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Pre-Chapter World Map Scene Events


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Hello everyone! I'm new here, but I've been lurking on these forums for a few weeks now trying to pick up bits and pieces of rom hacking info. Thanks to you all I've learned most of the basics of event hacking. I've been having some trouble with my hack though; I can't seem to find a tutorial on how to change the pre-chapter world map scene event (not really sure what to call it exactly). What I mean by that is that part of the chapter at the very beginning where the map of Elibe shows up and you get that little text box that narrates what's going on and all that cute stuff. So far I've just been using Nightmare to skip the event, but I realize that if I want to be come a higher tier hacker I'll need to know how to do this eventually. Gonna need to upgrade from a novice eventually after all.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

PS: Wasn't entirely sure if this went in the event assembler thread or not. If it is supposed to, please forgive my ignorance. Like I said, I'm fairly new here lol.

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that's ASM hacking if I'm not mistaken. displaying the map graphics and whatnot can't be done through normal eventing :P you could change the text and even map graphics if you want but yeah.

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that's ASM hacking if I'm not mistaken. displaying the map graphics and whatnot can't be done through normal eventing :P you could change the text and even map graphics if you want but yeah.

Thanks for the reply Jubby! Like you said, I know you can change the text through something like feditor, but I'm thinking a little more than that.

For example, in Chapter 1 of FE7, you see Lyn's map sprite heading to Bulgar along with Kent's and Sain's. I want to change it so that you don't have that, and instead you get a view of the full world map, some text, highlight the Sacae area, zoom into some random coordinate on Sacae, and show some more text, then load the map.

It's something that definitely exceeds my knowledge, but I'm wondering if it's possible without having to get all into the ASM hacking. Hell I don't even know how to disassemble events properly lol.

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That would have to do with world map eventing,

Thanks for the reply! Where can I learn how to do world map eventing? And to do these events, would I have to make a separate text file and then use the event assembler to assemble onto my hack, or would it stay on the same text file as the chapter I want to change the world map event on?

however the maps themselves don't "zoom" they just alter from image to image.

Lol, you get the point though.

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YOu may want to get the basics of normal event editing before you try world map event editing, but either way, here's the link to a tutorial:


Thanks! I've got the basic event coding down, but I know I still have some stuff I need to learn. I'm one of those people that if he doesn't know how to do something, he needs to learn how to do it or else he won't rest. Haha I can't stand being stuck on something.

Question though. It doesn't state in the tutorial whether or not you're supposed to start all the world map event coding in a new text file, or if you can put it all in the same file as the chapter events. So if I wanted to change chapter 1's world map events, would I want to make a separate text file called "chapter 1 world map events" or something? Or would I keep it on the same text file as my chapter 1 events?

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In theory, you could have every single chapter's event in the same text file, since the compiler Event Assembler doesn't care whether the POIN commands are at the beginning or the end. As long as you set up the POIN tables and make sure to repoint in the event table properly, it shouldn't make a difference. Hell, one could write into the middle of an event if they're savvy enough, though I don't recommend it.

But since you're new at this, I'd recommend creating a new text file for every entry in the event pointer table. It's a bit easier on the human brain, trust me.

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In theory, you could have every single chapter's event in the same text file, since the compiler Event Assembler doesn't care whether the POIN commands are at the beginning or the end. As long as you set up the POIN tables and make sure to repoint in the event table properly, it shouldn't make a difference. Hell, one could write into the middle of an event if they're savvy enough, though I don't recommend it.

But since you're new at this, I'd recommend creating a new text file for every entry in the event pointer table. It's a bit easier on the human brain, trust me.

Thanks for the tip. That's what I do for tile changes, so I was wondering if I should do the same thing for this. Keeps things more organized and all that.

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That's what I get for not reading the event chapter of the UT! Sorry for that misleading bit of wrong info :( I think I saw someone else say it was ASM one time. Also figured it was ASM cause most people just take them out altogether :P yay now there's more stuff to do for my hack :/

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