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The first FE10 SOYO draft


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Prolly a few typos, logging on phone in the waiting line @ six flags

1-P: 5/5


1-1: 6/11


1-2: 5/16

No thani, but durr I got the drop as always

1-3: 7/23

Strat altered for lack of thani, meh

1-4: 6/29

Did that thing that Soul said. Didn't work on the first 2 tries, for some reason

1-5: 6/35


1-6-1: 4/39

Yay Zihark

1-6-2: 2/41

Yay shoving

1-7: 5/46

Savior!sothe, derp

1-8: 5/51


1-9: 4/55


1-E: 6/61

Sothe was mainly on ferry duty, Zi cleared the way. Resolvecaiah cleared out the top platform. BK lagged but obliterated a gap enemy, raf did the usual.

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Team - Gareth, Vika, Astrid, Danved, Lethe, Heather, Shinon, Tanith, Edward.

Part 1: Silver-Haired Maiden


Miccy hits and Edward kills, by the next phase I took advantage of the enemy's bio so Miccy hits the bandit while Edd advances and crts in EP2 an approaching bandit. Eddie, then, rushes to the boss and dodges wrath crtkills every bandit :awesome: , he got a good lv. up involving str and spd XD, so by the next phase, Pugo was pwned.

Turns: 4



Nolan rushes to the soldier and hits, and dodges. Miccy moves and Eddie acts as her shield. Nolan gets the hand axe, Eddie and Miccy kill some bandits. Nolan gets hit and kills in the other phase, Miccy and Ed advance (Edd kills a fighter). Miccy gets hit by the soldier and the archer hits Edd making him enter in wrath range. Eddie wrath crtkills the myrm, gets the steel sword, Nolan pushes Miccy and she escapes.

Turns: 4/8

BEXP: 120P


Blah blah blah. Miccy shields and blocks the soldiers, unequipps Light, heals, kills. Edd climbs the gap, hits, kills. Nolan climbs the ledges as well. Sothe arrives and rushes to the boss room, Nolan and Eddie advance and kill the soldiers (Nolan let one survive). Sothe steals a vuln to get EXP, more advance bla bla, Sothe gets the Drop as Nolan shields Laura and Leo, shove shove shove and Laura arrives.

Turns: 5/13

BEXP: 180P


5 turn possible cause Miccy crtd an archer when adjacent at Sothe :awesome: . Edd shoves Miccy to escape. Miccy sucks without Thani and with Eddie, lol. I'm focusing too much on Eddie.

Turns: 5/18

BEXP: 275P


Forged a max mt/crt Iron Sword to Edd called Ordon Sword, lulz. Ellight and Beast Killer were bought at the bargains. Miccy crtkills another tiger and get the chest key. Sothe is in charge of the northern enemies, Eddie of the southern ones. Miccy gets the 3000G.

Turns: 4/22

BEXP: 450P


Training for Miccy and Wrath obliteration with Edward. Sothe steals the Master Seal from the southern soldier. Forged three knives for Sothe, one with max hit. Called Trullz, Lol and Rofl ahhahaha.

Turns: 6/28

BEXP: 488P


Stage 1

Adept Sothe usual strat. Eddie and Miccy kill peggies and knights and stuff.

Stage 2

Edward shoves Sothe, Miccy avoids the ballistician, she resolve kills cavs with Ellight, she got C rank by Stage 1, lol.

Turns: 6/34

BEXP: 4713P


BEXP'd Eddie a level, he's by lv. 19 now. He's sealed and BEXP'd to 1.99EXP, assigned Paragon and Cancel for the lulz.

Miccy moves, Edd shoves her, Saviour Adept Sothe rescues her. By the next phase, Eddy shoves Sothe and the keep on. The LEA do nothing but stick to Sothe. Sothe Adept Crtkills Djur. Eddie killed some knights and an archer and a mage.

Turns: 5/39

BEXP: 1516P


BEXP'd Vika to 15.99 to increase her gauge and give her Adept. Eddie is BEXP'd to 2.99 cause he didn't get an extra lv. up in the last chapter.

Eddie rushes to the west, Miccy north and Vika south, lol she looks like Ayla in Chrono Trigger Triple kicking bandits, lulz. Celerity Sothe kills the boss and the priestXD.

Turns: 4/43

BEXP: 3250P


The usual strat didn't work :(: , I don't know why, I killed every unit but derp. So I wasn't accepting a 6 or 9 turn so I figured another way.

This time Burger Rollouts and kills the western fighter, Micaiah moves and hits the myrm. She gets hit and resolve kills him. Burger rullz to the javelin soldier by the next phases to kill the reinforcements as Miccy rushes to the stationary soldier in the northwest. As a result, by EP3 Jarod appears but BK can't see him so he moves to the thickets and...SURPRISE! There's Jarod but in the normal tile not in the bushes. Jarod, consequently, suicides eating a poisoned Burger.

