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Return of the Emblem Chapter Eight: Affairs of the World


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Norbert led the Rexian's horse back to where the majority of the group was. "If there's a healer free, this woman could use some help!" he called around to see if any were free. There were some others strewn about, too, so he added, "And a lot of our own are probably dying, too."

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Two more fell, but the last and most likely weakest member of the enemy combat team was allowed to live to go and hamper others, an oversight that now, as Blake looked around, was rather common in this conflict. There were at least 3 lone enemies fighting the party, and none of them seemed to have been injured. Why were they being overlooked? Ugh, that would have to be something he'd bring to Raquel's attention after this bout. For now, the stragglers needed to be dealt with, the swordsman decided, as a stray bolt flew by him. But then, there was the poison that just kept going. He was running out of strength. John flew around to seemingly cover him, but just as he did so, the enemy swordsman approached. The wyvern rider's timely arrival allowed Blake to sneak around as the Rexian was preoccupied with breaking his weapon against the wyvern's scales. While the myrmidon turned, the sell sword delivered two might slashes which knocked his victim to the sand, coated in crimson. Victorious, the mercenary took a moment to catch his breath.


[4,4,6] = Hit! 9-13 = Tink! John loses one speed and an unscratched ride!

[3,3,4] = hit! 8-13 = Tink! John gains another scratch!

And 3 points, since he was a bro.


VS Activates! STR and SKL +2 while HP -2!

MT is 11. Hit is 15.

[6,3,3] = Critical! 2(14-1) = 26 points of damage! Myrmidon A is defeated!

Team RPG gains 5 Points!

Blake 2/15

Myrmidon 0/15

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Mireille raised he lance skyward and unleashed a bolt of electricity hopping to snatch the attention of a fighter towards her direction so that her fellow companions could sneak in an attack...alas, the unatural targetting method caused the bolt to fly up into the sky...and sear a helpless vulture that had arrived too early for a meal.

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3419084/ 2,3,5 (ranged attack)


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Chelsea could feel her strength return to her and she made a mental note to hug Sophia later... And also to instruct Nadya to leaver some people to fight. Regardless, she felt like she could revive another one of her teammates, however she felt inclined to help Norbert with the new girl from Sanctuary. Pressing the blunt part of her staff onto the girl's chest, she transferred her energy to the girl. Once done she sighed loudly, "I can't take much more of this. If this keeps up we'll-" Chelsea was cut short as the troubadour began to cough violently.

Chelsea revived Tiba

Tina 4/15 HP

Chelsea team gains 3 points!

(Ooc: Thanks Acacia!!)

Edited by GoD
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Final Stand

Raquel was feeling fine after Chelsea's healing, and she noted that they still had enemies to take down, so she began empowering Blake again so he could take down anyone who was reasonably close by. She also dispelled the poison in his body. She didn't know he'd been poisoned for certain, but she wanted to make sure nothing was wrong.

Raquel uses Bard ability!

-2 hp

Raquel hp 16/18

Raquel uses Restore Staff on Blake!

All status ailments removed!

Meanwhile Gabbie ran over to help out Nika who'd once again picked a fight with a large axe fighter. "What's your beef with burly foighters, Veronika?!" she yelled, half seriously as she cut between the two, swept the fighter's leg forcing him down to one knee, and then ramming him in the side with her lance! "Grrrr ... just doie already!" she yelled at the fighter just before he threw her off and tried to take a swing at her. She swung wildly to block it and force him back this time. "Uhhh ... now would be a good toime for somebody to flank this guuuuy." she called out.

Gabbie attacks Fighter B! Rolls 5,4,2




Fighter B counters! Rolls 1,2,3



Gabbie hp 18/18

Fighter B hp 1/24

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"<"Urgh... what the...?"> Faatina groaned, finding herself not quite where she used to be, and in quite a deal of pain.

Forgetting about using common entirely, she turned to Norbert.

<"The fight is not yet done."> She said, biting back the pain and charging an injured fighter. Lashing out with her lance, the fighter found the blade tore easily through his neck, beheading him. Wheeling around, Faatina swung towards a nearby Horseman, managing to leave a deep gash down the man's side. he managed to loose his shot before the hit struck home, however, and the arrow found it's mark, burying itself into her midsection, causing her to slump over, not receiving the mercy of unconsciousness to quell the pain. Apparently, the horseman either thought her dead or was too wounded to fire another shot, however, as the killing blow never came.

<"D-damn it..."> Faatina muttered under her breath.

Tina(5,3,5) Autohit! 10 mt - 2 def = 8 damage!

Fighter B is down!



Tina(3,1,3) Autohit! 8 Mt - 0 Def, 8 damage!

Horseman(4,1,1) 10 hit - 6 evd, hit! 7 Mt - 5 Def, 2 Damage! Critical Hit!


