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What's the most efficient way to take out the enemies in the arena with Evayle? I don't know how I got past them the first time, but I'm not having any luck with them. There's no way to keep the swordmaster from coming out, and he seems to be unbeatable without letting him capture someone (and then he just runs away anyway).

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In chapter 5, she can at least defeat the initial 3 starting enemies (the merc, general, and warrior). The "easiest" way is to keep restarting the chapter until she can double both the warrior and the merc, or she can 2HKO the merc with her Iron Blade. Then it's just a matter of holing her up with Nanna near the door and hoping that she doesn't miss too often.

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Eyvale is programmed to always lose the arena fight, just as she's programmed to be invincible in the first 4 chapters.

In chapter 5, she can at least defeat the initial 3 starting enemies (the merc, general, and warrior). The "easiest" way is to keep restarting the chapter until she can double both the warrior and the merc, or she can 2HKO the merc with her Iron Blade. Then it's just a matter of holing her up with Nanna near the door and hoping that she doesn't miss too often.

I didn't know those fights were rigged against her, but that isn't actually my problem. I have no issue getting Evayle and Nanna into a corner until Mareeta comes along, but my problem is that I can't consistently take out the leftover arena enemies after I open the door to save Nanna. I might be able to do it if I could keep Evayle from killing the first few enemies, but the swordmaster and the last enemy that comes out before Galzus are too much for anyone in my group.

Evayle has gotten killed by some of the first enemies once or twice, but those were just unlucky situations that I couldn't have planned around - she survives most of the time. Even if I did just have her kill the first few enemies, someone still has to deal with the last two.

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I'm not too clear on exactly what triggers the enemies in the arena to appear. Judging by the information listed on WoD, the SM only appears on the enemy phase after 2 of the original starting enemies have been defeated. I've always timed it so that the general and merc are defeated on the same "turn" (e.g. general is defeated on EP and merc is defeated on PP of the following turn), and then I open the door immediately afterwards, preventing the other arena enemies from appearing.

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Thanks for the advice. In the end, I guess I got lucky on that chapter because the berserker retreated as soon as I let Nanna out.

About chapter 6: is it safe to just escape as fast as possible (using Karin to visit the villages) or should I be fighting enemies to get experience?

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Thanks for the advice. In the end, I guess I got lucky on that chapter because the berserker retreated as soon as I let Nanna out.

About chapter 6: is it safe to just escape as fast as possible (using Karin to visit the villages) or should I be fighting enemies to get experience?

My suggestion is to cheese it before turn 15 at the very latest, because Galzus shows up and you do not want to face him at this point in the game(seriously, do you REALLY want to fight a dude with capped str/skl/spd, 5 movement stars, and Luna/Astra?) That being said, you should gun for the escape paths as quickly as you can, and be off the map by turn 10-12(I was able to get off by turn 11, with all houses visited and all units successfully evacuated.)

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You can fight a good chunk of the northern enemies on your way out, and just ferry them over the wall for safety. Karin and drop a unit in and out to pick off some others and pick up houses. This chapter is actually pretty easy. It's just a matter of time.

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It doesn't really matter for chapter 6; the method using Karin is more elegant, but if you just blow through the town square, you can capture a couple of Physic staves while you're at it (if you're not playing Elite Mode, this is also a good way to get Asvel to level 10).

Edited by dondon151
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I did finish the chapter on my first try and I did get everything with Karin, but I only killed one enemy (I'm not even sure if I could have fought the northern army - I used Dalsin as a wall to keep them out, but I didn't even use Asvel to kill any of them because I was afraid of the stronger ones and mages taking Dalsin out).

Asvel is already at level 10 and I did get at least one libro staff from one of the priests in the last chapter. I was just worried that I really needed the experience from the enemies in that chapter. I have a save at the beginning of it if I need to go back.

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The only part of the game I actually have trouble with is the Cyas chapter. And it's not even trouble. I just wait the tons of turns for him to leave 'cause it's even easier than taking him on. Other than that... it's all manageable. There is never a need for warpskipping.

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It depends on how close he is relative to Leaf's group (number of turns of movement) - if he's closer to Fin, then he'll go that way instead. Have them wait just slightly south of their starting point for a couple of turns and most of the swordfighters (and Shiva) will go towards Fin instead, who kills them easily with the Hero Lance.

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Try to soften him up with others and capture him using a Hero weapon. You don't really need to capture him in a single fight.

If a defense of 14 is too hard to break through, try some of your magic weapons like the Light/Fire/Earth Swords.

I did try (although I couldn't have used Nanna and the Light Sword is nearly depleted), but I didn't have anyone who could do significant damage without (probably) killing him. I did capture him with a few lucky criticals from Fin.

How much is losing the leg ring in chapter 8x going to hurt me? I didn't know I needed lockpicks, so I only managed to get the Neir scroll and a few other things (and Lifis's speed wasn't high enough to take the boss's lockpicks). Should I redo the chapter?

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How much is losing the leg ring in chapter 8x going to hurt me? I didn't know I needed lockpicks, so I only managed to get the Neir scroll and a few other things (and Lifis's speed wasn't high enough to take the boss's lockpicks). Should I redo the chapter?

You could always restart. The ring is fairly useful on Karin but not 100% necessary. Essentially it allows her to go through the range of a single ballista and destroy it easily, though she'll likely need a Javelin to do that when unpromoted.

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