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Korean youth wishes death on all Japanese

I.M. Gei

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Right, because I'm going to convince all the people who are out for my blood because I don't want those racist bastards to live on and spread their evil.

Replace racist with discriminating and you're included :).

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CrashGordon, do you seriously not see everyone else's point? I'm certain that no one here approves of racism, and that everyone here thinks that the youth mentioned in the OP is nuts. But you said in one of the earlier posts that people like him need to die. And you cannot see the hypocrisy in your words? This Korean youth wants the Japanese to die most likely because of the history between Korea and Japan. You want this guy to die because he's a racist. Can't you see where this is going? Like how this guy has no right to wish death on the Japanese because he doesn't like what Japan did to Korea, you have to right to wish death on this guy because he's a racist.

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The Japanese don't deserve to die, there are innocent people in that group.

He however ISN'T. The whole "You're just as bad as them" shit is destructive too, it hamstrings people from being able to do the right thing and protects people who don't deserve protection.

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The Japanese don't deserve to die, there are innocent people in that group.

He however ISN'T. The whole "You're just as bad as them" shit is destructive too, it hamstrings people from being able to do the right thing and protects people who don't deserve protection.

... :facepalm: Way to miss my point entirely, Crash.

I've been trying to give you the benefit of the doubt in the other threads I've seen you post. I've been trying to explain things without trying to be insulting to try to get you to see why everyone disagrees with you. I think I give up. You really don't see what people's points are? I know that this guy is screwed up, wishing death on an entire race, most of whom are very much innocent. Why does this give you the right to say that he should die? Who made you the supreme judge of "I decide what forms of prejudice are worthy of death"?

My opinion of you has just plummeted to the center of the Earth.

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Then don't replace it.

Why not, they're pretty much the same thing. The racists wish death on a race and the CrashGordons wish death on a different group of people.

The Japanese don't deserve to die, there are innocent people in that group.

He however ISN'T. The whole "You're just as bad as them" shit is destructive too, it hamstrings people from being able to do the right thing and protects people who don't deserve protection.

Basically you're condemning anyone who is trapped in a certain mindset. Inducing change won't happen with a gun. It doesn't hamstring at all. MLK being non-violent is what caused change, you're the one entrapping yourself in a cycle of violence. Would you like it if I shot you? I mean it's justified from your stance but it's simply unethical. Also labeling you as "bad as them" isn't destructive. Embracing your mindset is destructive. Both you and racism equate to "I justify the killing of people based off their traits". That is why your mentality sucks but you refuse change as usual.

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What BK-201 said. Violence doesn't solve anything. You don't have to dirty your hands with someone who doesn't even deserve your attention. Because, really, I think that people who do this kind of stuff (spout their racist beliefs -- if they even truly believe those things -- on the Internet for all to see) are just attention-seekers. They want someone to pay attention to them. If we just ignore them, then they'll hopefully just go away.

Do you know why I've never liked character bashing and people wishing death even on fictional characters they didn't like? Because to me, that's a sign that you see violent means as a solution to things you "don't like". For example, writing a stupid fanfic that kills off the canon love interest of a character in a needless and cruel way so the author can get their OTP together? "Why are you making such a big deal? They're just fictional characters!" Yes, but at what point do people just stop being "fictional characters"? This tendency to just wish death onto whomever you don't like DOES have a habit of finding its way into the real world. You don't like that there's some guy on the Internet spouting racist stuff? Neither do we. But you just wish that someone would kill him while the rest of us merely shake our heads and say, "Poor idiot." Wishing death on a person, even if they are the scum of the Earth, does not make you a better person or right. It just says a lot about you, that you don't understand the value of life or you try to solve violence with violence. VIOLENCE SHOULD BE YOUR LAST OPTION.

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... :facepalm: Way to miss my point entirely, Crash.

I've been trying to give you the benefit of the doubt in the other threads I've seen you post. I've been trying to explain things without trying to be insulting to try to get you to see why everyone disagrees with you. I think I give up. You really don't see what people's points are? I know that this guy is screwed up, wishing death on an entire race, most of whom are very much innocent. Why does this give you the right to say that he should die? Who made you the supreme judge of "I decide what forms of prejudice are worthy of death"?

My opinion of you has just plummeted to the center of the Earth.

*Looks at join date*

Most of the people who used to give Crash the benefit of the doubt, including me, have basically seen that he's not gonna budge on some of the most idiotic things he's said. There's logic, and then there's Crash Logic which completely ignore fallacies.

I mean... sure... there's things you do and not approve of... but then there's tolerating the existence of them...

Saying "Racists deserve to die" is being the same as them... and Crash is never going to get that.

And Crash tends to get "first impression" moments where he decides "final word" type declarations... despite his take on it being skewed or SERIOUSLY using flawed "evidence".

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Right, because I'm going to convince all the people who are out for my blood because I don't want those racist bastards to live on and spread their evil.

That's not it.

Tangerine already said it:

Prejudice is prejudice.

Regardless, you are wishing death on someone for their beliefs.

All you're doing right now is pretty much attracting negative attention towards yourself. You claim to be not like the type of person you wished death on but your defense is basically: "nuh-uh, you guys are just nitpicking to make me look bad cause you hate me! I'm totally right and you're wrong".

I'll have to ask that you cease posting in this thread if this is all you're gonna do.

To the rest of you: As tempting as it may be to call out Crash for his logical fallacies, please try not to.

