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Wil & Rebecca Duo LHM+HHM Run!


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Do you really need to know WHY I'm doing this? Of course not. Am I going to succeed save some ridiculous miracle? Of course not. Thanks goes to V-Raven for the partial inspiration for this run.

LHM Summary:

Although turn counts don't matter in this case (they're going to be HORRIBLE and I'll post the final turn count for the lawls if I ever end up beating this), I did do efficiency until Wil came into the picture. Wil's starting chapter sucked because of his bases, but it was relatively easy past that point. Chapters 7x (yeah, I managed to meet the reqs with a Wil solo...lol), 8, and 9 were a little bit annoying because I insta-lose if Wil is ever surrounded by enemies, but it wasn't too hard once I worked out a way around it. I used both the Angelic Robe and the Energy Ring on Wil, for sure; the Energy Ring was only able to be retrieved by luring a bandit with Florina (but stripping her of weapons and never having her enter combat); yeah, yeah, it's stretching it a bit, but whatever. Wil got up to 19.56 (I forgot to check stats beforehand, so I'll update this post with them when he joins back). There was no Lungdren abuse; he did that naturally (getting a little less than two levels by Lundgren). Btw, LHM enemies are so pathetic that they mostly TINKED Wil...hilarious, really.

**Stats to be posted later**

Chapter 11:

Nothing of note, really. No archers, nothing special. Moving on!

Chapter 12:

Coming soon.

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Sounds pretty interesting. However, once Rebecca gets up to speed and if Wil has decent stats, it shouldn't be too hard, since keeping them back-to-back and getting them surrounded means that they'll just kill everything anyway. Post stats, please?

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I'd recommend making meatshields free in the early chapters where Rebecca like 5HKO's stuff and is 2HKO'd

Otherwise, gl;hf

I will have meatshields free in Birds of a Feather and 13x, at least; the former is partially because it's impossible NOT to have meatshields in that chapter. C12 is still a gigantic bitch even with them -- my big issue is that Hector keeps on dying (I'm not shitting you...I didn't even know he COULD die on this chapter o.O).

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In the Raven, Priscilla and Rebecca run I did, I used all the characters as normal, just feeding kills to Rebecca so she was the highest-levelled unit by the time I got all 3 units recruited. And from there, I used Hector as a meatshield wherever it was unavoidable.

If you do it like that, you can get Rebecca up to about Lv9 by the time Wil comes along.

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Have fun in COD and VOD

The lategame chapters shouldn't even be too huge of a problem. By that point, both archers/snipers will be 20/20 and well above par, as far as archers go. Also, both levels have ballista, which could be funny to use.

Levels until promotion are going to be the worst.

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