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Return of the Emblem Chapter Eight: Affairs of the World


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"I will chew you out later Raquel! You should not be out here!" cried out Robin as she knocked another arrow. She had to end this fast, but wasn't quite sure how to do so. All she knew was that downing people would cause them to stop hurting Raquel! She took aim at another one of the people and... BAM! Fired! However the brute she had shot at quickly took notice of her and tried to hit her, but Ranyen was on the ball and quickly tried to book Omar, casting a spell to stop the man from hitting Robin!

Robin attacks Omar!


2, 4, 3: HIT with the bardic booster seat! 8 damage (12-4) inflicted!

Omar counters but Ranyin(?) Defends!

1, 5, 4! Miss(?)

Ranyin(?) counters!: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3417202/

Hit for 7 damage!

Edited by Snowy_One
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Omar was hit by an arrow, which caused him a significant amount of pain. He turned around and went to strike at the archer with his more lethal axe, but a lance wielder got in the way. He swung at her, but she held her ground.

Omar attacks Gabbie (1,1,5)= Hit! 11-5= 6 damage! Gabbie 12/18

Jamal didn't know what that pegasus knight was saying, but he assumed it was rude and he wanted him out of the way, so he launched a grenade. The pegasus knight was hit solidly, a nearby wyvern rider was barely caught in the blast at all.

Jamal throws a Grenade at Bert/John!

(3,4,2)= Hit! Bert takes 13-4= 9 damage! Bert 6/15

(3,4,2)= Hit! John takes 13-13= 0 damage!

Jalil decided to throw a disabling grenade at the wyvern rider, as that would allow their forces to strike the merchant more easily.

(2,4,4)= Critical Hit! John takes 4 x2= 8 damage and is stunned! John 16/24

The archer took aim at the enemy archer who had shot the leader, his shot striking true.

(2,4,2)= Autohit! Robin takes 10-3=7 damage Robin 0/12.

From the distance a group of horsemen moved in behind the group, not yet within striking range but advancing ever closer...

Cavalier A

Class: Level 4 Cavalier

Raw Stats

HP: 5 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 5 LCK: 1 DEF: 3 RES: 2

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 6 Hit: 7 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 3 Resistance: 2

Weapon 1: Swordslayer Lance E

Weapon 2:


Special Weapon:

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 6 (9 vs. Merc/Myrm/Thief) Hit: 7(10 vs. Merc/Myrm/Thief) Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 3 Resistance: 2

Horseman A

Class: Level 4 Horseman

Raw Stats

HP: 5 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 8 LCK: 1 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 6 Hit: 7 Evade: 9 AS: 8 Defense: 1 Resistance: 1

Weapon 1: Rangeslayer Bow E

Weapon 2:

Item: Vulnerary (1/3)

Special Weapon:

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 6 (9 vs. Peg/Wyv/Arch) Hit: 7(10 vs. Peg/Wyv/Arch) Evade: 9 AS: 8 Defense: 0 (-1 Bow) Resistance: 0 (-1 Bow)

Troubadour A

Class: Level 4 Troubadour

Raw Stats

HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 7 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 2 DEF: 0 RES: 4

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 7 Hit: 5 Evade: 7 AS: 5 Defense: 0 Resistance: 4

Weapon 1: Armorslayer Light Tome E

Weapon 2:


Special Weapon:

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 7 (10 vs. Armor/Fighter/Soldier) Hit: 5 (7 vs. Armor/Fighter/Soldier) Evade: 7 AS: 5 Defense: 0 Resistance: 4

Omar (Erratic) 10/30

Jamal (Erratic) 15/15

Jalil (Erratic) 15/15


Wyvern Rider A (Defending) 0/21

Archer A (Subvert) 15/15

Mage A(Aggressive) 0/15


Cavalier A(Passive-Aggressive)

Horseman A(Passive-Aggressive)

Troubadour A(Passive-Aggressive)


Myrmidon A(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Fighter A(Passive-Aggressive) 24/24

Shaman A(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Wyvern Rider B(Defending) 21/21

Archer B(Passive-Subvert) 15/15

Mage B(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Myrmidon B(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Fighter B(Passive-Aggressive) 24/24

Shaman B(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Raquel 14/18

Gytha 0/21

Blake 15/15


Norbert 6/15

Veronika 0/15

John 16/24


Ranyin 13/15

Robin 0/12

Gabbie 12/18


Nadya 21/21

Mireille 18/18


Aneda 15/15

Sophia 12/12

Chelsea 15/15

Player Phase 3 Begin!

