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Grandjackal's Pokemon Soul Silver Playthrough!


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Ok, obligatory post of insane suggestions.

Wooper/Mantine for water

Zubat-if you need/want a flying one

Miltank/Tauros-if you want


or, just go with Magar please!

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You should totally go get yourself a Corsola. They are sooooo awesome.

Or... you could be smart (unlike me) and pick almost anything else.

How about Onix? I do not hear much about him too often. But late nonexistant evolution would hurt alot. Hmm. Not alot of early game choices. Not that Totodile nor Cyndaquil need it.

Zubat is not too bad, and can help with Morty.

Tangela comes later, after Pryce I think. Tangrowth can be a beast I hear.

There's always Dratini for late game.

Suck it up and dominate with Lugia.

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Ok, obligatory post of insane suggestions.

Wooper/Mantine for water

Zubat-if you need/want a flying one

Miltank/Tauros-if you want


or, just go with Magar please!

If I'mma be using Magmar, then that means I'll be using Totodile (since having it and Cyndaquil is redundant). So, my team seems to look as thus so far.

Totodile as my starter.

Heracross and Magmar as my midgame catches.

Girafarig as a late Johto catch.

So, that leaves 2 slots. Might take an early catch and a late catch, and since I'm playing Silver that means Skarm will be my last catch! So, what early catch do I want? Hmmm...

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It's too bad that this playthrough didn't work out so well for you. On Chinchou and Stantler, Chincou's a tanky little beast and can take out Clair pretty easily when given Ice Beam; and Stantler, although he does start to lag a bit in Kanto, is pretty solid for the most part, and if you're having a hard time you can always spam Intimidate. I actually had a team with these two on it (other members included Typhlosion, Espeon, and Ampharos) and they managed to get me through both regions easily enough and even took out Red on their first try while they were in their mid-late 50s. It was pretty awesome.

Anyways, my nomination for the early-game Mon is... Mareep. Because I love the little guy and he's awesome.

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But Mareep's too easy. I think GJ wants to experiment with lesser used Pokemon to find uses for them. Everyone knows Mareep's awesome, but how many people would have guessed that Bugsy is owned by Slugma?

Also, can Girafarig still be caught before Morty? Or can you not just sneak through the mountain anymore?

Edit: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! My Sigurd is gone and has been replaced.... been replaced.... been replaced by... Leonardo. I am not pleased.

Edited by bobflac
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I'd have to nominate Ekans for the underrated early teammate. It'd be an interesting test, and Arbok seems viable with Dig and Crunch for type coverage, plus Glare, and the lategame Gunk Shot for a strong STAB attack (alas, if only Poison Fang were learnable by level-up).

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Wooper or Hoppip!

do it!!


But Mareep's too easy. I think GJ wants to experiment with lesser used Pokemon to find uses for them. Everyone knows Mareep's awesome, but how many people would have guessed that Bugsy is owned by Slugma?

Also, can Girafarig still be caught before Morty? Or can you not just sneak through the mountain anymore?

You would be right that I want to use some of the lesser used mon to see exactly precisely why and if they actually do suck. However, I have no idea about Girafarig because I've honestly never touched the mon before in any game ever.

I'd have to nominate Ekans for the underrated early teammate. It'd be an interesting test, and Arbok seems viable with Dig and Crunch for type coverage, plus Glare, and the lategame Gunk Shot for a strong STAB attack (alas, if only Poison Fang were learnable by level-up).

Ekans eh? Hmmm...Ya know what? Yeah. Let's do that.

Awright then, next playthrough post is coming up soon, starting with my new team.

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Just a note: There's not really enough experience for a full team of 6 without excessive grinding in Johto. Theory test: I generally pick 4 pokes, and pick up a 5th in Kanto (optional). Those 4 pokes generally get to about Lv44-46 by the E4. (give or take a few more levels)

I just think that 6 is just spreading experience far too thin for this game. Considering the low levels of Johto, it's kinda hard to get lots of experience. But hey, just my thoughts.

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Ok, let's do this all over again. Totodile get. Elm goes to make me fetch something. Fetch I shall do.

Totodile leel 5 Impish

21 HP, 11 Atk, 13 Def, 8 Sp Atk, 10 Sp Def, 9 Speed

Well, luck just took a great big dump on me. I mean sure he's more physical anyways, but that just makes Surf all the weaker. Lucky you Totodile, you have an actual good movepool.

Route Next to New Bark Town

Hoothoot inspects with a magnifying glass and gets scratched. Yet another Hoothoot who starts a growlin', and I get to scratchin'.

Totodile level 6: +2 HP and Atk, +1 everything else. Water Gun learned.

Cherrygrove Town

Heal up. Get Running Shoes and Map Card. Etc.

Route 30

Potion on the way, asshole stops me to give me an Apricorn Box, pick up an Antidote, eat more Hoothoots, get egg from madman and Pokedex from the pokemon baron. Sorry if I'm being a bit trite, I already said my funny stuff for this area the first time around. Wanna be brief.

Totodile level 7: +2 HP and Def, +0Sp Atk, +1 everything else.

On the way back I encounter more tasty owl. I heal up at Cherrygrove and run into some dude.

Rival Battle

He has a Chikorita. Have fun with that, dude. It growls a bit, but I'm quite sure I can smack it down to size before it can do anything relevant. After a lot of Growls, Water Gun starts doing more damage. It actually only does one Tackle before succumbing to water. You ahhh bigu foo.

Totodile level 8: +3 HP +2 Atk, +1 everything else. Learned Rage. Whatever.

I return the egg to Elm, get pokeballs and go on my way. More owls on my way back to Cherrygrove.

Totodile level 9: +2 HP and Def, +0 Speed, +1 everything else

I heal up and head north to Route 30 again, this time with trainers. One last owl though. *Omnomnom*

Youngster comes out with a Rattata who just QAs after a Leer, then dies. Rapid fire, out comes another and he's got a Pidgey. I should note, Totodile is only taking 1 HP damage at this point so it's not even worth mentioning he's taking damage, because he does not care. Rattata soon follows Pidgey to the grave.

