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[FE7] That one LHM+EHM Draft!


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Tbh, LM is so boring you only need about a sentence to describe what you're doing for each map.

Yeah lol.

Chapter 7x 4/42

Kent can OHKO wall and did in the first turn with Nils help. Lyn went up. Lucius handled the room where enemies spawn and a cavalier so Lyn could keep moving. The thief opened the door and Kent KO'd the thief. Rath took the soldier. Then, Kent uses a Javelin to kill the boss and the mage and the shaman SD'd to Kent.

Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv
Lyn/08/00/20/27/10/11/13/09/02/02/Sword B
Kent/10/00/77/29/14/09/14/05/09/02/Sword C Lance C
Rath/07/00/73/25/08/09/10/05/07/02/Bow C
Lucius/03/00/99/18/07/06/10/02/01/06/Light D

Chapter 8 4/46

Kent rushes with a push from Nils. Lucius handles the mages and gets the Lancereaver village. Lyn handles the ballistae and a barbarian that was going after the village but was lured by her. Kent KO'd the boss. Rath and Kent then killed the 2 soldier reinforcements.

Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv
Lyn/08/00/64/27/10/11/13/09/02/02/Sword B
Kent/11/00/88/30/14/09/15/06/10/02/Sword C Lance C
Rath/07/00/84/25/08/09/10/05/07/02/Bow C
Lucius/04/00/42/18/08/07/11/02/01/07/Light D

Lyndis still hasnt proc'd Defense...sigh.

Chapter 9 3/49

Kent rushes with Nils push. Rath traded the Knight Crest to Kent but lol, he ended up not using it due to getting mad lucky. 2 Javelin hits with 50 display and they both actually hit in Player Phase 2. Then, eagler switched to Hand Axe and one of the javelins still hit with 32 display. Kent is amazing. Then, he iron sword'd for the kill and lyn seized. Others trained and Rath got an epic level up.

Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv
Lyn/08/00/72/27/10/11/13/09/02/02/Sword B
Kent/13/00/28/32/15/11/17/06/10/03/Sword C Lance C
Rath/08/00/01/26/09/09/11/06/08/02/Bow C
Lucius/04/00/91/18/08/07/11/02/01/07/Light D

Chapter 10 4(+4 Florina penalty) 8/57

Flo-chan died. Kent and the others trained while Lancereaver Lyn killed Lundgren. Could have been 3 turns if lyn had crit in EP with the Mani Katti (flo-chan did a trade with lyn so she had mani Katti in EP). To make things worse, Lyn crit with Lancereaver in PP3 when Lundgren had 4 HP...way to go Lyn...>.> oh and she proc'd Defense too...about time!

Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv
Lyn/10/00/16/28/11/13/15/10/03/02/Sword B
Kent/13/01/04/34/16/12/18/06/12/04/Sword B Lance B Axe E
Rath/08/00/27/26/09/09/11/06/08/02/Bow B
Lucius/05/00/17/08/08/11/02/01/08/Light D

Lyn- B 48 W 28 L 0

Lyn had great offense but damn, dat defense. Robe really helped her take hits.

Kent- B 71 W 55 L 0

Kent is amazing. Super str blessed but skl screwed. He saved so many turns. Too bad he doesnt fly.

Rath- B 12 W 10 L 0

Did self improvement mostly. Gained an epic level up. His high move makes him pretty damn good.

Nils- B 4 W 0 L 0

He battled too much lol. I made sure they were hits he could take though. Like the ballistae and stuff.

Lucius- B 12 W 9 L 0

Trap. Eh, he got an awesome first level up. But then he ruined it with his second level up. I wasnt expecting him to be able to ORKO most enemies...

Honorable Mention:

Flo-chan- Ferrybot. Is now dead.

