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Kon's PMU Run

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Alrighty, I've decided to log my PMU run in a new topic because Agility is a dumb and isn't going to report his run and it'd be a little confusing going to Agility's topic and only hearing about my run.

Now I am terrible at getting low turncounts, but I'll still show them as I go along so everyone can laugh at how bad they are. Also, I have no limits on how much BEXP I use and will report all the BEXP levels I give out before I start the chapter. As for supports, I'll support my units to

With that, let's start!

My Units













[spoiler=Massive textdump]

Prologue 5/5

Boring tutorial battle, moving on.


Ike Lv. 2 + HP Skill Spd Def

Chapter 1 7/12

I let Ike hold onto the bands, equipping the Fighter Band and let Titania wreck everything ever. I made Oscar visit the houses and I believe I let Ike have the boss kill 'cause wynaut?


Ike Lv. 3 + HP Str Skill Spd

Ike Lv. 4 + Def Res

Chapter 2 14/26

This chapter is really annoying. DX I had Oscar, Boyd and Rhys tuck into that little corner while Ike tried killing some guys before Titania showed up. After that things went over pretty well, with Ike killing dudes and Tits obliterating them.


Ike Lv. 5 + HP Str Skill Res

Ike Lv. 6 + HP Str Skill Spd Lck Def

Chapter 3 7/33

This chapter was also fairly annoying, but mostly because Marcia's too stubborn to get out of the way. I dequipped Gatrie and Shinon, made them visit the houses while Tits and Ike rushed to the boss.


Ike Lv. 7 + HP Str Skill Lck

Ike Lv. 8 + HP Skill Spd Res

Chapter 4 10/43

I hate rout chapters. >_> The units I wasn't using were shoved into the top-right corner and set Tits and Ike loose on the enemies. The boss took forever to kill though, 'cause he would always attack at range like a wuss.


Ike Lv. 9 + HP Str

Titania Lv. 2 + HP Skill Spd Lck Res

Chapter 5 6/49

Defend chapters with only two usable units really, really suck. I had Shinon and Gatrie block off the western side while Ike and Tits took the front with everyone else stayed out of the way. Unfortunately, I missed out on the Iron Blade and Ashera Icon, but meh, I doubt I'll miss them too much.


Ike Lv. 10 + HP Str Skill Spd

Titania Lv. 3 + HP Str Skill Def

Ike Lv. 11 + HP Str Spd Lck Def Res

Chapter 6 13/62

Charge! Well, not really. Hid away the untouchables and did my usual thing. Although I did piss about for a couple of turns getting everyone to escape 'cause I like the BEXP.


Ike Lv. 12 + HP Mag Skill Spd Res

Ike Lv. 13 + HP Skill Lck Res

Titania Lv. 4 + HP Mag Skill Spd Lck Res

Chapter 7 15/77

This chapter was a pain. Mia was at least nice enough to recruit herself, unlike some other units. Anyways, Ike slowly made his way north while Titania went around massacring everyone. The biggest problem I had with this chapter was that there were a bunch of enemies surrounding Titania that

she wasn't quite able to ORKO, so that Thief got a hold of the Miracle Scroll and the Ward staff before she could get to him, so no Miracle for me. Oh, and around midway through the chapter a Mage attacked Oscar who had rescued Soren at the time, which nearly scared the piss out of me.


Ike Lv. 14 + HP Skill Lck Def

Ike Lv. 15 + HP Str Mag

Titania Lv. 5 + HP Lck

Ike Lv. 16 + HP Str Mag Res

Chapter 8 8/85

Finally I can use BEXP! I completed Tit's level up for the coming onslaught.

Titania Lv. 6 + HP Str Spd Res

After 8 chapters I could finally dump those scrubs and let the real stars shine. :D Ike sat on the Defend point the entire chapter with Tits killing everything that came into range. Ilyana didn't take long to reach Ike, but I refused to talk to her and instead let her block of Ike a little bit.