Edited by -Cynthia-
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The archers bolt struck true as it thudded hard into Robin's chest, right below her heart and striking the rib. Robin was launched off her feet before she crumpled to the ground in a messy pile, blood leaking out of the wound as she screamed in pain. She grabbed the shaft, trying to keep ti steady as she writhed about in the ground, hoping it would ensure that she would not bleed out before the end of the fight.

<"Someone... help.>" she whimpered out, unsure if she could be heard over the fighting as she clutched the arrow firmly lodged within her breast.

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Nadya saw Robin go down after getting shot...this was becoming a familiar scenario.

"C'mon, up and at 'em" she said, attempting to be vaguely encouraging as she used her staff to revivify the archer.

Nadya used Raise! Robin 1/12 Nadya/Mireille +2 points

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Ranyin drew fort more power and released the enhancing aura as well as a blast of darkness. But he was still unused to this new form of magic, and the spell went awry. It was potent...but it flew far off course, startling the mage. Sensing Ranyin's weakness, Omar swiftly strike him while he was too preoccupied to evade the attack.

Ranyin activates Bard ability! -2Hp, Robin/Gabbie +25%SKi/Spd


Ranyin misses and Omar Auto-hits to KO him

Ranyin -5Points (Why only me? :sob:)


Mireille Defends Nadya...

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The staff did it's best to heal Robin's wound, but the damage still had been done. Robin could barely stumble up to her feet, the arrow still sticking out of her chest as she picked up her bow again. "<Nadya... I need bandages... And serious healing.>" she said, somewhat surprised that she was still standing. She wasn't about to let this go to waste though and pulled the string back on her bow and shot...

Only for her arrow to go wide from it's target. Instead of hitting Omar in a disabling area, the shot pulled to his right, likely to impact his arm or ear depending on the arch.

Robin attacks! http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3417269/

4, 1, 5 = 7 damage dealt! Omar is still up and waiting to be castrated for the kill!

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Sophia's healing was enough to get Raquel reasonably focused again, and she considered herself 'back in the fight'. It was still chaotic, though, and Veronika and Gytha were still down. Seeing John get stunned by Jalil's shock grenade, Raquel ran just close enough to dispel the effects at a distance. She wasn't going to wander too far from Blake and get herself surrounded.

Raquel uses Bard ability!

-2 hp

Raquel hp 12/18

Raquel uses Restore Staff on John!

Stun removed!

Gabbie meanwhile not having a good approach with which to catch the archer off guard, and not having a decent enough advantage to attack Omar or his two grenadiers backed up Robin a second time.

Gabbie defends Robin(and with only 12 hp remaining, it's probably not going to end well)!

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Faatina pressed onward through the desert sand, her horse remaining strong against the heat. He was a well-bred stallion, picked because she knew his prowess well. He had cost a hefty penny, however, but was showing his worth already. The desert sand seemed to hold under his powerful gallop more than it should, however.

'Could this be the work of Lady Aisha?' Faatina wondered to herself, grateful for it regardless.

Ah, finally, the group of foreigners was back in her sights... and they appeared to be in combat.

'Ah... so the rumours were true. Now I may finally test my mettle!'

Noticing several horsemen approaching the group, Faatina tailed them, waiting to see when the best time to intervene would be.

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Another grenade went their way, fortunately for John the explosion barely grazed them, no harm done.

<That was a close one.> John thought. However, he thought so soon. Another was thrown, right on his way. Cue explosion.

However, this wasn't just your ordinary explosion, no sir. Lightning burst and spread around them, making their bodies go numb and dropped. Fortunately, they were close enough to the ground to be that much of a problem.

<Ugh... that thing had magic in it too? Yeah, they came prepared...> Well, there was nothing they could do for the time being.

