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Fire Emblem Draft Hall of Fame


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you guys know i didnt give two fucks about that fe8 draft where i had the ridiculous team and didn't try right :/  i threw that for a reason. But honestly, i'm somewhat with Hawk King here.  I realize that RNG abuse is definately existant in draft; I do it myself to a certain point.  But level ups are a  whole different story.  Sorry to use you as an Example PKL, but I saw one of your Marcus's in like chapter 19 with 16 speed and 15 defence.  That happens once on its own like once in a blue moon.  Apparently FE10 is the worst of all, but I really have no experience there, so i'll stay out of it.  No real reason for stuff no not be counted in my opinion though.  I know I don't really care about being on top of any game, and I have no intention of rigging level ups anytime in the near future for drafts.  <strike>i dont even know unit stats in fe4 until the arena because i frameskip through the ep
Well, i also had a skl screwed and massively str blessed lyn in that draft. A hector that refused to proc spd past a certain point (after promotion) and a rebecca and wil that were useless (especially rebecca) past a certain point because they got sucky level ups. And would i really finish a draft in less than 2 days If I had rigged the RNG? :/ The 2 peggie sisters capped str skl spd but that isnt such a strange ocurrence when both of them were above level 16. And marcus got a bit blessed, big deal. Where did having more spd shave a turn? Not even in 19x because florina could finish aion after marcus attacked anyway. And if i really wanted to rng the fuck out of things, wouldnt i have a marcus with all str skl spd def res level ups? and not with just 16 spd and 15 def. Also, ppl only complain when they see character blessings. Why did no one complain when i had a base def eirika in chapter 9? No one can get THAT unlucky right? Must have been RNG abuse, clearly. :awesome:
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@ Cam

Im sorry I havent been in 10+ drafts, but im currently doing my 2nd fe8 draft and when I read through the Harry Potter draft i noticed several red flags. I figured it would be a good idea to inform you of what I saw since you have a "draft records thread".

Here are some #s from PKLs team in said draft.

LV 17 Eirika 28HP 16STR 20*SKL 20SPD 15LUC 11DEF 7RES - thats a whopping +14 above averages, and Im taking statboosters into consideration. At the end his LV 18/6 Eirika was still +14

LV14/9 Nessie 41*HP 23STR 24SKL 27SPD 12LUC 17DEF 14RES - that's +19 above average! finish LV 14/18 at +18.

LV13/2 Artur 29HP 20MAG 12SKL 14SPD 3LUC 7DEF 16RES - that's +9 avbove average, the key stat being MAG which is +6.5

LV10/11/3 Amelia 30HP 18STR 12 SKL 20SPD 21LUC 11DEF 10RES - that's +14.5 above average.

These are the 4 most important units in his playthrough and they are all crazy blessed.

I've presented you with the info. Do with it what you want. I dont care, I just thought you might want to know

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But amelia barely did anything other than ferry eirika in ch14 and kill eggs in ch18. How was she that important? You also conveniently left out speedwings gerik who was barely better than base forever. And what about neimi and colm who sucked forever? Cherrypicking ftw. Also, rarely do characters actually stay true to averages. Either they are screwed or blessed. Averages are just a tool for tier lists and arguments. Boron had a 21 def rath in an Fe7 draft, why did no one call BS on that? After all, he only has 10% def growth. Characters get blessed/screwed, not the end of the world.

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Which is exactly what I had, plus Ross and another flier. And Tethys.

Which is funny because Ross is the other best option after Vanessa in Ch 7 & 9.

This is what I like about FE10. Since Haar is banned, each pick has a strategic value and isn't completely gamebreaking like Franz or Jill/Marcia.

Actually, after seeing what Jill and Marcia could do...they're better than Haar is in FE10. You actually have a chance against Haar with Titania, a team with Boyd and Elincia and other good combinations that I won't think of at the moment. But trust me, Jill and Marcia will beat you by around 20 turns. It's that unfair.

Look at people battle save resetting for a 1-p 3/4 turn! In fe10.

The only times that's happened was like 3 times in total. It's that uncommon and nobody really bothers with it. I was the first to do it.

Look at folks getting fe7 Marcus to get good lvl ups!

I don't think people actually do that. :/

I've gotten good Marcuses in all of my FE7 drafts without RNG-abuse.

Look at people who do the fe8 2 turn for prologue, its become standard fare for folks who know fe8 drafting.

The game is basically rigged to do that. And what does it save you from doing it without RNG-abuse? 1 turn.

FE10 level up abuse is due to getting a slow Micaiah will make you lose the draft, as she won't be able to do anything. That and there's a point where you need to feed Elincia three Str levels so that she can ORKO a boss without having to abuse luck (11% chance) or take an extra turn.

Training Micaiah and growing her healthy Spd only really saves you 3 turns. I wouldn't call that "losing the draft" just yet.

Then the voting should be for Second Drafter of the Year.

