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Another Pokemon Platinum Draft


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oh, emulator XP

I have to play on cartridge, so I'd probably end up throwing my DS at the wall again. haha, I tried looking for one once, then I gave up and just offered up one of my lvl 100 cloned Latias from Emerald for a Milotic.

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Someone was nice enough o trade me a spare Milotic, so I was able to bypass the whole mind fucking frustration that is Feebass. :V

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The GTS solves all of my trading problems :P

That, and an action replay. Walking through walls and stealing trainers' pokemon is the best thing ever.

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So, I learned that having three Mons that evolve by happiness is totally fun~

Gym One

I've got a Fighting type and a Grass type on my team. How do you think this went down? Emmy (Monferno) took out the Mooks known as Roark's Geodude and Onix, while Flora (Budew) dealt with his Cranidos. First gym down, seven to go!

Gym Two

Plowed through the gym with Clive the Male!Buneary. He kicked so much ass. cool.gif He got to deal with Gardenia's Turtwig and then switched out with Emmy to take down the rest.

Not much to say on the gyms really. .-. At the moment I just got done grinding for Happiness on the bike path to evolve Flora, Clive, and Luke the Togepi. After I take a break I'm going to go through that one cave since I still have room for my two HM slaves (Pachirisu for Cut, Flash and Pickup and Geodude for everything else). And finding Burmy is such a pain, I swear I would have better luck searching for a Munchlax. DX


Pokémon 	Nickname 	Nature  	Ability   	♂/♀ 	Lvl   HP   Atk  Def  SpA  SpD  Spd
Monferno	Emmy     	Adamant 	Blaze      	♀  	26	76   58   40   47   35   55
Roselia 	Flora    	Bold    	Natural Cure   ♀  	25	65   35   39   58   45   43
Lopunny 	Clive    	Adamant 	Cute Charm 	♂  	25	71   52   55   34   57   65
Togepi  	Luke     	Rash    	Serene Grace   ♂  	15	45   21   33   35   35   21

Oh, and Racer, would I be allowed to trade my Eevee over to evolve it into Glaceon? Just read the OP for clarification on the Evo Stones, but I'm not sure about the Eevee->Glaceon thing.

Edited by Kon
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You mean trading to a different game to evolve? I guess its all right as long as no further training has been done.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Little update, as I've been very distracted with my recently acquired copy of FE7.

Gym Three

Dear lord was this a pain. Not having any Mons with Dark/Chost type moves made this gym more trouble than it was worth. Well, I knew that Anton (Glaceon) could learn Bite at level 29, but it was irritating just getting him to level 27 (where everyone else was a time) so I took a pass on that. Let's see... for the battle with Fantina, I sent out my freshly evolved Gordon (Mothim) against her Duskull, and got to chip away at it slowly with Hidden Power, which I'm suspecting might be of the Psychic type. It was taken down with a Future Sight, so Flora took on Haunter and she had a terrible bit of luck, as she kept getting Confused and put to sleep much too often. Fortunately after I finally got it Paralyzed It went down to a few Giga Drains. As for Mismagius, since the only Mons I had that could hit her were either weak to her Psybeam or generally too weak to do anything of use, I sent out Luke, who only had Grass Knot and Metronome for offense. Luckily for me the Metronome was nice enough to give some decent moves like Mist Ball, Flash Cannon, and Octozooka. Then again, it also gave me some real duds like Seismic Toss and Wrap. -_- But then as I used the last of Metronome... she uses her Super Potion, making me rely on just Grass Knot and Sweet Kiss.

On another note, I had such a hard time finding Burmy. In fact, other than Munchlax I encountered everything but Burmy for several days, which was just a load of bull. >:C

Oh, and hey Racer, do you need a Bronzor? 'Cause I found a shiny one. With a Rash nature. :awesome:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay, after almost a month of dead, let's actually start this. I may or may not have delayed this because of a playthrough of Pokemon Black. :3

Default names, female. (Pokemon nicknames may or may not become obvious.)

So, Barry barges into my room. What the hell, you have no idea what I might be doing knock next time! Geez.

Add in typical plot, and 3 minutes later, I finally get to pick my starter. I pick Piplup.

And then summarily get an easy victory against Barry. Even though he decides to use Withdraw 6 times.


I pull a Male Lonely Piplup. I guess it will do. I intend to name it after myself (Manix). Lonely... hey wait, that works. Fitting.

So apparently Barry and I are going to catch the legendary Pokemon. ahahahahahahahahaha who are you kidding

Cyrus monologues. angst angst angst

And I give, no cares. blah blah more plot I really don't care about

*insert remainder of tutorial here*

And I'll be leaving it there.

Species   Name      Nature   Level  HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
Piplup    Manix     Lonely       7  25  13  10  14  13  12

Edited by Manix
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So after the tutorial, I go grab two Poke Balls and go to Verity Lakefront to catch a Starly. I get two Lv4 ones, and decide on the Serious male Starly, henceforth known as Blues. It was between that and a Timid female.

So after, I get Blues to Lv5, then begin my slaughter on my way to Jubilife. lalalalalalalala

*Insert more unnecessary plot/random stuff here*

Trainer's school finds the two trainers without Pokemon pretty easily.

After getting the Poketch, I head north to clean up more stuff.

Then go and clean up Barry quite handily. It's not even worth describing the fight, it was that much of a stomping. I get hit once in the entire fight.

Species   Name      Nature   Level  HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
Piplup    Manix     Lonely      10  32  16  14  19  16  16
Starly    Blues     Serious     10  29  16  13  11  13  18

I should note that I'm waiting on Bidoof. I'm choosing to get it pre-evolved, because it isn't exactly great for me to have to use 3 Pokemon early on, due to Exp distribution.

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Insert more destruction here. I beat Roark pretty easily, and Manix evolves straight after. Yep.

Species   Name      Nature   Level  HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
Prinplup  Manix     Lonely      16  49  28  24  34  30  25
Starly    Blues     Serious     12  33  19  15  12  14  20

Now insert even more destruction, including some silly Galactic Grunts. And some more. And more. Blues evolves as well along the way.

Mars was cleaned up without much difficulty. Blues took repeated 9 HP attacks from Purugly. No big deal.

You can clearly tell how bored I am through earlygame. I should be better around midgame, when there is more variety.

Species   Name      Nature   Level  HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
Prinplup  Manix     Lonely      17  51  30  26  35  31  27
Staravia  Blues     Serious     18  50  33  27  20  23  36

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If it makes you feel any better, I think Mothim is terrible too. Good thing I've got better Pokémon to rely on (although Anton's unfortunate lack of an Ice type move is really hurting him).

... Damn, I really need to get back to this draft, I've been too focused on Paper Mario and my HeartGold Nuzlocke (no deaths and up to Morty whoo~)

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