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I don't think Olwen has vulneraries, and if she does she doesn't use them.

I know that it doesn't take too long for Fred to get there, but she has to survive for three turns, and you have to do a ton of fighting in the starting corridor. I just don't like going through all that fighting for two turns only to restart on the third because Olwen doesn't have a speed stat.

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If you're not playing for turns, you can clean up the soldiers with Fred, but not free Olwen until you kill the boss. That way you don't risk losing the kids to the boss' long range magic, and I believe the reinforcements stop if you kill the boss.

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I actually did try that before I saw your post, but it backfired. If I don't leave Fred to guard Olwen, the reinforcements will kill her (and there's no way I could get to the boss and take him out before the first wave of reinforcements). But if I leave Fred in front of the cell, he'll get killed by Oltaf for sure.

The last time I did the chapter, I did clear the map and rescue the civilians, and the only casualty was Fred who died protecting Olwen. If it were possible to give him a scroll, it'd be fine.

I don't actually want to use a warp staff; I just wanted to be sure that that was the only guaranteed way to save Olwen.

I've never had any problems keeping Olwen alive. Move faster, maybe?

It only takes two turns for her to die. I don't think it's possible to Fred to get to her that quickly unless his movement stars (if he has them, I don't know) activate. She might not always get killed that fast, but it happens half the time I play the map.

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It must just be a bad RNG String. Olwen has 25 evade 10 spd, 5 luck) to begin with and Javelins have 50 hit rate, Soldiers have awful stats including skill so it's likely they aren't even looking at 40 hit on her even with Oltophs one leadership star. Being generous and saying they have 40 hit on her there's only about 16% chance she'll die in two turns.

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Since this thread is up, I might as well ask for some advice myself.

I just started playing this, NOT on elite mode, and I'm on chapter 8. It's a bitch, but I figure I'll get through it somehow.

I have two questions:

1. I noticed that weapons do not go away once they're broken. Is there any other way to repair them besides the Repair staff?

2. Since I'm playing this on a PSP, I do not have ready access to a list of the Crusader scrolls. Is there any way to gauge what they do in-game, and who should get them?

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I have two questions:

1. I noticed that weapons do not go away once they're broken. Is there any other way to repair them besides the Repair staff?

2. Since I'm playing this on a PSP, I do not have ready access to a list of the Crusader scrolls. Is there any way to gauge what they do in-game, and who should get them?

1. Nope.

2. I don't think it's stated in game, but for who should get them :

Hezul : Pass this one around a lot. +30% HP is very good for everyone and the -10% luck means little.

Baldo : Filler.

Sety : Great for Asvel early on. After the Manster arc, give it to your slower units.

Odo : Anyone with low skill, really, since it only buffs that.

Neir : Thieves and Karin love it. You could pair the Odo scroll to negate the skill growth loss, but it's not necessary.

Fala : Filler.

Heim : Anything that uses magic. You get a lot of low level magic units after getting the scroll, such as Salem, Tina, Homeros, Linoan and Sara.

Dain : Possibly the best scroll in the game. High defense bonus, some movement (!) for a minor speed loss. Pass it around.

Ulir : Filler.

Blagi : Really unlucky units I suppose.

Noba : Probably best on Leaf, since he promotes right after you get it and chances are he could use some of the buffs the scroll gives.

Tordo : Filler.

Also keep in mind that scrolls work like Iron Runes and will protect you from non-Wrath criticals.

Edited by Dio
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I'm on chapter 12x now, but what makes Salem target your units in chapter 12? I never figured it out. When I beat the chapter (the only run where I got everyone into the forest ASAP instead of turtling up at the starting point), he didn't use the sleep staff for a while. I assumed I was safe but then, eight or so turns into the chapter, he suddenly put Dagda (who was in the forest) to sleep. I stuck Bryton outside the forest so he would get targeted, but then Salem used the staff on Othin (right when I was luring out the warrior boss). What was his deal?

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He probably targets your strongest/toughest units.

At any rate, chapter 12 is a good one to warpskip. You send Asvel to capture Salem and hold the fort while Leaf comes in to seize. Kolho, the mini boss around the middle area, has an Ambush Manual which may prove useful.

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But what is it that determines when he attacks? When I beat the chapter, he didn't attack my characters for several turns. I assumed it was because he wouldn't target people in the forest or something, but then he eventually started putting people to sleep anyway. On every other attempt (when I didn't stick everyone but Olwen, Saphy, and Karin in the forest), he used the sleep staff on the first three enemy phases. I'm asking because I'm sure the sleep staff will come up again later.

I noticed the Ambush manual, and I did get it on one of my failed attempts, but I decided not to field Lifis on the winning run so I just left it. I did sort of want it, but I don't know if it was worth replaying the chapter (like the leg ring was).

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But what is it that determines when he attacks? When I beat the chapter, he didn't attack my characters for several turns. I assumed it was because he wouldn't target people in the forest or something, but then he eventually started putting people to sleep anyway. On every other attempt (when I didn't stick everyone but Olwen, Saphy, and Karin in the forest), he used the sleep staff on the first three enemy phases. I'm asking because I'm sure the sleep staff will come up again later.

I noticed the Ambush manual, and I did get it on one of my failed attempts, but I decided not to field Lifis on the winning run so I just left it. I did sort of want it, but I don't know if it was worth replaying the chapter (like the leg ring was).

I think the programming is just screwy. I've asked this question before once when I was playing fe5. I've wondered if it has anything to do with if he can "see" you, and I think he's more likely to sleep you if you torch or if the enemies are close enough that you would be "visible" to them, but I suspect it's all just coincidence that he ignored me when I didn't torch and didn't ignore me when I did.

Eventually it just became too much of a pain to try to figure out and I warped.

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I remember on my SSS run, I wanted to capture him and seize with one warp, which meant not capturing him until Turn 2 since Fin has to carry Leaf. I wanted to get all three uses of the staff, so I kept resetting until he didn't use it the first turn; it took a while for him to hold off on even that turn, and I don't remember doing anything interesting the time when he didn't use it, but it worked. So I'm almost certain there's a random element.

It's also worth noting that even when I had Leaf and Fin sitting in his face, I don't think he ever did anything to them on that turn.

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Personally I never felt the use of a Life Ring on her. Promote Asvel ASAP (preferably late in chapter 6, unless you want to use him for experience in chapter 7) to get another good competant staff unit, and don't forget Nanna.

If Leaf didn't get the first Life Ring, it might not be a bad idea to give it to him. The second one can go for Asvel.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I kind of want the Master Axe in chapter 14. Is it worth a Thief staff use?

Try putting the boss to sleep on turn one and capture it later.

Otherwise, no, it's not worth a Thief staff use. 16A has a few Cavaliers with Sleep Swords. Steal one, trade it to someone who can use it, scratch the second cavalier, trade, do it with the third cavalier.

28 free uses of 1 RNG Sleep.

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Try putting the boss to sleep on turn one and capture it later.

Otherwise, no, it's not worth a Thief staff use. 16A has a few Cavaliers with Sleep Swords. Steal one, trade it to someone who can use it, scratch the second cavalier, trade, do it with the third cavalier.

28 free uses of 1 RNG Sleep.

The Sleep Sword has 20 weight though, you'd be better off using the sleep staff to put one of them to sleep for the first one.

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