At the last turn I recruited her and rescued her with Titania just in time for the boss man to Short Spear her in the face. Tits took it like a man and I completed the chapter, but I didn't get the Soldier Band. *shrug*


Ike Lv. 17 + HP Res

Titania Lv. 7 + HP Str Skill Res

Chapter 9 27/112

Lookit the turncount! Aint it grand? I blame those shanty-singing bandits. Anyhoo, I rushed Ike, Tits, and my favorite shota archer Rolf towards the beach, Directing Lethe and Mordy to the northern house to save me some trouble. I let Rolf snag some kills on the way after Titania and Ike weakened them so he could level up some. After the threat of the singing bandits had passed I had Marcia be my village bitch since she was there and then set her (with Mist who she rescued earlier) on the cliff behind the castle so that she'd stay out of my way. The way to the boss was very easy, and after being weakened by Ike Rolf snagged the kill.


Rolf Lv. 2 + HP Def

Ike Lv. 18 + HP Spd Def

Rolf Lv. 3 + Str Mag Skill Spd Lck

Ike Lv. 19 + Mag Skill Def

Rolf Lv. 4 + HP Skill Spd Lck Def

Rolf Lv. 5 + Skill ....

Rolf Lv. 6 + HP Str Mag Skill Lck Res

Chapter 10 17/129


Rolf Lv. 7 + Str Skill Spd Def

Rolf Lv. 8 + HP Str Skill Res

Rolf Lv. 9 + Str Spd Lck Def

Lethe Lv. 4 + HP Str Mag Spd Lck Def

Lethe Lv. 5 + HP Str Spd Lck Def

I also forged my first weapon, a Steel Bow for Rolf 'cause I can. It's name is Ms. Kitty. :D

For clarification I maxed out everything on it and minimized Weight.

Now, I did legitimately try to sneak through this chapter using the turn-by-turn strategy, but every time something kept messing up so I decided to screw that and charged through the map, killing everything in sight. Lethe got the boss kill 'cause she's such a cool cat :smug:

I also got all the treasure and everyone but Kieran escaped. Oh, and I accidently let Volke enter a round of combat (he was used to set off the "alarm") but nothing came of it so I just let it slide.


Lethe Lv. 6 + HP Skill Spd Lck Def Res

Titania Lv. 8 + HP Skill Res

Rolf Lv. 10 + HP Skill Lck Res

Rolf Lv. 11 + HP Str Spd Lck

Rolf Lv. 12 Skill Lck Def

Ike Lv. 20 + -------- fck you too Ike

Chapter 11 8/137


Rolf Lv. 13 + HP Skill Spd Lck Res

Kieran Lv. 13 + Str Lck Def Res

Forged another weapon, a Steel Axe named Bunny for Kieran. tweaks were the same as Rolf's Bow.

Huzzah, a Sword unit who doesn't suck at last! I had to restart this chapter a couple of times because that damned Thief kept burning down the Elwind house and my OCD about getting items would not let me let it burn. So I rushed Kieran and Titania up there to prevent the fire while Lethe went north to recruit Zihark and Ike and Rolf picked off loldiers as they went. The boss was stupid enough to think he could attack Titania and live to tell the tale (spoiler: he didn't) but Kieran actually got the kill, because he asked for it so nicely. Of course, that made the Black Knight get off his lazy ass and get on the map but that wasn't a problem because I'm not

quite that stupid and had everyone well away from the knight. Anyways, after the boss died the rest of the enemies were cleaned up rather quickly and Kieran Arrived to clear the chapter. Oh yeah, I gave Zihark my Talisman because even though I won't be facing a lot of Mages for a while, 0 Mag

isn't exactly good.


Rolf Lv. 14 + HP Spd Lck Res

Kieran Lv. 14 + HP ...

