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Newb's Sketches...


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Wowza, I really like your style. They may not look exactly the same, but I think they look awesome. Lyn's eyes might be a little big/low though. Keep up the good work!

You must do full bodies for Eliwood and Hector now gogogogogogogogo

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Wowza, I really like your style. They may not look exactly the same, but I think they look awesome. Lyn's eyes might be a little big/low though. Keep up the good work!

You must do full bodies for Eliwood and Hector now gogogogogogogogo

You have a very interesting art style. Looks pretty good. The Lyn seems a bit off in the face to me.


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thanks for the nice comments :):

ah... figured lyn's eyes were a bit off (partly also due to the camera angle which distorted it even more). the hair is probably too big too? lol.

eliwood and his vassals:


+some flashy light effect :awesome:


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Ooo these are some pretty sketches. I really liked that Hector and the fullbody Eliwood was great, especially in the face and the cloak. Also, lol; those are cute chibis. ^_^

Advice on the lighting version: the light is in the center of the picture, but that's not where the focus of the art is. Right now you're highlighting Eliwood's diaphragm and right elbow. I'd advise changing the middle of the burst either next to or right on what you want to highlight. I.e., next to his head or on top of the chibis. Where you put it changes the feel of the picture over-all.

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Cool stuff, I like your Hector's perspective and your lines in general. Your potential's obvious, keep going! if you wanna

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Niharu: yeah i think that chibi marcus looks pretty fierce lol xD and he has 4 javelins behind his back.

Mercakete: ah i was trying to put the light near his palm (wizard eliwood xD), but the layer is not big enough to move around so had to settle it there

Rehab: thanks. i've been trying to draw full hector, but i find macho manly dudes in armor are hard for me to pull off...

maybe i should draw hector shirt-less

in the meantime i'm having fun with gimp after re-downloading it again...

sparkling eliwood:


and a joshua sig


as you can see i enjoy putting excessive lighting on my stuff

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lol; that's great. I like the sparkle version and I notice you colored in his head. I like it. :3 Nice shading.

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Very nice coloring and shading :): And Priscilla looks dainty. I'm excited to see the finished products. ^_^

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