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The first FE10 SOYO draft


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Too late.

Well, Nolan keeps dying to 15+enemies and running out of concoctions...................

someone get on IP chat and verbally instruct me on what to do :P:


Leo keeps getting spd and then dies........

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2-P - 8/69


2-1 - 5/75


2-2 - 7/82

because, well, idc

2-3 - 5/87

gogogo kieran

2-E - 1/88


edit: oh god i am a fucking idiot i have elincia drafted im stupid

Edited by CR-S01
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According to the blood pact I signed, I should restart...and so I did 8S

The First FE10 SOYO Draft - hosted by ZerkrSoul

My team - Gareth, Vika, Astrid, Danved, Lethe, Heather, Shinon, Tanith, Edward.

Credits to Integ for this team :awesome:

Part 1 - Silver-Haired Maiden

Part 1 recruitable units:

  • Edward
  • Vika


Did the usual strategy, Miccy hits and Edward kills. That goes for the first 4 turns, by EP4 Eddie dodges Pugo and no wrath, so I decided to continue cause I was bored. Eddie hits, gets hit, and Miccy hits Pwgo. EP5 O:O, the decisive moment, or I lose or I win, Pugo decides to for the Silver-Haired...*trembling...O_x*...MICCY DODGES HIGH BIO PUGO...AND KILLS HIM O_o...LUUUUUUUULZ. I would've reset for Eddie wrath crt, but Miccy got in exchange more EXP XD.

Turns: 5



Miccy moves, Eddie protects her, Nolan hits the jav soldier. The bad bio fighters hit Nolan and Edward, and get heavily wounded by the DBers. Nolan gets the hand axe, Eddie kills a fighter as well as Micaiah did. Miccy (who dodged the wounded fighters) chips the fighter blocking the path to Isaya, and Edd kills. The bowman hits Ed while the soldier hits Miccy. Finally, Edward wrath crtkills Isaya and gets the Steel Sword, Nolan shoves Miccy for her to escape.

Turns: 4/9

BEXP: 120P


Miccy blocks the soldiers at the southeast, Nolan moves and stays below the westernmost gap, Eddie climbs it and hits the fighter, Leo rescues Laura. Things keep on, moving Nolan to that tile let him be in the northern fighter's attack range, so Edd or him could kill him and receive the soldiers in the next phase...and so did Eddie. This move allows Leo to drop Laura exactly 5 tiles to the arrive tile so :awesome: . Sothe moves to the boss room, lures the bowman and kills him. By PP5 Edd wrath crtkills the soldier in the boss room for Sothe to get the Energy Drop, Laura arrives.

Turns: 5/14

BEXP: 180P


Due to lack of Thani, I took the eastern road. Sothe and Eddy kill some enemies, Leo rescues Ilyana and Nolan rescues Laura, almost everyone escaped for more BEXP.

Turns: 6/20

BEXP: 406P


Ordon Sword to Eddie, lulz. Cancel to Eddie for more lulz. Bought Ellight and Beast Killer.

Miccy hits the door and Sothe breaks it. Eddie crts the tiger near the healing jar in the south. Enemies approach and an untransformed tiger moves and stays in front of Sothe. Miccy crts it and gets the keys, Sothe moves one tile and kills the other tiger. The boss suicides on Sothe, as other tigers approach Eddie. Killz and lulz. Miccy gets the keys and Sothe moves, and at EP4, Pain and a cat sd on Sothe as the other tiger approaches Edd for more CEXP.

Turns: 4/24

BEXP: 450P


Spirit Dust for Micaiah, just to give her a boost for 1-6. Bought a Wind Edge for Edward.

Sothe to the south and steals the Master Seal, Edd and Miccy above the ledges killing enemies and the boss.

Turns: 6/30

BEXP: 476P


Stage 1

Resolve Miccy to the northeast, Adept Sothe rushes to the end of the map, Edd wanders around wrath crtkilling everyone.

Stage 2

Eddie has a ridiculous Def, he shoves Sothe. Miccy moves out of range of the ballistician, Sothe moves with his shit ton of forges.

Turns: 6/36

BEXP: 4712P


BEXP'd and promoted Edward, assigned him Paragon.

Miccy moves, Eddy shoves her, Savior Adept Sothe rescues her. Edward then shoves Sothe, Sothe advances to the boss Adept crtkilling him. Eddy gets some kills but no lv. up cause he had to spend two turns shoving.

Turns: 5/41

BEXP: 1516P


Conviction :newyears:

Vika uses the Drop cause it would require too many Adept procs to 4 turn it. Oh! BEXP'd her to lv.15 to increase her gauge an give her Adept.

Miccy to the north resolve killing enemies, Eddie moves to the west, Vika uses Olivi for the first 2 turns. Celerity Sothe rushes to the boss. Vika Adept kills bandits, Sothe kills the wyvern who canto'd near the boss area. Rafiel Vigors Edd for kills and lulz with his Ordon and Wind swords.