[successful defend. +3 points for Veronika/Bert/John. John's current total: 27]

The battle was getting more chaotic, explosions were commonplace it seems. Many were the wounded, there was no way to take care of them all, not as the situation was anyway. Sophia looked around to see who looked like needed the healing the most, and finally saw it in the archer.

Quickly, she went over and used her staff.

[Robin HP's +12. Current HP: 12/12. +2 points for Aneda/Chelsea/Sophia. Sophia's current total: 17.]

Back with the duo...

<So now what? We're easy targets in here...> But no sooner than that did they felt their bodies regaining mobility. John looked to see it was Raquel, using one of her staffs.

''Thanks.'' He said as Gil just grunted.

[John defends Raquel.]

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Something about that thief just made Aneda uneasy. So she stabbed the thief.


Jalil swung, did no damage but the poisoned sword bit right into Aneda. "Damn" Aneda said as she flew away on her trusty steed. "I should stop being so awesome. It hurts sometimes. Oh my god what is this tingling...?"

(Jalil 3/15

Aneda 15/15 POISONED)

+1 point for aneda/sophia/Chelsea I think?

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Well, his distraction worked. The agile Rexian man threw a grenade at him while Raquel and others regrouped. Good, he's-- waaaaitwaitwait! Rizen tried to escape the device thrown at her by diving at the last second, managing only to get a hoof on the ground before the explosion went off, but it exploded right in front of her rider, blowing him backwards out of the saddle. Even after his back met with sand, he slid a ways before finally stopping. "Owww..." he groaned. His leather armor protected him well enough, but it still was a bit of a disorienting experience, not to mention the wind was knocked out of him...again. "I...hate...deserts..."

Rizen was standing over him just a moment later, nudging his head with her nose in a sort of "are you okay?" gesture. In response, Norbert hooked his fingers around her bridle and let his arm hang like that for a moment: a reassuring reply while admitting to not complete wellness. After a moment, the pegasus rider leg go of the bridle and pushed himself into a sitting position and sighed. Man, that blew me a bit of a ways away from the fighting... He stood back up and climbed back into Rizen's saddle. That was when something caught his eye in the distance. What is that...? Curious as a bit of dread began to encourage him to take a look, he had Riz fly up so he could better see just what was in the distance.

It didn't take much flying before he could make out what they were. Horsemen! Reinforcements? I have to assume the worst; it's better to be prepared. With that thought, the Ursian pegasus rider turned around in the sky and darted back to the battle. "Four horsemen are on their way! Be ready!" he called out over the battle as he flew above the combatants.


Cannons were going off and people were shouting. "Captain? Captain, wake up!" Gytha groaned as she began to come to. Synthia was kneeling beside her. "Oh, good. You're awake. But really, taking on five fleet ships at once? You're so reckless."

"Wha'sgoin'on?" Gytha slurred as she sat up.

"Wow, you were hit harder than I thought. Well, you can fight again, so you should help out the others. Ambushed...just after leaving the armada-city, too! I didn't think we'd suffer this much after losing the first mate..."

"Ah, aye, I remember now. Right. How's th' treasurer?"

"She's still fighting. So is just about everyone else. You'd better go help them out."

"Aye, I know," Gytha replied as she stood up. She was still a little light-headed, but the battle was raging all around. They'd been boarded. "John!"

"I told you, Captain, it's Jessie!" the wyvern rider replied, "Well, anyway, here's the report: we've been borded by some of the crews of two of the fleet ships, but we borded them, too, so both of our forces are split."

"Thank ye! Let me know if somethin' else important happens!"

"Aye, aye!" And then he was off to engage some aerial enemies.

Gytha cocked her pistol. "Synthia, keep yerself hidden n' help th' other medics as often as ye can. I have some scallywags t' shoot."

"Aye, aye, Captain," the ship's surgeon replied before disappearing belowdecks.

Gytha stepped into the fray again. This pirate fleet was going to learn a lesson one way or another. "Ye don't board me ship if ye want t' remain whole!"

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All of a sudden, he was warped right out of the battle scene, and right behind the enemy's lead combat team. How convenient. Blake drew his sword once more, silently approached the enemy's leader, and stabbed him in the back. That seemed to have done the trick, as the warrior fell. After withdrawing his blade, the swordsman backed away, moving on to other targets.