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Chapter 13: In Search of Truth

Matthew goes for the village, while Oswin helps Marcus carry Eliwood through to horde of enemies. After the Archer on the west island attacks Matthew, Dorcas and Bartre block him in without getting attacked. Matt grabs the village, and Marcus drops Eliwood, who is strong enough to ORKO all the Soldiers with his Rapier (and all but one with Iron, but it got in the way.) Without the Silver Lance a ORKO was impossible without a crit, but I get an incredibly lucky Iron Axe crit on the boss and he croaks.

5 turns (5/76)

Chapter 13x: The Peddler Merlinus

Eliwood, being as manly as he is, takes the main island. Marcus runs with Merlinus to the village, Oswin takes on the right and Matthew takes the left. Eliwood is turning out VERY well.

7 turns (7/83)

Unit	Class	Level	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon
Eliwood	Lord	5.87	21	9	8	10	11	7	0	Sword - B
Marcus	Paladin	3.07    32	17	16	13	8	10	9	Sword - A, Axe - A, Lance - A
Oswin	Knight	10.33    29	14	9	5	4	14	3	Lance - B
Matthew	Thief	6.91	19	7	4	15	6	3	0	Sword - C

Chapter 14: False Friends

Marcus leads the charge, with Eliwood hanging back to kill the Soldiers, and then join Matthew, who was charging the south to lure out the Armour for Eliwood to kill. Oswin kills the north Soldier, Lowen rescues Erk and drops him next turn for Serra to recruit in order to get Priscilla. Marcus ORKOes every enemy on the map with a Javelin, including Erik, so he goes to town. A turn was lost due to that pesky Armour.

5 turns (5/88)

Chapter 15: Noble Lady of Caelin

Marcus' last charge, with Oswin and Matt protecting Priscilla. Sain joins in half way, and Wil fails to kill a Merc.

5 turns (5/93)

Unit	Class	Level	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon
Eliwood	Lord	7.05    23	11	9	11	12	7	3	Sword - B
Marcus	Paladin	Bench
Oswin	Knight	10.69	29	14	9	5	4	14	3	Lance - B
Matthew	Thief	7.59    19	8	4	16	6	3	0	Sword - C
Prissy	Troub	3.23	16	6	6	8	7	3	6	Staff - C
Sain	Paladin	3.08	40	20	7	16	11	10	4	Sword - B, Axe - E, Lance - B
Wil	Archer	6.44	24	8	7	7	8	5	2	Bow - C

Edited by Serious Bananas
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Tbh, LM is so boring you only need about a sentence to describe what you're doing for each map.

I am fine with a sentence. As long as i get a general description of what you did, that is all!

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EHM started.

Chapter 11 5/62

This needed some thought. Eliwood has to be able to ORKO the archer in order to get a 5 turn and avoid the dorcas barte penalty. Marcus rescued him and dropped him in Turn 4 in a way that enemies wouldnt cock-block him next turn. Marcus ORKO'd the boss and Eliwood seized.

Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv/Support
Eliwood/01/00/84/18/05/05/07/07/05/00/Sword C
Marcus/00/01/36/31/15/15/11/08/10/08/Sword A Lance A Axe B

Chapter 12 5/67

Marcus went after the boss (parking in the mountain). Eliwood battled in the fort. Hector and Oswin teamed up on the enemies there.

Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv/Support
Eliwood/03/00/28/20/05/06/09/07/05/01/Sword C
Marcus/00/02/03/32/16/15/11/08/10/08/Sword A Lance A Axe B

Chapter 13 6/73

No units other than Eliwuss and Marcus hurt here. I had to give Marcus the Energy Ring. Visited the village.

Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv/Support
Eliwood/03/00/82/20/05/06/09/07/05/01/Sword C
Marcus/00/02/70/32/18/15/11/08/10/08/Sword A Lance A Axe B

Chapter 13x 7/80

Had to meatshield a bit. Eliwuss got some kills while Marcus got the village and later helped. Oswin is meatshield extraordinare.

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Chapter 16: Whereabouts Unknown

Sain takes over charge duty, smashing Armours and Archers aside with his almighty Javelin, and ORKOes the boss with the Steel Axe. The others act as Priscilla's guards/people to heal.