Tina +5 points(Kill)

Tina -5 points(KO)

Tina's point total: 22

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Down on the ground Robin was in pain. The first arrow in her chest was bad enough, stopping just before her ribs and piercing through her breast, but the second arrow was worse. With her left hand she feebily gripped the shaft, trying to grit her teeth as she tried her best to push the arrow out of her arm. Pain racketed through her body as the arrow slid forth, running against the bone. She was definatly going to be down with this wound, even if the healers came to her right away, and they were busy fighting. Once that one was out she would have a second arrow to remove anyways which, while less threatening, was far more... sensative to common tastes... than her arm wound.

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Chelsea of all healers walked over to help the lady Norbert had brought over before beginning to groan herself. Something's just not right about her... Then, the horsewoman groaned, coming to, and babbled nonsense to him before riding off and attacking a weakened enemy. "Hey, wait!" Norbert followed, thinking it was probably very unsafe for her to be fighting in her condition. Sure enough, the next person she attacked stuck an arrow in her abdomen and again, Norbert took hold of her horse's reigns and led them away from the fighting, grumbling to himself. Try to help someone out and they go crazy, trying to get themselves killed...

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Feeling herself being lead away from her failed target, Faatina noticed it was Norbert again.

<"You again?"> Faatina mumbled, lifting herself up to a sitting position with a bit of a grimace. At this point remembering that he probably didn't understand Rexian, she cleared her throat and tried again.

"I-I'm alright..." She managed, giving him a quick smirk, eyeing herself over.

"It doesn't look like he hit anything vital, just enough to stun me for a minute... oh... I forgot completely... my name is Faatina... and yours?"

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New Points Average= 446

The remainder of the rebels ran off into the dunes, unwilling to continue the fight. The most injured remained behind, unable to move. Nadya began applying her staff to various wounded members of the party, making her keep as usual.

Veronika made her way over to the leaders of the rebel group and checked their vitals. "The one who spoke to us earlier is dead. The two thieves...I think are alive barely. You want them alive or not?" she called over to Raquel.

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The rest of the enemy fled. Looks like that after the fall of their leaders and like half of them was enough to discourage them from further fighting. Either way, they won, but victory came at a harsh price.

John and Gil just landed near the wagon, and Sophia began to heal whoever needed it.

''Looks like we made it out of yet another one, eh Gil?'' John said. Gil grunted. ''Well, who knows if they'll try again. But for now, we're safe I guess.'' Another grunt.

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"Shut up," Norbert responded to the Rexian woman as he continued to lead her horse from where he sat on Rizen, "It probably hurts to talk. ... My name is Norbert, but you can call me 'Bert' instead if you want to. I don't care either way. And my pegasus' name is Rizen, but I call her Riz sometimes, too." Soon after, Norbert came across Sophia. "Hey, could you take a look at this woman? She was hurt in the fighting and is apparently on our side."

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As Robin slid the arrow out of her arm, a cold numbness started to run down it. Starting at the tips of her fingers then moving down through the hand and past the wound into the elbow, she started to lose feeling in her arm. At first it was a welcome relief from the overwhelming pain until Robin tried to move her arm to get it off the ground and away from the dirt. Her fingers didn't move. Neither did her thumb, or anything below her elbow. She could see the blood, still coming out of the wound, moving through her arm, but she couldn't feel it at all.

"<Oh no.> HELP!"

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And then Bert stopped Sophia to tell her to specifically heal someone.

On our side? This confused her somewhat but then realized it was someone she clearly hadn't seen before. Nevertheless, she used the staff on her.

Did she deserted? She was wondering. Or just stumbled across?

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Faatina was about to object to Bert's blunt 'Shut Up', but stopped herself after he continued. Soon after being lead to a healer and fixed up, Faatina gave the girl a respectful bow.

"Thank You. My name is Faatina, it is nice to meet you."

Turning to Bert afterward, she gave him a quick pat on the back.

"You seem to be quite a blunt man... but you have a good heart. I thank you for your help today."

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Nadya applied her staff to Gytha. The pirate or mariner or whatever the heck she called herself would probably be up and brawling in no time. Leaving her, Nadya came over to Robin and unceremoniously yanked the arrow out of bust, immediately applying her staff to the open wound. "It usually works better when ya shoot the arrows into people, not the other way around," she suggested to Robin.

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Robin looked down glumly as Nadya removed the arrows and healed her back up, restoring sensation to her arm. "Another battle face down in the ground for me. Why am I even here? If I survived one blow like that I must be lucky. As many as I have, I am cursed by someone. How can I tell Raquel she has no place on the battlefield when I can not even survive one without the aid of some demon?"