Lethe Lv. 7 + HP Spd Lck Res

Kieran Lv. 15 + HP Str Def

Rolf Lv. 15 + HP str Lck

Kieran Lv. 16 + HP Mag Skill Spd Lck Def

Chapter 12 11/148


Zihark Lv. 11 HP Str Lck Def

Zihark Lv. 12 + Str Spd Res

Forged a Steel Sword named Vera for Zihark

Rout Chapter, blah. I actually had all but the boos Raven killed by turn 3 but then all the reinforcements came and that was annoying. Oh well, I got plenty of experience and some shiny new stat boosters that I'll probably horde as long as possible. Jill recruited herself and tried so hard to spear those pesky birds, but she kept missing. DX


Zihark Lv. 13 Lv. 13 + Mag

Rolf Lv. 16 + HP Mag Spd Lck Res

Zihark Lv. 14 + HP Spd Res

Titania Lv. 9 + HP Spd Skill Spd Def

Jill Lv. 9 + Mag Skill Def

Jill Lv. 10 + HP Str Res

Chapter 13 10/158


Jill Lv. 11 + Skill Spd Lck Def Res

Jill Lv. 12 + Str Skill Lck Def Res

Forged a Steel Bow named Mr. Tibbs for Astrid to help her kill things.

I deployed Volke and Sothe for this chapter to get me some treasure (they were both dequipped, of course). Ike charged towards Astrid and Gatrie while Tits went to the right to divert some attention away from my dear little Bow Knight and everyone else started to thin out the number of enemy units. During the chaos of the first few turns Sothe helped himself to the chests on the right and Volke to the chests on the left. After the right side of the boat was cleared I had three of my units surround the Sniper boss so he couldn't threaten me with his Longbow. It worked for the most part, except for when he got a hit on Sothe because I forgot to move him out of the way. D: Luckily he didn't crit, but it still took out a massive chunk of HP which worried be a bit. Aside from that it didn't take too long to clear out the rest of the ship and I managed to fend off the ravens long enough to snag the rest of the treasure. And I had the opportunity to kill the boss with everyone having been killed and the remaining Ravens fleeing the map as soon as they saw the carnage, but I pissed around giving Astrid my Seraph Robe and healing her so she could take a critical if she needed to. Luckily she didn't and was rewarded with a nice level up.


Kieran Lv. 17 + HP Str Spd Def

Rolf Lv. 17 + HP Spd Def

Astrid Lv. 2 + Str Spd

Astrid Lv. 3 + HP Skill Spd Res

Astrid Lv. 4 + HP

Astrid Lv. 5 + Str Mag Skill

Astrid Lv. 6 + Skill Spd Def Res

Astrid Lv. 7 + Str Mag Spd Lck

Chapter 14 10/168


Astrid Lv. 8 + HP Str Skill Def Res

Astrid Lv. 9 + Str Skill Spd Lck Res

Astrid Lv. 10 + Str Skill Spd Def

Astrid Lv. 11 + Str Spd Lck

Zihark Lv. 15 + HP Str Skill Def Res

Jill Lv. 13 + Str Mag Skill Lck Res

Gave Jill a Speed Wing and an Arm Scroll and gave Astrid an Arm Scroll

Deployed Marcia to recruit Makalov. I sent Jill, Kieran, Lethe, and Astrid with Marcia to recruit that lazy sponge-brain who just happens to be my next unit. The rest of my units killed everything up north and Marcia visited villages since she had nothing better to do after I got Makalov. As for that lazy bum, he sat in a bush and killed the bandit that was trying to get to the houses up north and then rushed over to the boss to get a level up.


Astrid Lv. 12 + Skill Lck Def

Astrid Lv. 13 + Str Skill Spd Lck

Zihark Lv. 16 + HP Str Skill Lck

Astrid Lv. 14 + HP Skill Spd

Astrid Lv. 15 + HP Str Spd

Jill Lv. 14 + HP Str Spd

Makalov Lv. 11 + Str Mag

Chapter 15 11/179


Makalov Lv. 12 + Str Skill Spd Def

Makalov Lv. 13 HP Str Skill Spd Def Res

Forged a Steel Sword, My Lucky Day, for Makalov.