Totodile level 10: +2 HP, +1 everything else.

Ahhh, Bug Catchers. Glad I can actually use my STAB and it'll actually mean something. 2 Caterpies. Nothing happens aside from exp gain. More owls in the wild for me to eat. I'm surprised I have gotten all this way and ran into nothing but Hoothoots. Oh hey, finally a Rattata! Get in mah belleh! Potion again near the Cave of Darkness, a Pokeball near the Bug Catcher, who has pathetic Caterpie who die to a STAB Water Gun. That goes for the Weedle too.

Totodile level 11: +3 HP and Def, +2 Atk, +1 everything else.

Rattata again? I have grown fond of owl, bring me more! Oh, fine.

Violet City

Healing up and heading for Bellsprout Tower.

Bellsprout Tower

Man, I dig the music here still. First Monk has a Bellsprout trop, and one by one they march into the Scratching claw and into totodile's mouth. Seriously, he one shots with Scratch.

Totodile level 12: +2 HP, +1 everything else.

Down the ladder, get Paralyze Heal, find more Monk ass to kick. Up the ladder, get the X Accuracy, find more Monk ass to kick. One actually manages to survive a Scratch and Vine Whip me...for 2 damage. BAHAHAHA. Get blown up.

Totodile level 13: +2 HP and Atk, +1 everything else. Bite replaces Rage.

While I'm heading for the next ladder I encounter a Gastly (These guys are monks, why are they not exorcising these things?), which I Bite for extra exp. Potion get. These Monks have actually leveled mons, though it amounts to nothing as I have Bite now. First Bellsprout lives and still does pidly damage with Vine Whip. Next Monk has yet another Bellsprout which I eat. Next Monk switches it up to my shock and awe with not only a Bellsprout, but a Hoothoot!

Totodile level 14: +3 HP, +2 Def, +1 everything else.

Monk Master Superfly has more Bellsprout for me to eat.

Totodile level 15: +2 HP and Atk, +1 everything else. Replaced Leer with Scary Face. Will be important pretty soon.

Old Man Dishrag gives me Flash, I nabEscape Rope and I make my way back down, again not wasting the Escape Rope for goodies in the near future. On the way back down I eat 2 Gastlies.

Violet City Gym

Yup, no healing, just going straight in there! First Bird Keeper has a Spearow for me to eat. Next one has a Pidgey, which I promptly eat. Never had pidgeon before.

Totodile level 16: +2 HP and Def, +1 everything else.

Boss: Falkner

Another Pidgey? I don't quite kill, but it only does 2 damage so I don't care. Pidgeotto comes out next. It's faster than me and hits with Gust for a good amount of damage, so I hit it with a Scary Face. I'mnow faster and I Bite for a quarter health. Gust does about 7 damage, and it Roosts. I keep Biting and it Roosts again. It's gotta flinch some time. Finally flinches, and it Gusts next. I Bite again and it Roosts. Another Bite, and it Gusts. One last Bite and i goes down while I'm at5 HP. ALL OF VIOLET CITY! NO POKECENTER! NO ITEMS! FINAL DESTINATION! LETS GO I BLOW YOU ALL UP!

Totodile s a boss. I go to the Pokecenter and heal up. Oh, I also have Roost. I get the egg from the assistant, which I will be using said Togepi for the sake of Headbutting me a Heracross. I make a stop at the ruins to get my Escape Rope prize, gaining me Heal Powder, an Energy Root, a Pecha Berry and an Oran Berry.

Route 32

I go to find an Ekans, feasting on a couple wild mons before I find my mark. Oh hey, a Wooper! *Devours*

Totodile level 17: +3 Hp, +2 Atk, +0 Sp Atk, +1 everything else.

Finally find one. Caught one.

Ekans level 4/Naughty/Intimidate

18 HP, 11 Atk, 8 Def, 9 Sp Atk, 8 Sp Def, 9 Speed

Wrap, Leer, Poison Sting

It's starting moves suck, but I like Intimidate on a Poison type, and I adore it's nature.

Will be taking a break here. For the record, Totodile looks like this.

Totodile level 17

49 HP, 29 Atk, 31 Def, 18 Sp Atk, 22 Sp Def, 20 Speed

EDIT: I will take that thought to note, Manix.

Edited by grandjackal
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Which case I might just drop Ekans and wait for Magmar, because I want Magmar/Heracross/Girafarig for sure. In fact, I will drop Ekans. It's starting level of 4 is no good to me.

Route 32

Guy stops me to give me a Miracle Seed, and then I run into a Youngster with a Rattata. That and his Zubat get eaten. To the left is a Repel, which I grab for Union Cave. Picnicker, she stares at a wall, so I hose down the Nidoran she has until it drowns (I don't wanna get hit with Poison Point). A Camper down the left path stops me because my glance is apparently interesting. Another Nidoran for me to hose down. He hides two treasures, namely a Great Ball and TM Bullet Seed. Youngster. He has a Wooper. Which I eat. Seriously Totodile, why you so oppressive? Fisherman has a Goldeen, which gets eaten.

Totodile level 18: +2 HP, +3 Def, +1 everything else.

Totodile evolved into Croconaw!

56 HP, 36 Atk, 40 Def, 24 Sp Atk, 29 Sp Def, 26 Speed

I notice that he's very lopsided. In fact, I recall Bayleaf only having better Sp Def, maybe HP. Why you so good, Croconaw?

Another Fisherman has a Poliwag or two for me to eat. Last Fisherman has a whole bunch of Magikarp for me to eat. I heal up at the pokecenter if only because I want to recharge PP on Bite. I know I havne't been too descriptive lately, but seriously. Croconaw just eats things. Bird Keeper ahead has Pidgeys for, you guessed it, for me to eat. He tries to throw a curveball with Spearow, but that just goes down even easier.

Union Cave

Repel used. X Attack found. Fire Breather blocks the path upward and has a Vulpix. It gets watered down.

Croconaw level 19: +3 HP, +2 Speed, +1 everything else.