7 turns (7/100 turns)

Chapter 16x: Port of Badon

Sain rushes left, and the other people grab villages and help him punch through.

3 turns (3/103 turns)

Chapter 17: Pirate Ship

Sain rushes the boss with Javelins, whilst everyone else trains and buys equipment.

3 turns(3/106 turns)

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Chapter 14 7/87

Stupid rain. Recruited Erk for Prissy and Eliwuss made his way to the armor after handling the soldiers.

Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv/Support
Eliwood/07/00/66/23/09/08/11/09/07/02/Sword A
Marcus/00/03/96/32/18/16/12/08/10/08/Sword A Lance A Axe A

Chapter 15 5/92

Marcus ferried Eliwuss. Made a shopping chain that involved Kent getting Hand Axes and a Steel Axe in the 1st turn. Lyndis got the Heavy Spear village and trained a bit. Turn 4 I give Eliwuss to Kent with Marcus and have him canto. Kent then dropped him. Marcus weakened boss with a Hand Axe and Kent finished him off. Eliwuss seized.

 Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv/Support
 Eliwood/07/00/85/23/09/08/11/09/07/02/Sword A
Marcus/00/04/17/32/19/16/12/08/10/08/Sword A Lance A Axe A
Lyn/10/00/57/28/11/13/15/10/03/02/Sword B
Kent/13/01/94/34/16/12/18/06/12/04/Sword B Lance B Axe E

Chapter 16 9/101

Recruited Lucius. Lyndis helped Prissy avoid a penalty and Kent rushed with Eliwuss.

 Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv/Support
 Eliwood/08/00/37/24/10/08/12/09/08/03/Sword A
Lyn/10/00/92/28/11/13/15/10/03/02/Sword A
Kent/13/03/53/36/18/13/18/06/13/04/Sword B Lance B Axe D
 Lucius/05/00/17/08/08/11/02/01/08/Light D

Chapter 16x 3/104

Javelin first turn. Lyn killed stuff on her side. Lucius helped. Lyn then opens the way for Kent and he talks to Fargus.

 Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv/Support
 Eliwood/08/00/89/24/10/08/12/09/08/03/Sword A
Lyn/12/00/21/30/13/14/16/10/05/02/Sword A
Kent/13/04/03/37/19/13/19/06/13/04/Sword B Lance B Axe D
Lucius/06/00/07/19/09/09/12/03/01/09/Light D

Chapter 17

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Chapter 18: The Dread Isle

Matthew, Wil and Priscilla head north, while Oswin and Eliwood assist Sain's charge south. Sain kills Uhai with two hits from the Horseslayer (Doubling at 60% chance).

5 turns (5/111 turns)

Chapter 18x: Imprisoner of Magic

Sain charged with Eliwood, and everyone else trained. Sain was able to OHKO Aion with the Devil Axe (I could've used 2 Iron Swords but I used the DA for the hell of it).

5 turns 5/116 turns

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Chapter 17 3/107

Kent rushes with help from Lucius and Eliwood. Boss feel to Iron Sword lol. Bought some Door Keys and Lightnings with Lyn.

 Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv/Support
 Eliwood/09/00/40/25/11/09/13/10/09/03/Sword A
Lyn/12/00/77/30/13/14/16/10/05/02/Sword A
Kent/13/04/85/37/19/13/19/06/13/04/Sword B Lance B Axe D
Lucius/06/00/67/19/09/09/12/03/01/09/Light C

Chapter 18

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Chapter 11 - 14/96 Turns

Oh, Dorcas and Bartre, You come in at such a wrong time. Eliwood got some experience against the Brigands while Marcus Dealt with those Pesky Archers. Eventually, Marcus Visited the Village to get the Dragonshield. Eliwood Killed the Boss and then Seized.

Chapter 12 - 11/107 Turns

Eliwood is getting Good Stats here. He trivialized most of the Enemies. Marcus Visited the Village for a Secret Book. Hector made his way to Eliwood's Location and Helped out a Bit. Hector Killed the Boss. Eventually, all the enemies were dealt with accordingly!