I deployed Sothe and Volke for this chapter, for obvious reasons. As for the chapter itself, it really wasn't too hard after I decided that I could not care less about keeping the Laguz alive, because I tried that before and it drove me insane. And have I mentioned how fun it is having four mounted units on this chapter? Because that's the best thing ever. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif Volke and Lethe went to the right for Stefan and other nifty treasures while Sothe and Jill took the left. Although after Sothe picked Guard I became a little paranoid and rescued him with Jill. Everyone else slowly made their way up top, killing everyone they could. And Jill must've really loved me, because she found the Shine tome and the Silver Blade on her own. I think I had later droped off Sothe after most of the map was cleared and he got the Physic and Zihark picked up the boots. When everything was said and done there was only one Laguz left on the map, I got everything but the Coins and Zihark finished off Muarim.


Lethe Lv. 8 + HP Skill

Rolf Lv. 18 + Def

Zihark Lv. 17 + HP Skill Spd Lck

Makalov Lv. 14 + HP Str Skill Def

Kieran Lv, 18 + Str Spd Def Res

Astrid Lv. 16 + HP Skill Lck

Jill Lv. 15 + HP Str Spd Def Res

Zihark Lv. 18 + HP Spd Lck Def

Astrid Lv. 17 + Str Mag Skill Lck

Jill Lv. 16 + Skill

Zihark Lv. 19 + Str Skill Spd Res

Chapter 16 13/192

Gave Tormod my other Seraph Robe and the Dracoshield. Also forged him a Fire tome named Ice Ice Baby. Do ya geddit? gee_wiz_emoticon.gif


Kieran Lv. 19 + Forgot D:

Kieran Lv. 20 + Forgot D:

Stats before Master Seal:

Kieran   36  17  2  12  16  10  16  5

Gained Swords

Tormod Lv. 8 + Mag Skill Spd

Tormod Lv. 9 + Mag Skill Lck Res

Tormod Lv. 10 + HP Str Mag Spd Lck Res

Tormod Lv. 11 + HP Mag Spd Def

Tormod Lv. 12 + HP Skill Spd Lck

Rolf Lv. 19 + Str Skill Res

Rolf was given my other Master Seal to hold, and he and Zihark had a little race to see who could reach level 20 first.

I deployed Volke for this chapter, because he can take a hit and it's better than packing around a bunch of Chest Keys. Basically, everyone charged towards the throne room with Volke stopping to loot things and Tormod making a detour to pick up our flower-loving Halbridier Devdan. Other than screwing around getting the teasure I managed to kill a couple of the reinforcement loldiers with Astrid before seizing the throne. Oh, and as a point of interest, the Sniper managed to crit Ike, leaving him with I think around 4 HP. But then Sniper!Rolf killed him and it was all good.


Jill Lv. 17 + -------- Aw come on Jill

Astrid Lv. 18 + HP Str Mag Def

Tormod Lv. 13 + Str Mag

Rolf Lv. 20 + HP Str

Stats before Master Seal:

Rolf 	30  14  3  19  15  15  12  8

Zihark Lv. 20 + HP Skill

Makalov Lv. 15 + HP Str Skill Def

Astrid Lv. 19 + Skill Spd Lck Def

Makalov Lv. 16 + HP Def Res

Jill Lv. 18 + Str Mag Skill

Chapter 17 28/220

Oh yay, the marathon chapter at last! There's going to be a lot of promotions here, I can tell.

Gave Tits my Energy Drop, Tormod my other Dracoshield, and Makalov my Ashera Icon.


Tormod Lv. 14 + Mag Spd

Tormod Lv. 15 + Mag Skil Spd Lck

Astrid Lv. 20 + Str Mag Skill Spd Def

Finished off Zihark's level to promotion. Stats before:

Zihark   32  15  3  18  20  10  10  6

Forged an Iron Lance for Astrid so she could have a 1 range weapon when she promotes.