Down the stairs is an X Defend, a hidden X Speed, an Onix to water down for extra exp, and TM Rock Tomb. I use it and replace Scary Face with it, since Rock Tomb basically accomplishes the same thing. Besides, Bugsy. Another Onix I run into which I hit with a hose. A Hiker blocks my path with an Onix, which promptly gets hosed down. Another Hiker in the way, with Geodudes to offer to the sacrificial plate of the god that is Croconaw. I catch a Rattata because I remember I need someone to Cut. Hidden Great Ball in the wall. Fire Breather has Koffing which I eat.

Croconaw level 20: +3 HP and Def, +2 Atk and Sp Atk, +1 everything else.

Great Ball found nearby. Pokemaniac stops me (What the hell you doing down here anyways? Made more sense when you were a pie-eyed lunatic wearing a trenchcoat). He has a Slowpoke. Slowpoke Taile, as advertised by Team Rocket, is indeed delicious and nutritious. An Awakening just before the exit. Hiker, he stands alone in the rain, wonderin where the days went before a Croconaw hits him with a hose.

Azalea Town

I talk to Kurt, and he goes nuts.

Slowpoke Well

First grunt uses Rattatas for me to eat.

Croconaw level 21: +0 Sp Atk, +2 everything else. Replaced Scratch with Ice Fang

Super Potion on the path. The Rockette has a Zubat for me to eat, and an Ekans for me to hose down. Super Potion hidden in the bottom rocks. Next Grunt has another Rattata for me to eat. Then a Zubat. Then another Zubat. Team Rocket is so free.

Rocket Commander: Proton

A Zubat and a Koffing. You're no better than your god awful lackies. Fast Ball get! I heal up again to recharge PP.

Azalea Gym

First Bug Catcher feeds me scrubby worm mons.

Croconaw level 22: +3 HP, +2 At and Def, +1 everything else.

Next Bug Catcher has the Weedle family evolution to throw at me. I eat all, but bury Beedrill under rocks. Twins with a Spinarak and a Ledyba. Spinarak falls quite easily. Ledyba goes down quick. Last Bug Catcher has only a Paras to use, which evades my Rock Tomb and Stun Spores me. I miss yet another, and then finally I connect. I should have just bit it. Paralyze Heal used.

Boss: Bugsy

Scyther is out first and it Leers me, so bury it in a tomb of rocks and one shot it.

Croconaw level 23: +3 HP, +2 Atk and Def, +1 everything else.

Metapod and Kakuna soon follow.

I heal up before heading out to Ilex Forest. Also, U Turn get.

Rival: Silver

Gastly out first, and it turns out ghosts are yummier than they look. Bayleef comes out (oh wow, have I been mispelling it this entire time), so I Ice Fang it to critkill it. Thought grass was supposed to be good against water eh? Kahahahahahaha!

Croconaw level 24: +2 to everything. I don't bother with Flail.

Zubat soon follows to get hit with Ice Fang.

Ilex Forest

First Farfetch'd caught. Revive found. Second Farfetch'd caught. Cut get! Go back to talk to them in Azalea to get Charcoal for Magmar. Taught Rattata Cut. I run into a Kakuna which I hose down for more exp. X Attack can be found tucked away behind the trees. Ether found nearby. Yet another Kakuna. Heh! Togepi doesn't even hatch in time to learn Headbutt! I teach it to Rattata.

Route Outside of Ilex

Let the feast begin! First Youngster has a Rattata to feed me, along with a Sandshrew, a a couple Spearows. As I cross the grass I come across a Drowzee to eat. Another Drowzee to eat. Picnicker across the grass has a Hoppip which I eat with icy fangs.

Croconaw level 25: +3 HP and Def, +1 everything else

Another Hoppip and a Bulbasaur soonenter the gullet of my bloodthirsty crocodile. In the grass as I leave the place I find yet another Drowzee to devour. A Pokefan stops me to sow off a Snubbull. I bite it, but it's a tough chew. Good thing it flinched. Mareep comes after soon enough which gets eaten with Ice Fang. A Youngster then stops me to give his offering to the gods with a Mankey and a Diglett. Lyra stops me to be annoying. One last Camper to deal with, and he has a tasty Psyduck to feed my Croconaw.

Goldenrod City

I take to the underground tunnel to take on the scrubs down there. Lyra annoys me again. A Super Nerd comes at me with a Grimer. Ice Fang pierces through the messy hide and eats it's black twisted heart. Same thing happens with the next Grimer. I miss and it hardens. It saves his life and it Mudslaps me. More Mud Slaps as I lose accuracy. Water Gunf inishes it off.

Croconaw level 26: +3 HP, +2 everything else.

A Pokemaniac soon follows with a Lickitung, which Ice Fang hits for most of it's HP, it flinches and succumbs to Bite. Another Super Nerd, he having a bunch of Magnemites which all get hosed down, along with his Voltorb. Only a Sonic Boom hits. He's got tasty Slowpokes to offer me. I go to the center and heal up before taking on the gym.

Goldenrod Gym

Croconaw HUNGRY! FOOD WANT EAT! First one has Sentrets for me to eat while doing pathetic damage with QA.

Croconaw level 27: +3 HP, +2 Atk and Def, +1 everything else.

Next Beauty offers Meowths. Lass throws a Snubbull at me, which I hit with Ice Fang since I know this thing is pretty bulky, especially with Intimidate. Even after a Scary Face I still outrun, but do not kill. It then Licks after the 2nd Scary Face and does no damage, getting smoked by Water Gun. Last Lass has a bunch of Jigglypuffs, which Croconaw pops with his razor sharp fangs. Now to feast on steak...Also, glad I got a female starter. Makes me immune to Attract.

Oh, Togepi hatched. Had I not gone to look for an Ekans, I imagine ths thing would have hatched about partway to Ekruteak.

