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Training Mafia - Game Over


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You don't just agree with someone after they throw out a decent post.

You do if you're a new player.

Camtech screams newbtown every time he posts. Would not lynch.

Excellen still looks the worst to me. Why're you voting with the guy you just called scum instead of for him, on a lurker lynch of all things?

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...though, actually, screaming newbtown in a game where you should have a mentor to talk to is weird. Cam, what have your conversations with Paperblade been like so far?

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You do if you're a new player.

Camtech screams newbtown every time he posts. Would not lynch.

Excellen still looks the worst to me. Why're you voting with the guy you just called scum instead of for him, on a lurker lynch of all things?


Just what

You need to ask your mentor dude about inactives or look up Touhou Mafia. Not calling out inactives/lurkers means passive mafia who don't want to incriminate themselves can get away with it.

Also let it be noted I was the first one to vote Rapier.

Also fuck off.

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You said Camtech is scum.

9 players presumably means 2 scum unless the mod hates town wins.

Why's scum!Camtech trying to use a policy lynch to bus his buddy on D1, given the level of play we've seen from him so far? The town cred's not going to save him from cop checks if he attempts to solo the game.

Lurkers are a reasonable focus when it's not Day Fucking One. Nothing has been set in stone yet and we don't know who's going to be lurking through the game yet.

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You said Camtech is scum.

9 players presumably means 2 scum unless the mod hates town wins.

Why's scum!Camtech trying to use a policy lynch to bus his buddy on D1, given the level of play we've seen from him so far? The town cred's not going to save him from cop checks if he attempts to solo the game.

Lurkers are a reasonable focus when it's not Day Fucking One. Nothing has been set in stone yet and we don't know who's going to be lurking through the game yet.

You really want to call me out for calling other people scum, scum?

You're overthinking.

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Game Relevant Post for D/N1

I was in a final for the past 3 hours. Regardless, I endorse Cam's NL because this game is OC, even if his reasoning isn't quite all there.

In OC, randomly lynching people isn't as valuable because you don't get to see all interactions between players so you can't go "Well this guy voted for a bad reason" because no one can prove if the reason was bad after the lynchee dies etc. etc. Basically it's just much harder to see if people are just bandwagoning on a mislynch or what. However, OC gives the town the advantage of being able to talk without having scum seeing what's going on, which means better coordination of night actions (for example a cop can talk to his clears without getting hooked/killed, although that's not quite as valid in this game due to the potential for moles but ehhhh) which thus gives the town incentive to keep as many people alive as possible.

also lol@pushy people pushing people around (note the alliteration) then getting mad at them for getting pushed around

also also afaik Cam was basically bullied into joining this by Iris and has no idea what he's doing (hence why he's the newbie)

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Here's what I'm seeing: Newbies are over-eagerly scum-hunting and jumping at the slightest thing, even though the people they're jumping on are newbies themselves. The TL;DNR version, you guys are making mountains out of molehills.

This is day one, the possibility of hitting a mafia is relatively low. Unless you have logs to prove that someone actually admitted to being mafia (which I doubt you'll ever get), all we have right now is speculation. As I said, you guys are all jumping on a new player who hasn't played before, iirc. (Maybe he has, maybe not, I'm not sure) Either way, just because someone isn't spamming the thread with a bunch of pointless posts doesn't mean that he's lurking, or that he's mafia.

Manix, why are you pushing so hard for Cam being lynched? An informed lynch is good, a misinformed lynch is pointless as Paper/Cam might have a, you know, GOOD role. Do you want to lynch a new player who might have a good role on the basis that he hadn't posted (it was still within 24 hours of the day's start, iirc) and then made a noobish response? I haven't talked to my partner much, I do have a life outside this game. Paper does, too. In a contest between this game and life, life comes first.

As for lynching today. Why should we lynch? We can talk to people without the maf seeing what we say (unless we talk to a maf, but I digress). As paper pointed out, cops can talk to their clears, information can be gathered, etc. Not lynching on a later day might hurt us, but for now, on day 1, I see no reason why we should randomly lynch and risk hitting a power role.

There's my post for the day, talk to me through PM if you want something from me.

