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Rate the Boss, Day 20: Lloyd & Linus


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- Ratings are assumed to be on Hard mode (LHM, EHM, and HHM). If they appear more than once, all of their appearances should be considered overall.

- To be counted, votes need some explanation regarding the difficulty in fighting them (unless they fall into the general parameters of the average rating, but reasoning is still strongly encouraged on those even if you just wanna quote people) — incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Don't put in some random text thinking it'd count as justification. Put in at least a little thought and give REAL reasoning.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is okay, but no more.

- Numbers for votes, please - not something like "Fargus/10", etc.

- Votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Makes it easy to calculate, please and thank you~!

- Make votes easily visible, please~! ##Vote:

The Reed brothers, and two of the Four Fangs. Lloyd, the White Wolf, the swordmaster. Linus, the Mad Dog, the hero. You'll fight these guys at least twice in one playthrough.

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Iron Rune laughs at you. Then Legault takes it. All of a sudden, it's not so scary.

7/10, because these bitches mean biz.

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If you were unfortunate enough to get Lloyd's chapter, well....sucks to be you. In Hector mode, hes gonna be kicking it in the fog all light branding....and he chases you. And will murder you. In Eliwood mode hes a bit easier to deal with. Only because he wont chase you down. Hes a bitch plain and simple. Lloyd gets an 8/10 for Hector mode for simply being a bitch. 6/10 Eliwood mode. In CoD, (where i usually fight Lloyd) hes dodgey as fuck in that throne and packing the Iron Rune. What a dick. I just wreck his shit with a triangle attack and call it a day. Rating...remains unchanged.

Lets talk about Linus. Hes pretty much the same in both Eliwood and Hector mode. His chapter is a lot funner to play anyway. Linus himself isnt too remarkable. But hes not easy. He can hit like a truck. But hes packing some standard axes and a hand axe i think. Axereaver will ruin his day. Or someone pounding him with magic or arrows. (since i believe he has his steel axe equipped at first.) Not too hard. 5/10.

Lets talk about them in the final chapter. Yeeesh. They both come at you simultaneously and will wreck you if you dont have a plan. Morph Lloyd packs a nasty Regal Blade and Linus packs a Brave Axe. Damn. Plus that A support. Wtf. Lloyd is harder still. Linus is easier to take care of (just watch the Axing of the face).

8/10 for Morph Lloyd being a bitch like always. 7/10 for Morph Linus for being significantly nastier than when you first faced him, but still able to get rid of more easily than his brother.

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+1 for the badassery/personal bias.

They're competent. While in FFO they can just get chipped at range (does Lloyd move? I remember Linus not moving...), they're still pretty competent. That Light Brand/Iron Rune combo in COD is just troll.


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Lloyd you will forever be my favourite boss. His charcter awesome, sad and smexy. his fighting overally annoying, his morph overally annoying. he da scary shit. 10/10

Linus meh pretty decent harder to kill in cod than light. his charcter kinda a bitch so i give him a 6/10

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