Chapter 13 - 15/122 Turns

Eliwodd Dealt with the Enemies at the Bottom while Hector and Marcus dealt with the Enemies North of the Castle. Hectors accuracy was garbage at this point so i had to give him the Secret Book. Hector got a few kills and Marcus Destroy the Snags, Visited the Torch Village and Killed Those Pesky Archers. Marcus chipped Boies with the Javelin and Hector finished Boies off. The Undrafted got a few weapons in the shops. Eventually, Eliwood Seized.

Chapter 13x - 8/130 Turns

Still Tedious as ever. Oswin guarded the Bottom Bridge, being unequipped. Eliwood got the Top-Right Bridge while Marcus got the Top-Left Bridge. Hector guarded the Left Side, Near the Snag. Marcus made his way to the Village. Eventually, Everybody (Drafted) went to the boss, V.I.A north. Eliwood's Rapier did wonders to the Pesky Nomads. I couldn't kill Puzon though...

Chapter 14 - 13/143 Turns

Hector dealt with Soldiers in the back while Eliwood dealt the Entire Cavalier wave by himself. Eliwood was so good that Erik was pathetic with his Horseslayer. Hector Dealt with the Pirates afterwards and Marcus Rescued Erk and Put Erk near Serra. Erk dealt with some enemies near the North and Helped Kill off the Pirates once it was close enough. Hector had to keep a distance from the sea because if he missed and the Pirate had damage, They would take their sweet time healing at the Fort. In one of my failed attempts, i finished up but i had 4 Pirates waiting to heal. I realized that it would take too much time so i had to restart there...

Chapter 15 - 12/155 Turns

Sain and Kent Guarded the Village, Lyn and Wil Went on a Shopping Spree, Marcus visited the Village and the Rest Mowed down the enemies in the way to the castle. It was easy since there was no ballista. Bauker was dealt with by Hector and then Eliwood Seized.

Character Stats:


I would say he turned quite decently. A bit pissed off though since he practically sucks in my Hector Hard Mode Playthrough.

Weapon Ranks: A Swords


His speed could use a little work but i think he is doing good so far

Weapon Ranks: A Axes


Decent. His magic is a bit low but his other stats (Speed, especially) make his performance good.

Weapon Ranks: B Anima


Almost like she was back in Lyn Mode. Need to get the Body Ring as fast as possible since Steels and Javelins weigh her down like crazy!

Weapon Ranks: B Lances


...And alas, you retire once again. The Use of the Steel Lance, Oddly gave him an S in Lances

Weapon Ranks: S Lances, A Swords, B Axes

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Chapter 18 5/112

Dart helped Kent with the snags and to rush Uhai. Flo-chan recruited Fiora and she used that Axereaver to get some exp. Lucius battled a lot up north to get some exp (he stayed in forest tiles). Lyn and Eliwood just helped where they could and got some exp.

Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv/Support
Eliwood/10/00/12/26/12/09/14/10/09/04/Sword A
Lyn/13/00/12/30/14/15/17/11/05/02/Sword A
Kent/13/06/03/39/19/14/21/06/14/04/Sword B Lance A Axe D
Lucius/08/00/27/19/11/11/13/03/01/10/Light C
Dart/09/00/25/35/13/09/09/03/06/02/Axe B
Fiora/07/00/74/21/08/11/13/06/06/07/Lance C

Chapter 18x 4/116

Fiora ferried Kent across the mountain then canto'd. Kent killed pretty much everything there except the boss. Dart gave Eliwood to Fiora and she dropped him in turn 3. Fiora then kills Aion (Kent had weakened him with the Slim Lance) and Eliwood seized.

Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv/Support
Eliwood/10/00/12/26/12/09/14/10/09/04/Sword A
Lyn/13/00/47/30/14/15/17/11/05/02/Sword A
Kent/13/06/54/39/19/14/21/06/14/04/Sword B Lance A Axe C
Lucius/09/00/46/20/12/11/13/03/01/11/Light C
Dart/09/00/65/35/13/09/09/03/06/02/Axe B
Fiora/09/00/32/22/09/13/15/07/07/08/Lance C

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D'oh, i'm an idiot...