Boss: Whitney

Clefairy comes out first, and I hit it with Ice Fang which it attempts to Mimic. Next Ice Fang finishes it off. Miltank comes out next. It's faster so I attempt a Rock Tomb which misses of course. It starts spamming Stomp, but the second Rock Tomb hits for about 1/5 damage. Ice Fang hits to bring it down to half. After I bring it down to the yellow it uses Milk Drink. Ok, that's it. I use an X Attack. After another Ice Fang I use another to make absolutely certain. It wastes a turn using Mlk Drink and I do about half health damage. Last Ice Fang finishes it off. NO HAX FOR YOU WHITNEY.

Croconaw level 28: +3 HP, +1 Sp Atk and Speed, +2 everything else.

Attract get!

I heal up and get the Squirtbottle before heading north.

Route 35

Picnicker has a Vuplix for me to water down. It uses QA but Croconaw don't care. Camper with a Sandshrew tries to break my stride, but he just can't. Neither can his Marill. His Picnicker girlfriend has a Pikachu to make an attempt. Water gun hits to nearly kill (I don't wanna get Static'd), and it hits through the Double Team. Camper interrupts me with a bunch of Digletts and a Zubat. Omnomnom.

Croconaw level 29: +3 HP, +1 Sp Atk and Sp Def, +2 everything else. Will I actually get this thing evolved before I get to Magmar and Heracross?

A Juggler is next in hte middle of the road with a bunch of Boltorbs, which I Water Gun. A Firebreather soon follows, perhaps an entertainment duo with the Juggler there and has 2 Magmars for me to hit with water. Bug Catcher busts out a Venonat which gets Ice Fanged. Paralyze Heal get. Another wild Drowzee for me to eat. Bird Keeper with a Pidgey. Pidgeotto gets eaten as well.

Croconaw level 30: +2 HP and Speed, +3 Def, +1 everything else. Replaced Bite with Crunch.

Croconaw evolved into Feraligatr! I don't bother with Agility.

Feraligatr level 30

101 HP, 72 Atk, 79 Def, 49 Sp Atk, 57 Sp Def, 56 Speed

He is made of STEEL!!

Payback get!

National Park

Quick Claw get! First trainer up is a Pokefan with a Snubbull. BUT ERALIGATR DOESNT CARE!! Schooboy with Oddish? GET EATEN. Voltorb next, which I drench in water. Schoolgirl next, and she too has an Oddish for me to eat. Dem herbs. Cubone next, and it gets hit with water. Pokefan with that damn Raichu comes at me. I don't joke around and I Crunch it. I don't wanna eat a Thunderbolt. Soothe Bell and Dig get.

Route 36

Psychic attacks, which I Crunch his mons.

Feraligatr level 31: +3 HP and Atk, +2 everything else.

Schoolboy comes out with a Tangela for me to Ice Fang. SquirtBottle used and I take down the Sudowoodo. Hyper Potion get.

Route 37

Twins with a Mareep and Marill. I Rock Tomb the Mareep, again not wantng Static. I Crunch the Marill. Duel between two Beauties, with a Clefable and a Wigglytuff. Crunch takes out Clefable. I Crunch the incoming Wigglytuff. I Crunch Wigglytuff. I Crunch Clefable. One last final Psychic with a Drowzee which I Crunch into bloody bits.

Feraligatr level 32: +4 HP, +3 Def, +2 everything else.

Ekruteak City

I'll heal up and take a break here.

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While I was away, I just went ahead and caught myself a Heracross. Here it is.

Heracross level 13/Bashful/Swarm

45 HP, 38 Atk, 26 Def, 18 Sp Atk, 33 Sp Def, 29 Speed

Horn Attack, Endure, Fury Attack, Aerial Ace

It has Aerial Ace, wtf. Ok, so it's a fighting type that is really good against other fighting types. While it's no STAB bug move, it's still good against grass as well. I don't mind it's nature either.

Burned Tower

Time to get my other brother, Magmar. But first, some annoyances, namely Eusine and a rival fight.

Rival Fight: Silver

Gastly first, and it starts off with a Curse, which I hit with an Aerial Ace and fail to kill. It Mean Looks me but it doesn't matter, since it dies now. Zubat next and I switch to Rattata as death fodder while I use a Potion on Heracross. In goes Heracross, then instantly to Feraligatr since I know that thing has Wing Attack, which will absolutely demolish Heracross. Ice Fang devours the thing. Bayleef coming in, and Heracross is gonna come in and not care. It's faster than me and uses Poison Powder to annoy e while I hit for...a quarter with Air Ace. It uses Synthesis, so I can't really win this fight. I switch out to Feraligatr. It puts up Reflect (Smart bastard). I Ice Fang just to do anything to it and I get it to the red while it Poisons Feraligatr. Ice Fang closes the book on Bayleef.

Heracross level 14: +1 Def and Sp Atk, +3 HP, +2 everything else.

Out comes Magnemite and it's now I realize I don't really have anything to deal with it. I throw in Togepi as death fodder. Water Gun takes care of it despite some annoyances.

Now that that's over with, I go down to get Eusine ver with, and my first encounter is actually WITH a Magmar!

Magmar level 16/Sassy/Flame Body

47 HP, 36 Atk, 24 Def, 41 Sp Atk, 37 Sp Def, 33 Speed

Leer, Ember, Smokescreen, Faint Attack

Funny how he comes instantly with a Dark attack. I don't really mind thenature, as Magmar was never really defensive anyways and it has Flame Body.

Now to fight up the local Firebreathers. First has a Koffing. It uses Smokescreen while I start spamming Horn Attack, and the first Smog poisons me. After a couple Smokescreens I switch to Aerial Ace. It tries to be cute with Assurance, but to no avail. Growlithe comes out, and thus I switch to Magmar who takes an Odor Sleuth. Faint Attack does about a third, which comes with a Leer. Ember hits for no damage. Into the darkness Growlithe goes.

Heracross level 15: +3 Atk, +1 Sp Atk, +2 everything else.

Koffing out next, and I just have Magmar light it on fire. Antidote get. Next Fire Breather has a Charmeleon so I switch right back out to Magmar. Not a good start for Heracross in honesty. Charmeleon attempts to Smokescreen Magmar, but Faint Attack does not deal wit smoke. Growl DOES though. He keeps trying to blind me, then in my amazement he uses freaking Dragon Rage. Ember does the last 7 HP Magmar had. Seriously, this thing has Dragon Rage? Wtf.

