd are underrating him to a disgusting extent with no basis in reality - at least, for casual runs.

Edited by Othin
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Marty is w1n.

Getting 4-6RKOed in the first chapter, and 2hkoing everything.

Now, he just Procced skill in his first 2 levels here.


On a side not, Halvan has grown 3 levels, and not one point of skill, speed, or strength has he gained. >_>.

On another note, Dagda, Othin, and Eyvel are ridiculous.

When I rescue Dagda from being stoned, he's going to the final

If not, then Marty is.

Oh, and fuck Xavier.

Despite awesome Bases, his recruitment is :facepalm:

Is Eyvel decent for the Final chapter?

And, is Elite a good idea for Karin/Mareeta?

And what about using Eda?

I don't know much about her.

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Is Eyvel decent for the Final chapter?

And, is Elite a good idea for Karin/Mareeta?

And what about using Eda?

I don't know much about her.

Not really. She doubles everything still, but she's not very durable or very strong.

Definitely Karin. If you wish to have Mareeta grow up faster, do consider the Elite Sword, which also works when not fighting, such as healing with a Troubadour or stealing with a Thief.

Eda sadly comes at the same time as Dean, who is much better. By then you should also have a nice Karin, so Eda feels obsolete.

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Karin benefits from it more than Mareeta, though Mareeta can take the Elite sword and whack a few heads if you wanna do that . It's not that hard to get her to at least level up once or even twice in her join chapter if you're just going casual since she faces her favourite enemy type there, and she's pretty fun to use if you're not blitzing through chapters, but Karin does have flying and all that jazz and yadayada over her.

And Evayle isn't worth it for endgame, but I rescue her because I'm a perfectionist.

Edit: Dio beat me to Elite Sword herp

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Ronan seems interesting, I may try to scroll abuse him.

Marty really confuses me.

With aa little scroll abuse and early promotion, it appears that he can become good.

Protip: everyone in the game will be good with scroll abuse. If you're willing to go out of your way to use Marty and Ronan, you might as well just use whoever you like, rather defeating the point of making this thread in the first place.

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He starts off slightly below average

Understatement. Marty can't reach a level of spd that allows him to possibly double anyone (even assuming one glues the Sety scroll to him) until promotion. His durability is not outstandingly superior to Othin or Halvan, and his accuracy is terrible. I can understand if you think that Marty turns out decent (due to the promotion gains), but his start is downright terrible. It doesn't help that he's missing entirely from chapter 4 to half of chapter 8, and then he needs to scoot his way until promotion after that.

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