Blake receives Bard bonus! SPD/skl + 2!

Blake activates Valiant Stance! STR/SKL + 2! HP -2!

MT is now 15. HIT is now 21.

[4,3,4] = Auto Hit! 18-4 = 14 points of damage! Omar is down!

Team RPG gains 5 points.

Blake 13/15

Omar 0/30

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Jamal stood, aghast at Omar falling the swordsman's blade. In a moment of final desperation, he threw his final grenade in his direction, catching the merchant in the blast. Unfortunately, his state of distress made his aim quite shaky and he missed them entirely.

(1,1,5) link= Miss on Blake!

(1,1,5)= Miss on Raquel!

Jalil, having received a lance for her troubles, threw a shock grenade at the pegasus knight in order to incapacitate her.

(4,1,5) link

5-3= Aneda takes 2 damage and is stunned!

The archer took aim at one of enemy healers in order to disable her, but missed.

Aneda takes 3 damage from poison.

(4,4,5) link

Omar (Erratic) 0/30

Jamal (Erratic) 15/15

Jalil (Erratic) 3/15


Wyvern Rider A (Defending) 0/21

Archer A (Subvert) 15/15

Mage A(Aggressive) 0/15


Cavalier A(Passive-Aggressive)

Horseman A(Passive-Aggressive)

Troubadour A(Passive-Aggressive)


Myrmidon A(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Fighter A(Passive-Aggressive) 24/24

Shaman A(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Myrmidon A(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Fighter A(Passive-Aggressive) 24/24

Shaman A(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Wyvern Rider B(Defending) 21/21

Archer B(Passive-Subvert) 15/15

Mage B(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Myrmidon B(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Fighter B(Passive-Aggressive) 24/24

Shaman B(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Raquel 12/18

Gytha 0/21

Blake 13/15


Norbert 6/15

Veronika 0/15

John 16/24


Ranyin 0/15

Robin 12/12

Gabbie 12/18


Nadya 21/21

Mireille 18/18


Aneda 10/15

Sophia 12/12

Chelsea 15/15

Player Phase 4 Start!

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A grenade flew past Blake, missing him completely. Nice try, buddy. The swordsman spun around and slashed through the grenadier's side. Done with stealth, he then returned to Raquel and the front lines.


Valiant Stance activated! STR & SKL +2! HP -2!

MT: 15

HIT: 19

[4,2,5] = Hit! 17-1 = 16 points of damage. Jamal is defeated!

Team RPG gains 5 points. Net gain: 18

Blake 11/15 HP

Jamal 0/15 HP

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As their leaders began to fall the horsemen drew ever closer, still intent upon gaining the emblem...

Omar (Erratic) 0/30

Jamal (Erratic) 0/15

Jalil (Erratic) 3/15


Wyvern Rider A (Defending) 0/21

Archer A (Subvert) 15/15

Mage A(Aggressive) 0/15


Cavalier A(Aggressive)

Horseman A(Aggressive)

Troubadour A(Aggressive)


Myrmidon A(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Fighter A(Passive-Aggressive) 24/24

Shaman A(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Wyvern Rider B(Defending) 21/21

Archer B(Passive-Subvert) 15/15

Mage B(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Myrmidon B(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Fighter B(Passive-Aggressive) 24/24

Shaman B(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

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Faatina managed to catch up to the reinforcement Horsemen before they could get a shot off at anyone, gladly. Rousing her stallion, she charged at the healer, the woman turning at the last second only to see the lance thrust towards her.

"Shi-" The lance bit into the Troubadour's side, tearing through and coming out the other side, pulling what appeared to be a section of intestine with it, before rending through. The surprised troubadour let out an anguished scream, her words of casting gurgled by the fountain of blood erupting from her mouth, causing the resulting spell to be naught but a weak shimmer, which Faatina deflected with her free arm, resulting in little more than a slight stinging sensation.

Shrugging it off, Faatina circled around upon her steed, bypassing the Cavalier and Nomad, and holding her lance once again at the ready, eyeing her opponent, who looked to not be in the best shape, clutching her side in agony as she barely managed to keep her form steady atop her horse, coughing up yet more blood onto the sand.