Pt 1 - 7 turns

I deployed all my usable units but Devdan, I can't remember if it was because there wasn't enough room for him or if I just derped on that, though. Everyone charged up north and killed things and I think I made Makalov and Tormod take care of the Myrms that spawned at the south. Oh, and Full Gaurd!Jill is fun.~


Stats before promotion:

Astrid   34  18  7  19  19  11 13  7

Gained Lances

Titania Lv. 10 + HP Spd Res

Tormod Lv. 16 + Str Lck

Jill Lv. 19 + HP Str Mag Skill

Astrid Lv. 2 + Str Spd Def

Tormod Lv. 17 + HP Spd

Makalov Lv. 17 + HP

Pt 2 - 5 turns


That's all that happened. Oh yeah, I also brought in Devdan and he tried to kill things. Emphasis on "tired"


Jill Lv. 20 + HP Str Skill Spd Lck

Lethe Lv. 9 + HP Mag Skill Spd

Makalov Lv. 18 HP Str Lck Def Res

Pt 3 - 10 turns

Lawks, I routed this in 8 turns. :D And Jill promoted because she really wanted to play with Titania's Hand Axe.


Astrid LV. 3 + Str Res

Rolf Lv. 2 + HP Mag Lck Def Res

Stats before promotion:

Jill 	29  19  4  18  15  10  15  8

Tormod Lv. 18 + HP Mag Skill Spd

Jill Lv. 2 + Mag Skill Res

Devdan Lv. 5 + HP Mag Skill Def

Makalov Lv. 19 + HP Res

Makalov Lv. 20 + Res

Tormod Lv. 19 + Spd Def

Pt 4 - 6 turns

Rolf critkilled the Meteor Mage with the very last use of his Longbow~ and I left him behind to go crit happy on the Bow Knights and Paladin that come in a bit later. I had everyone else go around the map towards Oliver, mudering everyone in their way. When the Hawks and Reyson arrived I wasted no time having my mounted units Rescue them to keep them from stealing my kills, because by then I had cleared out nearly everything. Oh, and for shits and giggles I had Devdan attack Oliver, I didn't realize he had a battle convo with him for some reason. Unfortunately Oliver hit with Nosferatu so I had to bring someone else over to finish him off. I think it might have been Zihark. Makalov's My Lucky Day broke in this chapter. ;-;


Stats before promotion:

Makalov  37  15  13  13  14  11  16  7

Gained Axes

Lethe Lv. 10 + HP Str Def

Kieran Lv. 2 + HP Str Skill Spd Def Res

Tormod Lv. 20 + HP Mag Lck

Rolf Lv. 3 + Str Lck Def

Zihark Lv. 3 + HP Str Skill Def Res

Devdan Lv. 6 + HP Str Skill Res

Rolf Lv. 4 + HP Skill Spd Res

Finally Ike can promote!

Stats before promotion:

Ike  	35 14 5 16 11 12 8

Ganed Plot Improtance

Chapter 18

The only thing I've done on this chapter so far is promote Tormod.

Stats before promotion:

Tormod   33  4  19  14  18  14  10  11

Gained Staves

And I also gave him my Spirit Dust.

Unit Stats

Name 	Class 		Level   EXP  HP  Str  Mag  Skill  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Wpn LV  	Skill	Support
Ike  	Lord      	20/01   00   39   17  7	18	18	11   15   10   SB      	--   	Titania B Lethe C
Titania  Paladin   	??/10   94   42   17  6	19	19	14   13   13   LA AS   	Counter  Ike B
Rolf 	Sniper    	20/03   26   35   18  6	22	18	17   16   12   BB      	--   	--
Lethe	Cat   		10  	02   43   15  6	13	17	19   13   9	--      	--   	Jill B Ike C
Kieran   Paladin   	20/02   16   40   20  4	15	19	10   19   9	SE AB   	Sol  	--
Zihark   Swordmaster   20/02   01   37   17  5	21	22	11   13   9	SB      	Adept	--
Jill 	Wyvern Lord   20/02   25   34   21  6	21	17	10   17   10   LB AE   	--   	Lethe B
Astrid   Paladin   	20/03   58   39   22  9	21	21	11   17   10   LE BC   	Paragon  Makalov C
Makalov  Paladin   	20/01   96   40   17  5	15	16	11   18   10   SB AE   	--   	Astrid C
Tormod   Sage      	20/01   00   37   6   20   16	20	14   12   13   FC WD TD SE Celerity --
Devdan   Halberdier	??/06   06   38   16  8	17	13	16   12   11   Lan B   	Serenity --

BEXP: 825

Funds: 17147

Now, I still have some stat boosters left (Secret Book, Boots, Statue Frag) and most of my scrolls have been

unassigned (Occult, Vantage, Gamble, Guard, Adept). Feel free to tell me who should get what, because I really don't know what to do with them.