##Vote: No Lynch

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also also afaik Cam was basically bullied into joining this by Iris and has no idea what he's doing (hence why he's the newbie)

Paper, I'm not a bully! If anything, you are one! D: Cam joined on his own will! Read the signup list again! :O Although Cam was a bit defensive, it reminds me of 13th who turned out Town for the most part - distressed townie player.

Oh right, speaking of inactives, I'd say out of all of us, it'd narrow down to Psych and Rapier, both of whom have not been on since yesterday. So I feel like it's not he pressure votes that will get them as much as a PM would, etc. And man, do you guys even use irc? ;/

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Excellen: Do you think Cam is scum (as far as D1 reads go)? Do you think Rapier is scum (as far as D1 reads go)? Answer yes or no to both, and elaborate.

I have no strong preference regarding lynch/NL but would be willing to switch to NL for deadline. Not switching now because nobody cares if you're attacking them if your vote is on No Lynch. Lynch would be a better option than it currently is if more actually happened today.

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Ok, I'm here. As usual, I agree with a No-Lynch, the reasons Cam and Paper gave are enough to make my point. Well, Paper fixed the roles found on Cam's argument, so it has become consistent for me. If we mislynch (which is an easy thing, we have no motive to make a case agaisnt pretty much anyone), the Town will lose two players, 0-2. If we manage to lynch a scum it's 1-0, but I find it too risky.

On NOC there is no way to find out about roles or talk with anyone in private, that's why it's a good idea to lynch people. Even if they're from the Town, you get an idea of what they were doing and you know which role they had. But in OC, it isn't necessary, thus making a mislynch an unnecessary gamble in D1.

Call me a newbie if you want, or scum, like it always happened in the past games because of that same damn excuse, but I'll stick to it, at least on D1.

Sorry for taking too long, I've got exams throughout the entire month. Yeah, this sucks.


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Okay, I've had enough of this. I didn't want to play this card, but I must.

I draw your attention to this:

Why's scum!Camtech trying to use a policy lynch to bus his buddy on D1, given the level of play we've seen from him so far? The town cred's not going to save him from cop checks if he attempts to solo the game.

Cop checks. Guess what? The cop has checked him, and he revealed an Interceptor (ie: the one that kills people who target their choice) role. Now how would I know this, given my lack of communication?

I'm the fricking cop, and checked him on N0. Yes, I'm hard-claiming cop. I have nothing to lose here.

The Interceptor is a scum role, and is the reason why I said they could possibly go 2-0 with a NL is because of the Interceptor's night action.

I don't care if you don't believe me now. Should you lynch me for information, you'll find out I was right, then Cam is out the next day no matter what.

Please please please vote Cam. Town cannot afford to have the Interceptor role running loose through the game. It will help all of you.

Rant over. There is no defense, just a lynch to prove a point.

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Yeah right.

If you really were the cop, coming out and revealing yourself like that is tantamount to suicide; I hardly doubt that any decent mafia would let you live. You coming out and saying this openly just makes me think that you have nothing to fear.

Now, why would that be? Maybe because you know something. Like maybe, the identities of the other scum?

Even if I were the Interceptor (I'm not), think about this. According to epicmafia, the interceptor is a person who marks a person. If someone else targets the marked man, that person is killed. Fair enough, sounds dangerous. However, there's a side bit about how if multiple people go for the marked man, the dead man is picked randomly and the others all know who the interceptor is. With some smart power-plays, this could easily blow up in the scum's face, revealing him to everyone.

On the other hand, the cop is an important anti-scum power role who would presumably get offed pretty soon after he reveals himself. The advantage of having the cop alive and undercover is definitely worth more than the removal of the easily-backfiring interceptor.

And seeing as you had this great speech on "it's more advantageous to lynch than not lynch" earlier, I think that you'd be able to work this out fairly simply on your own. Which leads me to wonder why you would give up one of the town's biggest advantages by revealing yourself and getting offed in the process. This again points back to your being scum and knowing exactly who is or isn't also scum (not to mention being essentially immune to nightkills).

##Vote Manix

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My turn.

