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Rate the Unit, Day 18: Sue

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Lance can wield a Steel Sword without AS loss and will likely have +1ATK or +2ATK from his supports.

Sue can go to Bows which have higher ATK/HIT/Flier effectiveness anyway. (Lance is better than Sue, I'm just being contrary for the sake of it).

If he wants to give Lance and Sue the same rating, whatever, let him. Who cares if his "logic" is dumb (I mean I wouldn't give anyone points for recruiting people, but hey), I thought the point of these topics were for people to give their personal opinions on characters and rate them. If we want to regulate people's votes so much, we might as well just skip the voting and just go with whatever the topic creator feels is the right score.

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Has serious Strength problems (5 base and 30% growth does not get you places), but she has a lot of Speed and Skill, and can chip reliably. Despite her bad Strength she can still do a lot against the Wyverns in the next chapter too, which is a good option to train her if you're going to use her. She's not great, and swords don't really do anything for her upon promotion except for occasionally giving her an enemy phase, but she does have some good qualities.

6.5 normally, but I really like her so bias gets her a 7.5.

EDIT: On that point, how is Merlinus better than Dorothy?

Edited by Cosmic_Harold
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Sue can go to Bows which have higher ATK/HIT/Flier effectiveness anyway. (Lance is better than Sue, I'm just being contrary for the sake of it).

Yes, but my original point was that Sue can't really make good use of swords because she starts at E and doesn't have good strength. I guess that Raven has a point that it might be nice to buff her durability in the ISles, though.

If he wants to give Lance and Sue the same rating, whatever, let him. Who cares if his "logic" is dumb (I mean I wouldn't give anyone points for recruiting people, but hey), I thought the point of these topics were for people to give their personal opinions on characters and rate them. If we want to regulate people's votes so much, we might as well just skip the voting and just go with whatever the topic creator feels is the right score.

Well, Integrity has made it pretty clear that he doesn't want people giving ratings for stupid reasons.

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If he wants to give Lance and Sue the same rating, whatever, let him. Who cares if his "logic" is dumb (I mean I wouldn't give anyone points for recruiting people, but hey), I thought the point of these topics were for people to give their personal opinions on characters and rate them. If we want to regulate people's votes so much, we might as well just skip the voting and just go with whatever the topic creator feels is the right score.

Oh, come off your high horse. Haven't we already gone at this in another thread?

Raven's score isn't what's in question, here. 6/10 would have flown on its own in the old ruleset without any justification. I'm not pondering Raven's decision to give Sue a 6 or even to give Sue and Lance both 6/10s - though I think the latter is, frankly, ridiculous, I'm not going to throw it out because I don't agree.

What's been brought to my attention and what I'm seriously considering (it hasn't come up before, neh) is Raven explicitly giving Sue credit for Shin, and *that* I'm going to overrule. Sorry, mate.


@ANYBODY WHO GAVE SUE CREDIT FOR RECRUITING SHIN: Don't have done that. Go undo that and change your scores if necessary.

@ANYBODY WHO TAKES POINTS FROM SUE FOR FORCING YOU TO SACAE: I noticed hints of this in MKS's vote (not singling you out bro) - knocking Sue at all for taking you to Sacae is skirting the edge of Golden Rule 7 (routes, etc), and that's not okay. I don't know if any of you have *actually* knocked points off for that, but if you did, don't have done it.

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@ANYBODY WHO TAKES POINTS FROM SUE FOR FORCING YOU TO SACAE: I noticed hints of this in MKS's vote (not singling you out bro) - knocking Sue at all for taking you to Sacae is skirting the edge of Golden Rule 7 (routes, etc), and that's not okay. I don't know if any of you have *actually* knocked points off for that, but if you did, don't have done it.

I didn't dock her points for that. But I'll change it if that's what you want.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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5.5/10. I like her to some extent, but strength can lag, and YMMV on this, but personally, I consider Sacae as something to avoid like the plague in hard mode.

Besides what integ said anyway, I hate Ilia with a burning passion and you don't see me saying that for Thany :/

Just train the pegs more if you wanna go Ilia all the time anyway

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I didn't dock her points for that. But I'll change it if that's what you want.

I didn't think you had (I think you'd have been more explicit), but it gave me a point from which to caution against that since I have the notion that others would do that.

EDIT: If you're just flavorfully mentioning "and sacae and i hate sacae" that's fine, like Lumi did for "recruits shin but that's not part of the score".

Edited by Integrity
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I didn't think you had (I think you'd have been more explicit), but it gave me a point from which to caution against that since I have the notion that others would do that.


Edited by Metal King Slime
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Horse +3 points. Nice skl/spd and can take down wyverns +1 point. Bias because I like her sprite +1. Bowlock -1. Poor durability -0.5. So, 3.5/10. I can see myself babying her once i play FE6 for the first time xD.

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Well if you want to go to Sacae you kinda have to use her. Her bases are low but better than some other characters in your party. She also has a pony and isn't bow locked once she promotes (making her a lot better than normal archers in my book). The main problem I have with her is her strength, which she severely lacks.

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I'm fairly certain nomads are not weak to horse effective weapons in FE6- Horseslayers/Halberds are only effective against Cavaliers I think.