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I've decided to Give Kieran my Secret Book and Ike gets the Boots and Aether. I'll hold onto the Statue Frag for now, although I seriously doubt I'll use it. I'm playing chapter 18 now and I'll probably have it (and maybe chapter 19) up in a little while. In the meantime, here's another poll, this time for Skill distribution!

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So far he's really slow and with that low strength he has trouble killing things on his own. But hey, he's usable. I'm thinking about buffing his levels with BEXP (I've got plenty to spare 'till Ena comes in) added with the Knight Ward to try to fix his speed problem NewYearsEmoticon.gif.

Narshen, stop encouraging my hoarding habits. XD

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Ah! It just occurred to me, but those who voted for Ike and Kieran's skills might want to retract those votes, because they've both got their Mastery Skills. DX

Chapter 18 11/231

Besides all the junk I've already said, I forged a Steel Lance to help with Devdan's Combat. It's a Daisy.~

Another Route chapter, bleh. I only like routing when it's not a chapter goal. >:c Anyways, deployed Volke to swipe stuff from the chests. All in all this really wasn't too hard of a chapter, it's certainly a nice break from the marathon chapter before. Everyone charged into the fort, letting the Draco Knights chase after me because I'm too cool to go to them. As I massacred my way to Shinon I left Devdan, Zihark, and Lethe behind to deal with the Dracos and the Ponies that come in later. I bothered to recruit Shinon just because I have a policy against leaving characters unrecruited, it's just my style. Other than that there's not much to say, although Ike got an Aether off. Once. Against an untransformed Raven that he doubled anyways. :V


Makalov Lv. 2 + HP Skill Def Res

Astrid Lv. 4 + Skill Spd Lck Def

Ike Lv. 2 + HP Str Spd

Titania Lv. 11 + HP Skill Spd Def Res

Tormod Lv. 2 + HP Mag Skill Spd Lck Def

Jill Lv. 3 + HP Str Skill Spd Res

Kieran Lv. 3 + HP Res

Ike Lv. 3 + HP Spd Lck Def

Zihark Lv. 3 + Str Lck Def

Chapter 19

I've only topped off Tormod and Devdan's levels so far.


Tormod Lv. 3 + Mag Skill Spd Def Res

Devdan Lv. 7 + HP Str Spd Res

Unit Stats

Name 	Class 		Level   EXP  HP  Str Mag Skill Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Wpn LV  	Skill	Support
Ike  	Lord      	20/03   34   41  18  7   18	20   12   16   10   SB      	--   	Titania B Lethe B
Titania  Paladin   	??/11   03   43  17  2   20	20   14   14   14   LA AS   	Counter  Ike B
Rolf 	Sniper    	20/04   64   35  18  6   22	18   17   16   12   BB      	--   	--
Lethe	Cat   		10  	66   43  15  6   13	17   19   13   9	--      	--   	Jill B Ike B
Kieran   Paladin   	20/03   06   41  20  4   17	19   10   19   10   SE AB   	Sol  	--
Zihark   Swordmaster   20/03   02   37  18  5   21	22   12   14   9	SB      	Adept	--
Jill 	Wyvern Lord   20/03   25   35  22  6   22	18   10   17   11   LB AE   	--   	Lethe B
Astrid   Paladin   	20/04   12   39  22  9   22	22   12   18   10   LE BC   	Paragon  Makalov C
Makalov  Paladin   	20/02   26   41  17  5   16	16   11   19   11   SB AE   	--   	Astrid C
Tormod   Sage      	20/03   00   38  6   24  18	22   15   14   14   FC WD TD SE Celerity Devdan C
Devdan   Halberdier	??/07   06   39  17  8   17	14   16   12   12   Lan B   	Serenity Tormod C

I revised the poll and added Wrath.

