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Huh. Well I'll have to look into that, too then. Either way, it's probably better that I learned this way first, since it basically shows how instrument maps and stuff work :P (I like it better if I know what the program is doing :3)

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Eh... Is wav2gba bad? I'm only intending to insert 3 or 4 anyway

If you aren't sure of what you're doing, you can create some stupidly-large files for a second of sound effect, compared to just making a sound effect that the games actually plays as it does all its other sound effects.

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Well, um.... Here


It works! I've just gotta clean up about a million things, and then it should all be set to go.

Ya know, I just realized I probably should've said something on this.

So it looks so far the three of the confirmed classes(unless their are ONLY three)for the Male Tactician are: Wyvern Rider, Archer, and Soldier. It'd be kinda interesting to have a Bow wielding My Unit. Wonder if on promotion they'd get a secondary weapon, a la Blade Lord Lyn? Also, it seems that the story doesn't SEEM to have been changed, but I get the feeling that might not be the case.

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The story will change, that's just proof that the events work :) And I'll post a list of the classes in a bit. Right now I'm working on (very slowly) customing the portraits for the male and female MUs. I'm thinking they'll probably just be the default ones from FE12 in GBA form, but we'll see ;)

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The story will change, that's just proof that the events work :) And I'll post a list of the classes in a bit. Right now I'm working on (very slowly) customing the portraits for the male and female MUs. I'm thinking they'll probably just be the default ones from FE12 in GBA form, but we'll see ;)

Ah. Very well then. Go go go Jubby! You can do it! I wonder though...do you have a plan for patches yet? Might be a good idea to set that up if you haven't already.

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Alrightty, just checking. I wasn't sure if, different patch types or something, or I was thinking of doing different patches for different MU appearances, so I wasn't sure :P

I'll release a demo when I have a good bunch of material; I want to have probably at least 7 chapters done, I'm thinking probably even more than that. I definitely want to have them complete as much as possible, though; I don't want it to still feel like you're playing FE7 or anything, so that means new graphics, weapon icons, stuff like that is all going to be done BEFORE the first patch :) I don't want to use placeholder portraits or anything in the demo, either; I'm just a perfectionist, haha. Kinda. I dunno, I want the intended demo chapters to be fully complete before releasing it :3 That's not to say I won't change them or anything later, but yeah. So a patch won't be out for a while yet, no :(

God that's an almost Blazer-length answer to such a small question :$

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Alrightty, just checking. I wasn't sure if, different patch types or something, or I was thinking of doing different patches for different MU appearances, so I wasn't sure :P

I'll release a demo when I have a good bunch of material; I want to have probably at least 7 chapters done, I'm thinking probably even more than that. I definitely want to have them complete as much as possible, though; I don't want it to still feel like you're playing FE7 or anything, so that means new graphics, weapon icons, stuff like that is all going to be done BEFORE the first patch :) I don't want to use placeholder portraits or anything in the demo, either; I'm just a perfectionist, haha. Kinda. I dunno, I want the intended demo chapters to be fully complete before releasing it :3 That's not to say I won't change them or anything later, but yeah. So a patch won't be out for a while yet, no :(

God that's an almost Blazer-length answer to such a small question :$

Fair enough. Better to have things higher quality than to release something that people might think was rushed. And Blazer must be rubbing off on you. You HAVE been working with him on TU after all. You must resist the dark side Jubby! YOU MUST!

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I don't know about working on TU with him so much as he gave me a battle frame and I inserted it :3 But I digress. Also, if you're interested in betatesting, you won't have to wait as long... ;)

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I don't know about working on TU with him so much as he gave me a battle frame and I inserted it :3 But I digress. Also, if you're interested in betatesting, you won't have to wait as long... ;)

Are you psychic or something Jubby?

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Alright guys. I don't really have much of anything yet but when I get a few chapters done I'll PM you a patch :P

Edit: Oh and Skype it is for you, Trent ~

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Thank you for your overwhelming confidence -___- No, I appreciate it, thanks :3 As long as you're not too offended by splices hopefully the sprites will be alriight

Edit: And thankyou, Mr. Blazing_Soul, sir. I'm just trying to be realistic, haha. I'd say I'm reasonably good at most areas of it, but not really blowing anybody's minds in any areas :P Soooo if I keep at it hopefully I'll get there in many of the areas~

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Alright guys. I don't really have much of anything yet but when I get a few chapters done I'll PM you a patch :P

Edit: Oh and Skype it is for you, Trent ~

Thank you for your overwhelming confidence -___- No, I appreciate it, thanks :3 As long as you're not too offended by splices hopefully the sprites will be alriight

Edit: And thankyou, Mr. Blazing_Soul, sir. I'm just trying to be realistic, haha. I'd say I'm reasonably good at most areas of it, but not really blowing anybody's minds in any areas :P Soooo if I keep at it hopefully I'll get there in many of the areas~

He does have a good point ya know. You setting realistic goals is good. It means you aren't trying to appease everyone perfectly, which most of the time ends badly, which I know from real life experience. I'm sure everyone wishes you well Jubby, including me. Just keep on doing what you're doing and things will go well.

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seeing as this hasn't been posted in for quite a while, I figured I'd bump it off like, the second page or whatever it's on :P

My event structure is obviously allowing for MyUnit, and I've got all the kinks worked out, so yay for that. Thanks to a conversation with AstraLunaSol, 3rd tiers have been completely scrapped, and if they ARE in at all, it'll just be as enemies to piss you guys off toward endgame~

I DO work on this everyday, for the most part, so work hasn't been stopped or anything.

Uhhhh. I'm really busy with school and TU stuff I owe Blazer, but ALL must be in by April 30, IIRC, so I'll be able to devote almost all my time to this and hacking advances and DoF business I said I'd do cause <3 DoF.

i.e. we should start seeing updates in May, quite a bit.

For those of you wondering about difficulty levels or w/e, I'm pretty sure Ch 1 has around 15-17 enemies, sooooo

Not for the light hearted.

I've got a few chapters evented, I'm just waiting for myself to do sprites for the characters and such, ya know.

tl;dr, you guys should have SOME screens or something by next week sometime, it's gonna be hard and there aren't 3rd tiers anymore Soldier.gif

I treat this thread too much like a blog who the fuck cares that I'm too busy to work on it >:3

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