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Its alive but I've mostly stopped working on it till I get a laptop. (Although with FEE3 looming we shall see)

W00T! Have fun once you get dat Laptop. I was eagerly awaiting this when it was still called "My Unit Hack". Mage MU ftw? Or is it gonna be somewhat balanced unlike FE12 MU?

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I'm getting the laptop in the next couple months sometime

and lol it should be somewhat balanced. I'm trying to make it so that it's advantageous in different chapters to choose different MU's. FOR EXAMPLE: the first chapter is rather large and terrain-y, so it may be advantageous to take a flier. The next chapter might have narrow passages in favour of archers, etc.

Edited by Jubby
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I'm getting the laptop in the next couple months sometime

and lol it should be somewhat balanced. I'm trying to make it so that it's advantageous in different chapters to choose different MU's. FOR EXAMPLE: the first chapter is rather large and terrain-y, so it may be advantageous to take a flier. The next chapter might have narrow passages in favour of archers, etc.

THIS. This makes me happy. Keep it up Jubster!

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  • 1 month later...

second page oh noooooo


Thank you for patiently waiting; I present you with a screenshot.


(credit to Cam for the original battle frame, I did some palette swapping and splicing to fit it in a statsheet but I'm pretty sure the graphical genius is all his)

I'm not done inserting the new statsheet, but that particular page has most of its components in place, so a teaser if you please.

Anyway I've kind of taken a break from this for like... a few months, I guess, and I'm much refreshed and energized to be working on it again. Hopefully progress will be a little steadier now, but if not, I think I've got 2 months or so left of full time work, and then I'll be back in school, so I'll have more time to work on it then.

I think this break's been really great for this project, I've got a ton of new ideas for the structure of the hack and I just feel like my creativity's coming back, and I certainly have a lot more ideas that I actually like than I did when progress sort of ground to a standstill. I've got some big things planned that I've never really seen in FE before, and I'm excited to share them with you all. Thanks again for the support <3

More to come soon~

Edited by Jubby
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it's all thanks to you cam i can't seem to come up with original spriting ideas to save my life

but thanks :3

inb4 somebody says the design is too busy and they can't read the writing

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second page oh noooooo


Thank you for patiently waiting; I present you with a screenshot.


(credit to Cam for the original battle frame, I did some palette swapping and splicing to fit it in a statsheet but I'm pretty sure the graphical genius is all his)

I'm not done inserting the new statsheet, but that particular page has most of its components in place, so a teaser if you please.

Anyway I've kind of taken a break from this for like... a few months, I guess, and I'm much refreshed and energized to be working on it again. Hopefully progress will be a little steadier now, but if not, I think I've got 2 months or so left of full time work, and then I'll be back in school, so I'll have more time to work on it then.

I think this break's been really great for this project, I've got a ton of new ideas for the structure of the hack and I just feel like my creativity's coming back, and I certainly have a lot more ideas that I actually like than I did when progress sort of ground to a standstill. I've got some big things planned that I've never really seen in FE before, and I'm excited to share them with you all. Thanks again for the support <3

More to come soon~

Woot! Breaks are good Jubby. With breaks comes a refresher to the mind. With a refresher to the mind comes ideas. And with ideas come AWESOME.

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It sort of is :x

Also, uh

Yeah this doesn't tell me anything jubbs, all I see is lyn. :U

i'm doing this then finishing my events i know lyn ruins everything

and @Dan yes (I didn't think unfinalized colour theft was a big deal but I'm soooorryyyyy :( ) I borrowed your purple till I could come up with a different neutral colour.. I think I'm going to use a similar kind of shade just with like more greeey in it. :P

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and @Dan yes (I didn't think unfinalized colour theft was a big deal but I'm soooorryyyyy :( )


... Ahem. I like it! I agree that it might be a bit busy, particularly too much so for the portrait. I don't think it's a big deal with the text but it kind of overwhelms the portrait, imo. xD Of course, I'm not going to bug you to change it since it's your hack lol.

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