The Koffing around here are pretty high level so while I snoop around to see if there's any more treasure, I deal with them to help out Heracross. Turns out there are none, and I got Gased for it. I even crit a Rattata.

Heracross level 16: +3 HP and Sp Def, +1 Sp Atk and Speed, +2 Atk and Def.

Before going off to Morty's I go to face off against the drunk Rocket to get Surf. 2 Horn Attacks finshes.

Ecruteak Gym

First Medium has a Gastly which Magmar one shots with Faint Attack.

Magmar level 17: +3 HP, +1 Def, +2 everything else.

Repeat till dead.

Magmar level 18: +3 Sp Atk, +1 Def and Speed, +2 everything else.

Next Medium has a Haunter that Curses me and dies to a Faint Attack. Even though Cursed and all that, I take down the next Haunter.

Magmar level 19: +3 HP and Sp Def, +1 Def, +2 everything else. Definitely has an awesome leveling speed. I like. Fire Spin? Nahhh.

I use my Energy Powder to bring Magmar back to full. Next Medium has another Haunter. It uses Sucker Punch for a decent amount of damage, and again with a crit. It goes down regardless. I use a Super Potion, as it nearly brought me death. Faint Attack hits the Gastly of the next Medium.

Magmar level 20: +3 Sp Atk, +2 everything else.

Haunter comes out next and he doesn't accomplish much, and Ember finishes since it just Mean Look. Next Gastly go down.

Magmar level 21: +1 Def, +2 everything else.

Boss: Morty

His first mon is a Gastly, and it goes down easy to Faint Attack. He wastes no time to bust out Gengar to deal with the threat. I switch to Heracross, because there's no way 'm going to be able to deal with Gengar. So I switch to Togepi. I start Metronoming like a mofo just wanting to waste anything it has. I actually get off a Spacial Rend, and it does lolno damage. I start using Extrasensory just because I want it to waste it's Sucker Punches. It Mean Looks me while I'm asleep. I wake up next turn to do a Metronome which does nothing. I let it take me down with it's last Sucker Punch. Out comes Feraligatr. It does a Sucker Punch (miscounted, though it didn't do a lot of damage anyways), but Crunch finishes it off easy. Magmar gets back in there. It misses a Hypnosis and I get off a Faint Attack. It gets a Hypnosis off and I knew it was the Dream Eater one. Haunter misses it's next Hypnosis and goes down. Next one comes in and uses Night Shade. Next Sucker Punch comes out and doesn't kill, and Magmar wins the fight.

Magmar level 22: +3 HP and Sp Atk, +2 Atk and Speed, +1 Def and Sp Def.

Shadow Ball get! So, I heal up and I go...Right?

Route 42

TM Shadow Claw and HM Strength get! Replaced Water Gun with Surf on Feraligatr. On the way across te river I actually run into a level 25 Goldeen. I decide to fight it, but realizing I'd have to switch to Feraligatr to kill it quick. Crunch. Yummy goldfish. But yeah, I suppose THAT'S an advantage for Goldeen, earliest water you can catch at a high level.

Heracross level 17: +3 HP and Atk, +2 everything else.

Level 19? Done. Super Potion get. Across the river is a Fisherman with 1 mon. Tis a Qwilfish! I know it's rather bulky so I switch to Feraligatr and Crunch. Poison Point works, however. I use an Antidote. Nidorina comes out next from a Pokemaniac. Poison Point though yet AGAIN works. I still kill it, but poison takes me down. Magmar takes out Nidorino.

Mahogany Town

I heal up and go back to fight the Hiker to take down a Diglett with a Horn Attack.

Heracross level 18: +3 HP, +1 Def and Sp Atk, +2 everything else.

Geodude comes out I switch out to Surf it. Dugtrio out next. Magnitude doesn't do much, so Heracross deals.

Route to Rage

I'm just here to grab Girafarig, but I run into a Camper with a Sandshrew. It does nothing but get impaled. Zubat however once again smokes Heracross with a Wing Attack. Ok come on, it's a pathetic Zubat game, gimme a break. Magmar comes in to finish it off, Sandslash coming in next. Ember starts dealng damage while Sandshrew sucks. Max Ether get. I find a Flaffy while I take it out.

Magmar level 23: +1 Def and Speed, +2 everything else.

I run around until I find a Girafarig. Brb.



CRAP! I forgot to buy more pokeballs. I only had one to throw x.x




Girafarif level 15/Gentle/Early Bird

47 HP, 32 Atk, 21 Def, 35 Sp Atk, 31 Sp Def, 33 Speed

Confusion, Stomp, Odor Sleuth, Agility

Rather balanced, is a Psychic...Just need to catch it up now.

I'll take a break here. I'll say with Magmar his start is excellent while Heracross has a pretty bad start. Might be better if you teach him Strength, as it's a very early time to get an 80 BP move. Magmar? Well, look up and see him mess up Morty's entire gym in a single sweep. Gengar was more of a hassle, but it's an early-ass Gengar. Anything would have a problem aside from like powered Feraligatr or normal-type cheesing.

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I'll take a break here. I'll say with Magmar his start is excellent while Heracross has a pretty bad start. Might be better if you teach him Strength, as it's a very early time to get an 80 BP move. Magmar? Well, look up and see him mess up Morty's entire gym in a single sweep. Gengar was more of a hassle, but it's an early-ass Gengar. Anything would have a problem aside from like powered Feraligatr or normal-type cheesing.

Heracross obliterates Morty with Shadow Claw, even more so than Magmar with Faint Attack, though it does take a TM. Now, if you manage to get Hera Brick Break before Whitney, well... Oh, and that Aerial Ace helps a lot with Chuck. Honestly, Heracross obliterates Gyms 3-7.

