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Magnus's NES/SNES Plays

Cain Magnus

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I've decided to do something to kill a little time when I'm too lazy to do what I'm supposed to...and that's playing and recording plays of classic video games from the NES/SNES era that are my favorites. I guess for the heck of it, I'll put down my own ratings of the games I play. Note that ratings will pretty much always be high ones. But they are there to further prove how good the game I play is.

I pretty much have my own little scale of difficulty ratings too, which are:

-Easy (Which I doubt most of my favorites are this one)

-Moderately Easy


-Moderately Hard

-Very Hard

-Extremely Hard


First up is Cabal, a shooting game. I wanted to start off with something I could literally beat under an hour. But despite it's length and lack of plot, it's still fun to play. It's a little challenging as well. I haven't played it in a while, so I was bound to screw up a lot at times. =P

From looking at it's gameplay, it's self-explanatory. If you see a red or blue square drop with a picture of a gun or grenade, those are weapons. I usually don't go crazy with my grenades and save them for emergencies or to blow up tanks.

What also makes it a little difficult is that once you lose all five lives, you only have about three continues before Game Over minus the extra life you gain after killing a boss (The last level they grant you an extra, though I'm not sure), so you've gotta make those fifteen lives count.

Difficulty rating: Hard

Magnus's rating for Cabal: 7.5/10

Next game: Mega Man

Edited by Magnus Blade
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Next up is Mega Man, a side-scrolling action game.

One of the best of the NES era. Hardly any competition for it's time. It's also known for it's rather tough difficulty. Top it off with it having a pretty good plot and gameplay elements.

For those unfamiliar with the plot (Which most if not all NES games neglect to tell you directly within the game itself) or just the series in general, Mega Man (originally named Rock) is a robot that was converted to a super-fighting machine, basically combating Dr. Wily (The game's main antagonist) to stop his persistent conquest for world domination. The NES games go as far as five sequels to the first one I'm playing now. The others are on different platforms.

Moving from plot to gameplay, it's just your basic side-scroller...though it makes you think on your feet quickly. Any experienced player can tell you how good your reaction times must be to literally dodge quick attacks. I've been playing Mega Man ever since I was a kid and I still can't perfectly run through this entire game without taking damage like other veteran players do (Even though it's not exactly a big goal of mine).

Anyway, unlike the other games after the first, Mega Man here fights six robot masters. MM2 and beyond are always eight. After defeating one, he gains their powers, whereas they have multiple uses...be it a better arsenal of damage-dealing through stages or using them properly in boss fights.

I've managed to go no damage for a few stages without much effort, but from the average player's perspective, I'll give this game it's appropriate difficulty ratings and all.

Difficulty rating: Moderately Hard

Magnus's rating for Mega Man: 8.5/10

So here are the first two parts. I'll upload the rest some other time.

As a heads-up, don't mind the different scores between these first two parts. My game glitched up on me on the second recording and I had to start over because I didn't save state after pressing "stop" on the first one. So I had to start all over after finishing the first video.

Edited by Magnus Blade
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