Turns: 4/47

BEXP: 3000P


Ilyana ferries:

  • Hammer
  • Goddess Icon
  • Energy Drop for Heather
  • Celerity
  • Adept
  • Imbue

BEXP'd Miccy to lv. 18, Sothe, Eddie and Vika to .99.

Saviour Pass Sothe rushes to the boss ferrying Micaiah, Vika rushes too with Rafiel's and a Lolivi Grass's help. Edward kills reinforcements while up in the ledges XD. I would've gotten the speedwings with Vicky but Sothe had the keys :dry: . Derp, next time...

Turns: 5/52

BEXP: 3750P

Part 1: Silver-Haired Maiden cleared in 52 Turns

Edited by Quintessence
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Part 2: Of Countries and Kings


Luchi to S strike, he got hp, str, spd and def in a level up! :awesome: Sorry Lincy but Luchi¡s better, I'm not wasting BEXP :awesome:

Turns: 8/60

BEXP: 1000P


Recruited Heather, Neph wrath crtkills Ludveck, she got str, skl and def :O

Turns: 6/66

BEXP: 4108P


Lethe got hp, str, def in a BEXP lv. up, then, to .99EXP. Heather to .99EXP as well. Luchi as free unit, sorry Neph, Luchi is better this time.^_^'

Lethe and Luchi are shields protecting Lucia and Heather. The team rush with Leanne, Luchi kills the general and lights the area with a torch from the venin bow archer. Lethe hits Maraj and Heather kills.

Turns: 5/71

BEXP: 3250P


OMG Astrid sucks heavily. Geoffrey rush. Geoffrey, Astrid and Danved were literally a sandwich, they act as Astrid's shields. Bought everything from the bargains except the killing edge and the lance. BEXP'd everyone to .99EXP, Geo gets str and Brave Lances Tashoria. Astrid got one or two kills, Danved killed plenty of s**t.

Turns: 5/76

BEXP: 9851P


Heather was a Kirby, plenty of BEXP to lv. 14.99, skl and sp capped, she got str and def in the process. Luchi double wrath crtkills Ludveck.

Turns: 1/77 (+4)

BEXP. 3034P

Part 2: Of Countries and Kings cleared in 25 (+4) Turns

Edited by Quintessence
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Yeah...seriously how the hell did micaiah even get the 3000 gold?...and u went and did 1-P 4 turn and 1-1 in 4 turns without Leo...not to mention u 5 turned 1-3. Ur RNG abuse is getting out of hand IMO. Oh and i know 1-4 is 4 turnable since ive done it a lot of times before but that micaiah crit and her getting the gold is what upsets me about it. Its dumb. Unless u can explain how she never got hit...

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I call bullshit on your turns. Too much RNG reliance.

:( I know it seems RNG abuse but it did happened, it wasn't intentionally or that I reset abused to get those crts.

Yeah...seriously how the hell did micaiah even get the 3000 gold?...and u went and did 1-P 4 turn and 1-1 in 4 turns without Leo...not to mention u 5 turned 1-3. Ur RNG abuse is getting out of hand IMO. Oh and i know 1-4 is 4 turnable since ive done it a lot of times before but that micaiah crit and her getting the gold is what upsets me about it. Its dumb. Unless u can explain how she never got hit...


Miccy didn't even get hit by anything, she did nothing. She hits the door and Sothe breaks it, there Sothe receives a tiger and another one keeps untransformed in front of him. Micaiah doubles the tiger and crtkills it with 14% and gets the keys (that's PP2). By PP3 she moves and gets out of range of a tiger near the boss but she keeps in range of the chest so she opens it by PP4 as Sothe moves to the east and the boss, a cat and a tiger suicide on him.


I already explained it, the bronze bow archer attacked Ed and made him enter in wrath range cause he fought several fighters. He then wrath crtkills Isaya, gets the stl sword, Nolan (who stood in the church to get the hand axe) shoves her to escape through Isaya's tile.

1-P is already explained as well as 1-3 where I would've easily gotten the 6 turn.

I repeat, it wasn't that I began to reset/battle save abuse to make this things happen on purpose. That makes drafts less fun and more stressful but I can't do anything if it happens.

Besides, the same thing happens when Neph double wrath crtkills Ludveck for a regular 4 turn, I don't know why such surprise... :mellow:

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What's the best way to do 1-E swiftly, with just free units+Nolan/Leo.

Including the chests.