Use a +speed nature Hoppip. You'll love it for any difficult battles (and swear at it everywhere else), though it may be a bit late now. You could always get one from the route before the Safari Zone if you want something that's about Lv. 20. Sleep, Seed, then switch. Offense? Who needs it! :smug:

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I dunno why it skipped my mind not to check out if it learned Shadow Claw. I guess it just doesn't look like something that could learn it. Also, how the hell do you get Heracross before Whitney? Don't tell me you can get Heracross off of ANY tree now...I will be so mad.

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I dunno why it skipped my mind not to check out if it learned Shadow Claw. I guess it just doesn't look like something that could learn it. Also, how the hell do you get Heracross before Whitney? Don't tell me you can get Heracross off of ANY tree now...I will be so mad.

Route 33 (Union Cave's exit), though they start from levels 3-5. Still, totally worth it though.

(Last playthrough of HG I got one there, oh boy did it wreck Johto. Dat +attack nature)

Edited by Venusaur
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Here's a list of where Heracross can be found and their level range.

Routes 33, 46, Azalea Town (2-5)

Routes 7, 11, 42, Vermillion City, Celadon City (11-17)

Routes 42, 44-45, 47 (21-30)

Route 28 and outside Mt. Silver (39-48)

I'm definitely going to get a Heracross the next time I play through this game.

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Well whatever, I don't mind having caught him around midgame, if only to have Feraligatr before Morty.

Charcoal given to Magmar. Replaced Endure with Shadow Claw on Heracross. Replaced Odor Sleuth wit Shadow Ball on Girafarig.

Route 43

Yeah, I'mma see into taking care of Team Rocket right away. First is a Picnicker with a Clefairy. I start spamming Stomp, and it uses Minimize. Crit hits it to kill. Next, a Pokemaniac with a Nidorina. It Tail Whips as it gets Confused to death.

Girafarig level 16: +1 Speed, +2 everything else.

Nidorina is next, and it hits with a Double Kick that threatens me. I get a Confusion off, but in goes Heracross. Shadow Claw is my strongest, so I go with it and crit to kill. I get Poison Pointed.

Heracross level 19: +1 Sp Atk, +3 Atk, +2everything else.BRICK BREAAAAAAAK. I replace that shitty Fury Attack with it.

I'm noticing that all these guys are around the level 20 area, informing me that I am not where I should be. Well whatever, since I'm here I might as well take care of business, right? Potion and Antidote used. Next Poemaniac has a Slowbro. Shadow Ball hits for about 1/3 HP. It Growls stupidly at me. Shadow Ball hits again. It Growls again and a Shadow Ball kills.

Girafarig level 17: +1 At and Def, +3 HP +2 everything else.

Next Pokemaniac up has a Nidoking. It Focuses while I hit it with Confusion. I land a crit to bring it to the red. It uses Double Kick for not enough damage, even with a crit.

Girafarig level 18: +1 Def and Sp Def, +2 everything else.

Lake or Rage

I find t funny I can do this portion so early.

Red Gyarados

Now I'm about to do something evil as I am going to kill this thing. I switch into Feraligatr after Girafarig takes the Intimiate. It did something but I didn't see what. Probably Leer, which it does while I hit it with Rock Tomb. Rock Tomb hits again. It uses Twister, which does dicky damage because Twister sucks. I finish it with a Crunch.

Red Scale get! I find Lance around investigating and tell sme I'm now part of it. I head back to Mahogany to see Lance taking care of business at the souvenir shop. Turns out it's entirely a front!

Team Rocket HQ

Ahhh yes, the Persian statues. They summon Rocket Grunts as they're security cameras. They always summon the two same grunts, one with a Drowzee and Zubat, and another with a Rattata, Zubat and Grimer Girafarig is well equipped to deal with all these problems.

Girafarig level 19: +3 HP, +2 everything else. Replaced Agility with Psybeam.

Will actually take a break here, watching the League of Legends tournament.

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I'm definitely going to get a Heracross the next time I play through this game.

I guarantee that you will not regret this. If you manage to get Brick Break before Whitney, then it's gg for her. It just steamrolls right through Johto.

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I am not done beating Team Rocket ass!

I decide I'mma just deal with the Persian Statue guards, so there's plenty of Rockets I go through like tissue paper. Brb.

Girafarig level 20: +0 Def, +2 everything else

Heracross level 20: +1 Sp Atk, +2 Def and Sp Def, +3 everything else. Shadow Claw works just as well anti-psychic.

Hyper Potion get.

Girafarig level 21: +3 HP, +1 Def and Sp Def, +2 everything else. I dig how fast this thing levels up.

Nugget get.

Heracross level 21: +1 Def and Sp Atk, +2 Atk and Speed, +3 HP and Sp Def. Weird level up.

Now for just one scientist to deal with. He's got Magnemite, which Brick Break deals with easily.

Heracross level 22: +1 Sp Atk, +3 HP and Atk, +2 everything else

Guard Spec get. Even though I already did all the statues, I decide to switch the security off in case tourists wanna come in. That siren can get annoying. Awww, Lance was waiting for me and heals me up! Thanks dude, was running low on PP. Rocket up ahead is there just to kinda interrupt you if you don't go through the doorway, proving that Team Rocket has awful security. He has a Venonat duo, which gets demolished with psychic moves easily enough.

Girafarig level 22: +3 HP and Sp Def, 2 everything else.

Next guy blocking the stairs however certainly is doing his job, and he even has a Golbat. Level 18 too, the cheater. He shall pay for his cheating ways as I unleash a Psybeam upon his brain. YOU ARE POTATO!

Now we see Lance beating another goon into submission and tells me I gotta hunt for passwords. I do so, finding a Gruntette (I suppose Grunt has no gender definite) with an Ekans. POTATO IS. Gloom? ALSO POTATO.

Girafarig level 23: +1 Def, +2 everything else. I don't bother with Baton Pass.

Seems one password is Slowpoketail. How appropriate. Hey, it's a Sylph Employee! NEEERRRRD. I thought he would have more Magnemite, but it turns out a Koffing is out to greet me. Smokescreen causes me to switch to Aerial Ace, but then it goes BOOM. I just barely survive. Another Koffing comes in, and I switch back out to Girafarig who evades a Smog. POTATO IS.