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Chapter 19 6/237

Gave Wrath and Adept to Lethe, Vantage to Zihark, and Guard to Devdan.


Devdan Lv. 8 + HP Mag Spd Def

Devdan Lv. 9 + HP Str Skill Spd Def

Forged another Steel Sword for Makalov.

I deployed Janaff and Reyson to get the Knight Ring. This chapter was actually pretty easy, all in all. We slowly murdered our way north while Reyson and Janaff got closer and closer to Naesala's range. Around turn 3 or 4 I was getting a little bored trying to get the birds to Naesala so I just stuck the Knight Ward on Makalov and used him as bait. And for some reason Naesala only used his magic attack. Weird. Anyways, after he was taken care of and I got the Knight Ring I cleared the rest of the map and before killing the boss I let Naesala escape (he was a square away from escaping ^^;) and then let Devdan get the kill with his Daisy.

The shame indeed. :D


Makalov Lv. 3 + HP Str Spd

Lethe Lv. 11 + HP Skill Spd Def Res

Jill Lv. 4 + HP Skill Spd Def Res

Devdan Lv 10 + HP str Skill Spd Lck

Chapter 20 5/242

Forged a Silver Lance for Devdan and called it Pansy. XD

I sent Jill up to the house all by herself while everyone else took the bottom path. Jill wrecked everything while the rest of my group cleared out the area around the house. On my fifth turn I realised that I could clear the chapter in a kind of fast manner by killing Shiharam with Kieran and seizing with Ike, so I did that and felt proud of myself. I think I left three Dracoknights alive by the end.


Rolf Lv. 5 + Spd Lck Def

Jill Lv. 5 + HP Spd Def

Jill Lv. 6 + HP Spd Lck

Tormod Lv. 4 + Str Spd Res

Kieran Lv. 4 + HP Skill Spd Lck Def

Chapter 21 21/263

Forged a Silver Axe for Titania named Fluffy. :3

This chapter was really annoying. D: Volke was deployed but not promoted because why would I turn down free money when I'm not using him for combat? Anyways, I had a small force (I think it was Jill, Astrid, and Rolf) act as Volke's bodyguards while he looted the castle. In the meantime everyone else charged through to the boss chamber. Funnily enough Astrid 2KO'd the miniboss with her forged Iron Lance. Not so funnily enough Lethe, Ike, Kieran, and Makalov were put to sleep which was a giant pain in the ass. It took a while to take down Ena with her Throne/Renewal/Elixer combo, but after a bit I had Kieran axe her into oblivion.


Zihark Lv. 4 + HP Str Spd

Astrid Lv. 5 + HP Str Mag Lck Res

Titania Lv. 12 + HP Def Res

Astrid Lv. 6 + Str Skill Spd Def

Rolf Lv. 6 + Str Mag Spd Lck

Tormod Lv. 5 + Mag Lck Res

Makalov Lv. 4 + HP Str Spd Def

Astrid Lv. 7 + HP Spd Skill Def

Devdan Lv. 11 + HP Mag Skill Spd Def

Zihark Lv. 5 + Str Spd Lck

Astrid Lv. 8 + Spd

Lethe Lv. 12 + HP Spd Def

Tormod Lv. 6 + Mag Res

Astrid Lv. 9 + Spd Def

Kieran Lv. 5 + Spd Lck Res

Chapter 22 6/269

I gave my Energy Drop to Lethe and Zihark got the Talisman.


Titania Lv. 13 + HP Str Skill Lck Res

Forged a Silver Sword for Ike when he hits A Swords.