I think me and Integ would qualify for that.

yeah cam wtf give the guy a fucking break im sorry not everyone has no life like you to be drafting more than ten fucking times


Edited by The Leaving Song II
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Yeah, FE9 marcia and jill are lol. But would it really be wise to just outright ban them? Fe10 haar is indeed beatable by titania and possibly by edward + elincia + a good part 3 unit. Maybe we should unban him and see how OP he is (or not) still.

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Yes, we should ban Jill and Marcia. They are unfair.

Haar is manageable to some extent, and even if you don't beat him, the turncount gap can't be more than ~10 turns, unlike Marcia and Jill's freaking 20~ turns.

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Blessings and screwings are usually on 1 or 2 stats, just like the examples you give. And a character with a large blessing will often times have other stats that are screwed. When Eirika is overall +14 after gaing just 16 LVs thats not common. Espessially her STR and DEF being +6 and +4 respectively. Vanessa's STR was +8 at LV 14/9! Its a fucking 35% growth. Besides, im not the only person who thought something was suspicious.

Your other units dont matter because they arent as important for the low turncounts.

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Well, i also had a skl screwed and massively str blessed lyn in that draft. A hector that refused to proc spd past a certain point (after promotion) and a rebecca and wil that were useless (especially rebecca) past a certain point because they got sucky level ups. And would i really finish a draft in less than 2 days If I had rigged the RNG? :/ The 2 peggie sisters capped str skl spd but that isnt such a strange ocurrence when both of them were above level 16. And marcus got a bit blessed, big deal. Where did having more spd shave a turn? Not even in 19x because florina could finish aion after marcus attacked anyway. And if i really wanted to rng the fuck out of things, wouldnt i have a marcus with all str skl spd def res level ups? and not with just 16 spd and 15 def. Also, ppl only complain when they see character blessings. Why did no one complain when i had a base def eirika in chapter 9? No one can get THAT unlucky right? Must have been RNG abuse, clearly. :awesome:

oh noez, lyn got crappy skill but lots of strength, Hector is more or less useless past earlygame, and Wil and Rebecca are pretty useless even with capped stats, let alone awful stats. You don't need str/skl/res on marcus because his base is enough to kill everything forever.

but i don't meen to pick an arguement with you, i was just using it as an example.

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There are other people who have gotten crazy lucky with their vanessa's Str too. This happens all the time. Go complain about all those times too :/. Also, I dont care If the record is counted. So w/e, if you want to take it down, so be it. I know it was legit and am extremely annoyed when someone calls BS on me. Meh. I wont continue arguing with you, believe what you want. I know it was legit and that's that.

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Blessings and screwings are usually on 1 or 2 stats, just like the examples you give. And a character with a large blessing will often times have other stats that are screwed. When Eirika is overall +14 after gaing just 16 LVs thats not common. Espessially her STR and DEF being +6 and +4 respectively. Vanessa's STR was +8 at LV 14/9! Its a fucking 35% growth. Besides, im not the only person who thought something was suspicious.

Your other units dont matter because they arent as important for the low turncounts.

well obviously you're just complaining cause you suck at drafts. I mean the real skill of drafts comes from RNG abusing to make sure everyone important is absurdly blessed so you can get the lowest turncounts possible. Adapting to a bad situation? Fuck that noise, get better at the game :smug:

Edited by Dark Sage
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i recall shin having the record at one point

idk man

also shin wouldn't vote for me, he'd vote for himself

yeah id vote for shin too

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Actually, after seeing what Jill and Marcia could do...they're better than Haar is in FE10. You actually have a chance against Haar with Titania, a team with Boyd and Elincia and other good combinations that I won't think of at the moment. But trust me, Jill and Marcia will beat you by around 20 turns. It's that unfair.

We should do a "should Haar be unbanned" draft.

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I play on a cartridge, so I don't bother to reset for level-ups or whatnot, unless I have to start over because 1) someone died, 2) a penalty-incurring action occurred, or 3) I got a better idea on how to go through the map better. I'll admit, sometimes if it's literally the first turn or two on a map, I might start over if I got like ... +HP or something. But I play on a cart. Not worth the trouble.

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(FE3) The Even Greater FE3 Draft, #28535, finished in 350 turns.

Oguma, Katua, Kashim, Luke, Hardin, Barts, Maria, Astria, Chainy, Est.

Edited by Baldrick
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(FE8) Chain Support Draft #31403 finished in 122 turns.

My team - Forde, Franz, Natasha, Joshua, Gerik, Saleh, Ewan

The Lords, Orson, Tethys, and Myrrh were free.

Edited by Hawk King
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^ You have to say your team too :p. Cam u missed my FE7 ones :(. Also, finished FE12 I call dibs on this kind of draft #29333 in 120 turns.

My Team was: Ryan, Caeda, Yumina, Julian, Radd, Horace, Jake, Midia, Yubello, Matthis.

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i'm not sure if support chain drafts should be logged if auctions aren't, I have the following team in an FE7 one

Fiora, Kent, Sain, Isadora, Harken, Lowen, and somebody else I can't remember. Renault or someone. You can get some pretty ridiculous teams that way.

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