Super Potion used because that Selfdestruct hurt like a motherfucker. I spy a nearby Full Heal, which I do nab up. I loop around and find the TM for Snatch! How useless. My search for asses to kick keeps me on the track of a Scientist with a Ditto. KUNG FU! *breaks it's brick*. Rocket nearby has the other code, and he's laughing his ass off at me as he throws a *Gasp* A Raticate! Get your Brick Broken!

Raticatetail? You folks are not the most creative bunch, ya know? No wonder you disbanded and were defeated by a 10 year old. Nearby also happens to be a Protein and an X Special. Up the stairs and across the hall, I'm stopped by another Grunt who handles a Rattata, a Zubat, you know the deal.

Heracross level 23: +1 Sp Atk, +2 everything else.

One last Rattata which I kung fu. Down the stairs I go, and up the nearby steps is a TM for Thief. It's uhhhh a bit late for that I think. I head for the nearby door and stopped by Silver who expounds on how much ass Lance kicks. Thanks man, now go away. Ultra Ball before the door.

Rocket Commander: Petrel

Interesting name. Uninteresting fight. Zubat, Raticate, and a Koffing. Goes all down about as easy as you'd expect. I put Magmar in the lead as we follow the Murkrow for the password only to be stopped by a far scarier Rocket Exec.

Rocket Executive: Ariana

This fight is a joke since we have Lance on our side, even if she DOES have an Arbok on her side. Dragonite flies and Arbok's Glare misses while I use an Ember. Hypnosis hits Magmar and he goes to sleep. Fly hits Drowzee (WRONG MON LANCE), and Glare finally hits Dragonite like she wanted. Grunt throws out a Grimer next. She keeps stupidly attacking Dragonite as it hits a Crunch, Mud Slap hitting Magmar for meh damage because Mud Slap sucks. Crunch misses( you attacked a visibly empty space?), Arbok eating another Ember as I wake up. Two Mud Slaps and I have to switch to Faint Attack. Crunch actually hits ME now, and it hurts like a mofo. Dragonite misses a Thunder (Lance, get off the pot man) and Grimer misses a Disable. I use a Super Potion to stay in the game. Thunder hits while get Crunched, and Arbok falls.

Magmar level 24: +2 to all.

Mud Slap hits me again, and again for really meh damage. Murkrow comes out next, and is a high level 27. Wing Attack hits me, and with a crit down goes Magmar. Dragonite ends up paralyzed. Out goes Girafarig. Night Shade hits Dragonite while Psybeam turns Grimer into a couch. Thunder hits Murkrow.

Girafarig level 24: +1 Sp Def, +3 HP, +2 everything else.

Gloom is last, and it ends predictably. Kinda wish I could keep Magmar alive, since unlike Girafarig, he'll haveproblems in Olivine and Cianwood, namely the ocean part.

Now to take out Electrodes. Note: You can get Electrode before the ocean, Chuck (Poliwrath...) and Jasmine (though he won't help much there). I will be taking out Electrodes though. I switch out Girafarig for Ratattata in case of a Selfdestruct. These things are all too eager to blow up in your face. It uses Rollout though instead so I switch out to Feraligatr to just Surf it. It had Light Screen up so I have to use 3. Repeat this 2 more times, except less Rattata sacrifice and more Feraligatr kicking ass. It has Spark? Wait...so then it doesn't have Selfdestruct. D'oh. Spark Paralyzes me on top of it. Next one I just switch to Togepi so Feraligatr can get in safely and finish it. It does dumb stuff though so I Confuse it to just stack on damage. Feraligatr finishes it off.

Girafarig level 25: +1 Def and +2 everything else.

Feraligatr level 33: +1 Sp Atk, +3 HP and Atk, +2 everything else.

I get HM Whirlpool for my trouble. I forget if you need Jasmine's or Bryce's badge to do it, but there you go. Can also get a Whirlpool mon from the Whirl Islands too.

Hm. Gym's open too. Suppose I'll go there next...But I'll take a break for now.


Feraligatr level 33 Impish

111 HP, 80 Atk, 86 Def, 54 Sp Atk, 63 Sp Def, 62 Speed

Ice Fang, Rock Tomb, Surf, Crunch

Magmar level 24 Sassy, Fire Body

66 HP, 52 Atk, 34 Def, 60 Sp Atk, 53 Sp Def, 47 Speed

Leer,Ember, Smoescreen, Faint Attack

Heracross level 23 Bashful, Swarm

72 HP, 63 Atk, 43 Def, 29 Sp Atk, 55 Sp Def, 49 Speed

Horn Attack, Shadow Claw, Brick Break, Aerial Ace

Girafarig level 25 Gentle, Early Bird

72 HP, 51 Atk, 34 Def, 55 Sp Atk, 49 Sp Def, 52 Speed

Confusion, Shadow Ball, Stomp, Psybeam

Look at all this coverage. Look at Feraligatr be mean as hell.

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Mahogany Gym

I like how Bryce lives in a freezer. First up is a Skiier wit a Jynx, that burns itself with Wake Up Slap. Ember does about half, and Burn does the rest. Fake Tears tries to slow it's death, but to no avail. Snowboarder up next wit a cute Swinub, which I set ablaze. Even though it's 3 levels higher, it gets one shotted. Yet another Swinub. More fuel to the fire.

Magmar level 25: +1 Def, +2 Atk and Speed, +3 everything else. Replaced Leer with Confuse Ray.

More Snowboarders, first with-CRAP a Seel. Damned part water-it's fully water, ok. I know this because Ember did nothing. It decides to...Rest. Ok. 3 Faint Attacks, and that problem goes away. Another Seel hm? Ok, in goes Heracross because he does not care. BRICK BREAK DESU. It was so impressive it gives me an Encore. Ok! HASSAN CHOP. Next up is a Dewgong, which i know is Water/Ice, so I keep in Heracross to CHOP. Still not a one shot, and it gets off two Ice Shards, which do not do that much damage.