I killed dart so i could have an easier time with Chapter 18 but then i realize he is needed to recruit geitz...


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Chapter 19: Dragon's Gate

Sain rush harder. Got the Brave Bow for Wil.

6 turns (6/122 turns)

Chapter 20: New Resolve

Wil promoted. Sain rushed and ORKOed another boss.

2 turns (2/124 turns)

Chapter 21: Kinship's Bond

Took an extra turn to grab Heath, but I got Eliwood there to grab him turn 2, while Kent baited out Eubans and ORKOed with a Hand Axe turn 2.

2 turns (2/126 turns)

Chapter 22: Living Legend

Fed Heath a Robe/A bunch of kills. Reinforcements delayed me 2 turns. Sain hits S in Axes due to excessive Devil Axe use (that thing is amazing). No treasures though...

6 turns (6/132 turns)

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Chapter 19 5/121

Kent rushes. Fiora ferries Eliwood. The others help. Kent killed both bosses.

Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv/Support
Eliwood/10/00/32/26/12/09/14/10/09/04/Sword A
Lyn/13/00/98/30/14/15/17/11/05/02/Sword A
Kent/13/08/04/41/20/15/22/07/14/05/Sword B Lance A Axe C
Lucius/09/00/93/20/12/11/13/03/01/11/Light C
Dart/10/00/41/35/14/09/10/03/06/02/Axe B
Fiora/10/00/34/23/10/13/16/07/07/08/Lance C

Chapter 20 3/124

No crit on the boss. Got the whip too.

Chapter 21 2/126

Fiora rescues Lyn. Gets refreshed by Ninian and she drops Lyn and cantos. Recruited Rath with Lyn. Weakened boss in the first turn with Kent and Fiora got the kill with a push from Ninian.

Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv/Support
Eliwood/10/00/76/26/12/09/14/10/09/04/Sword A
Lyn/14/00/15/30/15/15/17/11/06/03/Sword A
Kent/13/09/30/42/21/15/23/07/14/06/Sword B Lance A Axe B
Lucius/10/00/80/21/13/12/13/03/01/12/Light B
Dart/10/00/82/35/14/09/10/03/06/02/Axe B
Fiora/11/00/92/23/11/13/17/08/07/08/Lance B
Rath/08/00/27/26/09/09/11/06/08/02/Bow B

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Chapter 19: Dragon's Gate

Sain rush harder. Got the Brave Bow for Wil.

6 turns (6/122 turns)

Chapter 20: New Resolve

Wil promoted. Sain rushed and ORKOed another boss.

2 turns (2/124 turns)

Chapter 21: Kinship's Bond

Took an extra turn to grab Heath, but I got Eliwood there to grab him turn 2, while Kent baited out Eubans and ORKOed with a Hand Axe turn 2.

2 turns (2/126 turns)

Chapter 22: Living Legend

Fed Heath a Robe/A bunch of kills. Reinforcements delayed me 2 turns. Sain hits S in Axes due to excessive Devil Axe use (that thing is amazing). No treasures though...

6 turns (6/132 turns)

I call bullshit on ur chapter 20. Even capped str sain cant ORKO at 2 range. Unless u got a "lucky" crit.

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The thing is, there were a bunch of 2 range using enemies near the boss, which ended up luring him to attack me up close. I only noticed that once I got there and restarted to pull it off. He has a combination of 46 HP, and 13 Def. Meaning you need to deal 26 HP per attack (You need to reach 39 attack, factoring in weapon triangle), and double to ORKO. Sain reached 40 Attack due to the Devil Axe's ridiculous might, and Oleg is so slow (8 speed) that Sain (who was at 20 speed at the time) even with a 7AS (So 13 AS against 8 AS) defecit from the Devil Axe can double attack and ORKO him. You're right, he couldn't get him at two range, but he didn't need to.