Turns: 4/45

BEXP: 3250P


I stick to my strategy, Burger kills the fighter, she moves and hits the myrm. She advances to the west, Burger rolls to the east then north. Both kill enemies and Miccy ends in the thickets tile in front of the soldier, that's good. Jarod appears by the end of EP3 but out of Burger's sight. For that, BK moves to the thicket and there he is. SD.

Turns: 4/49

BEXP: 3000P


BEXP'd Miccy from lv.15.39 to 18.10, she's awesome. Everyone to .99EXP

Miccy ORKOs the fighter, Pass Savior Sothe rescues her, Edd shoves, Raph vigors, Edd kills the archer, Sothe climbs and kills the other with his accurate knife forges, Vika olivis. Advance, advance and advance. Eddie stays in the first floor to welcome reinforcements. I was unable to get the speedwings, cause Vika opens the door and Sothe drops Miccy, she resolve kills the enemies. Vika hits Jarod for strike and Sothe kills, Miccy seizes.

Turns: 5/54

BEXP: 3750P

Part 1: Silver-Haired Maiden cleared in 54 turns

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Part 2: Of Countries and Kings

Part 2 recruitable units:

  • Heather
  • Lethe
  • Astrid
  • Danved


Luchi to S strike, he gets again str in his two level ups :awesome:

Turns: 8/62

BEXP: 1000P


Neph kills stuff, she lures Ludveck by EP3 and by PP4 she moves to the stairs staying out of the Elfire mage's range, Brom stays behind her and Yeardley fails to attack him, Brom Disarms him lol. Heather appears. Brom kills the priest and Neph recruits Heather and she gets a lolcard to avoid killing the mage and getting more BEXP. Yeardley suicides on Brom. Brom gets Hp, Skl, Sp and Lck :(: . Why do undrafted units get good level ups when I don't draft them? :facepalm:

Turns: 5/67

BEXP: 3700P


BEXP'd Heather to .99 and Lethe to 1.99, she gets Hp, Str and Lck.

Units to the center, then to the northern route. Lethe crts a steel blade armor at EP which helped me get the four turns :awesome: . By the way, Luchi was my free unit. Heather killed mages and stuff.

Turns: 4/71

BEXP: 3250P


Rush. Geoffrey, Astrid and Danved were a sandwich. I was aiming for a 6 turn but lolDanved crt'd Tashoria with the Short Spear, Astrid got +2 Str but no Sp :(

Turns: 5/76

BEXP: 10051P


BEXP'd Lethe a level with str and to .99EXP. Heather to lv.12.95

Luchi strategy, but this time I spent an extra turn cause it was very risky to have Leanne in the battlefield unless rescuing Herons aren't considered a penalty. Luchi stays untransformed in the middle of the enemies. Gets hit by a halb and a steel bow archer, the bowgun warrior is obsessed with breaking the wullz. Luchi transforms and Wrath crtkills Ludveck by EP2.

Turns: 2/78 (+4)

BEXP: 3009P

Part 2: Of Countries and Kings cleared in 24 turns + 4 turn penalty

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Lol so much time I can't remember well the strats, however I'll do my best =D

Part 3: Intersecting Vows

Part 3's available/recruitable units:

  • Shinon
  • Heather
  • Lethe
  • Edward
  • Astrid
  • Danved
  • Tanith


Counter Provoke Ike rushes to Sylvos Windrunner The Crossbow-Unlucky Sniper. Adept Vantage Shinon stays near the initial point killing units and using the ballista, nothing special. Ike crt Ettards Silvano for the 8 turn 8P.

Turns: 8/86 (+4)

BEXP: 5960P


Adept Titania rushes from the generals to Vommit's area. She had to have a pair number of uses of Short Axe to be able to kill the last units and have it broken successfully, and not break it and leave enemies alive 8/. Vantage Shinon uses the Crossbow in the middle area with Ike and Mia, Ike, then, goes to the thickets area to lure some 1-2 range enemies to be killed by Titania at EP4. Also, Lethe helped 8D.

Turns: 4/90 (+8)

BEXP: 3002P


Forges for Heather. .99EXP to everyone. Celerity Ike shoves Adept Vantage Shinon. Approaches the boss's attack range and Adept + Crt + Crt + Normal attack and kills him (7dmg), lol Shinon's str. Heather and Ike train and kill.

Turns: 3/93 (+8)

BEXP: 3750P


Celerity Ike to the northeast, Heather burns the southeastern and northern supply, she Adept crtkills Veyona. Shinon and Gatrie (bonus :awesome: ) get kills. No Blossom 8(, but Crown 8).

Turns: 9/102 (+8)

BEXP: 6100P


Heather and Lethe rush and take advantage of their movement reduction climbing ledges. Kills and lulz, cats and tigers were killed though -_-.

