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Rate the Unit, Day 13: Lugh

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I wonder how Horace is gonna use the banned word in his rating.

Gonna go eat some Saba, and Horace's ratings are always humorous.

The man specifacally said no banana jokes.

So, I'm expecting someone like EIn to come in and make one.

google up Saba you guys, and I'll give you all cookies

Edited by The Insane One
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Wow, I'm surprised that Lugh is getting good ratings. What happened to "prepromotes FTW screw growth units unless they have utility"?

Anyway, Lugh is pretty cool. Not as good as Erk since he doesn't get an easy mode to train in before the main game, but still a good unit if you want a mage to deal with those pesky knights and wyverns.


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string2:	.asciiz "na"

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	la	$a0, string2

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@orange- Im pretty sure lugh is better than erk. Erk has training in lyn mode yes, but hes always been terrible when i used him. Specially since FE7 is so easy and theres not much use for a mage before pent shows up. At least in FE6 you want to have a RES hitting unit for those pesky armors and wyverns...

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@orange- Im pretty sure lugh is better than erk. Erk has training in lyn mode yes, but hes always been terrible when i used him. Specially since FE7 is so easy and theres not much use for a mage before pent shows up. At least in FE6 you want to have a RES hitting unit for those pesky armors and wyverns...

You want Lugh for his res-hitting power.

Erk can take the ring+robe anyways. :P

Also, have you played fe6 at all PKL?

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Lugh kind of sucks

his bases are really bad, he's OHKO'd early on (and really, needs quite a few levels). His growths are not as good as everyone makes them out to be. People harp on Erk for having iffy growths, and Lugh's are worse.

Never really gets out of his hole without an early promotion due to good promotion gains, but there is guiding ring competitions.

His sprite is atrocious, but I don't think it looks like a banana


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You want Lugh for his res-hitting power. Erk can take the ring+robe anyways. :P. Also, have you played fe6 at all PKL?
What a waste of a ring and robe. Its better to give it to a good unit like sain kent florina or heck, even Lyn. And I already said I havent played Fe6 lol.
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ORKOd or OHKOd in many early chapters, never really gets past being 2RKOd, which isn't that much better than Lilina frankly. Takes until promotion to double enemies and Guiding Rings are in pretty short supply. Mag is lowish enough that he only hits harder on wyverns and armors really.


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Hits RES and comes at a convenient time, seeing as no one in your party except Marcus can do more than poke armors. He also gets points for being the game's best anima user; despite a shaky magic growth, he comes early, he's fast, and he's reliable.


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5/10. For all the talk about him being better than Lilina, in actuality, it seems to not be by as much as people think, considering it takes him a good while for him to start doubling...

Edited by Metal King Slime
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His durability is suck.

His growths are not that great.

He can't double at first.

Has a shit ton of competition for promotion items.

His offense is ok.

His sprite looks like an ugly you know what.

And he's overrated.

4.5/10 -1


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6 AS at the start of chapter 4? With 10 AS nomads? No thanks. Lugh's bases are very weak, and while he has good growths it is difficult to justify the babying needed to get him to a point where he's holding his own. He's great once he can reliably double, but that goes for a lot of people who don't start out so bad.

Once upon a time we used to justify using him because he was the "best" offensive mage, but that wouldn't have been a meaningful distinction even if it was true (and its not!).


He's still better than Lilina and Ray and Hugh, but if I want offensive magic I'll aircalibur with Cecilia or else use a promoted Saul.

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You're Korean? Because I could read that. :P:

To keep this on-topic, once again I haven't played FE6 so I can't rate Lugh. He ... kind of functions like Erk, though, doesn't he?

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He isn't durable, his chip is mediocre due to low mag, he doesn't double without work, and even then he isn't worth it.

3.5/10 -1 Bias because goddamn shota bitch


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Lugh. He starts off pretty weak, but with some babying and kill-feeding, he has never really disappointed me. He does however have a tendency of getting screwed in important stats like Mag and Res. Defense and HP are crap also. However most enemies have zero res so he is always capable of doing some sort of damage, and maybe even doubling those armours to bring their HP down a good chunk from the safety of 2-range.


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He is an ok unit, but not very durable. Has good growths (except for magic, which he needs) and comes at a good time. However, he is very very weak in his first few chapters and has to be babied in order to survive. Also, he tends to have poor magic growths in my games.

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