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Chapter 23: Four Fanged Offense

Sain charges the boss with Ninian's help, and Heath grabs the Earth Seal.

3 turns (3/135 turns)

Chapter 24: Unfulfilled Heart

Defense's suck. Heath trained a lot, and Sain grabbed the Hammerine. Pent Buys a ton of Killers.

11 turns (11/146 turns)

Chapter 25: Pale Flower of Darkeness

I blame the snow and the lack of door keys for my terrible TC.

11 turns (11/157 turns)

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I am fine with a sentence. As long as i get a general description of what you did, that is all!

Eh, LHMs easy to the point of where I can just summarize the entire 10 chapters as Lyn rush "______"

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Chapter 26: Battle Before Dawn

Got all the chests and the Gaiden.

15 turns (15/172 turns)

Chapter 26x: Night of Farewells

Goofed around and finished at turn 19. Matt stole a robe and the treasures, and Heath/Priscilla promoted. Wil died, but meh...

free turns (172 turns)

Chapter 27: Cog of Destiny

Pain in the ass. Split up everyone to try and finish quickly. It didn't work... Got Warp.

12 turns (12/184 turns)

Chapter 28: Valorous Roland

Gave Eliwood the Boots/A Speedwing, and Pent the Energy Ring. Deployed Pent and Nils to do some funky Warp/Rescue shenanigans to make sure Eliwood's path was clear. Georg was lured off his square, so I didn't have to kill him.

5 turns (5/189 turns)

Chapter 29: Sands of Time

OH GOD STATUS STAVES EVERYWHERE. My entire party had some sort of status except for Hector/Lyn and Merlinus. Fun.

11 turns (11/200 turns)

Chapter 29x: Battle Preperations


5 turns (5/205 turns)

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I am back with Chapter 16-21. Don't mock my turncount, I don't care about the LTC Mindset...

Chapter 16 - 21(+4)/180 Turns

Took a penalty because Prissy got attack. God damn, Raven is Hard to Recruit with Priscilla going Slowly because the Generic Soldiers would of gotten Killed by Raven... One of them needs to survive! Anyways, The Group Marched Forward, Matthew Looted all the chests and Erk stayed behind to deal with the reinforcements (Pillar helped... A lot). Anyways, Raven eventually got recruited and hector Finished off Bernard. Eliwood Seized once all the chests were looted.

Chapter 16x - 20/200 Turns

Raven went the Wuss's route while the Rest went to the Pirate's Group Full Force. Since the Villages made it so the Corridors between them one space, I utilized the Chokepoints so i could kill all of them efficently. The EXP Needy units killed the High-Leveled units and Damian. Eventually, all the enemies were dealt with. All the villages were visited and i talked to fargus to End the chapter. Speaking of Fargus...


If i had to kill this guy, I would not be happy...

Chapter 17 - 7/207 Turns

Raven and Hector dealt with the Mercenaries and other enemies on the Right side while Florina, Canas and Erk dealt with all the Shamans. I had to play it a bit carefully with the shamans because these shamans hit hard. Florina and Canas made their way to the boss and Matthew stole the Guiding Ring at the Same Turn Florina and Canas finished Zoldam off.

Chapter 18 - 12/219 Turns

The entire group headed the left route. Mowed through the enemies and made it to Uhai. Uhai was killed Easily by my units, end of Story. Fiora kicked the bucket, Once again!

Chapter 18x - 15/234 Turns

Flo-chan visited the village to get the Goddess Icon. Raven dealt with the Peg. Knights and the Rest Mowed down through the enemies. Eliwood was being a klutz and Kept Missing Aion but after a few turns, He hit and Killed Aion. The Snipers made great EXP Fodder for the EXP Needy units. Canas dealt the Mage Reinforcements and then Eliwood seized after everything was dealt with.

