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Resident Evil


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Resident Evil 4 is one of the best games ever created. Umbrella Chronicles was good as well. I haven't played any others, though I plan on getting Resident Evil 5 when it arrives.

If you have a Wii and don't own RE4, what are you waiting for?

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Resident Evil 4 is one of the best games ever created. Umbrella Chronicles was good as well. I haven't played any others, though I plan on getting Resident Evil 5 when it arrives.

If you have a Wii and don't own RE4, what are you waiting for?

Well what am I waiting for *think's*

Oh Self motivation. And plus I played RE4 before at a Friend's house, I have to say the Survival horor game genre is my weak point

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I find RE4 to be more suspense than survival, what with all the weapons and the combat system that's actually effective. Good game. I'm working on a Professional run-through, but I'm a bit stuck at the village leader.

Edited by Dr.Dorian
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The closest I've ever come to playing a Resident Evil game was when I visited my best friend's house. I was looking through his collection and I noticed a copy of the original RE. So I said "Hey, let's play Resident Evil", and he told me that it was too scary to play in the dark (even though the sun was still out :rolleyes: ). That was nearly a decade ago.

Beyond that, the series never really caught my attention for whatever reason.

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...I once played Resident Evil 4 at a friend's house.

He said that the tree mines in the beginning were good and that I NEEDED to get then and I believed him.

I died and got tired of him and I knew he would be a douche more later about stuff so I just quit. >_>

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If you ever decide to get it and continue, know that you eventually get the ability to suplex people. So, there's that.

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If you ever decide to get it and continue, know that you eventually get the ability to suplex people. So, there's that.

Can't you do that from the start just by shooting someone in the leg?

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If you ever decide to get it and continue, know that you eventually get the ability to suplex people. So, there's that.

I was planning on it eventually, it's just that it turns out money trees don't REALLY grow money...

but I know to never play it at his house again. <_<

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Can't you do that from the start just by shooting someone in the leg?

Possibly. I didn't notice that I could do anything but a kick to the head until around the castle area, though, and my preferred method of murder was always leg shot with pistol to kick to stab.

Edited by Dr.Dorian
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I played RE4. Awesome game. I was in love with the merchant. He was everywhere.

Also, Ashley amuses me as a character, and I enjoyed the brief amount of time I got to play as her, but protecting her when there's a whole bunch of enemies around is not fun. At all.

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Possibly. I didn't notice that I could do anything but a kick to the head until around the castle area, though, and my preferred method of murder was always leg shot with pistol to kick to stab.

Especially on Pro mode when you need to conserve your ammo.

I played RE4. Awesome game. I was in love with the merchant. He was everywhere.

Also, Ashley amuses me as a character, and I enjoyed the brief amount of time I got to play as her, but protecting her when there's a whole bunch of enemies around is not fun. At all.

I like her unlockable outfit. It's...nice.

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I love the RE series. My favourite has to be RE2, it was just so awesome, and William Birkin is badass.

RE4 is great too. The merchant is one of the best merchants in the whole history of...merchants...

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Whaddya buyin'?


I adored RE4. Seriously. Also, Hancannon is frigging amazing. I love being able to blow off three heads at once with a single bullet. xP

Also, my favourite way to kill? Well if I have a Chicago Typewriter, random firing ftw. If I have normal weapons, I use my best handgun. Aim for the head, and kick. If they survive the headshot, I kick anyway. Another thing I enjoy doing, kicking a door in and suplexing the unsuspecting victim on the other side. Only time it back fires is when their head explodes and reveals a Los Plagas. Yeah, that's never fun. >_>

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Resident Evil 4 is quite possibly one of the best games ever made. It works even better for the Wii. If it only was initially released on the Wii rather than being ported, it would be contending with SMG as Game of the Year.

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