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[FE8] The Second Infantry Draft


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Yep. Thanks Crash and Integ for this idea. I won't play, as I am overloaded, but I want to host it.

I may playthrough with the team with Dozla and/or Ewan.


1. This draft is for 3 players.

2. Eirika/Ephraim, Garcia, Tethys, Orson, and Myrrh are free for all to use.

2a. Natasha is free for Chapter 5.

3. Mounted units are banned from drafting. More details are given below.

4. The game will be played on Hard Mode.


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories and dig up items in the desert.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, and opening Doors or Chests.

3. Map shopping is allowed.

4. Skirmishes/use of the Tower or Ruins is disallowed. Skirmishes that are blocking your path may be activated and immediately fled from.

4a. Trainees can get themselves to 10/1/0 in the Tower though and you can bring undrafted/mounted units with them.

5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out.

6. Warp is banned


1. Undrafted units and mounted units (That aren't free for the chapter) have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter.

2. Seth has a special 8 turn penalty per chapter.

Mounted Unit Rule Exceptions/Details:

1. Eirika and Ephraim may promote, any other unit that has a choice between a mounted promotion and an unmounted promotion has to chose the unmounted one (i.e. Gilliam has to go General, Lute has to go Sage, Natasha has to go Bishop and Gerik has to go Hero).

2. Mounted units can still be deployed and used to do all the things undrafted units can do (like recruit people and Trade) so Vanessa may be still be used to Rescue Ross in Chapter 2, as an example.

3. Franz is free for Chapter 1.

4. Kyle and Forde are free for Chapter 5x.

1: Integrity

2: Refa

3: The Creeper

Drafting Order+Teams

1: Integ: Artur, Ross, Joshua, Neimi, Marisa, Amelia

2: Creeper: Colm, Moulder, Innes, Natasha, Dozla, Ewan

3: Refa: Gerik, Saleh, Lute, Gilliam, Knoll, Rennac

Because I want to...

1: Integrity: :Artur: , Ross, :Joshua: , Neimi , :Marisa:, :Amelia:

2: Creeper: Colm , Moulder , :Innes: , :Natasha: , :Dozla:, :Ewan:

3: Refa: :Gerik: , Saleh , Lute , Gilliam , :KnollRoll: , CAN RECK

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Well, I'm starting.

Prologue- 2/2 turns

Yay, I did the standard 2 turn exploit. Fun for the family!

Chapter 1- 5/7 turns

This one was extremely easy with all of the non Seth characters useable. Thanks Franz!

Chapter 2- 5/12 turns

This one was slightly more annoying, but apparently Gilliam can get some kills with the Slim Lance! Who knew. I also gave Garcia some kills after Vanessa rescued him and Ross. Yay! Oh, and Gilliam procced speed. YES.

Chapter 3- 7/19 turns

It happened. I did well on it. The thief managed to survive, the bastard. Besides that though, everything else went well.

Chapter 4- 5/24 turns

5 turning this made me tear my hair out. I had to give Garcia a Steel Axe so he could ORKO the boss. Eirika and Gilliam went down while Garcia soloed the east side. Gilliam went back north and Eirika went to recruit Lute.



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Your Gilliam already proc'd more speed than mine did in my entire run and you're only in chapter 4 :(

Your Gilliam must have gotten really screwed. laugh.gif Mine is only about average (4.5 is the average). Wierdly enough, we've had the exact same team until Chapter 5 (well, Chapter 6, Natasha is free for Chapter 5).

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