This is correct.

Or else the C4 nomads wouldn't be as big of dicks

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Sue is like Dorothy but with 2 more speed and a horse, and she's netting 5, 6, and 7 from people? I don't get it.

If Sue wants a significant amount of attack (steel bow) she has to go to 4 AS, which is kind of nauseatingly bad. Plus, there's hardly any wyverns in the early game to speak of, which means she's gotta level up with normal hits off of an 11 attack base (iron) starting halfway though chapter 6! That doesn't happen, horse or no horse.


Edited by Duff Ostrich
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C7 has enough wyverns that she could do some pretty good chip to them.

Especially since axes are not that accurate even with wta on those fuckers except maybe marcus

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There are only 3 wyverns in Chapter 7, however. That's not that many. There are more Knights, for instance; an enemy type that Sue is useless against.

That being said, a mount does make a pretty big difference. Sue also has the advantage of effectively free deployment in Chapter 9, because she has to recruit Shin (note that I'm not giving her credit for recruiting Shin).

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It's not that many, but it's enough so that Sue's still fairly useful there, since not many other units are reliable doing chip damage to wyverns. I remember Rutger having to pull doublecrits to them and that's Rutger we're talking about. Having effective damage on even just three units is nice as those three are the more dickish enemies on the map.

Armours are more or less HammerMarcus gogogodead. Or Armourslayer DieckRutger. Not particularly annoying to deal with.

Point on C9 is valid, agreed. Hell, might as well make her useful anyway during that time instead of being useless baggage, it's not particularly difficult to do so.

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Sue is like Dorothy but with 2 more speed and a horse, and she's netting 5, 6, and 7 from people? I don't get it.

Dorothy got plenty of fives of her own, so I don't think this should come as much of a surprise.

Anyhow, I'll give Sue a 4/10. Her mount alone puts her well above Dorothy and Wolt in my opinion, though this isn't saying a whole lot. I remember how some people used to describe Sue as "Thany with a bow". I guess this is true to some degree, but it's too bad she doesn't share Thany's base speed.

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Sue is great, but the only thing holding her back IMO is her STR. She's worth using, but she has a long way to go until she can compare to the awesomeness of Shin.

6/10, +1 bias for being cute, 7/10

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Hurrah a decent bow user! She has a horse and everything. Bad news, she takes a good number of turns to recruit and her strength and base level are a little troublesome. Still, she's pretty usable, and recruits the greatest man to ever live... Shin!

5.5/10 that's how archers are meant to be!

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how is Dorothy better than Ward

I don't get people

Mainly because Ward can't attack many enemies without dealing with an abysmal hit rate or being doubled for a huge chunk of his health, while Dorothy comes free deployment in a chapter where even her bases manage to double half the enemies on the map (it's chockful of soldiers) and one chapter before you face those annoying wyvern riders? I think Dorothy > Ward is an easy sell, simply because Ward at base is that terrible. I know some people have such a hatred of bowlock that apperantly having axelock with almost non-existant base SKL in a game where axe accuracy is terrible is A-OK, but I'm not one of them. Btw, saying somebody is better than Ward is slightly more exclusive than saying they have a digital pulse. What keeps Ward out of 0.5-1/10 land is the fact he can safely contribute in C2-C3.

Anyways, Sue. I kind of have to rank her higher than Dorothy, sadly, with the horse and all. I like Dorothy's stat distribution more (Sue kind of goes a little overkill with the SPD at the expense of STR; you 24 SPD by 20/5 in a game where enemy AS peaks at somewhere around 18-19 end-game on the fastest enemies is a bit excessive), but Sue has the extra MOV, ability to rescue people with nice AID, and swords on promotion (although I never really use them that much -- you're not getting her the sword rank for the nice swords like Killing Edge by end-game if you go fast enough). So, fine, I'm ambivalent about her, so I'll just do Dorothy+0.5/1, especially since Shin just outshines her period. I meant to give Dorothy 4 or 4.5, so Sue will get:


EDIT: I rechecked the HM enemy stats -- late-game enemy heroes reach 18-19 AS, not 16 AS. Corrected.

EDIT2: Added Ward's effective free deployments.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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I like Sue, but her strength leaves a lot to be desired, but at least she doubles forever after a few levels. She can escape from eternal bowlock which is nice. I want to rate her a bit higher than this, but I don't think she deserves to score higher than Ellen and Lugh.


Edit: Or Lot, actually.


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but it's too bad she doesn't share Thany's base speed.

Thany has 12 base speed. Which is great, except for that 4 base con. Sue has 8 base speed, with 5 con. (Woo, so much better. >.>)

This may seem like it's a lot worse, however, an iron lance has 8 weight, while the iron bow has 5 weight.

You could use a slim lance, but I'm looking at them with iron. (When you're doubling everything anyway, why not go for extra might? Both of their strengths suck. :( )

12 - (8 - 4) = 8

8 - (5 - 5) = 8

8 = 8

Therefore, they have the same base speed.

(You can get a slim lance, with it, Thany has 4 more speed.)

In the end, they're both going to cap it anyway.

Oh, and sue. 6/10 + 1 = 7/10, for reasons others have stated (+ one bias point).

Edited by Bryan
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