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Hector Mode Casual Play

Cain Magnus

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Chapter 13x:

(3:03 for battle)

Allowed Hector to stay in the area around the center to protect Merlinus, seeing as he's about three levels higher than everyone else other than Oswin and Marcus. Decided to let Rebecca, Eliwood, and Lowen get more combat. Pretty quick chapter, as well as getting that 5000 Gold in the top right side.

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Chapter 14:

5:11 is where you can see my current ranks. Just in case you 'only' want to see the map battle (Which starts at 6:02):

Tactics: * * * (wat o_O)

Survival: * * * * *

Funds: * * * * *

EXP: * * * * *

Combat: * * * * *

Dunno how Tactics dropped by two whole stars, as I've completed every chapter under the required turns for 5 stars.

Anyway, I pretty much bomb rushed this chapter, due to it not being difficult at all. So now on after this chapter, everyone I've selected should be good on their own after this chapter. I'm going to test it out in Talons Alight (I believe that's Hector's extra chapter's name) and only deploy only the units that are supposed to be trained seriously...everyone I have so far anyway.

Also...lol, good job on the level up, Erk.

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Chapter 15:

(2:42 for map battle)

For those who skipped:

Tactics: * * * *

Survival: * * * * *

Funds: * * * * *

EXP...... * * * * *

Combat. * * * * *

Even though I've never played this chapter before, it was pretty straightforward.

Edited by Magnus Blade
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Chapter 17:

(2:19 for battle)

Received my four stars back in tactics. I forgot my turn count, but it was way below 17, that's for sure. Now I finally got Raven. I had no idea in Hector mode that he actually comes at you as you get closer...that certainly was a surprise. o_O

Port of Badon is coming right up. It's almost done uploading.

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Chapter 17x:

(Skip to 4:45)

Well, since that stupid pirate was in Hector's way, I didn't catch the 5 turn to talk to Fargus...at least I got 4 starts for it anyway and all of the items.

I was also taking a chance and taking them all on in one big mob. But thanks to dumb luck, no one died after so many near death experiences at least half of my units deployed suffered. Ah, well...I'm not complaining, since it's all good.

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Bah...a week late. But it can't be helped.

Chapter 19:


Nothing much to say here other than Uhai being even more irritating to kill this time around.

Chapter 20:


I just said screw 19xx, as I honestly didn't feel like breaking my mind for a strategy to kill him while keeping a low turn count. Also, since I accidentally forgot to check my rankings on this one:

* * * *

* * * * *

* * * * *

* * * * *

* * * * *

What's with Tactics...? Can't seem to get that fifth star for nothing. XD I've pretty much beaten all the chapters (Save Port of Badon) under the required turn count.

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