Faatina(3,1,5) 10 Hit - 7 Evd, hit! 8 Mt - 0 def, 8 Damage!

Troubadour A(2,1,5) 7 Hit - 6 Evd, hit! 8 Mt - 5 Res, 3 Damage!


Troubadour A 7/15

Faatina 12/15

Faatina +5 Points(Solo)

Faatina +1 Point(Hit)

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The group seemed mostly all right for time being, so Nadya decided to go on the offensive against the mounted reinforcements. She had that knight in front of her so things couldn't go too poorly right?

Nadya attacks Cavalier A!

(1,6,3)= Miss

Damnit still can't aim even with magic she thought to herself. The cavalier charged and Mireille intercepted!

(1,4,4)= Critical Hit! 10-9= 1 x2= 2 damage!

Mireille held her ground and struck back with her lance.

(4,4,5)= Hit! 10-3= 7 damage! Cavalier A 8/15

+3 points Nadya, Mireille

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"Crap!!! I mean... Miss Veronika, please hang on!!"- Chelsea in the ensuing chaos of the battle had finally managed to get to where Veronika was lying in the sand. Getting off Nesha, the troubadour took out her healing staff and began applying magical energies to it. "Oh Goddess give the fallen another chance, Raise!!"- Chelsea applied the staff to the Noblewoman's chest and fed the woman healing magic.

Chelsea revived Veronika!!

Veronika (4/15)

Points gained?

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*Battle Music*

When Bert called out about the reinforcements, Raquel gasped and tried to figure out a new plan. The only thing keeping them held together right now was the fact the enemy were all on one side, having failed to surround them before Raquel ordered the charge. Now they had reinforcements approaching from behind, and they couldn't avoid being surrounded. Luckily Blake had quickly engaged the enemy leader and taking him down before either of his bodyguards knew what happened. He cut another one of them down before the other could react, and she was harassed by Aneda in the meantime. She quickly struck back by poisoning her, and then again by stunning her with a shock grenade. She quickly came just close enough to use her Restore Staff a second time and remove both the poison and the lingering thunder magic from her body. "W-we need another plan before those people gang up on us!" she called out to anyone close enough to hear her in the chaos.

Raquel uses bard ability!

-2 hp

Raquel hp 10/18

Raquel uses Restore Staff on Aneda!

All status ailments removed!

"Here's a new plan; kill them, too!" Gabbie called over to Raquel. She noticed another horseman who didn't seem to be with the enemy. They seemed to be fighting them as well. That was suspicious, but she couldn't let the opportunity to catch one of them off guard escape her. She quickly closed in and impaled one of the enemy horsemen and forced him right off the saddle. She stepped on his chest and yanked her killer lance right out of him and then backed off so he could bleed out in relative peace. How considerate of her.

Gabbie attacks Cav A! Rolls 5,6,1


-8 hp


Gabbie hp 12/18

Cav A hp 0/15

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This was going bad. Despite the healing, Robin could still feel the shaft of the arrow imbedded in her chest. Mucking up her aim would be only a minor disadvantage compared to the immense pain that would come after the fight as she removed the arrow. Part of her wasn't sure she would even be able to fight, but knew that now was not the time to think about such things.

"Have to keep Raquel safe." she thought to herself as she loaded up another arrow. She doubted she would get more than one more shot, so she had to make this one count. Spotting a troubadour already engaged with another person she took aim. Removing their ability to heal would be a huge downside indeed and she doubted the magic user was armored. She carefully angled herself so that the bolt wouldn't disrupt the shot, then let her arrow fly!

The bolt hit the Troubadour square in the shoulder, knocking her down off her steed and hard to the ground! She was down for the count! Even if she wasn't out of the fight entirely, the arrow imbedded in her shoulder would keep her from healing it properly without time, stopping her from using the arm that would hold any staff or tome for the entire fight.

Robin attacks Troubador A: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3418700/

Do you really need to know? I have more than enough hit and MT to guarentee a KO.


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Bert yelled something about enemy reinforcements. Well, that wasn't surprising. However, what did was the fact one of these so called 'reinforcements' was attacking the others.

<Well well, looks like the day still has some surprises left.> John thought. <Something must be done about it.> ''Come on Gil, let's do this!'' He commanded.