Free units + Ed/Nolan + Vika/Nailah/Volug :awesome:

There you can get at least one chest if you make Sothe kill Jarod :S

Edited by Quintessence
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I recommend you a laguz unit because it's faster XD. You can get all three chests (Wing, Vantage and Parity) with at least two units different from the free ones to avoid TC inflation. Have Miccy and Sothe and maybe Nolan/Leo or whatever DB unit you have and have the laguz unit/Jill open the chests. I think you can do it in 9-10 turns :unsure: .

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What's the best way to do 1-E swiftly, with just free units+Nolan/Leo.

Including the chests.

Chests are mostly useless, the onlyones that matter are speedwing and parity... You can probably get away with a 6 turn using Savior pass sothe and get parity. A 7 turn would definately net you a speedwing chest too... Just have Leo/BK shove rafiel... Its a maybe now that i think about it... Although nolan should be fast enough to get there...

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Chests are mostly useless, the onlyones that matter are speedwing and parity... You can probably get away with a 6 turn using Savior pass sothe and get parity. A 7 turn would definately net you a speedwing chest too... Just have Leo/BK shove rafiel... Its a maybe now that i think about it... Although nolan should be fast enough to get there...

Maybe a 6 turn is possible if you have Sothe get Parity, another unit kill Jarod and the other one get the Speedwings.

I remember getting, at least, Parity with a 6 turn. :):

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Oh yeah, sure, if you get "lucky" like that. Ill get lucky in 1-4 with a miccy that dodges every tiger and crits him back. Ill get 4 turns without needing eddie!...

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:/ We need set rules for this Battle save abuse. I know, the past one was really vague. However, i think we could all come to an agreement of what is extreme battle save abuse, as clearly demonstrated by Soul and PKL, who agree that Quint seems to have abused it (i'm trying to remain neutral here).

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You got "lucky" in those three chapters. Riiight.


Oh yeah, sure, if you get "lucky" like that. Ill get lucky in 1-4 with a miccy that dodges every tiger and crits him back. Ill get 4 turns without needing eddie!...



Why such opposition since those strategies are the same as the ones applied in 2-1 and 2-E? Just because they're weird and look massive RNG abuse? So I had to reset back when Micaiah crtkilled the archer in 1-3 and the untransformed tiger in 1-4? And reset back because Edward and Micaiah dodged hits in 1-P and Edward crtkilled everybody and the boss as Neph and Luchi wrath crtkilled the respective bosses in 2-1 and 2-E? Just because they seem there was a serious abuse behind it? Sorry but no, the thing is already done.

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I dont believe you one bit though. No ONE gets that lucky dude. Its ok to get lucky once in a while but sorry, i dont believe that you can get extremely lucky things like that unless you were looking for them to happen. For instance, you made edward ignore the bandit in turn 2 and kept moving forward instead of attacking him...u were aiming for the 4 turn and i doubt u can get "lucky" dodges + str proc + wrath without battle save abuse. Who are you trying to kid? I understand ur 1-4 now though, seems legit. But ur 1-P and 1-3 are stupid. And ur 2-E too now that u mention it how the heck did nealuchi even get to wrath range if he has 50 something hp and a lot of def and probably wont get hit by anything due to how hax his dodge is. I know u can get hit by a bow from above but that still isnt enough to get into wrath range before ludveck attacks...

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Of course I battle saved after Eddie crt'd the bandit in turn 2, that was my purpose of finding out how to 4 turn is without relying on Micaiah crting with 4%.

You are free to think what you want...:/

I declare a ceasefire.

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Congrats then! you found out the 4 turn strat needs lot of rigging anyways. Why didnt you reset and do the much more reliable 5 turn anyways after you found out how to do the 4 turn? You know, theres a reason nobody 4 turns that map ever. There is also a little problem with 5 turning 1-3: miccy's bio is bad-worst in that map. Theres a way to 5 turn it with all units in a non-draft setting, but doing it in drafts with so little units (or none other than sothe) to protect miccy is dumb. Restart, do it legitly and ill ceasefire :3.

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I know that with enough str procs and wrath, it can be done. I just question who actually hit him into wrath. IIRC only the top enemies react, west armors who break the door, and the super faraway western enemies near the nullify actually act before ludveck. Unless nealuchi can laguz stone, attack the crossbow guy and canto towards one of the ludveck suicide tiles...then i dont see how its possible. Unless the bow guys near the thunder sage actually move and attack before him...

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Luchi stones, Lethe and Heather pushed the birdies (Leanne and Luchi), he kills the bowgun man and ends with 4HP, Vigored and Luchi stays in the secret tile with the double wrath crtblick on Ludveck. Luchi just needs 1 str proc and S strike. He got two lv. ups, one involving str and was nearly to get the third one due to using him as free unit in 2-2.

I've come to a peace treaty (as Lucia, Lincy and Bastian) with PKL and I've agreed to restart the play through :awesome: to avoid more Winds of Rebellion or Tides of Intrigue.

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