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Soren. Again, im not sure why people say hes bad here but they do. Hes my second favorite character in the entire series. Im gonna use him. All. The. Freaking. Time.

According to my reading skills of doom you don't think personally Soren is bad unit. That means he does not belong on your list.

Here we list units we know to suck, not units others say suck

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FE4: Arden

FE5: Marty, Tania, Miranda

FE6: Treck

FE7: The only people in this game that I ever want to use are Sain, Pent, and Harken. And they're all awesome.

FE8: Rennac

FE9: This game has awful units?

FE10: Danved, Oliver, Ilyana, Tanith, Sigrun

FE11: Matthis

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Wendy from FE6. I used her in my first HM playthrough, and she was pretty good after an initial painful period. It's coloured my opinion of her ever since.

There are plenty of other characters I use that aren't considered good, but become good after I stuff favouristism into them.

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I wonder when I get around to playing Lunatic, if I stick all the favoritism into Maris, will I be able to use her there?

Because I hate not being able to use my favourite characters.

FE12 is very restrictive sadly. I'm sure she's plenty usable on H1 and you should be able to get her up to par in H2 without much headache.

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I usually play H1 since I like the difficulty level there, so that's a non-issue since I always use her. Since H2 is not gonna let me unlock anything, I don't really feel like playing it so I plan on just skipping that. Kinda wanna play maso-mode aka Reverse. :P

I don't think I'm masochistic enough to attempt using Maris on Reverse after I beat Lunatic, but I might try on Lunatic anyway.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Iunno. I like all of the FE peeps to a certain degree. Except for Navarre because fuck him.

I just prefer characters I like so I obviously tend to like those so called "bad" units.

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FE 6:Wendy, Sophia, Lilina (is she considered bad?)

FE 7: Nino, Dorcas, Bartre

FE 8: Marisa, Neimi, Ewan, Amelia, Knoll

FE 9: Mia, Largo (only berserker? whyyy), Geoffrey (is he considered bad?)

FE 10: Only played it once when it came out so I can't remember who I even used. That game is sooo long :/

FE 11: Never finished it. Too boring.

FE 12: Haven't played it yet

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FE 6: Lilina (is she considered bad?)

Pretty much. She has a bad joining situation, bad bases (which contribute to said joining situation), average growths, and needs babying to catch up.
FE 9: Geoffrey (is he considered bad?)
He doesn't have much availability, I know that much. But bad outright? Really, availability is the only reason I can think he would be considered bad in the first place. Edited by Little Al
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Even though I usually hate archers, I like using Gordin for some reason...Probably because I find it funny to call him Gaggles.

I usually use Lilina too though I am now often dropping her in favor of Clarine or Lugh.

I also almost always use Geoffrey in RD.

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Gordin isn't really bad because sniper is a fantastic class in that game . So even with his crap growths he's useful .

Expect Gordin still sucks.

On Normal Mode, H1, H2, H3 Enemies are such pansies that Snipers suck because they lack 1 range.

On H4 and H5 Enemies are big enough to make training gording a horrid idea.

And in both cases we can just reclass some already promoted cav/prepromo/use Jeorge and get the same results.

But he still is kinda usefull for his glorious chip before Castor appears on harder difficulties

Edited by Sho.M.the.English.Major
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Expect Gordin still sucks.

No his still okay up to about h2 he's okay not a god or anything in another class he would be shit and his only okay as a sniper he is plain awful until he promotes . And snipers are pretty useful in that game the actually maps of the game have insane amount of situations were snipers are genuinely useful more then any other fire emblem game .

Edited by The_Purple_Knight
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The only reasons I train up Wendy is because she''s a female armor knight and cause I like her short hair

I have a thing for girls with short hair

Priscilla kicks ass too even though she isnt technically a dropout

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No his still okay up to about h2 he's okay not a god another class his shit and hid only okay as a sniper he us pure shit until he promotes . And snipers are pretty useful in that game the actually maps of the game have insane amount of situations were snipers are genuinely useful more then any other fire emblem game .

He has 15%-35% Spd growth as well as 20%-25% Str growth. On top of that, he has crappy bases even in comparison to everyone else in the team by the time he joins. In fact, you're pretty much better off reclassing someone else if you want a Sniper badly. (This is especially true on H4 and H5.) Preferably after promotion since the base bow rank for Snipers isn't too shabby And even without reclass, training Gordin on H4 or H5 is a bad idea.
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For me, there's Roshea, Est, Etzel, Ymir, Robin, May, Boey, Ellen (as a combat unit), Lilina, Wendy, Sophia, Dorcas, Wallace (I've boss abused him to 20/1 at least twice in Lyn mode), Bartre, Nino, Ewan, Amelia, Knoll, Marisa, L'Arachel, and all thieves (as combat units barring FE6 where they can't promote) and bow users.

I try to use different characters in every playthrough, but I hardly use pre-promotes since I prefer the satisfaction of raising units from scratch.

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No his still okay up to about h2 he's okay not a god or anything in another class he would be shit and his only okay as a sniper he is plain awful until he promotes . And snipers are pretty useful in that game the actually maps of the game have insane amount of situations were snipers are genuinely useful more then any other fire emblem game .

I just looooooooooooooooooooooooooooove having to say this again.

Good moments to use sniper do not exist on lower difficulties because Paladin/Dracoknight/Hero/Axejerks do them better with Hand Axe/Javelin while doing amazing in plases where Sniper sucks.

On higher Difficulties Promoted Gordin does not exist on any reasonable playtrought because his bases are awfull and his growths do not compensate that. And Thats not even pointing the literal tons of suck Archer class is.

Edited by Sho.M.the.English.Major
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