Chapter 19 - 11(+4)/249 Turns

Sigh... Legault, I despise you so. I wanted to recruit him so he gets the Guiding Ring but i only recruited him when he was near a lot of enemies so he took some damage. Matthew got the Other Three Treasures and everybody rushed to the Boss. Canas dealt with the Killer Bow Archer. Eliwood seized once everything was dealt with. Cameron was a bit of a pain in the ass thanks to his Elixir!

Chapter 20 - 8/257 Turns Turns

Not much to report here. Everybody rushed to Oleg, Got the Elysian whip, Some people went on a shopping spree and the EXP Needy killed Oleg. End of Story...

Chapter 21 - 3/260 Turns

Once i realized that the boss moves, i thought "Screw it" and rushed the level. The treasure wasn't looted, No Brave Axe for me. Had to use a Light Rune in the Broken Wall to the Right so nobody would die, Raven was a bit Frail in Defenses. Eubans was dealt with. I got a Useless Knights Crest. I DON'T WANNA KNIGHT'S CREST, I WANT MY SPEAR!!! Also, i actually got to see Heath's quote when i Kill Eubans but when i don't recruit Heath!

Character Stats:


My Eliwood took the non-RNG Screwed Route. Thank god for that!

Weapon Ranks: A Swords


Your Run of the Mill Hector. Powerful and broken...

Weapon Ranks: A Axes


He is doing decently. Hey, he may even make Lucius proud!

Weapon Ranks: A Anima


Doing Great. Nothing else to say!

Weapon Ranks: A Lances


Defense and Strength is a bit low. I may give him the Energy Ring. Not doing too bad though!

Weapon Ranks: A Swords


The Usual Canas. Will do great once he needs to use Luna to be a good boss-killer!

Weapon Ranks: A Dark

Edited by *Narshen*
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Chapter 30: Victory or Death

Complex chain of Rescue/Warp to get Sain and Heath (carrying Eliwood) to Limstella's island and kill. Easy, but took a bit of planning.

4 turns (4/209 turns)

Final Chapter: Light

Everyone split up for the first few turns before converging to kill Linus/Lloyd. Athos killed Nergal, and then I took a few turns killing the dragon due to lack of Luna.

7/3 turns (10/219 turns)

MVP has to be Sain, for destroying LM and being awesome when he came back. Honorable mention to Heath and Pent for flight and Warp. Priscilla was sort of mediocre this time, due to less maps for training, and Matthew was really useful towards the start. Oswin and Wil saved a few turns, but eventually became useless and I couldn't be bothered to restart when they got raped by long range spells. Ninils were cool as always and Eliwood ended up surpassing expectations, being really RNG blessed. Still wish he could wield that Durandal though!

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Chapter 22 4 turns/130

Ninis Grace Fiora helped Pent the first turn. Lyn got Paul. Jasmine fell to Kent. Fiora flew to the Wyvern reinforcement spawn point to help Pent and they both were finished in Turn 4. No treasures.

Unit	Lv1/Lv2		HP	Str	Skl	spd	Lck	Def	Res	WLv			Support
Eliwood	10		26	12	9	14	10	9	4	Sword A
Lyn	15		31	15	16	18	11	7	3	Sword A
Kent	13/9		42	21	15	23	7	14	6	Sword B Lance A Axe B
Lucius	12		23	14	14	13	3	2	14	Light B
Dart	11		35	15	9	11	4	7	2	Axe B
Fiora	13		32	13	14	19	8	7	9	Lance B
Ninian	3		16	0	0	13	12	6	5
Rath	8		26	9	9	11	6	8	2	Bow B

Chapter 23 2 turns/132

Kent made his way to Lloyd and KO'd him with an Iron Lance. Fiora got the Earth Seal.

