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Rate the Unit, Day 12: Chad

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If you're doing combat 101 as an upcoming FE unit, and you notice things aren't going so fine, don't be like Lot, Wendy, and Oujay. Do a career switch before it's too late. It will be worth it in the end. Don't believe me? Ask these people.

Thany: I was pretty good at speed class but everytime I got hit I would just roll over and die, and I couldn't pierce anyone's armor. Learning how to fly saved my life.

Ellen: I would have gone nowhere with my awful speed growth, even though I managed to do pretty well when it came to base stats. But I woke up in the hospital after every sparring match even after we practiced without weapons. That's how I was inspired to learn how to use staves.

Good job Chad. You're pretty useful.


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Chad. That thief who looks like one of those punk bratty kids from the 80s.


Omg steals junk.

Omg chests.

Omg doors.

Omg thief!


Ehhh combat.

Thieves will never promote. (why god...why...They give us three in this game and never will they promote!)

Defense is kinda smelly.

Overall, this dude is pretty useful early on. Yay! Since lockpicks are kinda broken in this game with 30 uses (whoa), hes gonna be pilfering chests for a while. Plus swiping that OTHER lockpick from Cath when shes still neutral/red. Mwahahahah! Yeah Astohl is better but Chad does his thing when theres no one else to. Besides, sometimes its cool to double team with thieves to get more swag and sooner.


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Better than Cath, I must say. His combat is garbage once Axefest ends but His Utility is invaluable until Astohl Comes in. Heck, his utility is still pretty damn good after Astohl arrives!


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>Implying I wont stab you in the dick

Chad rolling with the Killer Edge is a force to be reckoned with even in the late game due to his frankly absurd growth rates. Not that it matters of course because THIEVES CAN NOT PROMOTE, what is this FE1? he's still about 100 times more useful than any of the Armors, the majority of the archers, and from C3->C5 he has free deployment, has garunteed himself a spot on C6,7 and 8 because of all the treasure. And can keep the enemy on their feet throughout the Western Isles.

He's got LOLBASES to be sure, but the only stat he needs (speed) is garunteed to cap.

Unfortunatly Chad's use is limited not from his supports, or his bases, or his growths, but simply because thieves cannot promote.

8/10 with a bias point because I like the little brat.

Edited by Onmi
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um good luck getting Chad from E to C to use a Killing Edge and have a great time with 21.5 mt at 20/-

Edited by Dirk Strider
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It's incredibly easy to get Chads sword rank up, not even babying him just use him like you would a regular combatant. a Regular combatant who will never EVER promote and goes splat the moment something touches him, but he in no way struggled to get to A swords.

The big trick was not going for a LTC, and I've stated over and over again my Ratings are "How this unit will do, discounting the arena, in Hard Mode" because I don't use the arena. But hat it meant was Chad was the perfect person to go stand in a doorway with incoming Axe Fighters and just pick them off after recruiting Ray and making sure not to leave until turn 24. WTA + Axes terrible hit

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He's a thief and the first one at that. His bases are just bad besides speed, but his growths are amazing. Also if you don't level Chad up your going to be slowed down when you need 2 thieves and there is siege magic. he is a goodish combatant if you feed him a few pirates or fighters early on, but after isles he is almost useless as a fighter.


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It's incredibly easy to get Chads sword rank up, not even babying him just use him like you would a regular combatant. a Regular combatant who will never EVER promote and goes splat the moment something touches him, but he in no way struggled to get to A swords.
So everyone else who can use a sword in their base class is getting better than a 7/10 because they can fight better than Chad, and anyone can use a key? That's pretty much what you're telling me.

4/10. The guy can do thieving and stuff, okay. He has 3 strength at base level. That's not okay. And suddenly, 5 chapters after he joins, his utility is replicable by a guy who outclasses him in every regard. He has a small amount of time where being a thief is cool and all, but his combat is horrendous forever and the only reason to deploy him is for chests and stuff... Or, you know, you could just give any unit keys and they're suddenly doing what he can do.

I am not exactly impressed.

Edited by Dirk Strider
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So everyone else who can use a sword in their base class is getting better than a 7/10 because they can fight better than Chad, and anyone can use a key? That's pretty much what you're telling me.

Chad also has at least 20k in stealing that can't be replicated by any other character and desert items. And 20k is pretty significant when you only get 5k from the start of the game until Chapter 8.

Oh, and stealing the various Gems throughout the game and the Delphi Shield in Chapter 16.

Edited by Anouleth
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Well, yeah, that's part of the thief utility. The desert items and Gem stealing and Delphi shield can be done by Astohl too, though. And I guess Cath, though she's a different issue. I could probably bump it up a bit, but I also kind of don't want to.

I guess I'm just not that much of a fan when keys are buyable ridiculously early.

Consider it a negative bias point or something.

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I'm pretty sure keys aren't buyable until 7 and Chad is by himself until 8, so he can still claim all that shit he gets before hand

Like in C6 where you have a tonne of chests to grab if you're not gonna LTC anyway. Contains good shit too. Like 10k in total, Killer Axe, and a second Silver Lance.

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Honestly Chad doesn't even have good dodge. He needs to be on a forest tile to consistently dodge axe fighters at base. His growths are good but that's not worth the funds you lose from every swing of Chad's 8 attack iron sword. He is only worth the treasure chests he can unlock, and despite being outclassed by basically all of his competition he can do his job well enough to be an asset, if barely.

I'll give him the score I gave Thany because whatever.


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I'm pretty sure keys aren't buyable until 7 and Chad is by himself until 8, so he can still claim all that shit he gets before hand

Door Keys are available in Chapter 5, though they're really out of the way.

10k and Silver Lance though that's pretty fancy

ah what the hell, bumped to 4/10

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I tried training him. . .and it wasn't too painful. I can think of other swordies I'd like around, though. Opening/stealing stuff is always helpful~!


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I'm pretty sure keys aren't buyable until 7 and Chad is by himself until 8, so he can still claim all that shit he gets before hand

Like in C6 where you have a tonne of chests to grab if you're not gonna LTC anyway. Contains good shit too. Like 10k in total, Killer Axe, and a second Silver Lance.

14k counting the Goddess Icon. There's also a stealable Red Gem in Chapter 7.

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