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Coverage in Famitsu - Casual mode option returns.


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Oh, I'm not sure if there's any official statement that says that, but I always thought that FE6 is quite similar to FE1/3 in a lot of ways (I think... or is it just the Mamkutes), although probably not as close as this game is X D

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It could be interesting to see a follow-up to FE1/3 from several hundred years later or something like that.

MU's fixed special class is interesting, and sounds like a sign for both more actual class variety and not having reclassing at all, so yay for both. If only there was such a sign for skills... The skills seem to have a mix of minor and major effects; do we have any confirmation that the major skills like Astra can be swapped around like the others? It doesn't sound so bad if it's just things like the critical bonuses that could be swapped while relevant skills remain where they should.

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Amnesia? Really IS? That is the laziest plot device ever.

Also, I was going to say "40 classes sounds like way too many without being redundant" but then I counted the last game's and uhhhh...

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Because it's the internet? Hypothetically, any unknown image anywhere could potentially be NSFW.

Exactly, plus the image was linked from 2ch. I've been burned a few times by clicking on image links on 2ch, but it's all for the greater FE good... >___<

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Exactly, plus the image was linked from 2ch. I've been burned a few times by clicking on image links on 2ch, but it's all for the greater FE good... >___<

You poor unfortunate soul.

*continues discussion in the FE4 thread*

I'd be willing to do so. I mean, Pixiv burned my eyes a few times as well while looking for Ninian Fanart.

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It makes me think generic Mercenary, but it could be anything


wait but there were generics in one of the past videos who were just all shadowed so it's probably not that... hm...


~ ' 3'~

Edited by BwdYeti
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The enemy's just a Ruffian. You can tell if a character is generic if their name contains hiragana or kanji (which requires you to know a little Japanese).

Which reminds me, that pre-battle screen looks kind of confusing, assuming it's the pre-battle screen. Where's the Critical rate numbers?

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Which reminds me, that pre-battle screen looks kind of confusing, assuming it's the pre-battle screen. Where's the Critical rate numbers?

FE4 style crits?

I'm going to call it now

Krom and or Liz gave Mu his amnesia, or at least know of hir before the amnesia, because if you are going to give the player themself amnesia, you might as well fully copy the last game to do that.

Wonder how Mu's promotion works.

Edited by deuxhero
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With all those skills relating to crits, I wonder if critical rates might be completely dependent on those abilities rather than stats.

It was this way in Berwick Saga, where there were a bunch of ways to get a crit rate (weapons, supports, skills, really high weapon skill), but for characters that didn't have any of them and therefore didn't have a crit rate, there was no display for it; it was just added if they had a >0 chance. If this is using a similar system, it might also similarly not be mentioning the crit rate if it's nonexistent.

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*Huge image*

Come on man, a little courtesy please. Spoiler it, link it, or crop the image to the part you want to comment on. Some people have screens that are small and we don't want to scroll down so much just to see one little sentence for your post.

Which reminds me, that pre-battle screen looks kind of confusing, assuming it's the pre-battle screen. Where's the Critical rate numbers?

Feels like those Gundam games for the PS2 for the screen style. Like the ones Seph1212 has been playing.

There's no 「必殺」 anywhere to be found on those pre-battle screens. Maybe it's a SECOND pre-battle screen?

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It shows HP going from 7 -> 0 on the generic. Perhaps it is what shows up when Animations are off? (Does not know Japanese, and claims no responsibility for this being disproven by said Japanese)

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It seems like the MU is just going to be an FE7 Tactician who can partake in combat. Not sure if that's better or worse than FE12's MU...

As for this game being a reimagining of FE1, like FE6, that would strangely fall into the pattern of the first 10 FE games, where:

FE1 = FE6 (= FE13?)

FE2 = FE8

FE3 = FE7

FE4 = FE10

FE5 = FE9

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Hmmm... if My Unit has has an unique class then maybe she has the ability to develop in different directions through options like manually spreading the lv-up gains or something. This might get interesting...

