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Oh! I'm also English, so that has to get me villain points, right!? And, if you allow me, I'll smother the world with NavarrexOguma tea.

Err ... I don't think being English itself will win you villain points, honestly ... our self-proclaimed leader Doku is also English.

Also (this applies to you too, Vicious Sal!), be noted that once you seriously sign up for the FRs, you're pretty much giving us the right to shove you into whatever role we see fit, unless you're very much opposed to it. Very few people actually got a say in their roles and we're all incompetent anyway.

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Err ... I don't think being English itself will win you villain points, honestly ... our self-proclaimed leader Doku is also English.

Also (this applies to you too, Vicious Sal!), be noted that once you seriously sign up for the FRs, you're pretty much giving us the right to shove you into whatever role we see fit, unless you're very much opposed to it. Very few people actually got a say in their roles and we're all incompetent anyway.

I got a say in mine. Nyeeeeeeeeeh to the rest of you.

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It needs more RaveMaster: The Keeper of Peace and Justice.

(Glowsticks not included.)

It will, actually. It will.


Edited by Raven
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It needs more RaveMaster: The Keeper of Peace and Justice.

(Glowsticks not included.)


You've been on the drawing board since this was started.

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Eh ... clearly, Doku's original plan of letting this thread "die" isn't going to work. So I'll say my piece now.

I've never realized this until recently, but clearly we've been giving off quite a bit of impressions to various people on SF. Namely that we're either elitist bastards; members of a fad; a fanclub; or some organization.

I want to be very clear about this. We didn't just wake up one morning, get together, and decide, "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if we decided to make some fad where we are like the Power Rangers, except let's call our self the Folgore Rangers?" Harpoon, Darros, Imp, Banzai, and I happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. We were all in the chat room when the fake therapist came in and started trying to convince us that this girl committed suicide. Darros and Harpoon at least had the misfortune of receiving the PMs about the fake suicide that started the incident in the first place. Doku was unlucky enough to be caught up in the PMs we sent to each other discussing the issue in private.

In other words, while there were a few people popping in and out of the chat room that night ... Doku, Harpoon, Darros, Imp, Banzai, and I were the ones who saw and used that private PM. Harpoon, Darros, Imp, Banzai, and I were in the chat room for about SIX HOURS trying to separate fact from fiction until we finally got Tangerine and Balcerzak involved.

We became the Folgore Rangers after Doku responded to our PMs, when he and Green suggested that we keep using the private PM so that we could talk amongst ourselves and ... well, one thing led to another and we became the Folgore Rangers.

This Folgore Rangers thing wasn't supposed to get this big. I'm still not sure how it did. It was originally supposed to be an inside joke, the six of us trying to find some good in someone's cruel idea of a joke, throwing in a couple of our friends (Cam, Horace, Elieson) into the madness along the way. We didn't want to be elitist bastards, and people seemed to find the Folgore Rangers thing amusing. So we added a couple of people into the cast as well. And I like to think that the Folgore Rangers thing brought some of us closer, at least. I wouldn't have become good friends with Imp and Cam if we didn't have the Folgore Rangers thing in common.

But the thing is ... we're not just some "organization" or a "fanclub." We're not even exclusive, we've added quite a bit of people to our ranks. But it is rather annoying to have people treat us like a common fad or as a means to be better known in the community. That's not what we're all about. The truth is, we banded together after this horrible incident in the chat room. We added a few people to our "cast" back when this thread first started, mostly people who posted on the first few pages of the thread. (And Horace because, well, Doku is our self-proclaimed leader. He's not going to pass up that chance.) But it feels like the Folgore Rangers is beginning to lose its integrity now.

We're not going to let the Folgore Rangers die so easily. But I think we're going to have to start being a little more exclusive. Not only do we have a large enough cast now, but I don't want people joining the Folgore Rangers just so they can "fit in" or "be popular." If this makes me seem jerkish, so be it.

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We'll come to people from now on, instead of recruiting them.

Besides, V-Ravens was there at the time of the BC event, helping us sort out wtf was going on.

Necktie was also there, and so were Bal and Tangerine.

Thats about it.

Oh, and Freohr was busy being confused in the thread, but then again, all of us were confused.

And Naggy, how could I have forgotten, he was present...>_>

Treat this as if some guy walks up to your doorstep, and announces that you're won the prize to be an extra in a big budget film.

So, drawing board.

Proto and V-Raven-

PResent at time of BC incident.

Helped sort through the facts.


Present at time of incident, caught several of V-Raven mistakes.

Bal and Tangerine-

Dragged in to perform an IP check.

Erkle, Freohr, and Naggy-

Busy being confused in the old thread that Tangerine realeased

Integ, Specta, Saku, Frosty, Excellen, SHo, PKL, Eclipse, and others-

People who've helped us set up the two FR themed Drafts, and whatnot

All of them are close SF friends.