Unit	Lv1/Lv2		HP	Str	Skl	spd	Lck	Def	Res	WLv			Support
Eliwood	10		26	12	9	14	10	9	4	Sword A
Lyn	15		31	15	16	18	11	7	3	Sword A
Kent	13/10		43	21	16	24	7	15	6	Sword B Lance A Axe B
Lucius	12		23	14	14	13	3	2	14	Light B
Dart	11		35	15	9	11	4	7	2	Axe B
Fiora	13		32	13	14	19	8	7	9	Lance B
Ninian	3		16	0	0	13	12	6	5
Rath	8		26	9	9	11	6	8	2	Bow B

Chapter 24 11 turns/143

Defense. Trained a bit and promoted Fiora.

Chapter 25 6 turns/149

Did a rescue chain to get Eliwood to Fiora. She flew and was refreshed by Ninian.

Then, she got rescued. Lucius handled mages. I attracted the Purge Guy to full move so I could 2 range him. Fiora drops Eliwood and then Killer Lances Kenneth.

Chapter 26 15 turns/158

Derp Survive.

Chapter 26x 20 turns

Took my time and trained Fiora and Eliwood as much as I could. I got the Speedwing with Jaffar although idk what for lol.

Chapter 27 6 turns/164

Fiora feried Kent and dropped him with help from Ninian avoiding the reinforcement lines.

She then gets the Warp staff and Lucius uses it to warp Lyn over the reinforcement lines and she kills stuff there. Fiora Brave Lances Linus to end the chapter. Vaida helped a bit.

Chapter 28 6 turns/170

Lucius rescued Fiora, then rescued Eliwood. Eliwood killed an archer in the way. Fiora rescued him. Then she drops him. Fiora Brave Lances the wall and Eliwood trades her Lance

for a Javelin and he himself equips a Javelin and attacks the wall (9 HP left). Georg attacked Fiora. Then, Fiora broke the wall. Eliwood killed Georg with the Killing Edge. A berserker went after him.

Fiora killed that dude and Eliwood waited in the tile.

Chapter 29 11 turns/181

Defense. Got all the loot.

Chapter 29x 5 turns/186

Arena'd for a bit. Bought a LOT of killer and 1-2 range weapons. Also stocked up on Door Keys.

Chapter 30 4 turns/190

Fiora rescues Eliwood. Nils refreshes her. Lucius warps her. She flies with Brave Lance equipped. She then

parks in the mountains to the east in Turn 2. Turn 3, she equips Eliwood with a KE and drops him. Next turn, she killed Limstella due to her poor Lck and Eliwood was barely in range

to seize. Kent was warped to help Fiora achieve this. Lyn trained a bit to the east. Lucius repaired Warp.

Final Chapter Light Part I 5 turns/195

Athos was given the 2 Speedwings before chapter. Warp came in handy here. Everyone helped except dart because of his level.

Athos 3RKO'd Nergal with Luna after Lucius physic'd him. (he finished nergal in EP)

Final Chapter Light Part 2 1 turn/196

Athos goes to the dragon, uses luna. First hit does 30 damage. Second crits. GG


First time I get a good Eliwood. He was extremely blessed in spd which helped him a lot.


Oh man, Lyn was so good in Lyn Mode. What happened to her? -_- she got so screwed in spd.


Omg this guy is sooo good. He helped in pretty much every map he was in and the times he

didnt help, Fiora was there to help instead.


Lol this guy sucked a lot. So RNG screwed its not even funny.


Amazing Mag growth. He got to A staves with BBD and 26x and ninian's help. He costed me a few turns

to get in his joining chapter but man, he saved so much, that it didnt matter.




Man, not getting that ocean seal really screwed him over. I didnt really need him though.


O..M..G! She is so good. I gave her the Afa's Drops and the Boots and she never disappointed.

My MVP once maps required flight. 10/10 would draft again.


Hahaha he made some endgame bosses so trivial that it was funny. Killing Edge silencer ftw.


Eh, not too bad she helped in her joining chapter since she has flight and could avoid the reinforcement triggers.

But it was really Fiora and Kent's show. Shes not bad though.

Also, the game displays 221 as final TC but its because of 26x's 20 turns (so 201 - the defend chapters = 196) which means I counted wrong somewhere in the logs. My Final TC is 196.

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