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"I'm a demon now? I'm gonna chalk that one up to blood loss. Take a nap or walk it off or somethin', I got other people to tend to," she said, getting up and walking towards the injured enemies, awaiting the bosses' orders to heal them if need be. She was almost inclined to stop them from dying herself, but maybe Raquel wanted her enemies dead.

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''Um... nice to meet you too.'' Sophia said, still quite unsure about this newcomer. But nevermind that, there were still people to tend to.

Soon she reached John and Gil to treat to their wounds.

''So, did you see that woman helping us in the battle?'' She asked as she healed.

''You mean that one that came with the other horsemen? Yeah, certainly unexpected.'' He answered.

''Why would she do that? Seems odd one of them would just switch sides.''

''Perhaps. Maybe it's a ruse to implant one of them within the group. Or she really just came across the scene and was lucky to choose our side to help out. Either way, soon, she'll probably be asking Raquel if she can join us.'' He shrugged.

''What? Even if she really wasn't one of them... someone randomly coming across us and asking to join?''

''Trust me, that description fits at least a fourth of us.''


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When the enemy turned tail and ran, Raquel sighed in relief. She hurried over to Gytha and watched as Nadya healed her. She would have asked if she was going to be alright, but Nadya and Sophia had plenty of others to heal, and at the very least Gytha would survive. If there was anything Nadya missed, a simple vulnerary would likely handle it. She looked around and noticed of all the people, and quite a few of them were no longer standing. She sighed and stood back up to face Blake. "Thank you for the help. I didn't realize you were such a good fighter ..."

Veronika soon arrived and Gabbie followed along since it was on the way to the corpse of the enemy leader and the two downed grenadiers. She informed her that the leader was dead and that the two sidekicks were indeed still alive and asked what she wanted done with them. Gabbie mentally called it in advance. "Let's ask them some questions. If they want the emblem they probably work for our enemies ... and I know it's a long shot but maybe they know something about my father."

"Fat chance." Gabbie interjected. "They're probably just a cell that keeps an eye on things in this region of Sardius." she speculated. "We're really just better off killing them. Your call I guess, but letting them go is not going to help us anymore than killing them would. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a corpse to scold." With her piece said, she wandered over to Omar's body and stood there silent for a few moments. "Told you ... Iiiii told you ... no burial ... no eulogy ... and certainly no emblem. Dumbass."

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Robin stood up, her hand going to cover the hole in her shirt over her breast, as she made her way back to the group. "Sorry I was not of more use." she didn't know what more she could say beyond that. Everyone was busy to say the least.

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A...good heart? Norbert was absolutely perplexed at Faatina's comment. Actually, he was so surprised and confused at the compliment that he became flustered, turning to face away from the Rexian in a form of pout. "Y-you don't know what you're talking about! You only just met me, anyway! Don't worry about thinking me either -- it was you who decided to help us out. Come on. You wanted to come with us? You need to see the leader and get her permission," he sounded defiant -- almost angry -- as he replied to the horsewoman.

Then, he simply continued to lead her horse, this time towards Raquel, making it over in short order. "Raquel, this is Faatina: a woman from Santuary who followed us because she didn't like not being allowed to fight. She helped us fight off those enemies just now," he hastily introduced, in a huff about...something.


Gytha groaned as she sat up. She felt light-headed and the side of her tunic and belt were stained. Her arm was covered in drying blood, but no sand was in her from where the wound in her rib cage used to be. For a while, she just sat there, blinking, trying to figure out what was going on. Nothing really came to her at the moment.

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"Haha, are you blushing?" Faatina replied, quick to tease the nervous reaction. His overreaction to the simple compliment left him puffing out his chest in a show of defiance and holding his head high in the air. Giggling slightly at Bert's antics, Faatina was soon lead to Raquel.

"So, you are the famous Lady Raquel. You caused quite a stir in Sanctuary. As Norbert here said, my name is Faatina." She said to the merchant, extending her hand to Raquel.

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"I am not blushing..." Norbert grumbled quietly to himself as he turned around in his saddle, leaned his back against Rizen's neck with his arms folded and glared off into the distance while the two women exchanged greetings.

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"If they're just a small cell, lettin' them go won't hurt much either. Not like they're gonna stop us now," Nadya retorted to Gabbie, healing the twins and the others enemies that looked not to be dead.

Veronika nodded, and sat down, zoning out on the battlefield. I wonder if I should ask about Pavel...no Gabbie's right, I can't imagine these people knowing anything. If only I knew all the details about that operation...damn tight-lipped Guardians. Maybe I'm on the wrong path entirely, maybe I should be back looking for clues in Neviskotia, not hunting criminal organizations across the world. She sighed and looked over the bloody, broken bodies, her allies picking themselves off the ground At least I can help Raquel find her father this way...though we're no closer to that either. Emblems and gods and vasili and who knows what else...Father could never have prepared me for all of that. At least he prepared me well enough for war...so far.

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