Edited by Sirius
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*Looks at join date*

Most of the people who used to give Crash the benefit of the doubt, including me, have basically seen that he's not gonna budge on some of the most idiotic things he's said. There's logic, and then there's Crash Logic which completely ignore fallacies.

I mean... sure... there's things you do and not approve of... but then there's tolerating the existence of them...

Saying "Racists deserve to die" is being the same as them... and Crash is never going to get that.

Um, he's not saying that about racists. The person mentioned in the OP is calling for the deaths of all japanese people, which seems like it goes above and beyond simple prejudice. Rather, crash seems to be saying that supporters of genocide need to die.

Prejudice is prejudice.

Prejudice means judging a person based on characteristics other than what they actually say and do (such as age or sex or race). If someone is calling for genocide, or throwing around racist comments, that is not prejudice and you are free to judge the fuck out of them, and indeed, many enlightened western countries could throw this korean dude in prison for inciting racial hatred and violence.

Edited by Anouleth
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Um, he's not saying that about racists. The person mentioned in the OP is calling for the deaths of all japanese people, which seems like it goes above and beyond simple prejudice. Rather, crash seems to be saying that supporters of genocide need to die.

Prejudice means judging a person based on characteristics other than what they actually say and do (such as age or sex or race). If someone is calling for genocide, or throwing around racist comments, that is not prejudice and you are free to judge the fuck out of them, and indeed, many enlightened western countries could throw this korean dude in prison for inciting racial hatred and violence.

I think he's talking about racists:

Right, because I'm going to convince all the people who are out for my blood because I don't want those racist bastards to live on and spread their evil.

Even if he harbors thoughts like that until he puts them into action I don't see killing as any type of fair punishment.

Racist comments are prejudice under your definition, it's judgment based on race, and the call for genocide stems from racist thoughts. There's a big difference between locking someone up and shooting them to death.

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To be fair though, I have lots of black friends but I don't think I'll ever be able to fuck a black girl. Why? I think because everytime I got to the entering flash point, I'd be thinking "her ass looks like shit her ass looks like shit her ass is the color of shit oh god oh god". On the other hand, I have trouble getting along with mexican people, yet mexican girls are totally hot IMO, so maybe you're onto something there.


i would gladly pump my dick into mariah carey or halle berry if i had the chance

there is probably one black woman in the world whom you'd like to fuck

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And did he learn Japanese just to say that message to the Japanese people?


Edited by Roxas
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I think he's talking about racists:

Even if he harbors thoughts like that until he puts them into action I don't see killing as any type of fair punishment.

His original post made reference to "people like that", so I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he's talking about people who call for genocide and not racists in general, and that when he later refers to "those racist bastards", he's referring to the same group of people.

Racist comments are prejudice under your definition, it's judgment based on race, and the call for genocide stems from racist thoughts.

But Tangerine was saying that prejudice against racist people was still prejudice. She said that "prejudice is prejudice", and that he's wishing death on people for their beliefs. But it's not prejudice to judge racists, obviously.

You are absolutely correct that racism is a form of prejudice, however, and I've never said otherwise.

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Um, he's not saying that about racists. The person mentioned in the OP is calling for the deaths of all japanese people, which seems like it goes above and beyond simple prejudice. Rather, crash seems to be saying that supporters of genocide need to die.

Prejudice means judging a person based on characteristics other than what they actually say and do (such as age or sex or race). If someone is calling for genocide, or throwing around racist comments, that is not prejudice and you are free to judge the fuck out of them, and indeed, many enlightened western countries could throw this korean dude in prison for inciting racial hatred and violence.

I think Anouleth is on to something here.

While obviously Crash is a pretty immense hypocrite for denouncing one type of prejudice while maintaining another, what he's saying is that people who advocate for genocide should die. Now, while I don't necessarily agree with this, I definitely agree that racism is pretty terrible, and I think you guys have caught Crash up in a web of his own logic here. He's not saying quite the terrible things you think he's saying.

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His original post made reference to "people like that", so I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he's talking about people who call for genocide and not racists in general, and that when he later refers to "those racist bastards", he's referring to the same group of people.

But Tangerine was saying that prejudice against racist people was still prejudice. She said that "prejudice is prejudice", and that he's wishing death on people for their beliefs. But it's not prejudice to judge racists, obviously.

You are absolutely correct that racism is a form of prejudice, however, and I've never said otherwise.

I'll agree he dug himself into a hole but I still disagree with the stance of killing people over that. That was the initial premise of my disagreement with him which was the way he approached a certain problem that ended up being hypocritical. Advocating killing of people who advocate killing is ironic and extreme from my point of view.

That's fine :p.

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Thanks for sharing.

x] I speak my mind.


i would gladly pump my dick into mariah carey or halle berry if i had the chance

there is probably one black woman in the world whom you'd like to fuck

That's a good point. I haven't met any IRL and I'm not a big "omg a celebrity" person, I prefer IRL girls. I haven't met any yet but there's always that chance.

Edited by Klokinator
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And did he learn Japanese just to say that message to the Japanese people?

Hard to say. While his pronunciation was way off, he had basic intonation right. I've never been anywhere near Korea, so I can't speak for natives; perhaps he picked it up by virtue of geographic proximity to that country. But he seemed to at least know parts of what he was saying, rather than just having it written down and saying it.

As for everyone arguing with Crash; as fun as it is, and as likely as I will be to join in if he continues, you guys have to understand how incredibly gone he is.

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Perhaps if people started to get into the mindset that we are essentially one big human race, prejudice would go out the window, at least on the basis of ethnic background. Of course, there will always be people who will actively try to find even the slightest reason to justify hating others.

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