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How I see members here: Past and Present - Now with Integrity -


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Helios: I envision you as a perpetual novice, like the novice class in Ragnarok Online. No specialties, no clear goal...just, like a common villager

Hahahahaha. Get to me know and I'm not that common. So I basically have no potential in your eyes?

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CrashAlpha: that annoying kid from the back row in middle school.

I still kinda think that, but now I think HS, and secretly, curly haired and longing fot affection.

...Huh. Interesting.

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Also, just a sidenote: unless stated otherwise, I like you. I just do not want to type it 30 times.

Getting computer access in 20, then replying to everything above this post!

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You're one of the first people I've talked to since I joined, but that wasn't that long ago. So ... fire away.

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Ok, I'm doing a massive update, for everyone above this post right here. I'm about halfway done.

Integ, you aren't getting one of these. You're getting a full page essay that I'll have to make a spoiler for.

You're welcome.

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Ether - I didn't know what to expect from you, except that you're an older man with finer tastes. Now, I look at your Avatar and Signature, and can tell that you are. You set them up so you always have something to look at, even on your homepage. That's classy. Not gentlemanly, but classy in its own sense. You're probably one of those deceptively smart people that can easily persuade those to do his bidding. I think you're too lazy to do that, but still, you're capable.

Berzerker (Soul) - Ahh Soul. I was expecting this, but I didn't know you changed your name. You came across to me in the past as an irritating older elitist, who was actually good at what he did. Now, you're still kind of irritating, but I've learned to just ignore it. Now, I see you as someone worth attention. You've either grown out of being a douche, or I'm just no longer atuned to it.

Still, your knowledge never ceases to impress me, and for that, I give you a thumb's up.

Dr. Sholes - Your Jesus avatar screams "Outrageous Football game playing, FFA member". Yes. It's a stereotype, and your avatar stuffs you into it.

animefan8451 - I'm sorry, I can't say much about you. I really don't know that much about you. You're a teenage male AnimeFan, and so far, you like Kratos, which means you like Tales of games, which means you and I probably have something in common, which means that I need a shovel to dig for those details.

Jack, Keeper of POWAH - You are just annoying. You need people to know who you are, because of your description after Jack. Is your name Jack? It had better be, because I'll be really annoyed if it isn't. If you're female, I'm gonna shoot my wall with my marshmallow cannon.

Dio - I'm sorry...I don't really know you. You are right. BUT YOU ACKNOWLEDGED IT! That means. You're intelligent. You're probably younger male.

Centurion - That older sister girl of the forum, who mysteriously appears and dissappears with the wind. All you say is like, pictured in a scene where the cowboy faces the mountain and says "You don't know what will happen, but when it happens, you just need to be prepared, and you'll strive through life's glory" or something hypnotically motivating like that. Yes. You are a motivational speaker now. I'm sure of it.

Harps - I used to think "ARGH NOOB WHO WILL NOT SHUT THE FUCK UP". That was me being a tard.

Now I think "ARGH A DUDE WHO WILL NOT STOP SIGNING UP FOR DRAFTS". You are freaking hilarious though. You have to be a sophomore in university, I like the hilarity. Without it, my world will collapse.

Freohr - I think I just figured out that you're not a bro. And I don't think you are now... You are always around, like one of those super happy "I'm gonna stalk you teehee" people, but I'm picturing absolutely no violence or scariness in you. You're the kind of girl (I think), that is totally happy and naive to the point where it's always entertaining and pleasent, but I don't actually mean Naive. I mean like a halfway-to-naive. Which is good.

Agromono - Agro, you may be new here. I'm glad to see you in this. However, I can't say anything about you. That makes you Innocent until proven Guilty of stupidity. You're exempt. Congrats. You're Excempt from the crap that most of these others are being subjected to.

Horace -


Hahahahaha. Get to me know and I'm not that common. So I basically have no potential in your eyes?

More like, Blank Flank with his potential just not unlocked yet.'

Death' - I totally thought you were a Goth-chicke. At first, I thought "Oh great, Fem-Pedobear". Now, after that debate we recently had, you have put my sister next to you on the pedestal of Captain Planet. Vegetarian, pro-life, anti-killing for science, among other things I saw in that thread. You're not an idiot, which I'm happy to see. I originally thought you were one of those "I SPOUT WORDS THAT SHOULD BE CORRECT BECAUSE I USE PROPER GRAMMAR RAWWRRRR" people, but that's been dismissed.

Crashman- Reply to this "Considering I spend 95% of my time with you in Forum Games...I don't know exactly what different opinion I could spout out about you, other than your incredible knowledge of all things Yu-Gi-Oh! You still owe me a duel btw"

Pkl - I never knew you in the MarciaXRolf days, but everyone referred to you as that when I joined. Thus, an opinion of you formed in my head. Someone who looks like me, but pursueing a future in airline pilotry (is that actually a word). I really have absolutely no idea why, but that's what came into my head.

Now, I think of you as a really serious headblast of information. I don't consider you old, but I assume you're smart for being someone of a rather young age. The young age thing comes from you having the Rolf in this previous name of yours. I just expect you to be around his age, when that was your username.

chococoke - I'm betting you're 13. You are the only person to make me like people with lowercase letters starting their username. That pisses me off, and honestly, that did about you too, but now I don't mind it from you. Others, yes. You, know.

"ThatGuyDownTheStreet" - With a name like "thatguy...whateverthefuckitisthisweek", you come off to me as one of those community college avid drinkers who thinks it's funny to quote movies involving marijuana and alcohol. Unfortunately, I still think that about you.

Boron - Lol, apparently you are a girl too. I found that out when picking Rath in those Favorite Characters threads. I thought you were just an openly gay guy in European college. I think that is a wrong assertion.

I enjoy your presence. You remind me a lot of me when I signed up. Kinda new, but trying really hard to get involved and convey the message that you aren't a noob. You aren't, and you're professional about it. And I like that.

Esme - I see Adventure Time's Jake and all I can think of is"oh fuck that commercial where the kid dressed like Finn is running around a town shouting "WHAT TIME IS IT? WHAT TIME IS IT? WHAT TIME IS IT?"" So, Esme, you're that kid

Edited by Elieson
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Boron - Lol, apparently you are a girl too. I found that out when picking Rath in those Favorite Characters threads. I thought you were just an openly gay guy in European college. I think that is a wrong assertion.

Haha ... I get the "guy" part a lot on the Internet. For some reason, the way I write comes off as either neutral or masculine ... or I just don't give off any signs that I'm female. Kind of surprised about the "European college" part, though. I'm just stuck in the southwestern U.S., traveling between one of two adjacent states depending on my semester schedule. :P:

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Freohr - I think I just figured out that you're not a bro. And I don't think you are now... You are always around, like one of those super happy "I'm gonna stalk you teehee" people, but I'm picturing absolutely no violence or scariness in you. You're the kind of girl (I think), that is totally happy and naive to the point where it's always entertaining and pleasent, but I don't actually mean Naive. I mean like a halfway-to-naive. Which is good.

XD Heehee yup yup Imma girl

Stalk people? DDDDDDD= Oh nooooeeeezzzz

Hmmm naive...

Probably! =D

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Now you have an actual computer as opposed to a mobile phone, could you expand on your thoughts on me?

Don't blame me for asking, I'm just interested in this sort of stuff.

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