First thing Cam did. . .is vote for No Lynch. This is scummy, as NL leaves the town with no more info than it did when the game began. As for the rest of you, I'm not sure how much you're talking, but given the lack of anything being done in this thread, I suspect it's not that much. Otherwise, the rest of the game would have a better idea of who to lynch, and I'm not seeing that.

It would be folly for us to die on N1 knowing what we do. We'll probably die/be hooked come N1, but at least we'll take out a scum with us in the form of this lynch. The town can afford a 1-1 trade; the mafia doesn't want that. Why in the HELL would the town want to sacrifice roles in the name of finding the Interceptor? Better to lynch the Interceptor now, and get some semblance of organization going, even if I hate the town leader system.

As for the possibility of a scum mislead. . .it would still be a 1-1 trade, and would clear the Vigilante/give the town a lynch target on D2. This makes no sense, in terms of logic or numbers.

tl;dr - So WHAT if this is suicide? It's a 1-1 trade at worst, and it'll give the town a night to organize themselves.

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Daigoji Excellen/WeaponsofMassConstruction: 1

Camtech/Paperblade: 1

Rapier/Diavolo: 1

Psych/StrawSloththeSawSlothStraw: 1

Manix/eclipse: 1

No Lynch: 2

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...if you're a cop, then why'd you learn his role instead of just his alignment?

Because that part of the stipulations of the role. The cop was never going to learn alignment.

Yeah right.

If you really were the cop, coming out and revealing yourself like that is tantamount to suicide; I hardly doubt that any decent mafia would let you live. You coming out and saying this openly just makes me think that you have nothing to fear.

Because I don't. This gives town an advantage, no matter the result. If I get lynched, town finds out the truth, and then you go D2. If you get lynched, then the Doctor (if there is one) can start protecting me without fear of getting offed my the Interceptor. If NL, then town is royally screwed, because worst case is to lose the Doc and the Cop.

Now, why would that be? Maybe because you know something. Like maybe, the identities of the other scum?

I only know you to be scum. Because I'm not an omnipresent cop.

Even if I were the Interceptor (I'm not), think about this. According to epicmafia, the interceptor is a person who marks a person. If someone else targets the marked man, that person is killed. Fair enough, sounds dangerous. However, there's a side bit about how if multiple people go for the marked man, the dead man is picked randomly and the others all know who the interceptor is. With some smart power-plays, this could easily blow up in the scum's face, revealing him to everyone.

Ahahahaha you funny. That's exactly what my N0 action told me you were. So, I'll just speed along the process, and prevent you from killing anything with your role.

On the other hand, the cop is an important anti-scum power role who would presumably get offed pretty soon after he reveals himself. The advantage of having the cop alive and undercover is definitely worth more than the removal of the easily-backfiring interceptor.

In some cases, yes. But as a note, Interceptor is far more dangerous to town given the number of roles present (everyone).

Oh, and the easily backfiring Interceptor? Haha no. Not everyone is going to pick the same person that the Interceptor picks, because different roles would target people for differing reasons (some to kill, some to save, some for information (me), etc) The Interceptor is less likely to backfire than you think.

And seeing as you had this great speech on "it's more advantageous to lynch than not lynch" earlier, I think that you'd be able to work this out fairly simply on your own. Which leads me to wonder why you would give up one of the town's biggest advantages by revealing yourself and getting offed in the process. This again points back to your being scum and knowing exactly who is or isn't also scum (not to mention being essentially immune to nightkills).

I play an aggressive cop. I give no shits if I'm offed early if it gets town moving properly. Besides, if town knows I exist, then we can prepare against possible night actions if our roles allow it.

tl;dr: You're defending the Interceptor role to be weak when it really isn't, just to lift suspicion off you. I'm not taking any of this nonsense.

Also, EVERYONE needs to start claiming to me, ASAP. Otherwise this gambit of mine will be pretty useless.

Rise townies, and fight the mafia! It's up to you now.

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Because that was part of the stipulations of the role. The cop was never going to learn alignment.

Small error in my response to Prims. Bolded was left out.

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##Vote: Camtech

After reading manix's reply and him claiming cop then im inclined to believe it's the truth. If something happens and Camtech isn't interceptor/mafia it will just look bad on manix/clipsey and could leave them open for suspection. Therefore I'm fine with this vote.

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