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Rate the Unit, Day 14: Clarine

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Best healer in the game. All Cecilia wins is anima rank, and no other healer is on a horse. All of her supports give full avoid which is really nice and the only thing not to like about Clarine is her bad offense. It takes something special to reliably double with magic and still not be able to kill things. Even so, Clarine is a mounted healer and is one of the best units in the game almost automatically. That she has the stats and supports for the whole "avoid tank" thing by mid and late game only makes things better.


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8/10. High speed with high evade makes her an avoid tank, and her supports can boost that further. Low Mag tends to hurt, though.

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I like Saul better

But anyway, Clarine is ok in her own right. However, her magic is absolute shit for staves like warp, and honestly, unless you promote her at level 20, her dodge-tanking is not that great, as if she's hit by a silver lance or something, she's dead. Sure she makes rutgar better with a support, but Rutgar is often in somebody's saddlebags anyway, so she can't really take advtange of it anyway. Not that she can really in the first place, her offence is bad.

6/10, including a negative bias point because she's stupid

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lol, a user named Narshen is rating Clarine. Quite awkwardlaugh.gif


As for Clarine...mounted healer, can reach units Ellen can't, especially in C5 where Ellen is deployed so far away from the gate I don't even think she heals anybody before the chapter is over. Her MAG isn't too hot AT ALL (2 base, 20% growth? Seriously?) and she's quite frail, with a 40% HP growth and 10% DEF growth; at 20/20, she only has 34 HP and 8 DEF! This is partially mended by her fantastic SPD and LUK, which gives her large AVO, which helps even more with poor hit rates in this game, although playing the lotto every time she's attacked to see if she lives isn't cool. She's not as awesome as Priscilla is in her game, but pretty close, and I rated Prissy-Poo a 8/10, so...


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The good:

-Early game healer

-has a pony

-super avoid much (like near the endgame, she usually has over 100% against most enemies)

-Aircalibur vs dragons = awesome

-Cute pairing with Rutger

-Pretty easy to level up for a healer

The bad:

-meh-ish magic at times, might get RNG screwed there

But overall one of my most used units in the game after my main group (Marcus, Lance, Alan, Percival, Dieck, and Rutger)

Edited by Bee
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Clarine. That total twat who loves her brother.




Good speed.

Ok growths.

Supports with RUTGER.


Bad magic.

Personality is horribad.

Bad durability.

Shes ok as a unit. In fact, shes bloody useful. Saul has a lead on her in terms of stats and (i think) level, but she has something he doesnt. Move. So shes gonna be able to keep up with the team and support with that badass with a sword.

7.5/10. I hate her personality a lot.

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Clarine. That total twat who loves her brother.




Good speed.

Ok growths.

Supports with RUTGER.


Bad magic.

Personality is horribad.

Bad durability.

Shes ok as a unit. In fact, shes bloody useful. Saul has a lead on her in terms of stats and (i think) level, but she has something he doesnt. Move. So shes gonna be able to keep up with the team and support with that badass with a sword.

7.5/10. I hate her personality a lot.

I'd mention luck, but meh; I'm just the type who's rather intolerant of healers with luck so low everyone and their mother has existent crit on them (and sadly, he's a case of right affinity, but the wrong support options to go with it).

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Mounted healer and an underage girl so she's well liked by default. I would know. I look up FE fanart often. She also supports with everyone's favorite Myrm, Rutger. Her MAG sucks but all she does is heal and chip. Her durability is lulz but she's a dodgetank. God help you if she gets hit. So yeah. 6/10

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Mounted healer. Dies horribly if she gets hit but every healer but Saul does, and he has his own problems. Bad magic growth but good enough for healing. Is never going to one round anything. Worst resist out of the healers but still very solid. She does have insane avoid once you level her, and that isn't hard since in hard mode someone is always going to be taking damage. She has a great support pool that adds the evade she wants so bad. She is able to get the staff rank she needs easy. She is able to get to the person who needs to be restored which is a big help.

8/10 She is a great healer for the whole game, her offense is bad but Saul's offense is the best out of the healers and isn't exactly that much better.

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She rides around on a horse and then proceeds to spamheal everyone. She has one of the best support pools in the game and promotes to one of the best classes in the game. TL;DR she's awesome.

And bias for Valkyries being one of my favorite GBA classes.


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I don't like her.

I don't like any healer in this game. I haven't tried Saul, but I heard good stuff about him from Bal, so we'll save that for later.

She is very lucky she is on a horse, because she has nothing else going for her aside from healing. 30% Mag growth is equal to Guy's Str growth in FE7. AKA crap. I only use her for essential healing, and never as a main unit, meaning she never promotes with me, but she at least does have some good Avoid going for her. But that's it.

Not one of the few units I consider "good" in FE6 HM.

65%. She heals and has a horse. That's about it.

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She's a mounted healer, so that's pretty good. What's not pretty good is her magic. 2 base 30% growth sucks quite a lot. Still, she's a healer on a horse. That's worth something.

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A level 3 unpromoted Clarine matches Cecilia's base speed and has twice the growth

Don't people prefer Cecilia because she's basically a level 10/3 Clarine without the effort. >_>

This is confusing...

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Don't people prefer Cecilia because she's basically a level 10/3 Clarine without the effort. >_>

This is confusing...

Being a prepromo only means so much if your stats suck (read: Dozla). And Cecilia doesn't really have much over Clarine (not that I can think of, at least).

Edited by Metal King Slime
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