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Dat Nick

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Didn't even realize you left me one, this system's kinda weird. Also what how have more people not seen that. It's a meme everywhere on the internet. Or do you mean real life? I actually was Tommy Wiseau for Halloween. I got a wig. Spreading the word.

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Hey bblader. Remember when I used to stubbornly defend Bishop Moulder > Sage Moulder and that Wallace used to be decent? Okay, I didn't expect you to.

Welcome back, anyway. Feel free to continue your debating career. It's fun to have veteran debaters. ;o

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No, I actually do remember stuff about Bishop Moulder. Kinda. Maybe a bit of Wallace, too. Don't 100% recognize your screenname, though.

And no. 100% retired from debating. Even if I wind up staying, which I am starting to consider, I'm not going back to that. Never would have gotten as close as I am to someone outside of Serenes if I stayed the way I was. That life's behind me. I hate debating and I hate what it made me. That thing I posted in the OP, that's what I do now, that's where my heart is.

Edited by Tommy Wiseau
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I remember you. Just not from debating. Dat Mia, huh?

Fair enough. Dat Mia indeed. Unless it's a negative connotation, in which case eviscerate your corpse, you'll wish you were never brought into this world, etc etc

Anyhow, good to see you again.

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