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Sea Lion's Stuff

Sea Lion

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Thanks for the comments guys, I'll probably go and fix him later. At the moment I'm working on sprites for my hack so, newer version of Remie:


I could use some help on the top of the glasses/the eyebrows. The hair is really what I changed and a bit more shading on the jacket. I'm going to add a pin to the lapel eventually as well.

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Huh, it's been pretty quiet around here the past couple of weeks. I don't want to triple post, but it's been 5 days and I have a decent amount of new stuff. So first

Remie edit:


I gave him the pin I was talking about. It's supposed to be a bat but it kinda looks like a book. I still want to go through and re-do his hair, but that can wait til later I guess.

Then the beginnings of his battle sprite! (aka, the scholar)


Not so great, but it's a start.

And now what I'm really excited about....


BAM! Went all D3 up in this shit. I have to faces, one with the real beard and then one with a trimmed version. I think it came out amazingly well considering I had no clue what I was doing. Need to fix his left (our pov) shoulder though, it's angle is off. And then that's his standing battle sprite. That sprite took me forever, and I still want to change his pants/skirt thing.

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Right side of Remie's head OPV is a little small. Other than that it looks good. That beast trainer looks pretty nice too :) Your newest guy looks pretty awesome! (Although I can still tell that it's Fado's face) it's done pretty nicely!

You've improved a lot in your spriting!

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Kay, so I went back and touched up his shading and realized his body was really boring. So first I added some random tattoos (it's the hindu symbol 'Om') then I realized that the monk in game has tattoos, so I added those. Then I did a version of him with a trimmed beard and no tattoos I also touched up the shading on the big beards. Which looks best?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm really quite fond of this sprite you made, but something really seemed off to me about the angle of his neck, head, or body, so I decided to quickly slap on Hawkeye's body, since he's both shirtless and has his head pointed in a similiar direction.


Ignoring the terrible mash-up job I did, I think changing the angle of the body similiar to how Hawkeye is positioned really helps this guy look more solid. Provided, I'm sure you don't want him to be a total beefcake, so I'm just trying to put emphasis on the direction of the body here rather than the muscularity. In your sprite, his body appears to be facing directly forward. I hope you understand my point here.

Additionally, I only picked the short-bearded one to illustrate this better. I actually prefer the design of the mug in the center with the cool swirly tatts. :D Good job! I'm excited to see how he turns out.

As for Remie, I think the problem with the glasses and the eyebrows is that glasses don't usually go that high above the eyes. They usually sit a bit further down on the nose, so perhaps if you change the position of the glasses, or the style of the glasses into a more rectangular shape, that may fix the problem you're having. When you fix his hair, keep in mind that his hairline seems to go a bit low, his forehead seems a bit stunted, particularly towards the right side of the sprite.

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Okay, yeah I totally see what you mean about his body angle. I knew his left shoulder looked weird but I couldn't figure out how to fix that

And I'll see if that works for his glasses thanks.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm back. Been busy with school (taking bio online and I have 2 ap courses) so I haven't had much time to work on anything lately. But I made some time and made My Unit! Or one of them at least. Still some issues with the trim (both gold and purple) and then the left (hers) arm is a little funky. Also the palette is insane. I can't get it down to 16.


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