Heracross level 24: +1 Def and Sp Atk, +2 Sp Def and Speed, +3 everything else.

Skiier with a freaking Dewgong again. So much for Magmar sweeping this place, Heracross is doing more work here. In goes Rattata to die and Heracross to take his place. It keeps spamming Ice Shards which don't really do anything. It tries to do something other than Ice Shards, and it dies. Two Potions used on Heracross, since I'm out of Super Potions. One last Snowboarder, and he has-goddammit, Shelder. I decide to just keep Magmar in and spam Ember, since even though they resist it, I know Shelders have crap for Sp Def and HP. Ember does indeed two shot, and all it does is Leer while being roasted into clam soup. Seel comes out to ruin the fun, so out goes Heracross. It tries to Ice Shard and stuff, but Heracross doesn't care and finishes with an insulting Ariel Ace. Cloyster next, and since I know that thing has armor like a boss despite being Ice, I switch back to Magmar. Ember does about the same damage while it tries to be cute with Toxic Spikes. Down you go.

Magmar level 26: +1 Def, +2 everything else.

Boss: Bryce

He starts off with a Seel which Magmar Faint Attacks and does nothing, he setting up Hail. Faint Attack did like nothing so I bust out Togepi to die to an Icy Wind. Heracross comes out and Brick Breaksdoing abut half health and taking an Icy Wing. Doesn't do a lot, but slows me. Hyper Potion used as I do another Brick Break. It's still not faster so I do more kung fu chopswhile it rests up. Hail ends, and I start karate chopping that fool, but it starts Snoring. How cute. It doesn't Snore the next time for some reason, so I Horn Attack it. I'm low on health so I switch to Magmar to heal up Heracross with something strong, because Dewgong has BULK. Magmar's pretty much not playing much a part anyways at this point. It uses Aurora Beam which doesn't do much, so I start spamming Ember to do what I can with what health I have left. I burn it at least. decide t Confuse Ray it too. Of course, first confusion doesn't work so Magmar falls immediately. Heracross comes out and takes an Aurora Beam, Brick Break and Burn finishing it off.

Heracross level 25: +3 HP and Sp Def, +2 everything else. I don't bother with Counter.

Piloswine out next. I keep Heracross in, just because I'm curious. I'm faster and hit it with a Brick Break and do almost half. It uses Ice Fang, which is not as funny. I Shadow Claw it to make it use it's Berry, and Blizzard murders me beyond reasonable doubt. Feraligatr comes in with Surf, nearly killing it (DAMN YOU MINUS SP AT NATURE!!), and it uses a Full Restore while I Surf it again. Does more than half, and the next Surf finishes it. So there you have it folks, Bryce dead before even going west of Ecruteak! Also, Hail get. As a note, Glacier Badge does in fact let you use Whirlpool, so any mon in the Whirl Islands is good to go the minute you get this badge. So yeah, that's Electrode and Whirl Island mns that are legitimate to get early before Jasmine and Chuck. As a note, I do NOT get the call from Elm about weird radio stuff and Team Rocket. I would also like to note that Bryce's overall levels were not really higher than Jasmine's. This proves that Chuck is a fraud. Unfortunately the Ragecandybar salseman doesn't stop pestering me, so no early go at the Ice Cave or Blackthorn either.

Now to continue the way the game actually intended you to go!

On my way back to Ecruteak I run into another high level Goldeen for me to mess up. More high level Goldeen.

Route 38

Howdy Sailor, fancy meeting your Wooper here. BRICK BREAK! IYAI!! Bird Keeper with like level 16 mons. I suppose I won't say much as I'm in scrub territory. I'll pipe up for any interesting fight that arises, which I doubt will happen.

Heracross level 26: +1 Sp Atk, +3 HP and Atk, +2 everything else.

Max Potion get.

Gaarrrr, Flaafy Thunder Waves through a STAB Psybeam form something 6 levels above it. You're not supposed to be bulky you stupid sheep. Paralyze Heal used.

Run into a wild Meowth with my Magmar near level up.

Magmar level 27: +1 Def, +2 everything else.

I get the Safari Guy's number.

Route 39

On the farm is a TM for Drain Punch. 4 PP and 60 Power, but absorbs. Not replacing Brick Break for it, but I might think about it later with Feraligatr since Rock Tomb is kinda pointless at this point.

Girafarig level 26: +3 HP, +2 Sp Atk and Speed, +1 everything else.

Olivine City

I heal up and take a break here.


Feraligatr level 33 Impish

111 HP, 80 Atk, 85 Def, 54 Sp Atk, 63 Sp Def, 62 Speed

Ice Fang, Roc Tomb, Surf, Crunch

Magmar level 27 Sassy, Flame Body

73 HP, 58 Atk, 37 Def, 67 Sp Atk, 60 Sp Def, 53 Speed

Confuse Ray, Ember, Smokescreen, Faint Attack

Heracross level 26 Bashful, Swarm

81 HP, 71 Atk, 48 Def, 33 Sp Atk, 62 Sp Def, 55 Speed

Girafarig level 26 Gentle, Early Bird

75 HP, 52 Atk, 35 Def, 57 Sp Atk, 50 Sp Def, 54 Speed

Confusion, Shadow Ball, Stomp, Psybeam

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Time to take on the Lighthouse.

Olivine Lighthouse

I lead with Girafarig. First guy has aNoctowl (well perfect), which I start htting with Psybeam before I go to Stomp as it causes an Uproar. Stomp proves mre effective.

Girafarig level 27: +1 Def, +2 everything else.

Sailor up next with a Poliwag and Whirl. Shadow Claw does the Wag in well enough. As for the Whirl, even a Brick Break STAB isn'tenoughas it Doubleslaps me. Horn Attack finishes. Bird Keeper up the ladder who has a bunch of crappy Pidgey.

Heracross level 27: +3 Atk, +1 Def ad Sp Atk, +2 everything else.

Oh, League of Legends tourney is on, I'll do this stuff later.

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