Didn't deploy my thieves for this chapter due to not having any room for them. Don't worry though, as I have a very clever plan! I had Ike, Kieran, and Makalov storm the front while the rest took care of the treasure room. The theif on the left was kept alive to steal the Sleep Staff to make up for the lack of my own theif and only two Chest Keys for the map. I waited for the other theif to show up on the right while shoving stupid priests out of my way on Ike's front. After all the treasure was claimed it was no problem closing in and killing the boss with Ike. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get the Ashera Staff due to some suicidal Bishops, but who am I kidding? There's no way I would use it, seeing as my only healer is Tormod and I barely have enough patience to raise his staff rank to a C for Physic staves. :V


Ike Lv. 4 + HP Skill Lck Def

Astrid Lv. 10 + HP Str Skill Spd

Rolf Lv. 7 + HP Str Mag Skill Lck

Makalov Lv. 5 + Str Spd Lck

Jill Lv. 7 + HP Str Def Res

Zihark Lv. 6 + HP Str Lck Def

Lethe Lv. 13 + HP Str Lck Def

Tormod Lv. 7 HP Spd Lck Res

Ike Lv. 5 + HP Skill Def Res

Chapter 23 8/277

Gave Smite to Devdan (a chapter ater he might've wanted it), Occult to Titania and Provoke to Ike.

I also forged a Silver Sword for Zihark and gave my Spirit Dust to Tormod.


Lethe Lv. 14 + HP Str Skill Lck

Oh hey, I get a new guy this chapter, don't I? Anyways, at first everyone (even Jill) charged forward on the bridge, casually murdering everything in their way. Jill and Titania were sent back to pick up Haar and take care of the reinforcements that spawned there. Everyone else made their way up to Petrine and continued their muder spree. Besides killing Petrine with Devdan, nothing else in this chapter is really worth mentioning, except for one thing. I managed to fall into most of the holes despite having a map pulled up on my computer. DX


Kieran Lv. 6 + HP Str

Makalov Lv. 6 + Str Def

Devdan Lv. 12 + HP Spd Def Res

Jill Lv. 8 + HP Str Mag Skill Spd Def Res

Ike Lv. 6 + HP Lck

Astrid Lv. 11 + -------- Aw Astrid ;-;

Kieran Lv. 7 + Def Res

Devdan Lv. 13 + HP Str Spd Lck Def Res

Unit Stats

Name 	Class     	Level   EXP  HP  Str Mag Skill Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Wpn LV  	Skill            	Support
Ike  	Lord      	20/06   66   44  18  7   20	20   14   18   11   SB      	Aether Provoke   	Titania B Lethe B
Titania  Paladin   	??/13   74   45  18  6   21	20   15   15   16   LA AS   	Sol              	Ike B
Rolf 	Sniper    	20/07   77   36  20  8   23	20   20   17   12   BA      	--               	--
Lethe	Cat       	14  	39   47  19  6   15	19   22   15   10   --      	Wrath Adept      	Jill A Ike B
Kieran   Paladin   	20/07   27   43  21  4   18	21   12   21   12   SE AB   	Sol              	--
Zihark   Swordmaster   20/06   16   38  20  5   22	25   13   14   11   SB      	Vantage Adept    	--
Jill 	Wyvern Lord   20/08   46   40  24  7   24	22   11   21   14   LB AE   	--               	Lethe A
Astrid   Paladin   	20/11   34   42  25  10  25	27   13   21   11   LE BC   	Paragon          	Makalov B
Makalov  Paladin   	20/06   73   43  21  5   16	19   12   21   11   SB AE   	--               	Astrid B
Tormod   Sage      	20/07   66   39  7   28  18	24   17   14   18   FC WD TD SD Celerity         	Devdan B
Devdan   Halberdier	??/13   20   45  20  10  20	20   18   17   14   LB      	Serenity Guard Smite Tormod B
Haar 	Wyvern Lord   ??/11   53   47  21  8   19	17   12   20   10   LB AB   	Guard            	--

BEXP: 3729

Funds: 9306

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Is it? Let me check my game real quick... ah, so it is. Fixing~ o3o

She's still absolutely insane.

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