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FE13 coming to Europe!


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Nintendo would never reveal anything regarding the release of a game through an email reply. You might as well not bother.

No, I'm sure they're sitting on top of their latest press release, saying "you know, I just don't think anyone will be interested in this". Masayuki Horikawa sighs heavily and is about to put it in the shredder. He says "well, guys, maybe in a month". But part of him knows that if he can't drum up enough publicity, there may not be another month. The usual gaming journals and magazines just aren't enough, this time around. He needs to get to the real heart of the fanbase. But the problem seems intractable. I'm not meant for this Horikawa thinks to himself. I'm a programmer, not a salesman. Suddenly, the email alert dings! "Who is it this time, another of those nosy journalists? Tell him we're out."

"No, boss, it's... it's a fan!" Narihiro says back.

Horikawa spins. "What? Show me!" he says.

"It seems to be an American fan, asking for information about Kakusei." Narihiro says. "This is big. This guy posts on Serenes Forest. With him, we can alert the important core fans immediately!" He looks up at Horikawa and says, "What should I do?"

Horikawa thinks for a second and responds, "We can't let this opportunity evade our grasp. Send him our press release."

Narihiro begins to type, but hesitates. "Will this be enough?"

"You're right. We need a full interview with him. I'm sure he has many burning questions that we can't leave unanswered." Horikawa puts on his jacket. "Iwata will want to hear about this. I'm leaving this in your hands."

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Oh I know the e-mail reply won't give us much information, but I have another use for it. Although it does depend on how they reply to my e-mail. If it's what I think it is, I might have use for it. That's ONLY if they're replying like I think they will.

Edited by Super Mecha Death Christ
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Oh I know the e-mail reply won't give us much information, but I have another use for it. Although it does depend on how they reply to my e-mail. If it's what I think it is, I might have use for it. That's ONLY if they're replying like I think they will.

Are you expecting them to say anything of substance about anything?

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Oh I know the e-mail reply won't give us much information, but I have another use for it. Although it does depend on how they reply to my e-mail. If it's what I think it is, I might have use for it. That's ONLY if they're replying like I think they will.

I'm almost willing to bet money that it'll be something like

At this time, we currently have no information for Fire Emblem: Awakening's release. Stay tuned! We like our loyal fans!

though if it does end up getting an EU-only overseas release, it'd make going to Lund that much more attractive

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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Are you expecting them to say anything of substance about anything?

I'm actually hoping they will be vague. Just wait for the reply first, and if it's what I think, I can move forward to step 2.

If the reply says anything like "there are currently no plans" or something along those lines, it's just what I need to fuel the fire.

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I'm actually hoping they will be vague. Just wait for the reply first, and if it's what I think, I can move forward to step 2.

If the reply says anything like "there are currently no plans" or something along those lines, it's just what I need to fuel the fire.

It's highly unlikely you'll get even that much. See the above suggestion.

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Poor Masayuki Horikawa just wants to feel validated :(

I'm actually hoping they will be vague. Just wait for the reply first, and if it's what I think, I can move forward to step 2.

If the reply says anything like "there are currently no plans" or something along those lines, it's just what I need to fuel the fire.

Once again, a reply like that would mean absolutely nothing. This is the same company that said Platinum didn't exist when it was already out in Japan.

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I think TF wants to set American fans on fire with NOA's vague e-mail response.

Exactly. I don't even know how much more clear I can be with that. Depending on their response, I can use that letter to fan the flames by submitting the news to other game sites to get notice.

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I got a response. This could be good. Moving onto step 2.

The be blunt, the reply can easily be viewed as negative and depending on how much I can fan the flames, we might have a show on our hands.

Why do I feel there's absolutely nothing and it means nothing and in a month or so we'll get a confirmation for an NA release regardless of whatever "show" we have on our hands?

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Why do I feel there's absolutely nothing and it means nothing and in a month or so we'll get a confirmation for an NA release regardless of whatever "show" we have on our hands?

Are you saying Project Rainfall had no influence on the games they wanted to be released?

Stop thinking logically.

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Why do I feel there's absolutely nothing and it means nothing and in a month or so we'll get a confirmation for an NA release regardless of whatever "show" we have on our hands?

I'm inclined to agree with him here.

I've been on the receiving end of this with a group of ours... well technically I wasn't a member, but meh... It was a small little translation... and people nagging at you just MAKES you want to just delay a release just to spite them.

Now considering how it's a big company though, none of those mails are likely to sway them in either direction. It's just a fact that those emails are 99% likely to get completely ignored. There's people with money that they pay attention to... and then there's the annoying "customers" that they just wave away.

Are you saying Project Rainfall had no influence on the games they wanted to be released?

Stop thinking logically.

That had actual money involved. These are just... solicitations.

So unless you get something like the pre-orders that they showed on Amazon. This won't amount to anything.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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That had actual money involved. These are just... solicitations.

So unless you get something like the pre-orders that they showed on Amazon. This won't amount to anything.

I don't think preorders charge you until the item actually ships. That's how Amazon gets away with giving you the lowest possible price at the time of release.

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I'm aware vague e-mails aren't convincing, but this e-mail reply had points in it that can be looked at negatively with some persuasion. Depends on how good you can spin this e-mail to your advantage. It's all up to me at this point. If this fails, it's because I didn't do a good enough job spinning the e-mail. I'll show you guys the e-mail if I fail to ignite the flames.

Edited by Super Mecha Death Christ
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I'm aware vague e-mails aren't convincing, but this e-mail reply had points in it that can be looked at negatively with some persuasion. Depends on how good you can spin this e-mail to your advantage. It's all up to me at this point. If this fails, it's because I didn't do a good enough job spinning the e-mail. I'll show you guys the e-mail if I fail to ignite the flames.

Not quite. It might just be that no one has any interest in it, even if you spun it pretty well. It can fail because a lack of attention too!

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Sorry guys, I failed. My plan was to aim at Gonintendo to start the fire. Gonintendo has a habit of posting to lamest bullshit as news, but for some reason they wised up this time. I mean, the posted the stupid Rocksteady making a TMNT game rumor when all it takes is 5 seconds to realize it's complete total bullshit.

I even wrote a big write up with tons of bullshit to go with that NOA reply to convince him. I wonder if there might be other popular sites that could be gullible enough for fall for it.

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