Information on how DA is assiting us cannot be released to the public yet.

It will be made public when the time comes.

Crash, Marth, ZM, and Peppy-

We wanted some new characters, and they were the first in line to volunteer for said characters.


Persuaded by Nightmare in the Early Days of the FR to be a major Villian in a special story.

Ein Ooze.


Random guy who got transformed into a villian in IP chat.


See above, but add Pedobear jokes.

Also, Sal, we're trying to see how to fit you in.


Unknown, no info on this member has been found.

As for what we were doing.


Being confused at the time after recieving a PM about a members IRL suicide.


See above


Was in chat, trying to be the voice of reason during the incident.


First one to smell something fisy going on



I don't remember much, other than a few mentions of Muncausens


Listened to said Uber!Troll members fake story on IP chat.

Recieved PM, and got mad in the morning.


Was in chat, but not active during the conversation.

Also folks, if you haven't noticed, most of us are pretty close buddies.

So putting Soul in my next story, even though it'll be labeled non-canon

Note to Sal, Replica, and Crazy Foxie.

The council of Folgores cannot promise roles, but we'll see what we can do.

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I was away during a lot of when that topic was made. I mean I was there for one of the first responders and then read the rest of what went on once I got back, but I was hardly involved at all and was surprised I was even remembered XD

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Read Harpoon's post closely, he brings up lots of good points. When we had room for more roles, we were much less discriminate in who got in and who didn't because we had the roles to give and we didn't think we were a "big" thing. But the latest people who have received a role or are scheduled for a role have done something FR-related.

Raven, Luster Purge, and Stolypin Necktie were actually present in the chat room during the incident. Green and I have had them on the drawing board since the thread went up, but never got around to it. They weren't there the entire time, but Raven and Luster contributed greatly to straightening things out once they joined us in the chat room.

PKL received a role because he put up with me yelling at him in the chat room to randomize numbers for me four times when I was putting up the FRDCT threads.

Freohr is in because she was present in the thread that either Harpoon or Darros posted during the incident. Erkle will most likely receive a role for the same reason. Mercenary James will be included because he has helped us out with some FR-related stuff as well.

My point being: we have quite a few people who should have a role in the FRs who don't yet, and it's going to be a pain trying to fit them all in.

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Ah yes, I remember that incident. My initial thoughts on the matter were proven to be correct. My power to read into situations is second to none.

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And mine is last to all ;^;

There, there. Nobody is as bad as the individual (posing as several people, nevertheless) responsible for the Folgore Rangers coming into existence - who couldn't even cover up his own tracks. Oh what fun stuff was uncovered that day.

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Well, I was going to literally put Raven in as DCs Teen Titans Raven travelling over dimensions.....

But then I read about Welsh singing.l

And had this idea to turn you into the Justin Bieber of the FR-verse.

(No offense to your heritege)

Damnit, I can't spell....

Necktie wasn't acting under his normal persona

Also, we cannot make public as to how excactly DA and the FRs are doing.

So, please don't spam this thread guys!.

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Yes, we discovered that the person in question had the "IQ of a potato," as Raven so eloquently put it.

Harpoon, I already have a role planned for Raven. :P

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I do not sing. I uphold Peace and Justice in my Red Dragon mech. And my name shall be RaveMaster. According to ... Darros, I think. We came up with this in the chat yesterday.

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I dare say that Integ>Tangerine for admin.

Silver Harpoon was last seen being pulled into a black limo with tinted windows by men in suits. He was never seen again.

Do the right thing, and help make Integ a mod!

No wait.



We do these stories for fun and to make jokes about each other and of SF, FE, and pop culture.

Now, we've also got Tangerine as a character. For every troll post there is, that member will appear as one of her minions.

Also updated the OP.


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My claim to fame is that I was first to notice a positive connection between the two accounts (same date of birth on both accounts, derpotato). Before that I was extremely passive to the whole scenario, not getting sucked in by the story of a member recently killing themselves. It all sounded extremely... extreme, so I did some digging and struck gold.

Tangerine confirmed multiaccounts by checking the IP of both accounts. Thus, the FOLGORE RANGERS WERE BORN.

Shame the thread's gone (or is it?), I'd have liked to recap over the events of what happened, just to cure my current bout of boredom.

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You posted back on page 1 or 2, when we first put the thread up, saying something like, "Curse you, Folgores! I'll make you regret forgetting me!" And Doku cast you as Camdar.

I think Doku just gave random people roles back when we had less than ten pages in this thread, because the FR thing wasn't big and we were just having a little fun. People who posted on the first few pages generally ended up with a role. Then the FRs got bigger. And, well ... :/:

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