They took for the sky and made a dive towards the horse archer. Unfortunately, he was too fast and avoided the hit.



6+1 = 7<9 MISS

The horseman momentum was broken however, and both turned to face each other, the archer readying his bow and fired, and quickly readied his bow again and took a second shot.

John quickly put his shield in front, and the first arrow smashed into it and broke on contact.

<That was close...> John smirked, lowering his shield until he noticed the second arrow coming his way. <Ah!> His hurried to put his shield back up, making it in time as the second arrow smashed into the shield, with the same result as the first one.

<Really close.> He repeated. It was time to get away from him.




6+5 = 11-13 = <0 NO DAMAGE


7+5 = 12>5 HIT

6+6 = 12-13 = 0x2 = <0 NO DAMAGE

[Remaining HP:

John: 16/24

Horseman A: 15/15]


Enemy reinforcements? Well, that wasn't good. They barely made progress and now they had to worry of more of them.

Well, no matter, she had a duty to attend to. Sophia soon spotted Veronika, being returned to conciseness and in need of healing. She went over.

''Are you okay?'' She asked as she used her staff.

[Veronika's HP +12. Current HP: 15/15. +2 points for Aneda/Chelsea/Sophia. Sophia's current total: 22]

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Jalil watched with horror as Blake slashed her twin brother after downing her leader. Then she threw a grenade at his face and felt better.

(5,5,4)=9-1= 8 damage! Blake is stunned! Blake 5/15

The archer marveled at how almost no one on the enemy side seemed to mind him shooting away at them. He wondered if shooting a crossbow bolt into the now undefended leader would get him a little more attention. Unfortunately, he shot plinked into a nearby rock instead. Maybe that's why they were ignoring him?

Archer A attacks Raquel (2,2,4)= Miss

The horseman was assaulted by a wyvern rider, who he luckily evaded. It seemed implausible that his bow specially made for taking down fliers would fail...perhaps if he shot again?


(3,3,6)= Lol it was destined to tink anyway.

Was it the shield? The armor? The wyvern rider's sheer force of will that kept the arrows from harming him? The desert nomad had no clue.

More riders came charging towards the group in the distance, ready to support their rapidly falling allies.

Cavalier B

Class: Level 4 Cavalier

Raw Stats

HP: 5 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 5 LCK: 1 DEF: 3 RES: 2

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 6 Hit: 7 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 3 Resistance: 2

Weapon 1: Horseslayer Lance E

Weapon 2:


Special Weapon:

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 6 (9 vs. Cav/Horse/Troub) Hit: 7(10 vs. Cav/Horse/Troub) Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 3 Resistance: 2

Horseman B

Class: Level 4 Horseman

Raw Stats

HP: 5 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 8 LCK: 1 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 6 Hit: 7 Evade: 9 AS: 8 Defense: 1 Resistance: 1

Weapon 1: Mageslayer Bow E

Weapon 2:

Item: Vulnerary (1/3)

Special Weapon:

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 6 (9 vs. Mage/Sham/Cler/Bard) Hit: 7(10 vs. Mage/Sham/Cler/Bard) Evade: 9 AS: 8 Defense: 0 (-1 Bow) Resistance: 0 (-1 Bow)

Troubadour B

Class: Level 4 Troubadour

Raw Stats

HP: 15 STR: 0 MAG: 7 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 2 DEF: 0 RES: 4

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 7 Hit: 5 Evade: 7 AS: 5 Defense: 0 Resistance: 4

Weapon 1: Basic Light Tome E

Weapon 2: Recover Staff


Special Weapon:

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 7 Hit: 5 Evade: 7 AS: 5 Defense: 0 Resistance: 4

Omar (Erratic) 0/30

Jamal (Erratic) 0/15

Jalil (Erratic) 3/15


Wyvern Rider A (Defending) 0/21

Archer A (Subvert) 15/15

Mage A(Aggressive) 0/15


Cavalier A(Aggressive) 0/15

Horseman A(Aggressive) 15/15

Troubadour A(Aggressive) 0/15


Myrmidon A(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Fighter A(Passive-Aggressive) 24/24

Shaman A(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Cavalier B(Passive-Aggressive)

Horseman B(Passive-Aggressive)

Troubadour B(Passive-Aggressive)


Wyvern Rider B(Defending) 21/21

Archer B(Passive-Subvert) 15/15

Mage B(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Myrmidon B(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Fighter B(Passive-Aggressive) 24/24

Shaman B(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Raquel 10/18

Gytha 0/21

Blake 5/15


Norbert 6/15

Veronika 15/15

John 16/24


Ranyin 0/15

Robin 12/12

Gabbie 12/18


Nadya 21/21

Mireille 16/18


Aneda 10/15

Sophia 12/12

Chelsea 15/15

Player Phase 5 Start!

