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Integrity joins the judging fad


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Damn, I want to play that game but I don't have money for Steam. :<

Anyway, be gentle b/c I'm a delicate flower~

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Friday, March 23, 2012

6:13 PM - Twilight Sparkle: you're the coolest dude ever if i wished i were anybody else it would probably be you and i would almost drive to canada just to shake your hand and buy you a beer

6:13 PM - Twilight Sparkle: there

6:13 PM - lodsofemone: :D

To the /serious mode Integrity, that isn't really far off. I didn't really know who you were besides "one of the helpful guys" when I was doing my FE5 LP, and it wasn't until the L4D2 4LP (six short months ago) that I really got to know you. Now, I ain't shitting when I say you're easily one of the best people on the site.

Unfortunately, I know your name so I can't play the fun game I intend to with everybody else.


We have a funny relationship, bud. You vary drastically from day to day on my scale from mediocre to amazing. Sometimes, you really sorta annoy me for a reason I really cannot place my finger on, but just as many times you're a really pleasant guy. Despite my ambivalence towards you, I still respect you quite deeply because I imagine you are a spectacular father, which allows my bias to kick in. So all-in-all, you're a quirky guy who sometimes gets on my nerves and is sometimes fun, but you just boil down to a good, solid dude.

I always figured your name began with an E from something I vaguely recall you saying once, like ...Eli.



Here's the funny thing: I didn't always hate you. I distinctly remember getting along with you when I started my run on this site. In fact, I distinctly remember thinking "wow, this guy's actually pretty swell."


Your ability to consistently flout reason and logic simply astounds me, sir. It takes great difficulty for me to fathom a being as ridiculous as you become in the face of counter-arguments. Anytime anything gets brought up and you start rattling off, I think "Jesus does he even think?" I can harken back to arguments we've had over IP, arguments we've had over MSN, and I still cannot understand how you can so consistently fail to cede a single point of a single stance.

And then there's the fun of subjective things with you. Why do you hate so much? Does it give you some perverse pleasure to not like things? Are you trying to be the King Hipster, not liking things that are objectively better because they're better? Should I even be talking here? It gives me some perverse pleasure to argue with you because, frankly, it makes me feel so superior.

no. this is gone. i refuse to insult hikarusa's/crashman's good name like this.


1: You do the most kick-ass Beavis I've ever heard, hands-down. This is worth a lot of points.

2: You're really just a chillaxed dude who doesn't care too strongly about a lot of things and is therefore really easy to get along with. As such, I'd say we get along fairly easily. Fair contrast to our first real interaction, where I argued with you for some time because I thought Sean Malstrom was full of shit. You remember those days? Ah...

But now, yeah, we cool. That was then.

I BET YOUR NAME IS MIKE LOL (wait didn't i know that?)


You're ...an odd man. Like Mike, you're pretty chill and at least modestly entertaining most of the time, and I like you well enough for that.

Besides that, I haven't formed any particularly strong opinion on you beyond a sorta vague "yeah, I like this guy."

I ...am supposed to know your name, I think, but I can't remember it. Dammit, this game sucks. Screw it.


You were a good dude, once, and one that I really liked. Then I didn't talk to you for a good while. Then you were a giant contrary douchebag for a little while. Now you're not so much, and I appreciate that. Now it's more like waythen and you're good in my books again.


who the fuck are you

Like, I've seen your posts around places, but I have no idea who you are really.


Considering how SHITTY and GLOOMY everybody else in the world is, I really appreciate how AGGRESSIVELY HAPPY you are all the time. I can't even really stress it enough that sometimes on blargh days you actually cheer me up by just talking with other people about things, and I think "ah that freohr isn't she delightful~"

A+, girl. Keep it up.


My mother was talking to me recently about the prospect of her and my dad maybe retiring out to the UK some vague time in the future. I'm being honest when I say my first thought was "oh sweet, then when I visit them I could go meet raven." That's how cool a dude you are to me.

Not to mention out of everybody in SKYPE PARTOPIA, you have the single best voice hands-down.


Aren't you that fucker who used to post in that tiny stupid font? If you're that guy, 10 points for stopping that shit seriously.

otherwise no idea

enough for now (haha kot you have to waaaaaaait)

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