Turns: 7/109 (+8)

BEXP: 5739P


Promote Shinon and Heather. .99EXP for both, Celerity Heather gets str, she crtkills Lombrosso (crt + normal hit).

Turns: 2/111 (+8)

BEXP: 4000P


Eddie couldn't promotes through BEXP, so SM for this chapter, but I gave him the Master Crown to use it when capped everything throughout the chapter and when some stats were capped. INB4, Eddie caps Hp, Str, Sp and Def, Crowned like by PP5. Eddie was assigned Paragon and Cancel for quick lv.ups. Miccy and Sothe go north, Eddie goes northeast. Short of 4 beasts for the 7 turn :dry: .

Turns: 8/119 (+8)

BEXP: 4550P

To be continued...

Edited by Quintessence
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Training chapter, basically, Lethe recruits Zishark for Saviour, a Silver Dagger, a Short Spear and other stuff. Heather had enough will power and bravery that she stole BK a Reaper Card and a Brave Bow :^_^: .

Turns: 12/131 (+8)

BEXP: 5047P


No one can solo the chapter so clearing the chapter was by team attack, Heather rushing to the boss and Lethe, Shinon and Ike killing her leftovers.

Turns: 6/137 (+8)

BEXP: 8250P


Danved and Astrid train and kill with Paragon. Danved got the Speedwing.

Turns: 6/143 (+8)

BEXP: 11412P


Adept Celerity Shinon equipped with the 3-8 Crossbow to the boss. Heather follows with buncha' knives. Lethe and Wrath Ike deal with the southern enemies.

Turns: 7/150 (+8)

BEXP: 13418P

To be continued...

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Awarded BEXP to Tanith to Lv. 20, Crowned her and more BEXP to 1.99EXP. Did the same to Danved. Lol if only Flame Lances, Light Bows or Dark Knives existed.

Celerity Savior Tanith rescues Ike and ferries him all the way to the seize tile. Tanith gets Vigored by Gorgeous Leanne in order to wait in the correct tile. I have declared bankruptcy due to the shit load of javelins and knives forged, lol, now Astrid's coming :facepalm: . Finally, the rest wander and lol around in the bridge of Eldin.

Turns: 4/154 (+8)

BEXP: 10514P


Awarded BEXP to Sothe and for some level ups. Miccy and Eddie to .99EXP.

Lol, capped def Eddie got hit by every single shit. He ended the chapter with 2HP O_o. Micaiah orders the allies to move to the north and roam by PP3. In the same way, Miccy rushes to the ledges with Sothe and pwns every single enemy. It was awesome seeing Edward Wrath Crtkill enemies with Wind Edge, lulz.

Turns: 3/157 (+8)

BEXP: 7585P


Awarded more BEXP to Sothe and Micaiah for some level ups. Edd to .99EXP.

The Blade of Justice rushes to the Hero of the Blue Flames. Ike is canceled by PP3 with Caladbolg and suicides by EP3 :awesome: .

Turns: 3/160 (+8)

BEXP: 8922P


Awarded Astrid some BEXP to Lv. 18, but lol no Crown, so derp. Gave her the Brave Bow to get kills and boost her Bow rank.

Astrid supports the Gallian Army as Lethe supported the Phoenician and gets some Paladin kills. The rest rush and kill. Celerity Ike laughs at enemies. Shinon Crtkills Edward, who failed to hit Ike with a double Tempest Blade attempt, and Deadeyes Kurthnaga. Ike kills Tauros, lol. Tanith got Rescue, she's awesome.

Turns: 5/165 (+8)

BEXP: 15275P

Part 3: Intersecting Vows cleared in 87 turns + 4 turn penalty using Titania in 3-1

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Part 4: Gods and Men

New unit(s):

  • Vika (4-4)
  • Gareth (4-E-4)

Team Distribution

  • Silver Route - Micaiah*, Sothe*, Leanne*, Tanith and Lethe
  • Greil Route - Ike*, Rafiel*, Edward, Danved and Vika*
  • Hawk Route - Reyson*, Astrid, Heather and Shinon

*(Unit Name) = Forced Unit


Sorrowful Unending Task =(

Resolve Miracle Micaiah kills a halberdier blocking the path to the bridge. Tanith rescues and waits in the halberdiers position, Leanne, then, Vigors General Tanith and moves to the river to take a bath. Adept Vantage Tanith moves to the north and drops Micaiah into the crossbowman's attack range. Lethe stones and waits in front of the southern berdiers. She handled every southern 1 range enemy. Miccy Resolve kills everyone, Tanith rushes to the Bow Paladins and kills them. Finally, Tanith kills the Bishop and Miccy the Tempest Blade Sword General, so Yuma and other minions suicied on 6HP Miccy.

Turns: 3/168 (+8)

BEXP: 3000P

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