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There was little time to revel in her victory. There was still one more healer up at the least and that was assuming the men in robes weren't packing healing staffs under their robes and were entirely focused on dealing damage. Still, every little bit helped. Plus there was that annoying archer shooting everyone, but she was badly wounded and not going to get involved in a shootout when she already had a arrow in her chest. Taking aim at the next troubador, she fired as best she could, only to strike the woman hard in the thigh. She was doubtless knocked back and badly hurt, but out of the fight, no.

"Raquel! Healers! I have downed one of their troubadours and wounded another. They need healing after the fight. People who want to hurt us, if you want to save one of your own, disengage! If you do not... She will likely die!"

Even if they ascribed medical attention, it would take one of their men a lot of time and care to make the wounded healer safe from death, removing one of their people from the fight for a while at least.

Robin attacks Troubador B.


4, 3, 2: Hit! 9 damage dealt!

Troubador B 6/15

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Omar (Erratic) 0/30

Jamal (Erratic) 0/15

Jalil (Erratic) 3/15


Wyvern Rider A (Defending) 0/21

Archer A (Subvert) 15/15

Mage A(Aggressive) 0/15


Cavalier A(Aggressive) 0/15

Horseman A(Aggressive) 15/15

Troubadour A(Aggressive) 0/15


Myrmidon A(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Fighter A(Passive-Aggressive) 24/24

Shaman A(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Cavalier B(Aggressive) 15/15

Horseman B(Aggressive) 15/15

Troubadour B(Aggressive) 7/15


Wyvern Rider B(Defending) 21/21

Archer B(Passive-Subvert) 15/15

Mage B(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Myrmidon B(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

Fighter B(Passive-Aggressive) 24/24

Shaman B(Passive-Aggressive) 15/15

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The arrow knocked her opponent off their mount, and as Faatina was about to move on, she heard a faint moan.

<"Please... i-it hurts... it hurts so much... please... I know you can understand me... please end the... p-pain..."> The troubadour mumbled as best she could through the blood, giving Tina a pleading look, interrupted by a cough.

<"Very well."> Faatina replied with a nod, before impaling the woman's heart on the butt spike of her lance, the troubadour's final act an appreciative smile.

Looking back to the battlefield, Faatina saw more horsemen approaching, and charged towards the second troubadour. Lance poised, Faatina thrust with as much might as she could muster, driving the lance upward into her target.

There wasn't even a response. The lance found it's mark in the woman's chest, and driven at an angle, burst out her back bringing with it both her heart and a lung, a horrific shower of blood spooking the mare who had been relieved of it's rider.

<"You bitch!">

Turning around, Faatina saw the arrow being knocked. There wasn't even time to withdraw her lance from it's resting place, as Faatina desperately swung the shaft with all her might, dragging the ragdoll of a body along with the swing. It came loose onto the horseman with the momentum of Faatina's swing, and found itself resting lifeless in the Horseman's lap, as the shaft smashed his ribs painfully. His aim disrupted by his comrades corpse, his arrow missed it's mark and instead dug into Faatina's shoulder with a thud.

Tina(4,4,4) 11 hit - 7 Evd, hit! 11 Mt - 0 def, 11 damage! LETHAL HIT!


Tina 12/15

Troub B loldead

Tina(3,5,3) Autohit! 12 Mt - 0 def = 12 Damage!

Horseman(1,3,4) 8 hit - 7 evd, hit! 9 Mt - 5 def, 4 damage!


Tina 8/15

Horseman 3/15

Tina + 5 points(Troub B)

Tina + 1 point(Horseman B)

Edited by Ether
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