Not to mention that such a radical design change awakens hopes that IS finally patches the game mechanics a little. If NoE hands out an release date... well the game is pretty much the reason I bought my 3ds in the first place. Make it happen, plz.

I'm still not a fan of casual mode though...

I think it turns the whole game on it's head. Enemies are rarely strong enough to wipe out your whole team. But all they need to do is too take out 1-2 units of yours to ruin your day. If units don't die permanently, there would never be any tension.

In order for this mode to work. The chapters in each mode would need to be entirely differently designed for each mode and since IS didn't bother with this the last time I don't see them doing it now.

And it's not going to get more people playing this game. This would require Nintendo to actually advertise the game which I think they haven't done outside of Japan since FE7.

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It doesn't hurt anything.

I am curious to see what MU's deal is. Swords and tomes? Balanced characters so rarely seem to work out, unless they give us ways to skew him/her somehow...

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It seems like the MU is just going to be an FE7 Tactician who can partake in combat. Not sure if that's better or worse than FE12's MU...

As for this game being a reimagining of FE1, like FE6, that would strangely fall into the pattern of the first 10 FE games, where:

FE1 = FE6 (= FE13?)

FE2 = FE8

FE3 = FE7

FE4 = FE10

FE5 = FE9

How is that a pattern? Like, at all?

Edited by Refa
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Two 5-game sets, where the individual games in each set match up with each other. FE13 could be the start of a new set.

Well I can see that:

-FE6 stripped the series from most of it's new mechanics and brought it back to the level of FE1 more or less. It featured a very similar setting with a few twists in regards who the bad guys of the past war were and to the truth about the shadow dragon.

-FE8 brought back the monsters from FE2 the travel-able world map and grinding opportunities.

But what about the others?

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Well I can see that:

-FE6 stripped the series from most of it's new mechanics and brought it back to the level of FE1 more or less. It featured a very similar setting with a few twists in regards who the bad guys of the past war were and to the truth about the shadow dragon.

I would hardly say it goes back to FE1's level. :P: Story-wise, I don't see many connections either. The one's I do recognize are featured in some manner in most of the games.

I remember someone saying that FE6 was the first game to completely cut ties with Akaneia. Maybe this is what you guys mean about the series 'resetting'? >o<

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Two 5-game sets, where the individual games in each set match up with each other. FE13 could be the start of a new set.

pattern- 5. A consistent, characteristic form, style, or method

Sorry, not seeing the pattern. Playing the matching game between the first 5 games and the next 5 games doesn't constitute a pattern because it's in no way consistent. Here's what a pattern would look like. Keep in mind that this in no way is indicative of what content the games actually have, it's just an example

Fire Emblem 1- Standard FE

Fire Emblem 2- RPG Fire Emblem

Fire Emblem 3- Remake

Fire Emblem 4- Giant Map FE

FIre Emblem 5- Standard FE

Fire Emblem 6- RPG FE

Fire Emblem 7- Remake

Fire Emblem 8- Giant Map FE

Fire Emblem 9- Standard FE

Fire Emblem 10- RPG Fire Emblem

Fire Emblem 11- Remake

FIre Emblem 12- Giant Map FE

Fire Emblem 13- Standard FE

Also wouldn't FE11 & FE12 be the start of the new set? Kinda silly to leave them out of it because they're remakes. And they conform to your idea of a pattern anyways!

I would hardly say it goes back to FE1's level. :P: Story-wise, I don't see many connections either. The one's I do recognize are featured in some manner in most of the games.

I remember someone saying that FE6 was the first game to completely cut ties with Akaneia. Maybe this is what you guys mean about the series 'resetting'? >o<

I think the Fire Emblem retrospective video does a good job at painting the similarities. http://blip.tv/dinos...-part-7-5488447

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I wonder if the fact that they said MU uses Magic means that we're having magic squished into one weapon type again or if they're just not revealing what kind he uses

I don't see any reason why they would go back to one-type magic outside of the remakes. I think it's just that at a time like this, they don't feel the need to go into any more detail.

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